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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 33

                  p_pcategory_flag IN  VARCHAR2, -- to know if product category  is selected or not.
                  p_rtype_flag     IN  VARCHAR2, -- to know if repair type  is selected or not.
                  p_view_by        IN  VARCHAR2,
                  p_dim_bmap       IN  NUMBER,
                  x_mv_type        OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
                  x_mv             OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) ;
Line: 89

        l_bucket_selected_flag    VARCHAR2(1);
Line: 101

        l_bucket_selected_flag    := 'N';
Line: 136

                     l_bucket_selected_flag := 'Y';
Line: 235

                                    ,p_bucket_flag   => l_bucket_selected_flag
                                    ,x_custom_output => x_custom_output
                                    ,x_where_clause  => l_additional_where_clause);
Line: 394

        IF ( p_pcategory_flag = 'Y' ) THEN -- to check if product category is selected
                x_mv_type := 'INLINE';
Line: 414

               IF (bitand(p_dim_bmap,16) = 16 OR p_pcategory_flag = 'Y' ) THEN -- for checking if item is selected or it is in view by
                        x_mv := x_mv || ' ISC_DR_BKLG_01_MV';
Line: 426

               IF (bitand(p_dim_bmap,16) = 16 OR p_pcategory_flag = 'Y' ) THEN -- for checking if item is selected or it is in view by
                        x_mv_type := 'BASE';
Line: 433

              IF (bitand(p_dim_bmap,16) = 16 OR p_pcategory_flag = 'Y' ) THEN -- for checking if item is selected or it is in view by
                        x_mv := x_mv || ' ISC_DR_COSTS_01_MV';
Line: 441

              IF (bitand(p_dim_bmap,16) = 16 OR p_pcategory_flag = 'Y' ) THEN -- for checking if item is selected or it is in view by
                        x_mv := x_mv || ' ISC_DR_CHARGES_01_MV';
Line: 449

              IF (bitand(p_dim_bmap,16) = 16 OR p_pcategory_flag = 'Y' ) THEN -- for checking if item is selected or it is in view by
                        x_mv := x_mv || ' ISC_DR_MRGN_01_V';
Line: 459

               IF (bitand(p_dim_bmap,16) = 16 OR p_pcategory_flag = 'Y' ) THEN -- for checking if item is selected or it is in view by
                        x_mv := x_mv || ' ISC_DR_MTTR_01_MV';
Line: 582

                        IF(l_parameter_id = '-1' ) THEN -- past due is selected
                                x_where_clause := x_where_clause || ' and fact.past_due_flag = ''Y'' ';
Line: 584

                        ELSIF(l_parameter_id = '9999' ) THEN -- Not promised is selected
                                x_where_clause := x_where_clause || ' and fact.promise_date is null ';
Line: 789

    l_viewby_sel VARCHAR2(200);
Line: 802

END get_viewby_select_clause;