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Line 22: TYPE t_supplier_info_rec IS RECORD( supp_rec ap_suppliers%ROWTYPE,

19: -- Declare a record for supplier information. It will contain a record for
20: -- supplier and a table of supplier site (containing site rec and contact
21: -- table) as described above
22: TYPE t_supplier_info_rec IS RECORD( supp_rec ap_suppliers%ROWTYPE,
23: site_con_tab t_site_con_tab );
25: -- Declare a table for supplier information with each record being of the
26: -- type of supplier information record declared above

Line 49: * First check if the vendor_id exists in ap_suppliers.

45: * to FALSE
46: *
47: * Logic :
48: * 1) Validation check and query string formulation
49: * First check if the vendor_id exists in ap_suppliers.
50: * If vendor_site_id is available then
51: * a) check if it is valid
52: * b) append it to site query string
53: * c) If vendor_contact_id is available then