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Line 458: --hr_utility.trace_on(null,'EQUITY');

454: l_person_exists char(1);
455: l_asgchk_flag char(1);
456: Begin
458: --hr_utility.trace_on(null,'EQUITY');
459: v_year_start := trunc(to_date(p_year,'YYYY'),'Y');
460: v_year_end := add_months(trunc(to_date(p_year,'YYYY'),'Y'), 12) -1;
461: l_excep_cnt := 0;

Line 503: hr_utility.trace('The value of l_asgchk_flag is '||l_asgchk_flag);

501: open cur_emp_categ_person(v_year_start);
503: hr_utility.trace('The value of l_asgchk_flag is '||l_asgchk_flag);
504: loop
506: hr_utility.trace('Inside the first loop');
507: fetch cur_emp_categ_person

Line 506: hr_utility.trace('Inside the first loop');

503: hr_utility.trace('The value of l_asgchk_flag is '||l_asgchk_flag);
504: loop
506: hr_utility.trace('Inside the first loop');
507: fetch cur_emp_categ_person
508: into l_personid,
509: l_emp_no,
510: l_first_name,

Line 517: hr_utility.trace('Outside the first fetch statement');

513: l_desg_abor ,
514: l_desg_vminor,
515: l_desg_disab,
516: l_hire_date;
517: hr_utility.trace('Outside the first fetch statement');
518: hr_utility.trace('Person Id :'||l_personid);
519: if cur_emp_categ_person%notfound then
520: exit;
521: end if;

Line 518: hr_utility.trace('Person Id :'||l_personid);

514: l_desg_vminor,
515: l_desg_disab,
516: l_hire_date;
517: hr_utility.trace('Outside the first fetch statement');
518: hr_utility.trace('Person Id :'||l_personid);
519: if cur_emp_categ_person%notfound then
520: exit;
521: end if;

Line 530: hr_utility.set_message(800,'PAY_74160_SUPER_USER');

526: into l_person_exists;
528: if c_person_exists%notfound then
529: close c_person_exists;
530: hr_utility.set_message(800,'PAY_74160_SUPER_USER');
531: pay_core_utils.push_message(800,'PAY_74160_SUPER_USER','P');
532: hr_utility.raise_error;
533: else
534: close c_person_exists;

Line 532: hr_utility.raise_error;

528: if c_person_exists%notfound then
529: close c_person_exists;
530: hr_utility.set_message(800,'PAY_74160_SUPER_USER');
531: pay_core_utils.push_message(800,'PAY_74160_SUPER_USER','P');
532: hr_utility.raise_error;
533: else
534: close c_person_exists;
535: end if;

Line 547: hr_utility.trace('Inside the first loop');

543: end if;
546: if p_naic_code is null then
547: hr_utility.trace('Inside the first loop');
548: fetch cur_emp_categ_asg
549: into l_asg_id,
550: l_noc_code,
551: l_employment_category,

Line 556: hr_utility.trace('Outside the first fetch statement');

552: l_loc_id,
553: l_keyflex_id,
554: l_st_date;
556: hr_utility.trace('Outside the first fetch statement');
557: hr_utility.trace('Assignment Id :'||l_asg_id);
559: else
560: fetch cur_emp_categ_naic_asg

Line 557: hr_utility.trace('Assignment Id :'||l_asg_id);

553: l_keyflex_id,
554: l_st_date;
556: hr_utility.trace('Outside the first fetch statement');
557: hr_utility.trace('Assignment Id :'||l_asg_id);
559: else
560: fetch cur_emp_categ_naic_asg
561: into l_asg_id,

Line 577: hr_utility.trace('Code is null');

573: l_asgchk_flag := 'Y';
574: end if;
575: close cur_emp_categ_asg ;
576: else
577: hr_utility.trace('Code is null');
578: if cur_emp_categ_naic_asg%notfound then
579: hr_utility.trace('No record found for the person in cur_emp_categ_naic_asg cursor');
580: l_asgchk_flag := 'N';
581: else

Line 579: hr_utility.trace('No record found for the person in cur_emp_categ_naic_asg cursor');

575: close cur_emp_categ_asg ;
576: else
577: hr_utility.trace('Code is null');
578: if cur_emp_categ_naic_asg%notfound then
579: hr_utility.trace('No record found for the person in cur_emp_categ_naic_asg cursor');
580: l_asgchk_flag := 'N';
581: else
582: l_asgchk_flag := 'Y';
583: end if;

Line 589: hr_utility.trace('The value of l_asgchk_flag after all check '||l_asgchk_flag);

585: end if;
587: /* Added by ssmukher for Bug 4493278 checking if the assignment corresponding to the
588: person is fetched or not */
589: hr_utility.trace('The value of l_asgchk_flag after all check '||l_asgchk_flag);
590: if l_asgchk_flag = 'Y' then
592: l_flag :='Y';
593: l_cnt_flag := 'N';

Line 595: hr_utility.trace('The hire date is '||to_char(l_hire_date,'YYYY-MM-DD'));

592: l_flag :='Y';
593: l_cnt_flag := 'N';
595: hr_utility.trace('The hire date is '||to_char(l_hire_date,'YYYY-MM-DD'));
596: open cur_emp_prov(l_loc_id);
597: fetch cur_emp_prov
598: into l_province;
599: if cur_emp_prov%notfound then

Line 602: hr_utility.trace('the province value is '||l_province||'for location id'||l_loc_id||'Naics code '||l_naics_no);

598: into l_province;
599: if cur_emp_prov%notfound then
600: l_province := '-99';
601: end if;
602: hr_utility.trace('the province value is '||l_province||'for location id'||l_loc_id||'Naics code '||l_naics_no);
603: close cur_emp_prov;
605: open cur_emp_cma(l_loc_id);
606: fetch cur_emp_cma

Line 624: hr_utility.trace('The NAIC code for GRE is '||l_naics_no);

620: l_naics_no := lpad(l_naics_no,4,'0');
621: end if;
622: close cur_naic_code;
624: hr_utility.trace('The NAIC code for GRE is '||l_naics_no);
625: else
626: /* Added by ssmukher for Bug 4501549 */
627: open cur_naic_code(l_keyflex_id);
628: fetch cur_naic_code

Line 797: hr_utility.trace('The value of the person id is '||l_personid);

794: /* Inserting the Promotion details in the table */
795: begin
796: l_promo_cnt := 0;
797: hr_utility.trace('The value of the person id is '||l_personid);
798: /* Added by ssmukher in v115.1 */
799: /* Checking firstly if the employee details are correct */
800: if l_flag = 'Y' then

Line 831: hr_utility.trace('The Person id is '||l_personid);

827: to_char(l_promo_date,'YYYY/MM/DD'));
829: end loop;
830: close c_promo;
831: hr_utility.trace('The Person id is '||l_personid);
832: l_promo_no := PER_FASTFORMULA_EVENTS_UTILITY.per_fastformula_event('PROMOTION',
833: 'Promotion',
834: p_business_group_id,
835: l_personid,

Line 841: hr_utility.trace('The value of promotion number is '||l_promo_no);

837: v_year_end,
838: table_date);
839: end if;
841: hr_utility.trace('The value of promotion number is '||l_promo_no);
842: hr_utility.trace('The first record in the plsql table is '||nvl(table_date.count,0));
843: hr_utility.trace('The person_id been checked is '||l_personid);
845: if l_flag = 'Y' then

Line 842: hr_utility.trace('The first record in the plsql table is '||nvl(table_date.count,0));

838: table_date);
839: end if;
841: hr_utility.trace('The value of promotion number is '||l_promo_no);
842: hr_utility.trace('The first record in the plsql table is '||nvl(table_date.count,0));
843: hr_utility.trace('The person_id been checked is '||l_personid);
845: if l_flag = 'Y' then
846: if l_promo_no <> 0 then

Line 843: hr_utility.trace('The person_id been checked is '||l_personid);

839: end if;
841: hr_utility.trace('The value of promotion number is '||l_promo_no);
842: hr_utility.trace('The first record in the plsql table is '||nvl(table_date.count,0));
843: hr_utility.trace('The person_id been checked is '||l_personid);
845: if l_flag = 'Y' then
846: if l_promo_no <> 0 then

Line 850: hr_utility.trace('Inside the PLSQl table ');

846: if l_promo_no <> 0 then
848: for i in nvl(table_date.first,0)..nvl(table_date.last,-1)
849: loop
850: hr_utility.trace('Inside the PLSQl table ');
851: hr_utility.trace('The value of the date fetched is '||table_date(i));
852: l_promo_cnt := l_promo_cnt + 1;
853: insert into
854: per_ca_ee_report_lines (REQUEST_ID ,

Line 851: hr_utility.trace('The value of the date fetched is '||table_date(i));

848: for i in nvl(table_date.first,0)..nvl(table_date.last,-1)
849: loop
850: hr_utility.trace('Inside the PLSQl table ');
851: hr_utility.trace('The value of the date fetched is '||table_date(i));
852: l_promo_cnt := l_promo_cnt + 1;
853: insert into
854: per_ca_ee_report_lines (REQUEST_ID ,

Line 871: hr_utility.trace('Outside the cur_emp_categ cursor ');

867: end;
868: end if; /* Added by ssmukher for Bug No 4493278 */
869: end loop;
871: hr_utility.trace('Outside the cur_emp_categ cursor ');
872: close cur_emp_categ_person;
875: COMMIT;

Line 1031: -- hr_utility.trace_on(null,'Exception');

1027: l_flag char(1);
1028: l_output varchar2(1000);
1029: l_count number;
1030: begin
1031: -- hr_utility.trace_on(null,'Exception');
1032: l_flag := 'N';
1033: open c_excep_report;
1034: loop
1035: fetch c_excep_report

Line 1046: hr_utility.trace('The value of Employee number is '||l_emp_no);

1042: if c_excep_report%notfound then
1043: exit;
1044: end if;
1045: l_count := 0;
1046: hr_utility.trace('The value of Employee number is '||l_emp_no);
1047: l_output := 'Following information are missing for Employee :'||l_emp_no;
1048: if l_prov is not null then
1049: l_count := l_count + 1;
1050: l_output := l_output ||fnd_global.local_chr(9)||l_count||')'|| l_prov;