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Line 1425: -- yzhao: R12 insert/update ozf_object_fund_summary table

1421: SELECT status_code
1422: FROM ozf_offers
1423: WHERE qp_list_header_id = l_qp_header_id;
1425: -- yzhao: R12 insert/update ozf_object_fund_summary table
1426: CURSOR c_get_objfundsum_rec(p_object_type IN VARCHAR2, p_object_id IN NUMBER, p_fund_id IN NUMBER) IS
1427: SELECT objfundsum_id
1428: , object_version_number
1429: , planned_amt

Line 1432: FROM ozf_object_fund_summary

1428: , object_version_number
1429: , planned_amt
1430: , plan_curr_planned_amt
1431: , univ_curr_planned_amt
1432: FROM ozf_object_fund_summary
1433: WHERE object_type = p_object_type
1434: AND object_id = p_object_id
1435: AND fund_id = p_fund_id;

Line 1649: -- R12: yzhao BEGIN ozf_object_fund_summary decrease planned_amount

1645: RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
1646: END IF;
1647: END IF;
1649: -- R12: yzhao BEGIN ozf_object_fund_summary decrease planned_amount
1650: IF g_universal_currency = l_act_budgets_rec.request_currency THEN
1651: l_univ_amount := l_act_budgets_rec.request_amount;
1652: ELSIF g_universal_currency = l_fund_currency_tc THEN
1653: l_univ_amount := l_fund_rec.planned_amt;

Line 1706: -- R12: yzhao END ozf_object_fund_summary decrease planned_amount

1702: RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
1703: ELSIF l_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error THEN
1704: RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
1705: END IF;
1706: -- R12: yzhao END ozf_object_fund_summary decrease planned_amount
1708: -- subtract the request amount, l_fund_rec.planned_amt, to the
1709: -- fund's planned amount, l_fund_planned_amount.
1710: l_fund_rec.planned_amt := l_fund_planned_amount

Line 1808: -- R12: yzhao BEGIN ozf_object_fund_summary increase planned_amount

1804: RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
1805: END IF;
1806: END IF;
1808: -- R12: yzhao BEGIN ozf_object_fund_summary increase planned_amount
1809: IF g_universal_currency = l_act_budgets_rec.request_currency THEN
1810: l_univ_amount := l_act_budgets_rec.request_amount;
1811: ELSIF g_universal_currency = l_fund_currency_tc THEN
1812: l_univ_amount := l_fund_rec.planned_amt;

Line 1875: -- R12: yzhao END insert/update ozf_object_fund_summary table for planned_amount

1871: RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
1872: ELSIF l_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error THEN
1873: RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
1874: END IF;
1875: -- R12: yzhao END insert/update ozf_object_fund_summary table for planned_amount
1877: -- increase fund's planned amount by the new request amount
1878: l_fund_rec.planned_amt :=
1879: NVL (l_fund_rec.planned_amt, 0)

Line 4671: -- yzhao: R12 update ozf_object_fund_summary table

4667: SELECT object_version_number, currency_code_tc, planned_amt, committed_amt, recal_committed
4668: FROM ozf_funds_all_b
4669: WHERE fund_id = l_fund_id;
4671: -- yzhao: R12 update ozf_object_fund_summary table
4672: CURSOR c_get_objfundsum_rec(p_object_type IN VARCHAR2, p_object_id IN NUMBER, p_fund_id IN NUMBER) IS
4673: SELECT objfundsum_id
4674: , object_version_number
4675: , planned_amt

Line 4684: FROM ozf_object_fund_summary

4680: , plan_curr_recal_committed_amt
4681: , univ_curr_planned_amt
4682: , univ_curr_committed_amt
4683: , univ_curr_recal_committed_amt
4684: FROM ozf_object_fund_summary
4685: WHERE object_type = p_object_type
4686: AND object_id = p_object_id
4687: AND fund_id = p_fund_id;

Line 4879: -- R12: yzhao ozf_object_fund_summary

4875: ,l_fund_recal_committed_amount;
4876: CLOSE c_fund;
4877: l_fund_rec.fund_id := l_temp_rec.budget_source_id;
4879: -- R12: yzhao ozf_object_fund_summary
4881: OPEN c_get_objfundsum_rec(l_temp_rec.arc_act_budget_used_by
4882: , l_temp_rec.act_budget_used_by_id
4883: , l_temp_rec.budget_source_id);

Line 4894: -- R12: yzhao ozf_object_fund_summary

4890: ,l_fund_committed_amount
4891: ,l_fund_recal_committed_amount;
4892: CLOSE c_fund;
4893: l_fund_rec.fund_id := l_temp_rec.act_budget_used_by_id;
4894: -- R12: yzhao ozf_object_fund_summary
4896: OPEN c_get_objfundsum_rec(l_temp_rec.budget_source_type
4897: , l_temp_rec.budget_source_id
4898: , l_temp_rec.act_budget_used_by_id);

Line 4923: -- R12: yzhao END ozf_object_fund_summary

4919: , l_objfundsum_rec.univ_curr_planned_amt
4920: , l_objfundsum_rec.univ_curr_committed_amt
4921: , l_objfundsum_rec.univ_curr_recal_committed_amt;
4922: CLOSE c_get_objfundsum_rec;
4923: -- R12: yzhao END ozf_object_fund_summary
4926: l_fund_rec.object_version_number := l_fund_object_version_number;

Line 5008: -- R12: yzhao ozf_object_fund_summary

5005: --Since the conversion given below is used in case
5006: --of transfer_type='REQUEST'/'TRANSFER'. hence
5007: --So this part will not be executed in case of transfer_type='UTILIZED'.
5008: -- R12: yzhao ozf_object_fund_summary
5009: IF g_universal_currency = l_temp_rec.request_currency THEN
5010: l_univ_planned_amount := l_temp_rec.request_amount;
5011: l_univ_committed_amount := l_temp_rec.approved_amount;
5012: ELSIF g_universal_currency = l_fund_currency_tc THEN

Line 5088: -- R12: yzhao END ozf_object_fund_summary

5084: || ' l_univ_planned_amount=' || l_univ_planned_amount
5085: || ' l_univ_committed_amount=' || l_univ_committed_amount
5086: );
5087: END IF;
5088: -- R12: yzhao END ozf_object_fund_summary
5090: IF p_mode = 'UPDATE' THEN
5091: IF l_temp_rec.transfer_type = 'REQUEST' THEN
5092: -- R12: yzhao ozf_object_fund_summary decrease planned amount

Line 5092: -- R12: yzhao ozf_object_fund_summary decrease planned amount

5088: -- R12: yzhao END ozf_object_fund_summary
5090: IF p_mode = 'UPDATE' THEN
5091: IF l_temp_rec.transfer_type = 'REQUEST' THEN
5092: -- R12: yzhao ozf_object_fund_summary decrease planned amount
5093: l_objfundsum_rec.planned_amt := NVL(l_objfundsum_rec.planned_amt, 0) - NVL (l_fund_rec.planned_amt, 0);
5094: l_objfundsum_rec.plan_curr_planned_amt := NVL(l_objfundsum_rec.plan_curr_planned_amt, 0)
5095: - NVL(l_temp_rec.request_amount, 0);
5096: l_objfundsum_rec.univ_curr_planned_amt := NVL(l_objfundsum_rec.univ_curr_planned_amt, 0)

Line 5098: -- R12: yzhao END ozf_object_fund_summary decrease planned amount

5094: l_objfundsum_rec.plan_curr_planned_amt := NVL(l_objfundsum_rec.plan_curr_planned_amt, 0)
5095: - NVL(l_temp_rec.request_amount, 0);
5096: l_objfundsum_rec.univ_curr_planned_amt := NVL(l_objfundsum_rec.univ_curr_planned_amt, 0)
5097: - NVL(l_univ_planned_amount, 0);
5098: -- R12: yzhao END ozf_object_fund_summary decrease planned amount
5099: l_fund_rec.planned_amt := l_fund_planned_amount
5100: - l_fund_rec.planned_amt;
5101: ELSE
5102: l_fund_rec.planned_amt := l_fund_planned_amount;

Line 5117: -- R12: yzhao ozf_object_fund_summary increase committed amount

5113: IF NVL(p_act_budget_rec.recal_flag,'N') = 'N' THEN
5114: l_fund_rec.committed_amt :=
5115: NVL (l_fund_committed_amount, 0)
5116: + NVL (l_fund_rec.committed_amt, 0);
5117: -- R12: yzhao ozf_object_fund_summary increase committed amount
5118: l_objfundsum_rec.committed_amt := NVL(l_objfundsum_rec.committed_amt, 0)
5119: + NVL (l_temp_rec.approved_original_amount, 0);
5120: l_objfundsum_rec.plan_curr_committed_amt := NVL(l_objfundsum_rec.plan_curr_committed_amt, 0)
5121: + NVL(l_temp_rec.approved_amount, 0);

Line 5124: -- R12: yzhao END ozf_object_fund_summary increase committed amount

5120: l_objfundsum_rec.plan_curr_committed_amt := NVL(l_objfundsum_rec.plan_curr_committed_amt, 0)
5121: + NVL(l_temp_rec.approved_amount, 0);
5122: l_objfundsum_rec.univ_curr_committed_amt := NVL(l_objfundsum_rec.univ_curr_committed_amt, 0)
5123: + NVL(l_univ_committed_amount, 0);
5124: -- R12: yzhao END ozf_object_fund_summary increase committed amount
5125: ELSE
5126: l_fund_rec.committed_amt :=
5127: NVL (l_fund_committed_amount, 0);
5128: END IF;

Line 5147: -- R12: yzhao ozf_object_fund_summary decrease committed amount

5144: l_fund_rec.committed_amt :=
5145: NVL (l_fund_committed_amount, 0)
5146: - NVL (l_fund_rec.committed_amt, 0);
5147: -- R12: yzhao ozf_object_fund_summary decrease committed amount
5149: ozf_utility_pvt.debug_message('******************************************************************');
5150: ozf_utility_pvt.debug_message('committed_amt '||l_objfundsum_rec.committed_amt);
5151: ozf_utility_pvt.debug_message('approved_amount '||l_temp_rec.approved_amount);

Line 5171: -- R12: yzhao ozf_object_fund_summary decrease recal-committed amount

5167: END IF;
5168: l_fund_rec.recal_committed :=
5169: NVL (l_fund_recal_committed_amount, 0)
5170: - NVL (l_temp_rec.approved_amount, 0);
5171: -- R12: yzhao ozf_object_fund_summary decrease recal-committed amount
5172: l_objfundsum_rec.recal_committed_amt := NVL(l_objfundsum_rec.recal_committed_amt, 0)
5173: - NVL (l_temp_rec.approved_amount, 0);
5174: l_objfundsum_rec.plan_curr_recal_committed_amt := NVL(l_objfundsum_rec.plan_curr_recal_committed_amt, 0)
5175: - NVL(l_temp_rec.approved_original_amount, 0);

Line 5178: -- R12: yzhao END ozf_object_fund_summary decrease committed amount

5174: l_objfundsum_rec.plan_curr_recal_committed_amt := NVL(l_objfundsum_rec.plan_curr_recal_committed_amt, 0)
5175: - NVL(l_temp_rec.approved_original_amount, 0);
5176: l_objfundsum_rec.univ_curr_recal_committed_amt := NVL(l_objfundsum_rec.univ_curr_recal_committed_amt, 0)
5177: - NVL(l_univ_committed_amount, 0);
5178: -- R12: yzhao END ozf_object_fund_summary decrease committed amount
5179: END IF;
5182: ozf_utility_pvt.debug_message ('bef update fund ');

Line 5212: -- R12: yzhao ozf_object_fund_summary update planned_amount/committed_amount

5208: ELSIF l_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error THEN
5209: RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
5210: END IF;
5212: -- R12: yzhao ozf_object_fund_summary update planned_amount/committed_amount
5215: IF l_objfundsum_rec.objfundsum_id IS NULL THEN
5216: l_objfundsum_rec.fund_id := l_temp_rec.budget_source_id;

Line 5283: -- R12: yzhao END ozf_object_fund_summary decrease planned_amount/committed_amount

5279: RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
5280: ELSIF l_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error THEN
5281: RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
5282: END IF;
5283: -- R12: yzhao END ozf_object_fund_summary decrease planned_amount/committed_amount
5285: END IF; -- end for fund check
5286: ELSE
5287: NULL;

Line 5332: -- yzhao: R12 update ozf_object_fund_summary table

5328: SELECT object_version_number, currency_code_tc, planned_amt
5329: FROM ozf_funds_all_b
5330: WHERE fund_id = l_fund_id;
5332: -- yzhao: R12 update ozf_object_fund_summary table
5333: CURSOR c_get_objfundsum_rec(p_object_type IN VARCHAR2, p_object_id IN NUMBER, p_fund_id IN NUMBER) IS
5334: SELECT objfundsum_id
5335: , object_version_number
5336: , planned_amt

Line 5339: FROM ozf_object_fund_summary

5335: , object_version_number
5336: , planned_amt
5337: , plan_curr_planned_amt
5338: , univ_curr_planned_amt
5339: FROM ozf_object_fund_summary
5340: WHERE object_type = p_object_type
5341: AND object_id = p_object_id
5342: AND fund_id = p_fund_id;

Line 5386: -- R12: yzhao ozf_object_fund_summary decrease planned_amt

5382: RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
5383: END IF;
5384: END IF;
5386: -- R12: yzhao ozf_object_fund_summary decrease planned_amt
5387: OPEN c_get_objfundsum_rec(l_temp_rec.arc_act_budget_used_by
5388: , l_temp_rec.act_budget_used_by_id
5389: , l_temp_rec.budget_source_id);
5390: FETCH c_get_objfundsum_rec INTO l_objfundsum_rec.objfundsum_id

Line 5441: -- R12: yzhao END ozf_object_fund_summary decrease planned amount

5437: RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
5438: ELSIF l_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error THEN
5439: RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
5440: END IF;
5441: -- R12: yzhao END ozf_object_fund_summary decrease planned amount
5443: -- subtract the request amount, l_fund_rec.planned_amt, from the
5444: -- fund's planned amount, l_fund_planned_amount.
5445: l_fund_rec.planned_amt :=

Line 5526: FROM ozf_object_fund_summary

5522: SELECT fund_id
5523: ,fund_currency
5524: ,NVL(committed_amt,0)-NVL(utilized_amt,0) total_amount
5525: ,NVL(univ_curr_committed_amt,0) total_acctd_amount
5526: FROM ozf_object_fund_summary
5527: WHERE object_id =p_object_id
5528: AND object_type = 'CAMP';
5530: CURSOR c_total_acct_amt (p_object_id IN NUMBER) IS

Line 5532: FROM ozf_object_fund_summary

5528: AND object_type = 'CAMP';
5530: CURSOR c_total_acct_amt (p_object_id IN NUMBER) IS
5531: SELECT SUM(NVL(univ_curr_committed_amt,0))
5532: FROM ozf_object_fund_summary
5533: WHERE object_id =p_object_id
5534: AND object_type = 'CAMP';
5536: BEGIN

Line 6083: UPDATE ozf_object_fund_summary

6080: ozf_utility_pvt.debug_message(l_full_name ||': update object fund summary Table');
6081: END IF;
6083: UPDATE ozf_object_fund_summary
6084: SET object_version_number= object_version_number + 1,
6085: last_update_date = SYSDATE,
6086: last_updated_by = Fnd_Global.User_ID,
6087: last_update_login = Fnd_Global.Conc_Login_ID,