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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 13

/*  update_move_order_lines procedure modified material line and send to the inv api             */
/*  to process the move order line.
/* Swapna K 11-OCT-2007 Bug#6446877                                                              */
/* update_move_order_lines procedure is changed to fetch the alloc uom of the material           */
/* line and send to the inv api to process the move order line.                                  */
   PROCEDURE create_move_order_hdr (
      p_organization_id        IN              NUMBER
     ,p_move_order_type        IN              NUMBER
     ,x_move_order_header_id   OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER
     ,x_return_status          OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2)
      l_api_name    CONSTANT VARCHAR2 (30)         := 'create_move_order_hdr';
Line: 48

      l_in_trohdr_rec.last_update_date := gme_common_pvt.g_timestamp;
Line: 49

      l_in_trohdr_rec.last_updated_by := gme_common_pvt.g_user_ident;
Line: 134

         SELECT mtl_transactions_enabled_flag, secondary_uom_code, segment1
           FROM mtl_system_items_b
          WHERE organization_id = v_org_id
            AND inventory_item_id = v_inventory_item_id;
Line: 182

               l_in_trolin_tbl (l_count).last_update_date :=
Line: 184

               l_in_trolin_tbl (l_count).last_updated_by :=
Line: 346

         SELECT mtl_transactions_enabled_flag, concatenated_segments, primary_uom_code
           FROM mtl_system_items_kfv
          WHERE inventory_item_id = v_inventory_item_id
            AND organization_id = v_org_id;
Line: 529

         SELECT   l.*
             FROM mtl_txn_request_lines l, mtl_txn_request_headers h
            WHERE l.organization_id = p_organization_id
              AND transaction_source_type_id =
              AND l.txn_source_id = p_batch_id
              AND l.txn_source_line_id = p_material_detail_id
              AND l.line_status NOT IN (5, 6)
              AND h.header_id = l.header_id
              AND h.move_order_type NOT IN
         ORDER BY l.header_id, l.line_id;
Line: 575

   PROCEDURE delete_move_order_lines (
      p_organization_id        IN              NUMBER
     ,p_batch_id               IN              NUMBER
     ,p_material_detail_id     IN              NUMBER
     ,p_invis_move_line_id     IN              NUMBER DEFAULT NULL
     ,p_invis_move_header_id   IN              NUMBER DEFAULT NULL
     ,x_return_status          OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2)
      l_api_name    CONSTANT VARCHAR2 (30)       := 'delete_move_order_lines';
Line: 598

      delete_mo_line_err     EXCEPTION;
Line: 599

      delete_mo_hdr_err      EXCEPTION;
Line: 604

         SELECT COUNT (1)
           FROM mtl_txn_request_lines
          WHERE header_id = v_header_id;
Line: 626

         l_trolin_tbl (i).operation := inv_globals.g_opr_delete;
Line: 633

         l_trolin_tbl (l_row).operation := inv_globals.g_opr_delete;
Line: 640

          gme_debug.put_line('No move order lines to delete');
Line: 663

         RAISE delete_mo_line_err;
Line: 680

                  l_trohdr_rec.operation := inv_globals.g_opr_delete;
Line: 703

                     RAISE delete_mo_hdr_err;
Line: 716

      WHEN delete_mo_line_err THEN
         IF (g_debug IS NOT NULL) THEN
                    (   'inv_move_order_pub.process_move_order_line returns '
                     || l_return_status);
Line: 725

      WHEN delete_mo_hdr_err THEN
         IF (g_debug IS NOT NULL) THEN
                         (   'inv_move_order_pub.process_move_order returns '
                          || l_return_status);
Line: 746

   END delete_move_order_lines;
Line: 748

   PROCEDURE update_move_order_lines (
      p_batch_id             IN              NUMBER
     ,p_material_detail_id   IN              NUMBER
     ,p_new_qty              IN              NUMBER := NULL
     ,p_new_date             IN              DATE := NULL
     ,p_invis_move_line_id   IN              NUMBER DEFAULT NULL
     ,x_return_status        OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2)
      l_api_name   CONSTANT VARCHAR2 (30)        := 'update_move_order_lines';
Line: 769

         SELECT   l.*
             FROM mtl_txn_request_lines l, mtl_txn_request_headers h
            WHERE transaction_source_type_id =
              AND l.txn_source_id = p_batch_id
              AND l.txn_source_line_id = p_material_detail_id
              AND l.line_status NOT IN (5, 6)
              AND h.header_id = l.header_id
              AND h.move_order_type NOT IN
         ORDER BY l.creation_date DESC;
Line: 789

           select dtl_um
           from gme_material_details
           where material_detail_id = p_material_detail_id;
Line: 802

         l_trolin_tbl (1).operation := inv_globals.g_opr_update;
Line: 845

Line: 852

Line: 869

               l_trolin_tbl (1).operation := inv_globals.g_opr_update;
Line: 888

                  l_trolin_tbl (l_cnt).operation := inv_globals.g_opr_update;
Line: 944

   END update_move_order_lines;
Line: 961

         SELECT 1
                     FROM mtl_txn_request_lines l, mtl_txn_request_headers h
                    WHERE l.txn_source_id = p_batch_id
                      AND l.txn_source_line_id = p_material_detail_id
                      AND l.organization_id = p_organization_id
                      AND l.line_status NOT IN (5, 6)
                      AND h.header_id = l.header_id
                      AND h.move_order_type = gme_common_pvt.g_move_order_type
                      AND ROWNUM = 1;
Line: 1024

         SELECT primary_uom_code, secondary_uom_code, concatenated_segments
           FROM mtl_system_items_kfv
          WHERE organization_id = v_org_id
            AND inventory_item_id = v_inventory_item_id;
Line: 1114

   PROCEDURE delete_batch_move_orders (
      p_organization_id   IN              NUMBER
     ,p_batch_id          IN              NUMBER
     ,p_delete_invis      IN              VARCHAR2 := 'F'
     ,x_return_status     OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2)
      l_api_name   CONSTANT VARCHAR2 (30) := 'delete_batch_move_orders';
Line: 1124

         SELECT h.batch_id, h.move_order_header_id, d.material_detail_id
           FROM gme_batch_header h, gme_material_details d
          WHERE h.organization_id = p_organization_id
            AND h.batch_id = p_batch_id
            AND d.batch_id = h.batch_id
            AND d.line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_ing;
Line: 1156

         IF (p_delete_invis = fnd_api.g_true) THEN
            l_invis_line_id := l_lines_tbl (i).move_order_line_id;
Line: 1161

                   (p_organization_id           => p_organization_id
                   ,p_batch_id                  => l_lines_tbl (i).batch_id
                   ,p_material_detail_id        => l_lines_tbl (i).material_detail_id
                   ,p_invis_move_line_id        => l_invis_line_id
                   ,p_invis_move_header_id      => l_invis_header_id
                   ,x_return_status             => l_return_status);
Line: 1192

   END delete_batch_move_orders;