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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 584

  dynSQL := 'SELECT ';
Line: 858

Line: 869

Line: 974

   select gridName
         ,grc.cols     -- ColCount
         ,0            -- Current Row Count
         ,'T'          -- more Rows exists
         ,null         -- SQL statement
         ,null         -- SQL cursor
         ,'209,219,245' -- Ignore the col value, std color will be used nvl(grd.alt_color_code,'255,255,255')
         ,1             -- nvl(grd.alt_color_interval,0)
         ,'T'  -- whereClauseChanged
         ,'T'  -- bindVarsChanged
         ,'T'       -- refreshFlag
         ,fetch_Size -- fetchSize
    from  jtf_grid_datasources_vl grd
         ,jtf_grid_sort_cols   gsc
            select grid_datasource_name
                  ,count(*) cols
            from jtf_grid_cols_b
            group by grid_datasource_name
          ) grc
    where grd.grid_datasource_name = dataSource
    and   grd.grid_datasource_name = gsc.grid_datasource_name(+)
    and   grd.grid_datasource_name = grc.grid_datasource_name;
Line: 1013

   select cgs.custom_grid_id
         ,cgs.created_by  -- this is the owner
    from  jtf_custom_grids     cgs
         ,jtf_def_custom_grids dcg
    where dcg.grid_datasource_name = dataSource
    and   dcg.created_by           = fnd_global.user_id
    and   dcg.custom_grid_id       = cgs.custom_grid_id
    and   cgs.language             = userenv('LANG');
Line: 1107

    select  gridName
           ,null                     -- this needs to be converted to display_index
           ,null                     -- currency_column_alias
           ,null                    -- SQL column alias
    from jtf_grid_cols_vl      grc
    where grc.grid_datasource_name = dataSource
    order by grc.query_seq;
Line: 1139

    select  gridName
           ,decode(grc.sortable_flag,'F',grc.sort_asc_by_default_flag,nvl(cgc.sort_asc_by_default_flag,grc.sort_asc_by_default_flag)) -- if false override customized value
           ,decode(grc.freeze_visible_flag,'T',grc.visible_flag,nvl(cgc.visible_flag,grc.visible_flag)) -- If true, override customized value
           ,null                     -- this needs to be converted to display_index
           ,null                     -- currency_column_alias
           ,null                    -- sql column alias
    from  jtf_grid_cols_vl      grc
         ,jtf_custom_grid_cols  cgc
    where grc.grid_datasource_name = dataSource
    and   grc.grid_datasource_name = cgc.grid_datasource_name(+)
    and   grc.grid_col_alias       = cgc.grid_col_alias(+)
    and   cgc.custom_grid_id(+) = x_custom_grid_id
    order by grc.query_seq;
Line: 1176

    select grc.grid_col_alias
    from   jtf_grid_cols_b grc
    where  grc.grid_datasource_name = datasource
    order by grc.display_seq;
Line: 1182

    select grc.grid_col_alias
    from   jtf_grid_cols_vl      grc
          ,jtf_custom_grid_cols  cgc
    where  grc.grid_datasource_name = datasource
    and    grc.grid_datasource_name = cgc.grid_datasource_name(+)
    and    grc.grid_col_alias       = cgc.grid_col_alias(+)
    and    cgc.custom_grid_id(+) = x_custom_grid_id
    order by cgc.display_seq;
Line: 1193

    select grc.grid_col_alias
    from   jtf_grid_cols_b grc
    where  grc.grid_datasource_name = x_dataSource
    and    grc.db_col_name = x_db_currency_code_col;
Line: 1320

   select gsc.grid_sort_col_alias1
    from  jtf_grid_sort_cols   gsc
    where gsc.grid_datasource_name = dataSource;
Line: 1347

  update jtf_custom_grids
  set grid_sort_col_alias1 = l_grid_sort_col_alias1
     ,grid_sort_col_alias2 = l_grid_sort_col_alias2
     ,grid_sort_col_alias3 = l_grid_sort_col_alias3
  where custom_grid_id = tableDefs(tableIndex).custom_grid_id;
Line: 1667

    select label_text
    from   jtf_custom_grid_cols
    where  custom_grid_id       = x_custom_grid_id
    and    grid_datasource_name = x_grid_datasource_name
    and    grid_col_alias       = x_grid_col_alias;
Line: 1722

      select jtf_custom_grids_s.nextval
      into   l_custom_grid_id
      from   dual;
Line: 1726

      insert into jtf_custom_grids
Line: 1760

      insert into jtf_def_custom_grids
Line: 1787

      update jtf_custom_grids
      set custom_grid_name     = l_custom_grid_name
         ,grid_sort_col_alias1 = l_grid_sort_col_alias1
         ,grid_sort_col_alias2 = l_grid_sort_col_alias2
         ,grid_sort_col_alias3 = l_grid_sort_col_alias3
         ,public_flag          = l_public_flag
         ,last_updated_by      = fnd_global.user_id
         ,last_update_date     = sysdate
         ,last_update_login    = fnd_global.login_id
         ,where_clause         = l_where_clause
      where custom_grid_id = l_custom_grid_id;
Line: 1834

       	insert into jtf_custom_grid_cols
Line: 1866

       	update jtf_custom_grid_cols
       	set sort_asc_by_default_flag = l_sort_asc_by_default
        	 ,visible_flag             = l_visible_flag
        	 ,display_seq              = l_display_seq
        	 ,display_hsize            = l_display_hsize
        	 ,last_updated_by          = fnd_global.user_id
        	 ,last_update_date         = sysdate
        	 ,last_update_login        = fnd_global.login_id
        	 ,label_text               = l_label_text
        where custom_grid_id       = l_custom_grid_id
        and   grid_datasource_name = dataSource
        and   grid_col_alias       = l_grid_col_alias;
Line: 1914

function deleteCustomizations(gridName    in varchar2
                             ,customGridId in number
                             ,p_serverInitDate in date) return boolean is

Line: 1931

	-- If customGridId is null we delete the current set.
	l_custom_grid_id := nvl(customGridId,tableDefs(i).custom_grid_id);
Line: 1933

	delete from jtf_def_custom_grids
	where  custom_grid_id = l_custom_grid_id;
Line: 1935

	delete from jtf_custom_grid_cols
	where  custom_grid_id = l_custom_grid_id;
Line: 1937

	delete from jtf_custom_grids
	where  custom_grid_id = l_custom_grid_id;
Line: 1948

Line: 1953

end deleteCustomizations;
Line: 2021

procedure deleteColDef(gridName in varchar2) is
  i binary_integer;
Line: 2030

Line: 2036

Line: 2038

end deleteColDef;
Line: 2063

Line: 2064

Line: 2391
