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APPS.IGS_FI_WAV_UTILS_001 dependencies on IGS_FI_WAV_UTILS_002

Line 1417: log_to_fnd('create_wavadj_charge','Before calling the procedure igs_fi_wav_utils_002.call_charges_api');

1413: BEGIN
1415: x_return_status := 'S';
1417: log_to_fnd('create_wavadj_charge','Before calling the procedure igs_fi_wav_utils_002.call_charges_api');
1419: -- Invoke the Charges API to create Waiver Adjustment Charge
1420: l_n_invoice_id := NULL;
1421: igs_fi_wav_utils_002.call_charges_api(

Line 1421: igs_fi_wav_utils_002.call_charges_api(

1417: log_to_fnd('create_wavadj_charge','Before calling the procedure igs_fi_wav_utils_002.call_charges_api');
1419: -- Invoke the Charges API to create Waiver Adjustment Charge
1420: l_n_invoice_id := NULL;
1421: igs_fi_wav_utils_002.call_charges_api(
1422: p_n_person_id => p_n_person_id,
1423: p_v_fee_cal_type => p_v_fee_cal_type,
1424: p_n_fee_ci_seq_number => p_n_fee_ci_seq_number,
1425: p_v_waiver_name => p_v_waiver_name,

Line 1880: p_v_string => ' Invoking igs_fi_wav_utils_002.call_credits_api for given Person, Waiver and Fee Period');

1877: l_v_return_status := 'S';
1879: log_to_fnd(p_v_module => 'create_ss_waiver_transactions',
1880: p_v_string => ' Invoking igs_fi_wav_utils_002.call_credits_api for given Person, Waiver and Fee Period');
1882: -- Invoke Credits API for the parameters in the context
1883: igs_fi_wav_utils_002.call_credits_api(p_n_person_id => p_n_person_id,
1884: p_v_fee_cal_type => p_v_fee_cal_type,

Line 1883: igs_fi_wav_utils_002.call_credits_api(p_n_person_id => p_n_person_id,

1879: log_to_fnd(p_v_module => 'create_ss_waiver_transactions',
1880: p_v_string => ' Invoking igs_fi_wav_utils_002.call_credits_api for given Person, Waiver and Fee Period');
1882: -- Invoke Credits API for the parameters in the context
1883: igs_fi_wav_utils_002.call_credits_api(p_n_person_id => p_n_person_id,
1884: p_v_fee_cal_type => p_v_fee_cal_type,
1885: p_n_fee_ci_seq_number => p_n_fee_ci_seq_number,
1886: p_v_waiver_name => p_v_waiver_name,
1887: p_n_credit_type_id => p_n_credit_type_id,

Line 1896: p_v_string => ' Error: Error from igs_fi_wav_utils_002.call_credits_api, returning E after rollback');

1892: x_return_status => l_v_return_status);
1893: -- If the above call returns E, then rollback and return from the procedure
1894: IF (l_v_return_status = 'E') THEN
1895: log_to_fnd(p_v_module => 'create_ss_waiver_transactions',
1896: p_v_string => ' Error: Error from igs_fi_wav_utils_002.call_credits_api, returning E after rollback');
1898: x_return_status := 'E';
1899: RETURN;
1900: END IF;