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Line 41: FROM ar_payment_schedules ps, hz_cust_accounts ca

37: IF p_party_id IS NOT NULL THEN
38: SELECT sum(TRUNC(sysdate) - ps.due_date)
39: / COUNT(1)
40: INTO l_avg_days_late
41: FROM ar_payment_schedules ps, hz_cust_accounts ca
42: WHERE ps.gl_date between TRUNC(add_months(sysdate, -12)) and TRUNC(sysdate)
43: AND ps.class in ('INV','DEP','DM','CB')
44: AND ps.gl_date_closed > TRUNC(sysdate)
45: -- Begin fix bug #4949609-JYPARK-2/15/2006-add condition for performance

Line 149: FROM ar_payment_schedules ps, hz_cust_accounts ca

145: GET_ADJ_TOTAL(ps.payment_schedule_id, TRUNC(sysdate)) +
146: nvl(ps.acctd_amount_due_remaining, 0)
147: )
148: INTO l_wtd_days_late
149: FROM ar_payment_schedules ps, hz_cust_accounts ca
150: WHERE ps.gl_date between TRUNC(add_months(sysdate, -12)) and TRUNC(sysdate)
151: AND ps.class in ('INV','DEP','DM','CB')
152: -- Begin fix bug #4917851-jypark-11/47/2005-remove invalid condition
153: --AND ps.gl_date_closed > TRUNC(sysdate)

Line 273: hz_cust_accounts ca

270: INTO l_wtd_days_paid
271: FROM ar_receivable_applications ra,
272: ar_payment_schedules ps,
273: hz_cust_accounts ca
274: WHERE ps.customer_id = ca.cust_account_id
275: AND ca.party_id = p_party_id
276: AND ra.status = 'APP'
277: AND ps.payment_schedule_id = ra.applied_payment_schedule_id

Line 393: FROM ar_payment_schedules ps, hz_cust_accounts ca

389: GET_ADJ_TOTAL(ps.payment_schedule_id, TRUNC(sysdate)) +
390: nvl(ps.acctd_amount_due_remaining, 0)
391: )
392: INTO l_wtd_days_terms
393: FROM ar_payment_schedules ps, hz_cust_accounts ca
394: WHERE ps.gl_date between TRUNC(add_months(sysdate, -12)) and TRUNC(sysdate)
395: AND ps.class in ('INV','DEP','DM','CB')
396: -- Begin fix bug #4917851-jypark-11/47/2005-remove invalid condition
397: -- AND ps.gl_date_closed > TRUNC(sysdate)

Line 603: hz_cust_accounts cust_acct,

599: )
600: ), 0) /* DSO */
601: INTO l_conv_dso
602: FROM ar_system_parameters sp,
603: hz_cust_accounts cust_acct,
604: ar_payment_schedules ps
605: WHERE ps.customer_id = cust_acct.cust_account_id
606: AND cust_acct.party_id = p_party_id
607: -- Begin fix bug #5261855-jypark-06/16/2006-add addtional condition for performance

Line 725: hz_cust_accounts ca

721: SELECT COUNT(cr.cash_receipt_id) NSF_STOP_PAYMENT_COUNT
722: INTO l_nsf_stop_payment_count
723: FROM ar_cash_receipts cr,
724: ar_cash_receipt_history crh,
725: hz_cust_accounts ca
726: WHERE cr.cash_receipt_id = crh.cash_receipt_id
727: AND crh.current_record_flag = 'Y'
728: AND crh.status = 'REVERSED'
729: -- BEGIN fix bug #4483830--20050714-jypark-change query for NSF info

Line 802: hz_cust_accounts ca

799: INTO l_nsf_stop_payment_amount
800: FROM ar_cash_receipts_all cr,
801: ar_cash_receipt_history_all crh,
802: hz_cust_accounts ca
803: WHERE cr.cash_receipt_id = crh.cash_receipt_id
804: AND crh.current_record_flag = 'Y'
805: AND crh.status = 'REVERSED'
806: -- BEGIN fix bug #4483830--20050714-jypark-change query for NSF info

Line 901: FROM ar_payment_schedules ps, ar_adjustments adj, hz_cust_accounts ca

897: IF p_party_id IS NOT NULL THEN
899: sum( nvl(adj.acctd_amount,0))
900: INTO l_adj
901: FROM ar_payment_schedules ps, ar_adjustments adj, hz_cust_accounts ca
902: WHERE ps.class in ('INV', 'DM', 'CB', 'DEP' )
903: AND ps.payment_schedule_id <> -1
904: AND ps.gl_date BETWEEN TRUNC(add_months(sysdate, -12)) AND TRUNC(sysdate)
905: AND ps.customer_id = ca.cust_account_id

Line 1009: hz_cust_accounts ca

1005: g_curr_rec.base_min_acc_unit) +
1006: GET_ADJ_FOR_TOT_REC(ps.payment_schedule_id,p_end_date))
1007: INTO l_tot_rec
1008: FROM ar_payment_schedules ps,
1009: hz_cust_accounts ca
1010: WHERE ps.class in ('INV', 'DM', 'CB', 'DEP' )
1011: AND ps.payment_schedule_id <> -1
1012: AND ps.gl_date BETWEEN l_temp_start AND p_end_date
1013: AND ps.customer_id = ca.cust_account_id

Line 1106: hz_cust_accounts ca

1102: GET_ADJ_TOTAL(ps.payment_schedule_id,p_end_date) +
1103: nvl(ps.acctd_amount_due_remaining,0))
1104: INTO l_rem_sales
1105: FROM ar_payment_schedules ps,
1106: hz_cust_accounts ca
1107: WHERE ps.gl_date between p_start_date and p_end_date
1108: AND ps.class in ('INV','DEP','DM','CB')
1109: AND ps.gl_date_closed > p_end_date
1110: AND ps.customer_id = ca.cust_account_id

Line 1203: hz_cust_accounts ca

1200: SELECT sum(nvl(ps.acctd_amount_due_remaining,0))
1201: INTO l_curr_rec
1202: FROM ar_payment_schedules ps,
1203: hz_cust_accounts ca
1204: WHERE ps.gl_date between p_start_date and p_end_date
1205: AND ps.class in ('INV','DEP','DM','CB')
1206: AND ps.gl_date_closed > p_end_date
1207: AND ps.status = 'OP'

Line 1439: hz_cust_accounts ca

1435: sysdate, cm_opt.default_exchange_rate_type, trx_summ.op_bal_high_watermark))
1436: INTO l_high_credit_ytd
1437: FROM ar_trx_summary trx_summ,
1438: ar_cmgt_setup_options cm_opt,
1439: hz_cust_accounts ca
1441: SUBSTRB(USERENV('CLIENT_INFO'),1,10))),-99))
1443: AND trx_summ.cust_account_id = ca.cust_account_id