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1 package body pay_sg_cpfline_balances as
2 /* $Header: pysgcpfb.pkb 120.0.12000000.4 2007/03/23 09:42:56 snimmala noship $ */
3       g_debug   boolean;
4       --
5       l_package  VARCHAR2(100);
6       l_proc_name VARCHAR2(100) ;
7       ------------------------------------------------------
8       -- Record Used in function dup_bal_value
9       -- This is used to store the balance value once for all
10       -- the balances and then returned for subsequent columns
11       -- in the existing /new employees cursor
12       -- Bug No:3298317 Added column permit_type
13       ------------------------------------------------------
14       TYPE t_cpf_balances IS RECORD
15          ( assact_id         pay_assignment_actions.assignment_action_id%type
16           ,vol_cpf_liab      number     -- action_information4
17           ,cpf_liab          number     -- action_information6
18           ,vol_cpf_wheld     number     -- action_information5
19           ,cpf_wheld         number     -- action_information7
20           ,mbmf_wheld        number     -- action_information8
21           ,sinda_wheld       number     -- action_information9
22           ,cdac_wheld        number     -- action_information10
23           ,ecf_wheld         number     -- action_information11
24           ,cpf_ord_earn      number     -- action_information12
25           ,cpf_addl_earn     number     -- action_information13
26 	  ,permit_type       per_people_f.per_information6%type  -- action_information21
27          ) ;
29       g_cpf_balances       t_cpf_balances ;
30       ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
31       -- Global Variables used to retain balance values in multiple function calls
32       -- Used in function balance_amount
33       ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
34       g_cpf_with_bal_value         number;
35       g_cpf_liab_bal_value         number;
36       g_vol_cpf_with_bal_value     number;
37       g_vol_cpf_liab_bal_value     number;
38       g_comm_chest_with_bal_value  number;
39       g_sdl_liab_bal_value         number;
40       g_mbmf_with_bal_value        number;
41       g_fwl_liab_bal_value         number;
42       g_sinda_with_bal_value       number;
43       g_cdac_with_bal_value        number;
44       g_ecf_with_bal_value         number;
46       fwl_reporting     varchar2(1);
47       -------------------------------------------------------------
48       --Bug# 3501950
49       -- This function is called from company_identification cursor
50       -------------------------------------------------------------
51       function get_cpf_interest
52            (c_payroll_action_id in pay_payroll_actions.payroll_action_id%type)
53            return varchar2
54       is
55            l_cpf_interest varchar2(100);
56       begin
57            select nvl(pay_core_utils.get_parameter('CPF_INTEREST',legislative_parameters),0)
58                   into l_cpf_interest
59            from pay_payroll_actions
60            where payroll_action_id = c_payroll_action_id;
61            return l_cpf_interest;
62       end get_cpf_interest;
63       -------------------------------------------------------------
64       --Bug# 3501950
65       -- This function is called from company_identification cursor
66       -------------------------------------------------------------
67       function get_fwl_interest
68            (c_payroll_action_id in pay_payroll_actions.payroll_action_id%type)
69            return varchar2
70       is
71            l_fwl_interest varchar2(100);
72       begin
73            select nvl(pay_core_utils.get_parameter('FWL_INTEREST',legislative_parameters),0)
74                   into l_fwl_interest
75            from pay_payroll_actions
76            where payroll_action_id = c_payroll_action_id;
77            return l_fwl_interest;
78       end get_fwl_interest;
79       -----------------------------------------------
80       -- Function balance_amount
81       -- Returns Balance amount. called from stat_type_amount
82       -----------------------------------------------
83       function balance_amount
84            ( p_payroll_action_id in  number,
85              p_balance_name      in  varchar2 ) return number
86       is
87            l_balance_amount  number;
88            /* Bug: 3595103  Modified cursor for permit type 'SP' */
89            /* Bug: 5937727  Modified the cursor to exclude negative values from summation */
90            cursor  balance_amount
91                is
92            select  to_char(sum(decode( pai.action_information1,null,0,(decode(pai.action_information21,'WP',0,'EP',0,'SP',0,
93                                decode(sign(to_number(pai.action_information7)),1,to_number(pai.action_information7),0))) )),'99999999'),
94                    to_char(sum(decode( pai.action_information1,null,0,(decode(pai.action_information21,'WP',0,'EP',0,'SP',0,
95                                decode(sign(to_number(pai.action_information6)),1,to_number(pai.action_information6),0))) )),'99999999'),
96                    to_char(sum(decode( pai.action_information1,null,0,(decode(pai.action_information21,'WP',0,'EP',0,'SP',0,
97                                decode(sign(to_number(pai.action_information5)),1,to_number(pai.action_information5),0))) )),'99999999'),
98                    to_char(sum(decode( pai.action_information1,null,0,(decode(pai.action_information21,'WP',0,'EP',0,'SP',0,
99                                decode(to_number(sign(pai.action_information4)),1,to_number(pai.action_information4),0))) )),'99999999'),
100                    nvl(to_char(sum(decode(sign(to_number(pai.action_information14)),1,to_number(pai.action_information14),0)),'999999.99'),0),
101                    nvl(to_char(sum(decode(sign(to_number(pai.action_information15)),1,to_number(pai.action_information15),0)),'999999.99'),0),
102                    nvl(to_char(sum(decode(sign(to_number(pai.action_information8)),1,to_number(pai.action_information8),0)),'999999.99'),0),
103                    nvl(to_char(sum(decode(sign(to_number(pai.action_information16)),1,to_number(pai.action_information16),0)),'999999.99'),0),
104                    nvl(to_char(sum(decode(sign(to_number(pai.action_information9)),1,to_number(pai.action_information9),0)),'999999.99'),0),
105                    nvl(to_char(sum(decode(sign(to_number(pai.action_information10)),1,to_number(pai.action_information10),0)),'999999.99'),0),
106                    nvl(to_char(sum(decode(sign(to_number(pai.action_information11)),1,to_number(pai.action_information11),0)),'999999.99'),0)
107              from  pay_payroll_actions    ppa,
108                    pay_assignment_actions paa,
109                    pay_action_information pai
110             where  ppa.payroll_action_id    = p_payroll_action_id
111               and  ppa.payroll_action_id    = paa.payroll_action_id
112               and  paa.assignment_action_id = pai.action_context_id
113               and  pai.action_information_category = 'SG CPF DETAILS'
114               and  pai.action_context_type         = 'AAC' ;
116             cursor fwl_amount_reporting
117                 is
118             select  nvl(hoi.org_information20,'Y')
119               from  hr_organization_information hoi,
120                     pay_payroll_actions ppa
121              where  ppa.payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id
122                and  hoi.organization_id =
123                     to_number(pay_core_utils.get_parameter('LEGAL_ENTITY_ID',
124                     ppa.legislative_parameters))
125                and  hoi.org_information_context = 'SG_LEGAL_ENTITY';
126       begin
127            l_package  := ' pay_sg_cpfline.';
128             l_proc_name  := l_package || 'balance_amount';
129            if  g_debug then
130                 hr_utility.set_location(l_proc_name || ' Start of balance_amount',60);
131            end if;
132            --
133            if g_cpf_with_bal_value is null then
134                   open balance_amount ;
135                   fetch balance_amount into   g_cpf_with_bal_value,
136 	                                      g_cpf_liab_bal_value,
137                                               g_vol_cpf_with_bal_value,
138                                               g_vol_cpf_liab_bal_value,
139                                               g_comm_chest_with_bal_value,
140                                               g_sdl_liab_bal_value,
141                                               g_mbmf_with_bal_value,
142                                               g_fwl_liab_bal_value,
143                                               g_sinda_with_bal_value,
144                                               g_cdac_with_bal_value,
145                                               g_ecf_with_bal_value ;
146                   close balance_amount;
147            end if;
148            --
149            if  g_debug then
150                 hr_utility.set_location(l_proc_name || ' End of balance_amount',60);
151            end if;
152            --
153            if p_balance_name = 'CPF Withheld' then
154                 return g_cpf_with_bal_value;
155            elsif  p_balance_name = 'CPF Liability' then
156                 return g_cpf_liab_bal_value;
157            elsif  p_balance_name = 'Voluntary CPF Withheld' then
158                 return g_vol_cpf_with_bal_value;
159            elsif  p_balance_name = 'Voluntary CPF Liability' then
160                 return g_vol_cpf_liab_bal_value;
161            elsif  p_balance_name = 'Community Chest Withheld' then
162                 return g_comm_chest_with_bal_value ;
163            elsif  p_balance_name = 'SDL Liability' then
164                 return g_sdl_liab_bal_value ;
165            elsif  p_balance_name = 'MBMF Withheld' then
166                 return g_mbmf_with_bal_value ;
167            elsif  p_balance_name = 'FWL Liability' then
168                 return g_fwl_liab_bal_value ;
169            elsif  p_balance_name = 'SINDA Withheld' then
170                 return g_sinda_with_bal_value ;
171            elsif  p_balance_name = 'CDAC Withheld' then
172                 return g_cdac_with_bal_value ;
173            elsif  p_balance_name = 'ECF Withheld' then
174                 return g_ecf_with_bal_value ;
175            elsif  p_balance_name = 'Balance Total' then
176 	         if fwl_reporting is null then
177                        fwl_reporting := 'Y';
178                        OPEN  fwl_amount_reporting;
179                        FETCH fwl_amount_reporting into fwl_reporting;
180                        CLOSE fwl_amount_reporting;
181                  end if;
182                 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
183                 --Bug# 4287277 - g_fwl_liab_bal_value value is not included in the Balance Total value if CPF Reporting option is set to No.
184                 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
185                 if fwl_reporting = 'N' then
186 		       return g_cpf_with_bal_value + g_cpf_liab_bal_value + g_vol_cpf_with_bal_value + g_vol_cpf_liab_bal_value +
187 		       g_comm_chest_with_bal_value + trunc(g_sdl_liab_bal_value) + g_mbmf_with_bal_value +
188 		       g_sinda_with_bal_value + g_cdac_with_bal_value + g_ecf_with_bal_value ;
189                 else
190                        return g_cpf_with_bal_value + g_cpf_liab_bal_value + g_vol_cpf_with_bal_value + g_vol_cpf_liab_bal_value +
191 		       g_comm_chest_with_bal_value + trunc(g_sdl_liab_bal_value) + g_mbmf_with_bal_value +
192 		       g_fwl_liab_bal_value + g_sinda_with_bal_value + g_cdac_with_bal_value + g_ecf_with_bal_value ;
193                 end if;
195            end if;
196            --
197       end balance_amount;
198       ---------------------------------------------
199       -- Function stat_type_amount
200       -- Returns Balance Amount.
201       -- Called from Comapny_Identification cursor
202       ---------------------------------------------
203       function stat_type_amount
204            ( p_payroll_action_id in  number,
205              p_stat_type         in  varchar2 ) return number
206       is
208            l_stat_type_total  number;
209       begin
210            l_package  := ' pay_sg_cpfline.';
211            l_proc_name := l_package || 'stat type count';
212            g_debug := hr_utility.debug_enabled;
213            --
214            if  g_debug then
215                 hr_utility.set_location(l_proc_name || ' Start of stat_type_amount',50);
216            end if;
217 	   --
218            if p_stat_type = 'AV1' then
219                   l_stat_type_total :=   balance_amount ( p_payroll_action_id , 'CPF Withheld')+
220 		                         balance_amount ( p_payroll_action_id , 'CPF Liability') +
221                                          balance_amount ( p_payroll_action_id , 'Voluntary CPF Withheld') +
222                                          balance_amount ( p_payroll_action_id , 'Voluntary CPF Liability') ;
223            elsif p_stat_type = 'AV3' then
224                   l_stat_type_total :=  balance_amount ( p_payroll_action_id, 'Community Chest Withheld');
225            elsif p_stat_type = 'AV4' then
226                   l_stat_type_total := trunc( balance_amount ( p_payroll_action_id, 'SDL Liability'));
227            elsif p_stat_type = 'AV5' then
228                   l_stat_type_total := balance_amount ( p_payroll_action_id, 'MBMF Withheld');
229            elsif p_stat_type = 'AV7' then
230                   l_stat_type_total := balance_amount ( p_payroll_action_id, 'FWL Liability');
231            elsif p_stat_type = 'AVA' then
232                   l_stat_type_total := balance_amount ( p_payroll_action_id, 'SINDA Withheld');
233            elsif p_stat_type = 'AVE' then
234                   l_stat_type_total := balance_amount ( p_payroll_action_id, 'CDAC Withheld');
235            elsif p_stat_type = 'AVG' then
236                   l_stat_type_total := balance_amount ( p_payroll_action_id, 'ECF Withheld');
237            elsif p_stat_type = 'TOT' then
238                   l_stat_type_total := balance_amount ( p_payroll_action_id, 'Balance Total');
239            end if;
240            --
241            if  g_debug then
242                 hr_utility.set_location(l_proc_name || ' End of stat_type_amount',50);
243            end if;
244            --
245            return l_stat_type_total;
246       end stat_type_amount;
247       -----------------------------------------------
248       -- Function stat_type_count
249       -- Returns person count contributing to different Balances.
250       -- called from company_identification cursor
251       -----------------------------------------------
252       function stat_type_count
253            ( p_payroll_action_id  in number,
254              p_stat_type          in varchar2 ) return number
255       is
256            --
257            l_count  number;
258            --
259       begin
260            l_package  := ' pay_sg_cpfline.';
261            l_proc_name  := l_package || 'stat type count';
262            if  g_debug then
263                 hr_utility.set_location(l_proc_name || ' Start of stat_type_count',70);
264            end if;
265            ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
266 	   -- Bug: 3298317 - Employee Count calculated based on distinct CPF number - action_information1
267 	   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
268            if p_stat_type = 'MUS' then
269                  select  count( distinct nvl(pai.action_information1,pai.source_id) )
270                    into  l_count
271                    from  pay_payroll_actions    ppa,
272                          pay_assignment_actions paa,
273                          pay_action_information pai
274                   where  ppa.payroll_action_id           = p_payroll_action_id
275                     and  ppa.payroll_action_id           = paa.payroll_action_id
276                     and  paa.assignment_action_id        = pai.action_context_id
277                     and  pai.action_information_category = 'SG CPF DETAILS'
278                     and  pai.action_context_type         = 'AAC'
279                     and  to_number(pai.action_information8) > 0;
280            elsif p_stat_type = 'SHA' then
281                  select  count( distinct nvl(pai.action_information1,pai.source_id) )
282                    into  l_count
283                    from  pay_payroll_actions    ppa,
284                          pay_assignment_actions paa,
285                          pay_action_information pai
286                   where  ppa.payroll_action_id           = p_payroll_action_id
287                     and  ppa.payroll_action_id           = paa.payroll_action_id
288                     and  paa.assignment_action_id        = pai.action_context_id
289                     and  pai.action_information_category = 'SG CPF DETAILS'
290                     and  pai.action_context_type         = 'AAC'
291                     and  to_number(pai.action_information14) > 0;
292            elsif p_stat_type = 'SIN' then
293                  select  count( distinct nvl(pai.action_information1,pai.source_id) )
294                    into  l_count
295                    from  pay_payroll_actions    ppa,
296                          pay_assignment_actions paa,
297                          pay_action_information pai
298                   where  ppa.payroll_action_id           = p_payroll_action_id
299                     and  ppa.payroll_action_id           = paa.payroll_action_id
300                     and  paa.assignment_action_id        = pai.action_context_id
301                     and  pai.action_information_category = 'SG CPF DETAILS'
302                     and  pai.action_context_type         = 'AAC'
303                     and  to_number(pai.action_information9) > 0;
304            elsif p_stat_type = 'CDA' then
305                  select  count( distinct nvl(pai.action_information1,pai.source_id) )
306                    into  l_count
307                    from  pay_payroll_actions    ppa,
308                          pay_assignment_actions paa,
309                          pay_action_information pai
310                   where  ppa.payroll_action_id           = p_payroll_action_id
311                     and  ppa.payroll_action_id           = paa.payroll_action_id
312                     and  paa.assignment_action_id        = pai.action_context_id
313                     and  pai.action_information_category = 'SG CPF DETAILS'
314                     and  pai.action_context_type         = 'AAC'
315                     and  to_number(pai.action_information10) > 0;
316            elsif p_stat_type = 'ECF' then
317                  select  count( distinct nvl(pai.action_information1,pai.source_id) )
318                    into  l_count
319                    from  pay_payroll_actions    ppa,
320                          pay_assignment_actions paa,
321                          pay_action_information pai
322                   where  ppa.payroll_action_id           = p_payroll_action_id
323                     and  ppa.payroll_action_id           = paa.payroll_action_id
324                     and  paa.assignment_action_id        = pai.action_context_id
325                     and  pai.action_information_category = 'SG CPF DETAILS'
326                     and  pai.action_context_type         = 'AAC'
327                     and  to_number(pai.action_information11) > 0;
328            end if;
329            --
330            if  g_debug then
331                 hr_utility.set_location(l_proc_name || ' End of stat_type_count',70);
332            end if;
333            --
334            return l_count;
335   end stat_type_count;
336   --
337   function get_balance_value
338             (  p_employee_type        in  varchar2,
339                p_assignment_id        in  per_all_assignments_f.assignment_id%type,
340                p_cpf_acc_number       in  varchar2,
341                p_department           in  varchar2,
342                p_assignment_action_id in  varchar2,
343                p_tax_unit_id          in  varchar2,
344                p_balance_name         in  varchar2,
345 	       p_balance_value        in  varchar2,
346 	       p_payroll_action_id    in  number,
347 	       p_permit_type          per_people_f.per_information6%type) return varchar2
348   is
349       ----------------------------------------------------------------
350       -- For existing employees
351       -- NOTE: order by statement for above query should not be changed
352       ----------------------------------------------------------------
354       l_sort      pay_action_information.action_information21%type;
356       ----------------------------------------------------------------
357       -- Bug No:3298317 Added new column permit_type(action_information21) in select clause.
358       -- Bug No:4226037 Added new column action_information19(termination date) in select clause
359       ----------------------------------------------------------------
360       cursor c_existing_employees  (   p_payroll_action_id  in  number  )
361       is
362       select  nvl(pai.action_information1,pai.source_id) cpf_acc_number,
363               pai.action_information17,
364               pai.action_information18,
365               pai.action_information21,
366 	      pai.action_information22,
367               paa.assignment_id,
368               paa.assignment_action_id,
369               pai.tax_unit_id,
370               fnd_date.canonical_to_date(pai.action_information20),
371               pai.action_information19
372         from  pay_payroll_actions      ppa
373               , pay_assignment_actions paa
374               , pay_action_information pai
375        where  ppa.payroll_action_id           = p_payroll_action_id
376          and  ppa.payroll_action_id           = paa.payroll_action_id
377          and  paa.assignment_action_id        = pai.action_context_id
378          and  pai.action_information_category = 'SG CPF DETAILS'
379          and  pai.action_context_type         = 'AAC'
380          and  pai.action_information2         = 'EE'
381          and  exists ( select  1
382 		         from  pay_action_information pai_dup,
383 		               pay_assignment_actions paa_dup
384                         where  pai.action_information_category =  pai_dup.action_information_category
385 		          and  pai.rowid                       <> pai_dup.rowid
386 		          and  paa_dup.payroll_action_id       =  ppa.payroll_action_id
387 		          and  paa_dup.assignment_action_id    =  pai_dup.action_context_id
388 	                  and  pai.action_information1         =  pai_dup.action_information1  )
389        order by cpf_acc_number,pai.action_information3 desc,pai.action_information23 desc;
390      ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
391      -- for new employees
392      -- Bug:3010644. Modified paa.effective_start_date join and added date track
393      -- check on ppa.effective_date and per_all_assignments_f
394      -- NOTE: order by statement for above query should not be changed
395      -- Bug No:3298317 Added new column permit_type(action_information21) in select clause.
396      -- Bug No:4226037 Added new column action_information19(termination date) in select clause
397      ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
398      cursor c_new_employees ( p_payroll_action_id  in  varchar2 )
399      is
400       select  nvl(pai.action_information1,pai.source_id) cpf_acc_number,
401  	      pai.action_information17,
402               pai.action_information18,
403               pai.action_information21,
404 	      pai.action_information22,
405               paa.assignment_id,
406               paa.assignment_action_id,
407               pai.tax_unit_id,
408               fnd_date.canonical_to_date(pai.action_information20),
409               pai.action_information19
410         from  pay_payroll_actions      ppa
411               , pay_assignment_actions paa
412               , pay_action_information pai
413        where  ppa.payroll_action_id           = p_payroll_action_id
414          and  ppa.payroll_action_id           = paa.payroll_action_id
415          and  paa.assignment_action_id        = pai.action_context_id
416          and  pai.action_information_category = 'SG CPF DETAILS'
417          and  pai.action_context_type         = 'AAC'
418          and  pai.action_information2         = 'NEW'
419          and  exists ( select  1
420 		         from  pay_action_information pai_dup,
421 		               pay_assignment_actions paa_dup
422                         where  pai.action_information_category =  pai_dup.action_information_category
423 		          and  pai.rowid                       <> pai_dup.rowid
424 		          and  paa_dup.payroll_action_id       =  ppa.payroll_action_id
425 		          and  paa_dup.assignment_action_id    =  pai_dup.action_context_id
426 	                  and  pai.action_information1         =  pai_dup.action_information1  )
427        order by cpf_acc_number,pai.action_information3 desc,pai.action_information23 desc;
428        --
429        l_date            date;
430        l_counter         number;
431        l_mon_counter     number;
432        l_found           boolean;
433        update_status     boolean;
434        asg_is_duplicate  number;
435        bal_value         varchar2(20);
436        mf_tot_bal        varchar2(20);
437        ctl_tot_bal       varchar2(20);
438        ctl_bal_value     varchar2(20);
439        mf_employee_info  varchar2(200);
440        ctl_employee_info varchar2(200);
441        tot_bal           varchar2(100);
442        l_wp              char(1);
443        l_sg              char(1);
444        --
445        function dup_bal_value ( c_assignment_action_id  in  number) return number
446        is
448 	    l_permit_type pay_action_information.action_information21%type;
450 	    /* Bug: 3595103  Modified cursor for permit type 'SP' */
451 	    cursor   get_balances is
452             select   nvl(decode( action_information1,null,0,(decode(action_information21,'WP',0,(decode(action_information21,'EP',0,(decode(action_information21,'SP',0,to_number(action_information4) ))))))),0),
453                      nvl(decode( action_information1,null,0,(decode(action_information21,'WP',0,(decode(action_information21,'EP',0,(decode(action_information21,'SP',0,to_number(action_information6) ))))))),0),
454                      nvl(decode( action_information1,null,0,(decode(action_information21,'WP',0,(decode(action_information21,'EP',0,(decode(action_information21,'SP',0,to_number(action_information5) ))))))),0),
455                      nvl(decode( action_information1,null,0,(decode(action_information21,'WP',0,(decode(action_information21,'EP',0,(decode(action_information21,'SP',0,to_number(action_information7) ))))))),0),
456                      nvl(to_number(action_information8),0),
457                      nvl(to_number(action_information9),0),
458                      nvl(to_number(action_information10),0),
459                      nvl(to_number(action_information11),0),
460                      nvl(to_number(action_information12),0),
461                      nvl(to_number(action_information13),0)
462              from   pay_action_information
463             where   action_context_id           = c_assignment_action_id
464               and   action_information_category = 'SG CPF DETAILS'
465               and   action_context_type = 'AAC';
468        begin
469              l_package  := ' pay_sg_cpfline.';
470              l_proc_name  := l_package || 'get_balance_value';
471             if ( c_assignment_action_id <> g_cpf_balances.assact_id)  or ( g_cpf_balances.assact_id is NULL )  then
472                     open  get_balances;
473                    fetch  get_balances
474                     into   g_cpf_balances.vol_cpf_liab      -- action_information4
475                           ,g_cpf_balances.cpf_liab          -- action_information6
476                           ,g_cpf_balances.vol_cpf_wheld     -- action_information5
477                           ,g_cpf_balances.cpf_wheld         -- action_information7
478                           ,g_cpf_balances.mbmf_wheld        -- action_information8
479                           ,g_cpf_balances.sinda_wheld       -- action_information9
480                           ,g_cpf_balances.cdac_wheld        -- action_information10
481                           ,g_cpf_balances.ecf_wheld         -- action_information11
482                           ,g_cpf_balances.cpf_ord_earn      -- action_information12
483                           ,g_cpf_balances.cpf_addl_earn     -- action_information13
484 			  ;
485                    --
486                    g_cpf_balances.assact_id := c_assignment_action_id ;
487                    --
488                    close get_balances ;
489             end if;
490             --
491             if p_balance_name = 'Voluntary CPF Liability' then
492 	          return g_cpf_balances.vol_cpf_liab ;
493            elsif p_balance_name = 'CPF Liability' then
494 	       	  return g_cpf_balances.cpf_liab ;
495            elsif p_balance_name = 'Voluntary CPF Withheld' then
496         	  return g_cpf_balances.vol_cpf_wheld ;
497 	   elsif p_balance_name = 'CPF Withheld' then
498      		  return g_cpf_balances.cpf_wheld;
499 	    elsif p_balance_name = 'MBMF Withheld' then
500                    return g_cpf_balances.mbmf_wheld ;
501             elsif p_balance_name = 'SINDA Withheld' then
502                    return g_cpf_balances.sinda_wheld ;
503             elsif p_balance_name = 'CDAC Withheld' then
504                    return g_cpf_balances.cdac_wheld ;
505             elsif p_balance_name = 'ECF Withheld' then
506                    return g_cpf_balances.ecf_wheld ;
507             elsif p_balance_name = 'CPF Ordinary Earnings Eligible Comp' then
508                    return g_cpf_balances.cpf_ord_earn ;
509             elsif p_balance_name = 'CPF Additional Earnings Eligible Comp' then
510                    return g_cpf_balances.cpf_addl_earn ;
511             else
512                    raise_application_error(-20001, 'Program Error : Invalid Balance') ;
513             end if ;
514        end;
515   begin
516      --
517        l_counter                       := 1;
518        l_mon_counter                   := 1;
519        l_found                         := false;
520        update_status                   := false;
521        asg_is_duplicate                := 0;
522        bal_value                       := 0;
523        mf_tot_bal                      := 0;
524        ctl_tot_bal                     := 0;
525        ctl_bal_value                   := 0;
526        mf_employee_info                := 'X';
527        ctl_employee_info               := 'X';
528        tot_bal                         := '0#0';
529        l_wp                            :='N';
530        l_sg                            :='N';
532      if  g_debug then
533             hr_utility.set_location(l_proc_name || ' Start of get_balance_value',80);
534      end if;
535      --
536      if  p_employee_type = 'NEW' and  global_exist_emp = true then
537          t_dup_emp_rec.delete;
538          global_exist_emp := false;
539      end if;
540      ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
541      -- This function is called for every emplyee and all the balances through
542      -- the cursor existing_employees (identified by 'EE') and  new employees
543      -- (identified by 'New'. When this function is called for the first time a
544      -- global pl/sql table is populated by opening cursor c_existing_employee
545      -- for existing employees and with c_new_employees for new employees.
546      -- The pl/sql table table will store employee level details for all the employees
547      ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
548      if  t_dup_emp_rec.count = 0 then
549          if p_employee_type = 'EE' then
550              open c_existing_employees( p_payroll_action_id );
551 	     --
552              loop
553                 fetch  c_existing_employees
554 	         into  t_dup_emp_rec(l_counter).cpf_acc_number,
555 		       t_dup_emp_rec(l_counter).legal_name,
556                        t_dup_emp_rec(l_counter).employee_number,
557                        t_dup_emp_rec(l_counter).permit_type,
558 		       t_dup_emp_rec(l_counter).department,
559                        t_dup_emp_rec(l_counter).assignment_id,
560                        t_dup_emp_rec(l_counter).assignment_action_id,
561                        t_dup_emp_rec(l_counter).tax_unit_id,
562                        t_dup_emp_rec(l_counter).effective_date,
563                        t_dup_emp_rec(l_counter).termination_date;
564                 exit when c_existing_employees%NOTFOUND;
565 		------------------------------------------------------------
566 		-- the record is not considered for magtape
567                 ------------------------------------------------------------
568                 t_dup_emp_rec(l_counter).cl_record_status:='U';
569                 t_dup_emp_rec(l_counter).mf_record_status:='U';
570                 l_counter :=  l_counter + 1;
571              end loop;
572 	     --
573              close c_existing_employees;
574          else
575 	     -------------------------------------------------------
576              -- if p_employee_type = NEW
577              -------------------------------------------------------
578              open c_new_employees( p_payroll_action_id );
579 	     --
580              loop
581                 fetch  c_new_employees
582 		 into  t_dup_emp_rec(l_counter).cpf_acc_number,
583                        t_dup_emp_rec(l_counter).legal_name,
584                        t_dup_emp_rec(l_counter).employee_number,
585                        t_dup_emp_rec(l_counter).permit_type,
586 		       t_dup_emp_rec(l_counter).department,
587                        t_dup_emp_rec(l_counter).assignment_id,
588                        t_dup_emp_rec(l_counter).assignment_action_id,
589                        t_dup_emp_rec(l_counter).tax_unit_id,
590                        t_dup_emp_rec(l_counter).effective_date,
591                        t_dup_emp_rec(l_counter).termination_date;
592                 exit when c_new_employees%NOTFOUND;
593 		-----------------------------------------------------------
594 		-- the record is not considered for magtape
595 		-----------------------------------------------------------
596                 t_dup_emp_rec(l_counter).cl_record_status:='U';
597                 t_dup_emp_rec(l_counter).mf_record_status:='U';
598                 l_counter :=  l_counter + 1;
599              end loop;
600              close c_new_employees;
601          end if;
602      end if;
603      -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
604      -- 1)
605      -- Legal name ,employee number and emp termination date are also derived in this function though they are
606      -- not balances. if balance_name passed is other then above names then find out the defined balance id wrt
607      -- balance names passed to the function from the pl/sql table populated above
608      --
609      -- 2)
610      -- The function is called for all the balances (10 balances and 3 non balances (legal name, emp number, term date)
611      -- for a selected assignment .
612      -- The global global_bal_count is incremented for every function call. Once the last function call is made,
613      -- the employee should be marked as processed for the cpf line.
614      --
615      -- if update_status = TRUE then update assignment status to processed (M)
616      -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
617      if global_bal_count = 12 then
618           update_status := TRUE;   -- update assignment status to processed (M)
619 	  global_bal_count := 0;
620      else
621           global_bal_count := global_bal_count + 1;
622      end if;
623      -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
624      -- Records in the pl/sql table t_dup_emp_rec are sorted by the cpf account number. Once all the records are
625      -- fetched for a particular cpf account number passed to the function, there  is no need to search further in the
626      -- table. the l_found variable is used to handle this
627      -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
628      l_found := FALSE; -- initialzed to false.
630      ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
631      -- 1) find out the matching records in the pl/sql table,for the cpf account number passed
632      -- 2)
633      --   2.1) For Magtape:
634      --        if the record status of a record in the pl/sql table is unprocessed ('U') Then
635      --        for balance names 'Legal name','Employee Number' and 'Emp Termination date' find out the values.
636      --        A check is made so that the latest employee's data is only retrieved and if this function is called
637      --        next time the values should not be overriden. Records are stored in the pl/sql table such that the
638      --        first record for a CPF Account Number is the latest record
639      --        for actual balances , find out the balance value for all the assignments related to the Cpf account number passed.
640      --        sum up these values.If there is  only one assignment for a cpf account number then, return the balance values
641      --        Once last balance is retrieved, mark all the assignments for the cpf account number as prcoessed in the
642      --        'Magtape' status='M'
643      --   2.2) For Control  listing:
644      --        All the steps for 2.1 hold good for control listing also, but therte is an additional check for the department.
645      --        Here we find all the assignments which are under the CPF Account number and the Department passed as parameter.
646      --        Once all the relevent records are fetched the , mark all the assignments as processed in the control listing
647      --        status = 'C'
648      ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
649      l_wp:='N';
650      l_sg:='N';
651      if t_dup_emp_rec.count > 0 then
652             --
653            -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
654             -- Bug No:3298317 Added to skip the Employees of permit type 'WP' or 'EP'
655             --                and who are rehired with permit type 'SG' or 'PR'.
656 	    -- Bug: 3595103  Modified cursor for permit type 'SP'
657             -------------------------------------------------------------------------
659            if p_permit_type='WP' OR p_permit_type='EP' OR p_permit_type='SP' then
660                for l_dup_counter in t_dup_emp_rec.first..t_dup_emp_rec.last
661                loop
662                    if p_assignment_action_id=t_dup_emp_rec(l_dup_counter).assignment_action_id and
663 		     (t_dup_emp_rec(l_dup_counter).permit_type='WP' or
664 		      t_dup_emp_rec(l_dup_counter).permit_type='SP' or
665 		      t_dup_emp_rec(l_dup_counter).permit_type='EP') then
666                          l_wp:='Y';
667                    end if;
668                    --
669                    if t_dup_emp_rec(l_dup_counter).cpf_acc_number = p_cpf_acc_number and (t_dup_emp_rec(l_dup_counter).permit_type='SG' or t_dup_emp_rec(l_dup_counter).permit_type='PR') then
670                          l_sg:='Y' ;
671                    end if;
672                end loop;
673            end if;
674            -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
676                for l_dup_counter in t_dup_emp_rec.first..t_dup_emp_rec.last
677                  loop
679               --
680               -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
681               -- Bug No:3298317 Added to skip the Employees of permit type 'WP' or 'EP' or 'SP'
682               --                and who are rehired with permit type 'SG' or 'PR'.
683               -------------------------------------------------------------------------
684                   if  l_wp= 'Y' and l_sg= 'Y' then
685                     exit;
686                   end if;
687                ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
689 		  if (t_dup_emp_rec(l_dup_counter).cpf_acc_number <> p_cpf_acc_number) and l_found = true then
690                       exit;
691                   elsif (t_dup_emp_rec(l_dup_counter).cpf_acc_number = p_cpf_acc_number) then
692                       ------------------------------------------------------
693                       -- Magtape File
694                       -------------------------------------------------------
695                       if t_dup_emp_rec(l_dup_counter).mf_record_status = 'U' then
696                             if ( p_balance_name in ('Legal_Name','Employee_Number','Emp_Term_Date'))  then
697                                     if (mf_employee_info = 'X' ) then   -- only latest information should be written
698                                            if p_balance_name ='Legal_Name'  Then
699                                                 mf_employee_info := t_dup_emp_rec(l_dup_counter).Legal_name;
700                                                 /* Bug#4226037  p_balance_value is replaced with t_dup_emp_rec(l_dup_counter).Legal_name */
701                                            elsif p_balance_name = 'Employee_Number' Then
702                                                 mf_employee_info := t_dup_emp_rec(l_dup_counter).employee_number ;
703                                                 /* Bug#4226037  p_balance_value is replaced with t_dup_emp_rec(l_dup_counter).employee_number */
704                                            elsif p_balance_name = 'Emp_Term_Date' Then
705                                                 if t_dup_emp_rec(l_dup_counter).termination_date is not null then
706                                                       mf_employee_info := t_dup_emp_rec(l_dup_counter).termination_date;
707                                                 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
708                                                 -- Bug#4226037  p_balance_value is replaced with t_dup_emp_rec(l_dup_counter).termination_date.
709                                                 -- Included else clause to return default date if the latest assignment is not terminated.
710                                                 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
711                                                 else
712                                                       l_date := to_date('01/01/1900','dd/mm/yyyy');
713                                                       mf_employee_info := to_char(l_date,'dd/mm/yyyy');
714                                                 end if;
715                                            end if;
716                                     end if;
717                                     --
718                                     if update_status=true then
719                                            t_dup_emp_rec(l_dup_counter).mf_record_status := 'M';
720                                     end if;
721                             else
722                                     bal_value := dup_bal_value ( t_dup_emp_rec(l_dup_counter).assignment_action_id );
723                                     --
724                                     mf_tot_bal := mf_tot_bal + bal_value;
725                                     l_found := true;
726 				    ----------------------------------------------------
727                                     -- the record is considered for magtape, so next time if the current
728 				    -- assignment id is passed
729                                     -- through the main cursor, it should be ignored
730                                     ----------------------------------------------------
731                                     if update_status=true then
732                                            t_dup_emp_rec(l_dup_counter).mf_record_status := 'M';
733                                     end if;
734                                     --
735                                     if  g_debug then
736                                            hr_utility.set_location(l_proc_name || ' MF Section',80);
737                                            hr_utility.set_location(l_proc_name || ' p_balance_name '||p_balance_name,80);
738                                            hr_utility.set_location(l_proc_name || ' Employee '||t_dup_emp_rec(l_counter).cpf_acc_number,80);
739                                            hr_utility.set_location(l_proc_name || ' balance_value '||mf_tot_bal,80);
740                                            hr_utility.set_location(l_proc_name || ' Asact id '||to_char(t_dup_emp_rec(l_counter).assignment_action_id),80);
741                                     end if;
742                             end if;
743                       end if;
744                       ------------------------------------------------------
745                       -- Control listing Section
746                       ------------------------------------------------------
747                       if t_dup_emp_rec(l_dup_counter).department = p_department then
748                             if t_dup_emp_rec(l_dup_counter).cl_record_status = 'U' then
749                                     if( p_balance_name in ('Legal_Name','Employee_Number','Emp_Term_Date'))  then
750                                            if (ctl_employee_info = 'X') then
751                                                 if p_balance_name ='Legal_Name' Then
752                                                       ctl_employee_info := t_dup_emp_rec(l_dup_counter).Legal_name;
753                                                       /* Bug#4226037  p_balance_value is replaced with t_dup_emp_rec(l_dup_counter).Legal_name */
754                                                 elsif p_balance_name = 'Employee_Number' Then
755                                                       ctl_employee_info := t_dup_emp_rec(l_dup_counter).employee_number;
756                                                       /* Bug#4226037  p_balance_value is replaced with t_dup_emp_rec(l_dup_counter).employee_number */
757                                                 elsif p_balance_name = 'Emp_Term_Date' Then
758                                                       ctl_employee_info := t_dup_emp_rec(l_dup_counter).termination_date;
759                                                       /* Bug#4226037  p_balance_value is replaced with t_dup_emp_rec(l_dup_counter).termination_date */
760                                                 end if;
761                                            end if;
762 					   --
763                                            if update_status=true then
764                                                 t_dup_emp_rec(l_dup_counter).cl_record_status := 'C';
765                                            end if;
766                                     else
767                                            ctl_bal_value := dup_bal_value ( t_dup_emp_rec(l_dup_counter).assignment_action_id );
768                                            --
769                                            ctl_tot_bal := ctl_tot_bal + ctl_bal_value;
770                                            l_found := true;
771 					   --
772                                            if update_status=true then
773 							t_dup_emp_rec(l_dup_counter).cl_record_status := 'C';
774                                            end if;
775 					   --
776                                            if  g_debug then
777                                                 hr_utility.set_location(l_proc_name || ' CTL Section',80);
778                                                 hr_utility.set_location(l_proc_name || ' p_balance_name '||p_balance_name,80);
779                                                 hr_utility.set_location(l_proc_name || ' Employee '||t_dup_emp_rec(l_counter).cpf_acc_number,80);
780                                                 hr_utility.set_location(l_proc_name || ' balance_value '||ctl_tot_bal,80);
781                                                 hr_utility.set_location(l_proc_name || ' Asact id '||to_char(t_dup_emp_rec(l_counter).assignment_action_id),80);
782                                            end if;
783                                            --
784                                     end if;
785                             end if;
786                       end if;
787                   end if;
788             end loop;
789      end if;
790      ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
791      --  return concatenated values, which will be considered in the magatape formula
792      --  If employee is not terminated, return default date
793      ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
794      if p_balance_name in ('Legal_Name','Employee_Number') then
795            return mf_employee_info||'#'||ctl_employee_info;
796      elsif p_balance_name = 'Emp_Term_Date' then
797            ---------------------------------
798            -- If employee is not terminated, return default date
799 	   ---------------------------------
800            if mf_employee_info = 'X' then
801                 l_date:= to_date('01/01/1900','dd/mm/yyyy');
802                 mf_employee_info:= to_char(l_date,'dd/mm/yyyy');
803 	   else
804 	        l_date:= fnd_date.canonical_to_date(mf_employee_info);
805                 mf_employee_info:= to_char(l_date,'dd/mm/yyyy');
806            end if;
807 	   --
808            return mf_employee_info;
809      else
810            tot_bal := mf_tot_bal||'#'||ctl_tot_bal;
811            --
812            return tot_bal ;
813      end if;
814      --
815      if  g_debug then
816             hr_utility.set_location(l_proc_name || ' End of get_balance_value',80);
817      end if;
818   -- hr_utility.trace_off;
819   end get_balance_value;
821 end pay_sg_cpfline_balances;