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Line 290: p_db_object_name => 'HZ_CONTACT_POINTS',

286: FOR i IN 1..l_cp_orig_system_reference.count LOOP
287: l_dss_security_errors(i) :=
288: hz_dss_util_pub.test_instance(
289: p_operation_code => 'UPDATE',
290: p_db_object_name => 'HZ_CONTACT_POINTS',
291: p_instance_pk1_value => l_contact_point_id(i),
292: p_instance_pk2_value => null,
293: p_instance_pk3_value => null,
294: p_instance_pk4_value => null,

Line 596: hz_utility_v2pub.debug(p_message=>'CPT: HZ_CONTACT_POINTS_U1 violated',

592: IF(P_DUP_VAL_EXP = 'Y') then
593: other_exp_val := null;
594: IF(instr(P_SQL_ERRM, '_U1')<>0) THEN
595: IF fnd_log.level_error>=fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level THEN
596: hz_utility_v2pub.debug(p_message=>'CPT: HZ_CONTACT_POINTS_U1 violated',
597: p_prefix=>'ERROR',
598: p_msg_level=>fnd_log.level_error);
599: END IF;
600: dup_val_exp_val := 'A';

Line 744: into hz_contact_points (

740: and error_flag is null
741: and cpt_addr_osr_mismatch_err is not null
742: and createdby_error is not null
743: ) then
744: into hz_contact_points (
745: actual_content_source, application_id, content_source_type,
746: created_by, creation_date, last_updated_by,
747: last_update_date, last_update_login, program_application_id,
748: program_id, program_update_date, request_id,

Line 805: ''HZ_CONTACT_POINTS'', contact_point_id, ''A'',

801: :l_application_id,
802: :l_user_id, :l_sysdate,:l_user_id, :l_sysdate, -- l_created_by, l_creation_date, l_last_updated_by,l_last_update_date
803: :l_last_update_login,
804: hz_orig_system_ref_s.nextval, cp_orig_system, cp_orig_system_reference,
805: ''HZ_CONTACT_POINTS'', contact_point_id, ''A'',
806: :l_sysdate, created_by_module, 1,party_id,
807: :l_request_id, :l_program_application_id, :l_program_id, :l_sysdate)
808: else
809: into hz_imp_tmp_errors (

Line 1188: from hz_contact_points hz_cpt

1184: --Bug 3978485: changed where condition to use request_id in HZ_IMP_TMP_ERRORS
1185: OPEN primary_flag_err_cursor FOR
1186: 'select cpt_sg.party_id, int.contact_point_type,
1187: ( select hz_cpt.contact_point_id
1188: from hz_contact_points hz_cpt
1189: where hz_cpt.owner_table_id = cpt_sg.party_id
1190: and hz_cpt.owner_table_name= ''HZ_PARTIES''
1191: and hz_cpt.CONTACT_POINT_TYPE = int.contact_point_type
1192: and rownum = 1

Line 1220: from hz_contact_points

1216: forall i in 1..l_error_party_id.count
1217: update hz_parties hz_pty
1218: set (email_address,url ) =
1219: ( select email_address,url
1220: from hz_contact_points
1221: where contact_point_id = l_error_cpt_id(i)
1222: )
1223: where hz_pty.party_id = l_error_party_id(i);
1224: */

Line 1229: from hz_contact_points

1225: forall i in 1..l_error_party_id.count
1226: update hz_parties hz_pty
1227: set email_address =
1228: ( select email_address
1229: from hz_contact_points
1230: where contact_point_id = l_error_cpt_id(i)
1231: and contact_point_type='EMAIL'
1232: )
1233: where hz_pty.party_id = l_error_party_id(i)

Line 1240: from hz_contact_points

1236: forall i in 1..l_error_party_id.count
1237: update hz_parties hz_pty
1238: set url =
1239: ( select url
1240: from hz_contact_points
1241: where contact_point_id = l_error_cpt_id(i)
1242: and contact_point_type='WEB'
1243: )
1244: where hz_pty.party_id = l_error_party_id(i)

Line 1248: update hz_contact_points

1244: where hz_pty.party_id = l_error_party_id(i)
1245: and l_error_cpt_type(i)= 'WEB';
1246: --end of bug 7383480
1247: forall i in 1..l_error_party_id.count
1248: update hz_contact_points
1249: set primary_flag = 'Y'
1250: where contact_point_id = l_error_cpt_id(i);
1252: FND_FILE.put_line(fnd_file.log, 'CPT:Rows updated with primary flag = ' || l_error_party_id.count);

Line 1286: from hz_contact_points

1282: forall i in 1..l_update_party_id.count
1283: update hz_parties hz_pty
1284: set (email_address,url ) =
1285: ( select email_address,url
1286: from hz_contact_points
1287: where contact_point_id = l_update_cpt_id(i)
1288: )
1289: where hz_pty.party_id = l_update_party_id(i);
1290: */

Line 1294: from hz_contact_points

1290: */
1291: forall i in 1..l_update_party_id.count
1292: update hz_parties hz_pty
1293: set email_address =( select email_address
1294: from hz_contact_points
1295: where contact_point_id = l_update_cpt_id(i)
1296: and contact_point_type='EMAIL')
1297: where hz_pty.party_id = l_update_party_id(i)
1298: and l_update_cpt_type(i) = 'EMAIL' ;

Line 1304: from hz_contact_points

1301: forall i in 1..l_update_party_id.count
1302: update hz_parties hz_pty
1303: set url =( select url
1304: from hz_contact_points
1305: where contact_point_id = l_update_cpt_id(i)
1306: and contact_point_type='WEB')
1307: where hz_pty.party_id = l_update_party_id(i)
1308: and l_update_cpt_type(i) = 'WEB' ;

Line 1484: FROM HZ_IMP_CONTACTPTS_INT pi, HZ_IMP_CONTACTPTS_SG ps,hz_contact_points hp,

1480: ''Y''
1481: ),
1482: ''Y'') createdby_error
1484: FROM HZ_IMP_CONTACTPTS_INT pi, HZ_IMP_CONTACTPTS_SG ps,hz_contact_points hp,
1485: hz_orig_systems_b hos, /* Bug 4079902 */
1486: --(select distinct phone_country_code from hz_phone_country_codes) hpc,--3401319
1487: (select 0 a from dual union all select 1 a from dual) tc,--3401319
1488: fnd_timezones_b ht,fnd_lookup_values contact_point_type_l,

Line 1742: update hz_contact_points set

1738: END IF;
1740: BEGIN
1741: ForAll j in 1..l_contact_point_id.count SAVE EXCEPTIONS
1742: update hz_contact_points set
1743: --CONTACT_POINT_ID = DECODE(l_contact_point_id(j),NULL,CONTACT_POINT_ID,P_DML_RECORD.GMISS_CHAR, NULL,l_contact_point_id(j)),
1744: --CONTACT_POINT_TYPE = DECODE(l_contact_point_type(j),NULL,CONTACT_POINT_TYPE,P_DML_RECORD.GMISS_CHAR, NULL,l_contact_point_type(j)),
1745: --STATUS = DECODE(l_status(j),NULL,STATUS,P_DML_RECORD.GMISS_CHAR, NULL,l_status(j)),
1746: --OWNER_TABLE_NAME = DECODE(l_owner_table_name(j),NULL,OWNER_TABLE_NAME,P_DML_RECORD.GMISS_CHAR, NULL,l_owner_table_name(j)),

Line 1856: from hz_contact_points

1852: ForAll j in 1..l_contact_point_id.count
1853: update hz_parties hz_pty
1854: set (email_address,url ) =
1855: ( select email_address,url
1856: from hz_contact_points
1857: where contact_point_id = l_contact_point_id(j)
1858: )
1859: where hz_pty.party_id = l_party_id(j)
1860: and l_action_mismatch_error(j) is not null


1897: where ORIG_SYSTEM = l_cp_orig_system(j)
1898: and ORIG_SYSTEM_REFERENCE = l_old_cp_orig_system_ref(j)
1900: and OWNER_TABLE_ID = l_contact_point_id(j)
1901: and l_new_osr_exists_flag(j) is not null
1902: and l_num_row_processed(j) = 1
1903: and status = 'A'


1930: select
1932: l_cp_orig_system(j),
1933: l_cp_orig_system_reference(j),
1935: l_contact_point_id(j),
1936: l_party_id(j),
1937: 'A',
1938: l_old_cp_orig_system_ref(j),