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1 PACKAGE xla_control_accounts_pkg AS
2 /* $Header: xlabacta.pkh 120.5 2003/07/09 08:32:11 aquaglia ship $ */
3 /*======================================================================+
4 |             Copyright (c) 1995-2002 Oracle Corporation                |
5 |                       Redwood Shores, CA, USA                         |
6 |                         All rights reserved.                          |
7 +=======================================================================+
8 | PACKAGE NAME                                                          |
9 |    xla_control_accounts_pkg                                           |
10 |                                                                       |
11 | DESCRIPTION                                                           |
12 |    XLA Control Accounts Package                                       |
13 |                                                                       |
14 | HISTORY                                                               |
15 |    27-AUG-02 A.Quaglia      Created                                   |
16 |    10-DEC-02 A. Quaglia     Overloaded update_balance_flag with       |
17 |                             p_event_id,p_entity_id,p_application_id   |
18 |    12-DEC-02 A. Quaglia     update_balance_flag: added parameter      |
19 |                             p_application_id where missing, added     |
20 |                                                                       |
21 +======================================================================*/
22    --
23    -- Public constants
24    --
27    C_IS_CONTROL_ACCOUNT               CONSTANT INTEGER     :=   0;
28    C_NOT_CONTROL_ACCOUNT              CONSTANT INTEGER     :=   1;
30    C_ERR_CONTROL_ACCOUNT              CONSTANT INTEGER     :=   3;
32 FUNCTION is_control_account
33   ( p_code_combination_id     IN INTEGER
34    ,p_natural_account         IN VARCHAR2
35    ,p_ledger_id               IN INTEGER
36    ,p_application_id          IN INTEGER
38 /*======================================================================+
39 |                                                                       |
40 | Public Function                                                       |
41 |                                                                       |
42 |                                                                       |
43 | Description                                                           |
44 | -----------                                                           |
45 |                                                                       |
46 |                                                                       |
47 |  p_code_combination_id  can be NULL.                                  |
48 |                         If p_natural_account is NULL it  cannot be    |
49 |                         NULL.                                         |
50 |                         If p_natural_account is NOT NULL it must be   |
51 |                         NULL.                                         |
52 |                                                                       |
53 |  p_natural_account      can be NULL                                   |
54 |                         If p_code_combination_id is NULL it cannot be |
55 |                         NULL.                                         |
56 |                         If p_code_combination_id is NOT NULL it must  |
57 |                         be NULL.                                      |
58 |                                                                       |
59 |  p_ledger_id            can be NULL                                   |
60 |                         If p_natural_account is NOT NULL it cannot be |
61 |                         NULL.                                         |
62 |                         If p_code_combination_id is NOT NULL it must  |
63 |                         be NULL.                                      |
64 |                                                                       |
65 |  p_application_id       can be NULL.                                  |
66 |                                                                       |
67 |                                                                       |
68 |  If p_code_combination_id IS NOT NULL it checks whether the code      |
69 |  combination is flagged as control account.                           |
70 |                                                                       |
71 |  If p_natural_account is not null it checks whether the account       |
72 |  is flagged as control account, in the chart of accounts attached     |
73 |  to the ledger p_ledger_id.                                           |
74 |                                                                       |
75 |  If p_application_id is not null it checks whether the GL JE Source   |
76 |  Name attached to it in the table XLA_SUBLEDGERS is the one           |
77 |  associated to code combination or to the account.                    |
78 |                                                                       |
79 |                                                                       |
80 |  RETURNS:                                                             |
81 |                                                                       |
82 |  C_IS_CONTROL_ACCOUNT                                                 |
83 |    if the code combination or the natural account is a control        |
84 |    account. If p_application_id is NOT NULL, it must also be that     |
85 |    the value of the field JE_SOURCE_NAME in the table XLA_SUBLEDGERS  |
86 |    for that application_id must match the one for which the control   |
87 |    account is setup.                                                  |
88 |                                                                       |
89 |  C_NOT_CONTROL_ACCOUNT                                                |
90 |    if the code combination or the natural account are not flagged as  |
91 |    control account.                                                   |
92 |                                                                       |
93 |  C_IS_CONTROL_ACCOUNT_OTHER_APP                                       |
94 |    if the code combination or the natural account are flagged as      |
95 |    control account but the value of                                   |
96 |    the field JE_SOURCE_NAME in the table XLA_SUBLEDGERS for that      |
97 |    application_id does not match the one for which the control account|
98 |    or the code combination is setup.                                  |                                                                       |
99 |                                                                       |
100 |  C_ERR_CONTROL_ACCOUNT                                                |
101 |    in case of inconsistency in the input parameters                   |
102 |                                                                       |
103 |                                                                       |
104 |  The fastest response is given for the following pattern of           |
105 |  parameters (the one the Accounting Program uses):                    |
106 |   p_code_combination_id NOT NULL                                      |
107 |   p_application_id      NOT NULL                                      |
108 |  And within this scenario the most probable case is that              |
109 |  the code combination is not a control account.                       |
110 |                                                                       |
111 |                                                                       |
112 | Pseudo-code                                                           |
113 | -----------                                                           |
114 |                                                                       |
115 |  IF  p_code_combination_id IS NOT NULL                                |
116 |  AND p_natural_account IS NULL THEN                                   |
117 |      retrieve REFERENCE3 from GL_CODE_COMBINATIONS for the ccid       |
118 |         and store it in l_qualifier_value                             |
119 |      IF NVL(l_qualifier_value, 'N') = 'N' THEN                        |
120 |         RETURN 1                                                      |
121 |      END IF                                                           |
122 |      --From here on we are sure the ccid is a control one             |
123 |      IF p_application_id IS NOT NULL THEN                             |
124 |         retrieve JE_SOURCE_NAME into l_je_source from XLA_SUBLEDGERS  |
125 |         IF l_qualifier_value = l_je_source   THEN                     |
126 |            RETURN 0                                                   |
127 |         ELSE                                                          |
128 |            RETURN 2                                                   |
129 |         END IF                                                        |
130 |      ELSE --p_application_id is NULL                                  |
131 |         RETURN 0                                                      |
132 |      END IF                                                           |
133 |                                                                       |
134 |  ELSIF p_natural_account IS NOT NULL THEN                             |
135 |     IF p_ledger_id IS NULL                                            |
136 |     THEN                                                              |
137 |        RETURN 3                                                       |
138 |     END IF                                                            |
139 |     retrieve the chart_of_accounts_id of the ledger                   |
140 |     retrieve the control account segment qualifier value for the      |
141 |      account and store it in l_qualifier_value                        |
142 |     IF NVL(l_qualifier_value, 'N') IS NULL THEN                       |
143 |        RETURN 1                                                       |
144 |     END IF                                                            |
145 |     --From here on we are sure the account  is a control one          |
146 |     IF p_application_id IS NOT NULL THEN                              |
147 |         retrieve JE_SOURCE_NAME into l_je_source from XLA_SUBLEDGERS  |
148 |        IF l_qualifier_value = l_je_source   THEN                      |
149 |           RETURN 0                                                    |
150 |        ELSE                                                           |
151 |           RETURN 2                                                    |
152 |        END IF                                                         |
153 |     ELSE --p_application_id is NULL                                   |
154 |        RETURN 0                                                       |
155 |     END IF                                                            |
156 |                                                                       |
157 |  ELSE                                                                 |
158 |     RETURN 3                                                          |
159 |                                                                       |
160 |  END IF;                                                              |
161 |                                                                       |
162 |                                                                       |
163 |                                                                       |
164 |                                                                       |
165 | Open issues                                                           |
166 | -----------                                                           |
167 |                                                                       |
168 |  MUST SOLVE                                                           |
169 |                                                                       |
170 |  - Why is je_source_name in gl_je_source varchar2(25)                 |
171 |       and je_source_name in xla_subledgers varchar2(30)?              |
172 |                                                                       |
173 |  - GL must resize REFERENCE3 column in GL_CODE_COMBINATIONS           |
174 |    table from VARCHAR2(1) to VARCHAR2(25)                             |
175 |                                                                       |
176 |  - How will it be possible to store the JE Source Name in the         |
177 |    compiled_value_attributes column of fnd_flex_values table ?        |
178 |                                                                       |
179 |  - Error treatment and return values.                                 |
180 |                                                                       |
181 |  - Implementation for p_natural_account NOT NULL not completed        |
182 |    (waiting feedback from GL).                                        |
183 |                                                                       |
184 |  NICE TO SOLVE                                                        |
185 |                                                                       |
186 |  -  The Accounting Program could pass the JE_SOURCE_NAME instead of   |
187 |     the APPLICATION_ID. This would avoid useless accesses  to the     |
188 |     XLA_SUBLEDGERS table for each code combination.                   |
189 |                                                                       |
190 |  -  The Accounting Program already validates the code_combination_id  |
191 |     through a GL/FND API. But this means that GL_CODE_COMBINATIONS is |
195 |     would be avoided.                                                 |
192 |     already accessed for the same record. If the REFERENCE fields     |
193 |     could be read during that first access and passed over to this    |
194 |     function there would be an important performance gain and issue 2 |
196 |     If this cannot be done, should we implement a cache for the       |
197 |     code combinations?                                                |
198 |                                                                       |
199 +======================================================================*/
201 FUNCTION update_balance_flag ( p_application_id  IN INTEGER
202                               ,p_ae_header_id    IN INTEGER
203                               ,p_ae_line_num     IN INTEGER
204                              )
207 FUNCTION update_balance_flag ( p_event_id        IN INTEGER
208                               ,p_entity_id       IN INTEGER
209                               ,p_application_id  IN INTEGER
210                              )
216 END xla_control_accounts_pkg;