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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 104

        SELECT   glr.gl_je_conversion_set_id
               , glr.target_currency_code
               , glr.alc_default_conv_rate_type
               , glr.alc_no_rate_action_code
               , glr.alc_inherit_conversion_type
               , DECODE(glr.alc_no_rate_action_code,'REPORT_ERROR',0,nvl(glr.alc_max_days_roll_rate,-1))
          INTO   l_je_conv_set_id
               , l_target_curr
               , l_conversion_type
               , l_no_rate_action
               , l_inherit_ctype_flag
               , l_mrc_max_roll_rate
          FROM gl_ledger_relationships glr
         WHERE glr.source_ledger_id = p_primary_set_of_books_id
           AND glr.target_ledger_id = p_reporting_set_of_books_id
           AND glr.relationship_type_code IN ('JOURNAL', 'SUBLEDGER')
           AND glr.target_ledger_category_code = 'ALC'
           AND glr.application_id = p_application_id
           AND glr.relationship_enabled_flag = 'Y'
           AND (p_org_id IS NULL
                OR glr.org_id = -99
                OR glr.org_id = NVL(p_org_id, -99))
           AND (NVL(p_fa_book_type_code, '-99') = '-99'
                OR EXISTS
                   (SELECT 'FA book type is enabled'
                    FROM FA_MC_BOOK_CONTROLS MC
                    WHERE MC.set_of_books_id = glr.target_ledger_id
                    AND MC.book_type_code = p_fa_book_type_code
                    AND MC.primary_set_of_books_id = glr.source_ledger_id
                    AND MC.enabled_flag = 'Y'))
           AND rownum = 1;
Line: 149

          SELECT include_flag
          INTO   l_conversion_flag
          FROM   gl_je_inclusion_rules
          WHERE  je_rule_set_id = l_je_conv_set_id
          AND    je_source_name = p_je_source_name
          AND    je_category_name = p_je_category_name;
Line: 158

             SELECT include_flag
             INTO   l_conversion_flag
             FROM   gl_je_inclusion_rules
             WHERE  je_rule_set_id = l_je_conv_set_id
             AND    je_source_name = p_je_source_name
             AND    je_category_name = 'Other';
Line: 167

                  SELECT include_flag
                  INTO   l_conversion_flag
                  FROM   gl_je_inclusion_rules
                  WHERE  je_rule_set_id = l_je_conv_set_id
                  AND    je_source_name = 'Other'
                  AND    je_category_name = p_je_category_name;
Line: 176

                      SELECT include_flag
                      INTO   l_conversion_flag
                      FROM   gl_je_inclusion_rules
                      WHERE  je_rule_set_id = l_je_conv_set_id
                      AND    je_source_name = 'Other'
                      AND    je_category_name = 'Other';
Line: 307

            SELECT user_conversion_type
            INTO   l_user_conversion_type
            FROM   gl_daily_conversion_types
            WHERE  conversion_type = p_trans_conversion_type;
Line: 388

                SELECT  precision,
                INTO    l_Precision,
                FROM    fnd_currencies
                WHERE   currency_code = p_currency_code;