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Line 8: Type g_add_subtract is table of pay_net_calculation_rules.add_or_subtract%Type

4: -- Start of fix 3222662
5: Type g_entry_value is table of
6: pay_element_entry_values_f.screen_entry_value%Type
7: index by binary_integer;
8: Type g_add_subtract is table of pay_net_calculation_rules.add_or_subtract%Type
9: index by binary_integer;
10: Type g_effective_date is table of date index by binary_integer;
11: -- End of 3222662
12: --

Line 375: pay_net_calculation_rules ncr

371: cursor c_get_total_absence is
372: select nvl(sum(nvl(abs.absence_days, abs.absence_hours)), 0)
373: from per_absence_attendances abs,
374: per_absence_attendance_types abt,
375: pay_net_calculation_rules ncr
376: where abs.absence_attendance_type_id =
377: abt.absence_attendance_type_id
378: and abt.input_value_id = ncr.input_value_id
379: and ((ncr.absence_attendance_type_id is not null

Line 398: pay_net_calculation_rules ncr

394: --
395: cursor c_get_abs_per_type is
396: select nvl(sum(nvl(abs.absence_days, abs.absence_hours)), 0)
397: from per_absence_attendances abs,
398: pay_net_calculation_rules ncr
399: where ncr.absence_attendance_type_id = p_absence_attendance_type_id
400: and ncr.absence_attendance_type_id = abs.absence_attendance_type_id
401: and exists (select 'Y'
402: from per_all_assignments_f paf

Line 481: pay_net_calculation_rules ncr,

477: select /*+ index(pee PAY_ELEMENT_ENTRIES_F_N53,iv PAY_INPUT_VALUES_F_N50 )*/ fnd_number.canonical_to_number(pev.screen_entry_value) amount,
478: -- Bug 4551666, bug6621800
479: ncr.add_or_subtract add_or_subtract
480: from pay_accrual_plans pap,
481: pay_net_calculation_rules ncr,
482: pay_element_entries_f pee,
483: pay_element_entry_values_f pev,
484: pay_input_values_f iv
485: where pap.accrual_plan_id = p_plan_id