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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 42

v_select1               VARCHAR2(32000);
Line: 43

v_select2               VARCHAR2(32000);
Line: 44

v_select3               VARCHAR2(32000);
Line: 45

v_select4               VARCHAR2(32000);
Line: 46

v_select5               VARCHAR2(32000);
Line: 57

v_glbal_select          VARCHAR2(32000);
Line: 78

v_fct1_attr_select      VARCHAR2(32000);
Line: 157

    SELECT       chart_of_accounts_id, currency_code
    INTO         v_chart_of_accounts_id, v_currency_code
    FROM         gl_ledgers_public_v
    WHERE        ledger_id = v_sob ;
Line: 170

    SELECT trunc(end_date), period_num, period_year
    INTO v_end_date, v_period_num, v_period_fiscal_year
    FROM gl_period_statuses
    WHERE ledger_id   = v_sob
    AND application_id  = '101'
    AND period_name = v_period_name;
Line: 177

    SELECT fv_cfs_rep_temp_s.NEXTVAL
    INTO v_sequence_id FROM DUAL;
Line: 258

        SELECT flex_value_set_id
        INTO v_acct_flex_value_set_id
        FROM fnd_id_flex_segments_vl
        WHERE application_id = 101
        AND   id_flex_code = 'GL#'
        AND   id_flex_num = v_chart_of_accounts_id
        AND   enabled_flag = 'Y'
        AND   segment_num = seg_number;
Line: 289

        SELECT flex_value_set_id
        INTO v_bal_flex_value_set_id
        FROM fnd_id_flex_segments_vl
        WHERE application_id = 101
        AND   id_flex_code = 'GL#'
        AND   id_flex_num = v_chart_of_accounts_id
        AND   enabled_flag = 'Y'
        AND   segment_num = seg_number;
Line: 330

v_insert_statement  varchar2(25000);
Line: 335

 SELECT application_column_name , flex_value_set_id
 FROM fnd_id_flex_segments
 WHERE id_flex_code = 'GL#'
 AND   application_id = 101
 AND id_flex_num  =  v_chart_of_accounts_id;
Line: 342

 SELECT child_flex_value_low,child_flex_value_high
 FROM fnd_flex_value_hierarchies
 WHERE parent_FLEX_value = seg
 AND flex_value_set_id =   sid;
Line: 350

 SELECT d.line_id,d.line_detail_id,
        segment1, segment2, segment3, segment4,
        segment5, segment6, segment7, segment8,
        segment9, segment10, segment11, segment12,
        segment13, segment14, segment15, segment16,
        segment17, segment18, segment19, segment20,
        segment21, segment22, segment23, segment24,
        segment25, segment26, segment27, segment28,
        segment29, segment30
 FROM fv_cfs_rep_line_dtl d,
      fv_cfs_rep_lines L
 WHERE l.report_type = v_report_type
 AND  d.line_id = l.line_id
 AND l.set_of_books_id = v_sob
Line: 430

          select count(*) into l_cnt
           FROM fnd_flex_value_hierarchies
           where parent_FLEX_value = v_seg(l_segno)
           AND flex_value_set_id =   flex_rec.flex_value_set_id;
Line: 477

    v_insert_statement := 'insert into FV_CCID_CFS_GT(
                     select  ' ||
                  || ',  code_combination_id  '
                  || '  from gl_code_combinations WHERE ' || v_statement
                  || '   and template_id is null  and '
                  || ' chart_of_accounts_id  = :B_CHART_OF_ACCOUNTS_ID
                  and not exists (select code_combination_id
                         from fv_ccid_CFS_GT FCT '
                  || 'where fct.detail_id =  :b_line_detail_id '|| ')';
Line: 491

execute immediate v_insert_statement
                using V_CHART_OF_ACCOUNTS_ID, crec_rec.line_detail_id;
Line: 514

    SELECT UPPER(glflex.application_column_name) column_name, flex_value_set_id
    FROM fnd_id_flex_segments glflex
    WHERE glflex.application_id = 101
    AND glflex.id_flex_num    = v_chart_of_accounts_id
    AND glflex.id_flex_code   = 'GL#'
    ORDER BY glflex.application_column_name;
Line: 534

v_fct1_attr_select :=
  ' SELECT SUM(NVL(DECODE(:cv_balance_type,
        ''B'', ROUND(NVL(fctbal.begin_balance,0),2),
        ''E'', ROUND(NVL(fctbal.balance_amount,0))),0) )
   FROM  fv_cfs_rep_line_dtl        dets,
         fv_ccid_cfs_gt               fvcc,
         fv_facts1_period_attributes  fctbal
   WHERE dets.line_id           = :cv_line_id
     AND dets.line_detail_id    = :cv_line_detail_id
     AND dets.line_detail_id           = fvcc.detail_id
     AND fctbal.ccid  = fvcc.ccid
     AND fctbal.set_of_books_id =       :b_sob
     AND fctbal.period_year          =  :cv_period_fiscal_year
     AND nvl(dets.cust_non_cust, nvl(fctbal.cust_non_cust, 1)) = nvl(fctbal.cust_non_cust, 1)
     AND nvl(dets.exch_non_exch, nvl(fctbal.exch_non_exch, 1)) = nvl(fctbal.exch_non_exch, 1)
        (SELECT 1
         FROM fv_fund_parameters ffp
         WHERE set_of_books_id = :b_sob
         AND fund_category like nvl(dets.fund_category, ''%'')
         AND ffp.fund_value = fctbal.fund_value
         AND ( (dets.fund_status = ''E'' and trunc(fund_expire_date)  <= :cv_end_date )
              OR (dets.fund_status = ''U''
                  and (trunc(fund_expire_date) >= :cv_end_date or fund_expire_date is null)
                  and (trunc(fund_cancel_date) > :cv_end_date  or fund_cancel_date is null))
              OR (nvl(dets.fund_status,''B'')  = ''B'' )))  ';
Line: 563

    l_out := v_fct1_attr_select;
Line: 566

    dbms_sql.parse(v_glbal_curid, v_fct1_attr_select, dbms_sql.v7);
Line: 571

           'SELECT ROUND(SUM(NVL(ffrt.amount,0) ),2) ';
Line: 628

   v_glbal_select :=
  ' SELECT /*+ USE_HASH (glbal) */
        ''B'', ROUND(NVL(SUM(NVL(glbal.begin_balance_dr,0) -
        ''E'', ROUND(NVL(SUM((NVL(glbal.begin_balance_dr,0) -
                     NVL(glbal.begin_balance_cr,0)) +
                    (NVL(glbal.period_net_dr,0) -
   FROM  fv_cfs_rep_line_dtl        dets,
         fv_ccid_cfs_gt               fvcc,
         gl_code_combinations       glc,
         gl_balances                glbal
   WHERE dets.line_id           = :cv_line_id
     AND dets.line_detail_id    = :cv_line_detail_id
     AND dets.line_detail_id           = fvcc.detail_id
     AND glc.code_combination_id  = fvcc.ccid
     AND glc.chart_of_accounts_id  =  :b_chart_of_accounts_id
     AND glbal.code_combination_id  = glc.code_combination_id
     AND glbal.ledger_id =       :b_sob
     AND glbal.period_year          =  :cv_period_fiscal_year
     AND glbal.period_num           =  :cv_period_num
     --AND glbal.currency_code        <> ''STAT''
     AND glbal.currency_code        = :v_currency_code
     AND glbal.actual_flag          = ''A''
        (SELECT 1
         FROM fv_fund_parameters ffp
         WHERE set_of_books_id = :b_sob
         AND fund_category like nvl(dets.fund_category, ''%'')
         AND ffp.fund_value = glc.'||v_bal_seg_name||'
         AND ( (dets.fund_status = ''E'' and trunc(fund_expire_date)  <= :cv_end_date )
              OR (dets.fund_status = ''U''
                  and (trunc(fund_expire_date) >= :cv_end_date or fund_expire_date is null)
                  and (trunc(fund_cancel_date) > :cv_end_date  or fund_cancel_date is null))
              OR (nvl(dets.fund_status,''B'')  = ''B'' )))  ';
Line: 666

   l_out := v_glbal_select;
Line: 669

    dbms_sql.parse(v_sbr_curid, v_glbal_select, dbms_sql.v7);
Line: 691

SELECT line_id, line_label, sequence_number,
    line_number, line_type, natural_balance_type, by_recipient
FROM fv_cfs_rep_lines
WHERE set_of_books_id = v_sob
AND report_type = v_report_type
ORDER BY sequence_number;
Line: 718

                SELECT count(*)
                INTO l_line_cnt
                FROM fv_cfs_rep_line_dtl
                WHERE line_id = v_line_id;
Line: 734

                SELECT count(*)
                INTO l_line_cnt
                FROM fv_cfs_rep_line_calc
                WHERE line_id = v_line_id;
Line: 775

    SELECT       chart_of_accounts_id, currency_code
    INTO         v_chart_of_accounts_id, v_currency_code
    FROM         gl_ledgers_public_v
    WHERE        ledger_id = v_sob ;
Line: 782

    SELECT trunc(end_date), period_num, period_year, end_date
    INTO v_end_date, v_period_num, v_period_fiscal_year, v_end_period_end_date
    FROM gl_period_statuses
    WHERE ledger_id   = v_sob
    AND application_id  = '101'
    AND period_name = v_period_name;
Line: 794

    SELECT period_num, period_name, end_date
    INTO v_begin_period, v_begin_period_name, v_begin_period_end_date
    FROM gl_period_statuses
    WHERE ledger_id      = v_sob
    AND period_year            = v_period_fiscal_year
    AND adjustment_period_flag = 'N'
    AND application_id         = '101'
    AND period_num =
                (SELECT MIN(period_num)
                FROM gl_period_statuses
                WHERE ledger_id      = v_sob
                AND period_year            = v_period_fiscal_year
                AND adjustment_period_flag = 'N'
                AND application_id         = '101' );
Line: 812

    SELECT period_num, period_name, end_date
    INTO v_begin_period_1, v_begin_period_name_1, v_begin_period_1_end_date
    FROM gl_period_statuses
    WHERE ledger_id      = v_sob
        AND period_year            = v_period_fiscal_year-1
        AND adjustment_period_flag = 'N'
        AND application_id         = '101'
        AND period_num =
            (SELECT MIN(period_num)
            FROM gl_period_statuses
            WHERE ledger_id      = v_sob
            AND period_year            = v_period_fiscal_year-1
            AND adjustment_period_flag = 'N'
            AND application_id         = '101') ;
Line: 830

    SELECT end_date
    INTO v_end_period_1_end_date
    FROM gl_period_statuses
    WHERE ledger_id      = v_sob
    AND period_year            = v_period_fiscal_year-1
    AND application_id         = '101'
    AND period_num = v_period_num;
Line: 874

SELECT line_detail_id, balance_type, cum_res,
    unexp_approp, budget_col, nbfa_col, flex_further_def, fed_non_fed, exch_non_exch, cust_non_cust,
    DECODE(v_acc_seg_name,  'SEGMENT1', SEGMENT1,   'SEGMENT11', SEGMENT11, 'SEGMENT21', SEGMENT21,
                            'SEGMENT2', SEGMENT2,   'SEGMENT12', SEGMENT12, 'SEGMENT22', SEGMENT22,
                            'SEGMENT3', SEGMENT3,   'SEGMENT13', SEGMENT13, 'SEGMENT23', SEGMENT23,
                            'SEGMENT4', SEGMENT4,   'SEGMENT14', SEGMENT14, 'SEGMENT24', SEGMENT24,
                            'SEGMENT5', SEGMENT5,   'SEGMENT15', SEGMENT15, 'SEGMENT25', SEGMENT25,
                            'SEGMENT6', SEGMENT6,   'SEGMENT16', SEGMENT16, 'SEGMENT26', SEGMENT26,
                            'SEGMENT7', SEGMENT7,   'SEGMENT17', SEGMENT17, 'SEGMENT27', SEGMENT27,
                            'SEGMENT8', SEGMENT8,   'SEGMENT18', SEGMENT18, 'SEGMENT28', SEGMENT28,
                            'SEGMENT9', SEGMENT9,   'SEGMENT19', SEGMENT19, 'SEGMENT29', SEGMENT29,
                            'SEGMENT10', SEGMENT10, 'SEGMENT20', SEGMENT20, 'SEGMENT30', SEGMENT30) account_number,
    segment1  || '.' || segment2  || '.' || segment3  || '.' || segment4  || '.' || segment5  || '.'  ||
    segment6  || '.' || segment7  || '.' || segment8  || '.' || segment9  || '.' || segment10 || '.'  ||
    segment11 || '.' || segment12 || '.' || segment13 || '.' || segment14 || '.' || segment15 || '.'  ||
    segment16 || '.' || segment17 || '.' || segment18 || '.' || segment19 || '.' || segment20 || '.'  ||
    segment21 || '.' || segment22 || '.' || segment23 || '.' || segment24 || '.' || segment25 || '.'  ||
    segment26 || '.' || segment27 || '.' || segment28 || '.' || segment29 || '.' || segment30
FROM fv_cfs_rep_line_dtl
WHERE line_id = v_line_id;
Line: 956

    SELECT concatenated_segment_delimiter
    INTO   l_delimiter
    FROM   fnd_id_flex_structures
    WHERE  application_id      = 101
    AND    id_flex_code        = 'GL#'
    AND    id_flex_num     = v_chart_of_accounts_id;
Line: 983

        SELECT RTRIM(REPLACE(detail_rec.concatenated_segments, '.', l_delimiter),l_delimiter)
        INTO l_conc_segs
        FROM dual;
Line: 1044

                        SELECT SUBSTR(compiled_value_attributes, 5, 1)
                        INTO l_account_type
                        FROM fnd_flex_values
                        WHERE flex_value = detail_rec.account_number
                        AND flex_value_set_id = v_acct_flex_value_set_id;
Line: 1052

                            SELECT parent_flex_value
                            INTO l_account_number
                            FROM fnd_flex_value_hierarchies
                            WHERE detail_rec.account_number
                            BETWEEN child_flex_value_low AND child_flex_value_high
                            AND flex_value_set_id = v_acct_flex_value_set_id
                            AND ROWNUM = 1;
Line: 1059

                            SELECT SUBSTR(compiled_value_attributes, 5, 1)
                            INTO l_account_type
                            FROM fnd_flex_values
                            WHERE flex_value = l_account_number
                            AND flex_value_set_id = v_acct_flex_value_set_id;
Line: 1119

			    Please select Natural Balance for any line with a Balance Type
			    of Net Increase or Net Decrease.';
Line: 1330

        SELECT REPLACE(l_log_mesg, '*****', v_col_1_amt || ', ' || v_col_2_amt || ', '
            || v_col_3_amt || ', ' || v_col_4_amt)
        INTO l_log_mesg FROM dual;
Line: 1353

SELECT calc_sequence_number, line_low, line_high, line_low_type, line_high_type,
    operator, cum_res, unexp_approp, budget_col, nbfa_col
FROM fv_cfs_rep_line_calc
WHERE line_id = v_line_id
ORDER BY calc_sequence_number;
Line: 1360

SELECT col_1_amt, col_2_amt,
    col_3_amt, col_4_amt
FROM fv_cfs_rep_temp
WHERE line_id = p_line_id
AND sequence_id = v_sequence_id;
Line: 1367

SELECT line_id
FROM fv_cfs_rep_lines
WHERE sequence_number >=
    (SELECT sequence_number FROM fv_cfs_rep_lines
     WHERE line_id = p_lineid_1 )
AND sequence_number <=
    (SELECT sequence_number FROM fv_cfs_rep_lines
     WHERE line_id = p_lineid_2 )
AND report_type = v_report_type;
Line: 1533

          INSERT INTO fv_cfs_rep_temp(sequence_id, line_id, line_label, col_1_amt,
              col_2_amt, col_3_amt, col_4_amt)
          VALUES(v_sequence_id, v_line_id, v_line_label,
Line: 1541

          INSERT INTO fv_cfs_rep_temp(sequence_id, line_id, line_label, col_1_amt,
              col_2_amt, col_3_amt, col_4_amt)
          VALUES(v_sequence_id, v_line_id, v_line_label,
Line: 1553

     INSERT INTO fv_cfs_rep_temp(sequence_id, line_id, line_label, col_1_amt,
         col_2_amt, col_3_amt, col_4_amt)
     VALUES(v_sequence_id, v_line_id, v_line_label,
         DECODE(v_natural_balance_type, 'C', ROUND(v_col_1_amt/v_units) * -1, ROUND(v_col_1_amt/v_units)),
         DECODE(v_natural_balance_type, 'C', ROUND(v_col_2_amt/v_units) * -1, ROUND(v_col_2_amt/v_units)),
         DECODE(v_natural_balance_type, 'C', ROUND(v_col_3_amt/v_units) * -1, ROUND(v_col_3_amt/v_units)),
         DECODE(v_natural_balance_type, 'C', ROUND(v_col_4_amt/v_units) * -1, ROUND(v_col_4_amt/v_units)));
Line: 1562

     INSERT INTO fv_cfs_rep_temp(sequence_id, line_id, line_label, col_1_amt,
         col_2_amt, col_3_amt, col_4_amt)
     VALUES(v_sequence_id, v_line_id, v_line_label,
         DECODE(v_natural_balance_type, 'C', v_col_1_amt * -1, v_col_1_amt),
         DECODE(v_natural_balance_type, 'C', v_col_2_amt * -1, v_col_2_amt),
         DECODE(v_natural_balance_type, 'C', v_col_3_amt * -1, v_col_3_amt),
         DECODE(v_natural_balance_type, 'C', v_col_4_amt * -1, v_col_4_amt));