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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 62

|  Procedure insert_row                                                 |
|                                                                       |
PROCEDURE insert_row
  (x_rowid                            IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
  ,x_application_id                   IN NUMBER
  ,x_event_class_code                 IN VARCHAR2
  ,x_accounting_attribute_code        IN VARCHAR2
  ,x_source_application_id            IN NUMBER
  ,x_source_type_code                 IN VARCHAR2
  ,x_source_code                      IN VARCHAR2
  ,x_assignment_owner_code            IN VARCHAR2
  ,x_default_flag                     IN VARCHAR2
  ,x_creation_date                    IN DATE
  ,x_created_by                       IN NUMBER
  ,x_last_update_date                 IN DATE
  ,x_last_updated_by                  IN NUMBER
  ,x_last_update_login                IN NUMBER)


SELECT rowid
FROM   xla_evt_class_acct_attrs
WHERE  application_id                   = x_application_id
  AND  event_class_code                 = x_event_class_code
  AND  accounting_attribute_code        = x_accounting_attribute_code
  AND  source_application_id            = x_source_application_id
  AND  source_type_code                 = x_source_type_code
  AND  source_code                      = x_source_code
Line: 98

    l_log_module := C_DEFAULT_MODULE||'.insert_row';
Line: 102

    trace(p_msg    => 'BEGIN of procedure insert_row',
          p_module => l_log_module,
          p_level  => C_LEVEL_PROCEDURE);
Line: 107

INSERT INTO xla_evt_class_acct_attrs
Line: 147

    trace(p_msg    => 'END of procedure insert_row',
          p_module => l_log_module,
          p_level  => C_LEVEL_PROCEDURE);
Line: 152

END insert_row;
Line: 173

SELECT application_id
FROM   xla_evt_class_acct_attrs
WHERE  application_id                   = x_application_id
  AND  event_class_code                 = x_event_class_code
  AND  accounting_attribute_code        = x_accounting_attribute_code
  AND  source_application_id            = x_source_application_id
  AND  source_type_code                 = x_source_type_code
  AND  source_code                      = x_source_code
FOR UPDATE OF application_id NOWAIT;
Line: 210

   fnd_message.set_name('FND', 'FORM_RECORD_DELETED');
Line: 242

|  Procedure update_row                                                 |
|                                                                       |
PROCEDURE update_row
  (x_rowid                            IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
  ,x_application_id                   IN NUMBER
  ,x_event_class_code                 IN VARCHAR2
  ,x_accounting_attribute_code        IN VARCHAR2
  ,x_source_application_id            IN NUMBER
  ,x_source_type_code                 IN VARCHAR2
  ,x_source_code                      IN VARCHAR2
  ,x_assignment_owner_code            IN VARCHAR2
  ,x_default_flag                     IN VARCHAR2
  ,x_last_update_date                 IN DATE
  ,x_last_updated_by                  IN NUMBER
  ,x_last_update_login                IN NUMBER)

  l_log_module            VARCHAR2(240);
Line: 264

    l_log_module := C_DEFAULT_MODULE||'.update_row';
Line: 268

    trace(p_msg    => 'BEGIN of procedure update_row',
          p_module => l_log_module,
          p_level  => C_LEVEL_PROCEDURE);
Line: 273

UPDATE xla_evt_class_acct_attrs
       last_update_date                 = x_last_update_date
      ,default_flag                     = x_default_flag
      ,last_updated_by                  = x_last_updated_by
      ,last_update_login                = x_last_update_login
WHERE  application_id                   = X_application_id
  AND  event_class_code                 = x_event_class_code
  AND  accounting_attribute_code        = x_accounting_attribute_code
  AND  source_application_id            = x_source_application_id
  AND  source_type_code                 = X_source_type_code
  AND  source_code                      = X_source_code;
Line: 291

    trace(p_msg    => 'END of procedure update_row',
          p_module => l_log_module,
          p_level  => C_LEVEL_PROCEDURE);
Line: 296

END update_row;
Line: 300

|  Procedure delete_row                                                 |
|                                                                       |
PROCEDURE delete_row
  (x_application_id                   IN NUMBER
  ,x_event_class_code                 IN VARCHAR2
  ,x_accounting_attribute_code        IN VARCHAR2
  ,x_source_application_id            IN NUMBER
  ,x_source_type_code                 IN VARCHAR2
  ,x_source_code                      IN VARCHAR2)


  l_log_module            VARCHAR2(240);
Line: 317

    l_log_module := C_DEFAULT_MODULE||'.delete_row';
Line: 321

    trace(p_msg    => 'BEGIN of procedure delete_row',
          p_module => l_log_module,
          p_level  => C_LEVEL_PROCEDURE);
Line: 326

DELETE FROM xla_evt_class_acct_attrs
WHERE application_id                   = x_application_id
  AND event_class_code                 = x_event_class_code
  AND accounting_attribute_code        = x_accounting_attribute_code
  AND source_application_id            = x_source_application_id
  AND source_type_code                 = x_source_type_code
  AND source_code                      = x_source_code;
Line: 340

    trace(p_msg    => 'END of procedure delete_row',
          p_module => l_log_module,
          p_level  => C_LEVEL_PROCEDURE);
Line: 345

END delete_row;
Line: 363

,p_last_update_date                 IN VARCHAR2)
  CURSOR c_app_id (l_app_id VARCHAR2) IS
  SELECT application_id
  FROM   fnd_application
  WHERE  application_short_name          = l_app_id;
Line: 375

  f_ludate                DATE;        -- entity update date in file
Line: 377

  db_ludate               DATE;        -- entity update date in db
Line: 396

  f_ludate := nvl(to_date(p_last_update_date, 'YYYY/MM/DD'), sysdate);
Line: 408

            SELECT assignment_level_code
              INTO l_assign_level_code
              FROM xla_acct_attributes_b
             WHERE accounting_attribute_code = p_accounting_attribute_code;
Line: 414

                 DELETE FROM xla_evt_class_acct_attrs
                 WHERE  application_id                   =  l_application_id
                   AND  event_class_code                 =  p_event_class_code
                   AND  accounting_attribute_code        =  p_accounting_attribute_code
                   AND  source_application_id            =  l_source_app_id
                   AND  source_type_code                 =  p_source_type_code
                   AND  source_code                      <> p_source_code;
Line: 428

    SELECT last_updated_by, last_update_date
      INTO db_luby, db_ludate
      FROM xla_evt_class_acct_attrs
     WHERE application_id            = l_application_id
       AND event_class_code          = p_event_class_code
       AND accounting_attribute_code = p_accounting_attribute_code
       AND source_application_id     = l_source_app_id
       AND source_type_code          = p_source_type_code
       AND source_code               = p_source_code;
Line: 439

          (x_rowid                         => l_rowid
          ,x_application_id                => l_application_id
          ,x_event_class_code              => p_event_class_code
          ,x_accounting_attribute_code     => p_accounting_attribute_code
          ,x_source_application_id         => l_source_app_id
          ,x_source_type_code              => p_source_type_code
          ,x_source_code                   => p_source_code
          ,x_assignment_owner_code         => p_assignment_owner_code
          ,x_default_flag                  => p_default_flag
          ,x_last_update_date              => f_ludate
          ,x_last_updated_by               => f_luby
          ,x_last_update_login             => 0);
Line: 457

          (x_rowid                         => l_rowid
          ,x_application_id                => l_application_id
          ,x_event_class_code              => p_event_class_code
          ,x_accounting_attribute_code     => p_accounting_attribute_code
          ,x_source_application_id         => l_source_app_id
          ,x_source_type_code              => p_source_type_code
          ,x_source_code                   => p_source_code
          ,x_assignment_owner_code         => p_assignment_owner_code
          ,x_default_flag                  => p_default_flag
          ,x_creation_date                 => f_ludate
          ,x_created_by                    => f_luby
          ,x_last_update_date              => f_ludate
          ,x_last_updated_by               => f_luby
          ,x_last_update_login             => 0);