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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 30

   Nageswara     24/06/2005  115.4   4346970 Added new procedure insert_rr_value
   J.N. Louw     22/11/2002  115.5   2224332 Updated maintain_ipv_links
   J.N. Louw     07/11/2002  115.4   2224332 Added maintain_ipv_links
   L. Kloppers   17/10/2002  115.3           Added PROCEDURE za_term_cat_update
                                             as a dummy for initial Core HR testing
   L. Kloppers   06/05/2002  115.2   2266156 Added Exception handling to
                                             FUNCTION get_table_value
   L. Kloppers   02/05/2002  115.1   2266156 Added overloaded version of
                                             FUNCTION get_table_value
   J.N. Louw     25/04/2002  115.0   2266156 New version of the package
                                             For previous history see


-- Package Global Value
g_leg_code   varchar2(2) := 'ZA';
Line: 58

PROCEDURE za_term_cat_update (
          p_existing_leaving_reason IN hr_lookups.lookup_code%TYPE
        , p_seeded_leaving_reason   IN hr_lookups.lookup_code%TYPE
BEGIN --                          MAIN                                       --
Line: 67

Line: 71

Line: 75

END za_term_cat_update;
Line: 97

                select effective_date
                into   g_effective_date
                from   fnd_sessions
                where  session_id = userenv('sessionid');
Line: 112

          select legislation_code
          into   g_Legislation_Code
          from   per_business_groups
          where  business_group_id = P_Business_Group_id;
Line: 124

        select  pur.row_low_range_or_name
        into    l_meaning
        from    pay_user_column_instances_f        puci,
                pay_user_columns                   puc ,
                pay_user_rows_f                    pur ,
                pay_user_tables                    put
   where   put.user_table_name              = p_table_name
        and     puc.user_table_id                = put.user_table_id
        and     pur.user_table_id                = put.user_table_id
        and     puci.user_row_id                 = pur.user_row_id
        and     puci.user_column_id              = puc.user_column_id
        and     puc.user_column_name             = p_column
        and     puci.value           = p_value
        and     l_effective_date  between pur.effective_start_date
   and     pur.effective_end_date
        and     l_effective_date  between puci.effective_start_date
   and     puci.effective_end_date
        and     nvl (puci.business_group_id, P_Business_Group_id)
        = P_Business_Group_id
        and     nvl (puci.legislation_code, g_Legislation_Code)
        = g_Legislation_Code;
Line: 165

   select 'X'
     from hr_leg_lookups hll
    where hll.LOOKUP_TYPE  = p_lookup_type
      and hll.meaning      = p_entry_val
      and hll.enabled_flag = 'Y'
      and p_effective_date between nvl(hll.start_date_active, p_effective_date)
                               and nvl(hll.end_date_active, p_effective_date);
Line: 173

   select hll.meaning
     from hr_leg_lookups hll
    where hll.LOOKUP_TYPE  = p_lookup_type
      and hll.enabled_flag = 'Y'
      and p_effective_date between nvl(hll.start_date_active, p_effective_date)
                               and nvl(hll.end_date_active, p_effective_date)
    order by hll.lookup_code;
Line: 263

         select effective_date
           into l_effective_date
           from fnd_sessions
          where session_id = userenv('sessionid');
Line: 275

   select tab.range_or_match
        , tab.user_table_id
     into l_range_or_match
        , l_table_id
     from pay_user_tables tab
    where upper(tab.user_table_name) = upper(p_table_name)
      and tab.legislation_code       = g_leg_code;
Line: 286

         select CINST.value
           into l_value
           from pay_user_column_instances_f        CINST
              , pay_user_columns                   C
              , pay_user_rows_f                    R
              , pay_user_tables                    TAB
          where TAB.user_table_id                = l_table_id
            and C.user_table_id                  = TAB.user_table_id
            and C.legislation_code               = g_leg_code
            and upper (C.user_column_name)       = upper (p_col_name)
            and CINST.user_column_id             = C.user_column_id
            and R.user_table_id                  = TAB.user_table_id
            and l_effective_date           between R.effective_start_date
                                               and R.effective_end_date
            and R.legislation_code                 = g_leg_code
            and decode
                 ( TAB.user_key_units
                 , 'D', to_char(fnd_date.canonical_to_date(p_row_value))
                 , 'N', p_row_value
                 , 'T', upper (p_row_value)
                 , null
                 )                           = decode
                                                     ( TAB.user_key_units
                                                     , 'D', to_char(fnd_date.canonical_to_date(R.row_low_range_or_name))
                                                     , 'N', R.row_low_range_or_name
                                                     , 'T', upper (R.row_low_range_or_name)
                                                     , null
            and CINST.user_row_id                = R.user_row_id
            and l_effective_date           between CINST.effective_start_date
                                               and CINST.effective_end_date
            and CINST.legislation_code           = g_leg_code;
Line: 331

         select CINST.value
           into l_value
           from pay_user_column_instances_f        CINST
              , pay_user_columns                   C
              , pay_user_rows_f                    R
              , pay_user_tables                    TAB
          where TAB.user_table_id                = l_table_id
            and C.user_table_id                  = TAB.user_table_id
            and C.legislation_code               = g_leg_code
            and upper (C.user_column_name)       = upper (p_col_name)
            and CINST.user_column_id             = C.user_column_id
            and R.user_table_id                  = TAB.user_table_id
            and l_effective_date           between R.effective_start_date
                                               and R.effective_end_date
            and R.legislation_code               = g_leg_code
            and fnd_number.canonical_to_number (p_row_value)
                                           between fnd_number.canonical_to_number (R.row_low_range_or_name)
                                               and fnd_number.canonical_to_number (R.row_high_range)
            and TAB.user_key_units               = 'N'
            and CINST.user_row_id                = R.user_row_id
            and l_effective_date           between CINST.effective_start_date
                                               and CINST.effective_end_date
            and CINST.legislation_code           = g_leg_code;
Line: 394

         select effective_date
           into l_effective_date
           from fnd_sessions
          where session_id = userenv('sessionid');
Line: 406

   select tab.range_or_match
        , tab.user_table_id
     into l_range_or_match
        , l_table_id
     from pay_user_tables tab
    where upper(tab.user_table_name) = upper(p_table_name)
      and tab.legislation_code       = g_leg_code;
Line: 417

         select CINST.value
           into l_value
           from pay_user_column_instances_f        CINST
              , pay_user_columns                   C
              , pay_user_rows_f                    R
              , pay_user_tables                    TAB
          where TAB.user_table_id                = l_table_id
            and C.user_table_id                  = TAB.user_table_id
            and C.legislation_code               = g_leg_code
            and upper (C.user_column_name)       = upper (p_col_name)
            and CINST.user_column_id             = C.user_column_id
            and R.user_table_id                  = TAB.user_table_id
            and l_effective_date           between R.effective_start_date
                                               and R.effective_end_date
            and R.business_group_id              = p_business_group_id
            and decode
                 ( TAB.user_key_units
                 , 'D', to_char(fnd_date.canonical_to_date(p_row_value))
                 , 'N', p_row_value
                 , 'T', upper (p_row_value)
                 , null
                 )                           = decode
                                                     ( TAB.user_key_units
                                                     , 'D', to_char(fnd_date.canonical_to_date(R.row_low_range_or_name))
                                                     , 'N', R.row_low_range_or_name
                                                     , 'T', upper (R.row_low_range_or_name)
                                                     , null
            and CINST.user_row_id                = R.user_row_id
            and l_effective_date           between CINST.effective_start_date
                                               and CINST.effective_end_date
            and CINST.business_group_id         = p_business_group_id;
Line: 462

         select CINST.value
           into l_value
           from pay_user_column_instances_f        CINST
              , pay_user_columns                   C
              , pay_user_rows_f                    R
              , pay_user_tables                    TAB
          where TAB.user_table_id                = l_table_id
            and C.user_table_id                  = TAB.user_table_id
            and C.legislation_code               = g_leg_code
            and upper (C.user_column_name)       = upper (p_col_name)
            and CINST.user_column_id             = C.user_column_id
            and R.user_table_id                  = TAB.user_table_id
            and l_effective_date           between R.effective_start_date
                                               and R.effective_end_date
            and R.business_group_id             = p_business_group_id
            and fnd_number.canonical_to_number (p_row_value)
                                           between fnd_number.canonical_to_number (R.row_low_range_or_name)
                                               and fnd_number.canonical_to_number (R.row_high_range)
            and TAB.user_key_units               = 'N'
            and CINST.user_row_id                = R.user_row_id
            and l_effective_date           between CINST.effective_start_date
                                               and CINST.effective_end_date
            and CINST.business_group_id         = p_business_group_id;
Line: 503

PROCEDURE insert_ipv_link (
   p_effective_start_date IN pay_link_input_values_f.effective_start_date%TYPE
 , p_effective_end_date   IN pay_link_input_values_f.effective_end_date%TYPE
 , p_element_link_id      IN pay_link_input_values_f.element_link_id%TYPE
 , p_input_value_id       IN pay_link_input_values_f.input_value_id%TYPE
 , p_costed_flag          IN pay_link_input_values_f.costed_flag%TYPE
 , p_default_value        IN pay_link_input_values_f.default_value%TYPE
 , p_max_value            IN pay_link_input_values_f.max_value%TYPE
 , p_min_value            IN pay_link_input_values_f.min_value%TYPE
 , p_warning_or_error     IN pay_link_input_values_f.warning_or_error%TYPE
   -- Variables
   l_link_input_pk pay_link_input_values_f.link_input_value_id%TYPE;
Line: 523

Line: 525

   SELECT pay_link_input_values_s.nextval
     INTO l_link_input_pk
     FROM dual;
Line: 528

Line: 529

     INTO pay_link_input_values_f
        ( link_input_value_id
        , effective_start_date
        , effective_end_date
        , element_link_id
        , input_value_id
        , costed_flag
        , default_value
        , max_value
        , min_value
        , warning_or_error
        , last_update_date
        , last_updated_by
        , last_update_login
        , created_by
        , creation_date
        ( l_link_input_pk
        , p_effective_start_date
        , p_effective_end_date
        , p_element_link_id
        , p_input_value_id
        , p_costed_flag
        , p_default_value
        , p_max_value
        , p_min_value
        , p_warning_or_error
        , sysdate
        , -1
        , -1
        , -1
        , sysdate
Line: 564

Line: 568

Line: 574

END insert_ipv_link;
Line: 579

PROCEDURE insert_ee_value (
  p_effective_start_date IN pay_element_entry_values_f.effective_start_date%TYPE
, p_effective_end_date   IN pay_element_entry_values_f.effective_end_date%TYPE
, p_input_value_id       IN pay_element_entry_values_f.input_value_id%TYPE
, p_element_entry_id     IN pay_element_entry_values_f.element_entry_id%TYPE
, p_screen_entry_value   IN pay_element_entry_values_f.screen_entry_value%TYPE
   -- Variables
   l_entry_value_pk pay_element_entry_values_f.element_entry_value_id%TYPE;
Line: 595

Line: 597

   SELECT pay_element_entry_values_s.nextval
     INTO l_entry_value_pk
     FROM dual;
Line: 600

Line: 602

     INTO pay_element_entry_values_f
        ( element_entry_value_id
        , effective_start_date
        , effective_end_date
        , input_value_id
        , element_entry_id
        , screen_entry_value
        ( l_entry_value_pk
        , p_effective_start_date
        , p_effective_end_date
        , p_input_value_id
        , p_element_entry_id
        , p_screen_entry_value
Line: 620

Line: 624

Line: 629

END insert_ee_value;
Line: 645

      select min(pel.effective_start_date)
        from pay_element_links_f pel
       where pel.element_link_id = p_elm_lnk_id;
Line: 694

      select max(pel.effective_end_date)
        from pay_element_links_f pel
       where pel.element_link_id = p_elm_lnk_id;
Line: 739

           , piv.effective_end_date
           , pel.element_link_id
           , piv.input_value_id
           , piv.default_value
           , piv.max_value
           , piv.min_value
           , piv.warning_or_error
             pay_element_links_f      pel
           , pay_input_values_f       piv
           , pay_element_types_f      pet
             pet.element_type_id      = pel.element_type_id
         and pet.element_type_id      = piv.element_type_id
         and pet.legislation_code     = 'ZA'
         and pet.business_group_id    is null
         and pel.effective_end_date   between piv.effective_start_date
                                          and piv.effective_end_date
         and pel.effective_end_date   between pet.effective_start_date
                                          and pet.effective_end_date
         and pel.effective_end_date =
           ( select max(pel2.effective_end_date)
               from pay_element_links_f  pel2
              where pel2.element_link_id = pel.element_link_id
         and not exists
           ( select
                    pay_link_input_values_f   pli
                    pli.element_link_id       = pel.element_link_id
                and pli.input_value_id        = piv.input_value_id
                and pli.effective_start_date >=
                  ( select min(pel2.effective_start_date)
                      from pay_element_links_f  pel2
                     where pel2.element_link_id = pli.element_link_id
                and pli.effective_end_date   <=
                  ( select max(pel2.effective_end_date)
                      from pay_element_links_f  pel2
                     where pel2.element_link_id = pli.element_link_id
Line: 793

      select pee.effective_start_date effective_start_date
           , pee.effective_end_date   effective_end_date
           , pee.element_entry_id     element_entry_id
        from pay_element_entries_f    pee
       where pee.element_link_id      = p_element_link_id;
Line: 824

      insert_ipv_link (
         p_effective_start_date => l_ipv_link_start_date
       , p_effective_end_date   => l_ipv_link_end_date
       , p_element_link_id      => v_input_value.element_link_id
       , p_input_value_id       => v_input_value.input_value_id
       , p_costed_flag          => 'N'
       , p_default_value        => v_input_value.default_value
       , p_max_value            => v_input_value.max_value
       , p_min_value            => v_input_value.min_value
       , p_warning_or_error     => v_input_value.warning_or_error
Line: 843

         insert_ee_value (
            p_effective_start_date => v_entry.effective_start_date
          , p_effective_end_date   => v_entry.effective_end_date
          , p_input_value_id       => v_input_value.input_value_id
          , p_element_entry_id     => v_entry.element_entry_id
          , p_screen_entry_value   => NULL
Line: 879

      SELECT context_id
      FROM   ff_contexts
      WHERE  context_name = p_context_name;
Line: 907

PROCEDURE insert_rr_value (
 p_input_value_id        IN pay_input_values_f.input_value_id%TYPE
,p_run_result_id         IN pay_run_results.run_result_id%TYPE
,p_result_value          IN pay_run_result_values.result_value%TYPE
   -- Variable
   rec_exists number;
Line: 928

      select  prr.ASSIGNMENT_ACTION_ID
      from    pay_run_results prr
	      ,pay_element_entries_f peef
      where   prr.element_entry_id = peef.element_entry_id
      and     prr.run_result_id = p_run_result_id;
Line: 940

Line: 949

       select pivf.name
       into   l_input_value_name
       from   pay_input_values_f pivf
       where  pivf.INPUT_VALUE_ID = p_input_value_id
       and    rownum = 1;
Line: 955

Line: 957

             insert into pay_run_result_values (
	      from dual
	      where not exists ( select null
                                 from   pay_run_result_values
                                 where  INPUT_VALUE_ID = p_input_value_id
                                 and    run_result_id = p_run_result_id
Line: 980

			INSERT INTO pay_action_contexts
			(select cur_run_res_con_rec.assignment_action_id
			 from   dual
			 where  not exists (select null
			                    from   pay_action_contexts
					    where  assignment_action_id = cur_run_res_con_rec.assignment_action_id
					    and    assignment_id = cur_run_res_con_rec.assignment_id
					    and    context_id    = l_Dir_no_con
					    and    context_value = l_dir_no )
Line: 1006

			INSERT INTO pay_action_contexts
			(select cur_run_res_con_rec.assignment_action_id
			 from   dual
			 where  not exists (select null
			                    from   pay_action_contexts
					    where  assignment_action_id = cur_run_res_con_rec.assignment_action_id
					    and    assignment_id = cur_run_res_con_rec.assignment_id
					    and    context_id    = l_clar_no_con
					    and    context_value = l_clar_no )
Line: 1030

Line: 1034

Line: 1039

END insert_rr_value;