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Line 17: | a) Populate xla_seg_rules_b.updated_flag with 'Y'. |

13: | |
14: | HISTORY |
15: | 16-AUG-2005 Jorge Larre Created |
16: | 23-DEC-2005 Jorge Larre Fix for bug 4906683 |
17: | a) Populate xla_seg_rules_b.updated_flag with 'Y'. |
18: | b) Add code to populate xla_line_defn_assgns.accounting_line_code |
19: | 28-DEC-2005 Jorge Larre Fix for bug 4906683 |
20: | a) Populate side_code with 'NA'. |
21: | b) Populate inherit_adr_flag with 'N'. |

Line 186: -- Insert data into xla_seg_rules_b

182: LOOP
183: FETCH c_xla_rules_t INTO l_xla_rules;
184: EXIT WHEN c_xla_rules_t%NOTFOUND;
185: BEGIN -- Block begins
186: -- Insert data into xla_seg_rules_b
187: INSERT INTO xla_seg_rules_b
188: (application_id
189: ,amb_context_code
190: ,segment_rule_type_code

Line 187: INSERT INTO xla_seg_rules_b

183: FETCH c_xla_rules_t INTO l_xla_rules;
184: EXIT WHEN c_xla_rules_t%NOTFOUND;
185: BEGIN -- Block begins
186: -- Insert data into xla_seg_rules_b
187: INSERT INTO xla_seg_rules_b
188: (application_id
189: ,amb_context_code
190: ,segment_rule_type_code
191: ,segment_rule_code