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Line 54: when (i.shipment_type = ''STANDARD'' and bl.type_lookup_code = ''BLANKET'') then bl.segment1

51: l_query :=
52: 'select poh.segment1 || decode(rel.release_num, null, null, ''-'' || rel.release_num) POA_ATTRIBUTE1, -- PO Number
53: (case when (i.shipment_type in (''BLANKET'',''SCHEDULED'')) then poh.segment1
54: when (i.shipment_type = ''STANDARD'' and bl.type_lookup_code = ''BLANKET'') then bl.segment1
55: when (i.POA_MEASURE2 > 0) then ''Catalog''
56: else '''' end) POA_ATTRIBUTE2, -- Contract Number
57: item.value POA_ATTRIBUTE3, -- Item
58: item.description POA_ATTRIBUTE4, -- Description

Line 67: when (i.shipment_type = ''STANDARD'' and bl.type_lookup_code = ''BLANKET'') then blorg.name

63: i.po_header_id POA_ATTRIBUTE6, -- PO Header ID
64: i.po_release_id POA_ATTRIBUTE7, -- PO Release ID
65: poorg.name POA_ATTRIBUTE8, -- Operating Unit
66: (case when (i.shipment_type in (''BLANKET'',''SCHEDULED'')) then poorg.name
67: when (i.shipment_type = ''STANDARD'' and bl.type_lookup_code = ''BLANKET'') then blorg.name
68: when (i.POA_MEASURE2 > 0) then '' ''
69: else '''' end) POA_ATTRIBUTE9, -- Operating Unit
70: (case when (i.shipment_type in (''BLANKET'',''SCHEDULED''))
71: then ''pFunctionName=POA_DBI_ISP_DRILL&PoHeaderId=''||poh.po_header_id||''&addBreadCrumb=Y&retainAM=Y''

Line 72: when (i.shipment_type = ''STANDARD'' and bl.type_lookup_code = ''BLANKET'')

68: when (i.POA_MEASURE2 > 0) then '' ''
69: else '''' end) POA_ATTRIBUTE9, -- Operating Unit
70: (case when (i.shipment_type in (''BLANKET'',''SCHEDULED''))
71: then ''pFunctionName=POA_DBI_ISP_DRILL&PoHeaderId=''||poh.po_header_id||''&addBreadCrumb=Y&retainAM=Y''
72: when (i.shipment_type = ''STANDARD'' and bl.type_lookup_code = ''BLANKET'')
73: then ''pFunctionName=POA_DBI_ISP_DRILL&PoHeaderId=''||bl.po_header_id||''&addBreadCrumb=Y&retainAM=Y''
74: when (i.POA_MEASURE2 > 0) then NULL
75: else NULL end) POA_ATTRIBUTE10 -- Contract Number Drill
76: from