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1 PACKAGE wsh_container_actions as
2 /* $Header: WSHCMACS.pls 120.3.12000000.1 2007/01/16 05:42:46 appldev ship $ */
5 --lpn conv
7 /*
8    procedure Create_Multiple_Cont_name will be deleted, once WMS
9    provides functionality for container name generation.
10 */
11 PROCEDURE Create_Multiple_Cont_name (
12   p_cont_name IN VARCHAR2,
13   p_cont_name_pre IN VARCHAR2,
14   p_cont_name_suf IN VARCHAR2,
15   p_cont_name_num IN NUMBER,
16   p_cont_name_dig IN NUMBER,
17   p_quantity IN NUMBER,
18   x_cont_names OUT NOCOPY  WSH_GLBL_VAR_STRCT_GRP.v50_Tbl_Type,
19   x_return_status OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2);
22 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------
24    PROCEDURE   default_container_attr
25    This procedure is called from Create_Cont_Instance_Multi to default the
26    neccessary atributes for the container to be created.
28    ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
30    PROCEDURE default_container_attr (
31         P_container_rec  IN  OUT NOCOPY
32                               wsh_glbl_var_strct_grp.Delivery_Details_Rec_Type,
33         p_additional_cont_attr IN wsh_glbl_var_strct_grp.LPNRecordType,
34         p_caller               IN VARCHAR2,
35         x_return_status OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2);
37 /*
38 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
39   RECORD TYPE  : line_cont_info
40   DESCRIPTION  : This record type stores some of the delivery detail attributes
41 		 of the delivery details that need to be autopacked.  If a
42 		 number of lines are selected for autopack, the line attributes
43 		 are retrieved and stored in a table of line_cont_info records.
44 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
45 */
47   TYPE line_cont_info IS RECORD (
48         group_id NUMBER,
49         organization_id WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS.organization_id%TYPE,
50         fill_pc_basis WSH_SHIPPING_PARAMETERS.percent_fill_basis_flag%TYPE,
51         process_flag VARCHAR2(1),
52         inventory_item_id WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS.inventory_item_id%TYPE,
53         indivisible_flag MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS.indivisible_flag%TYPE,
54         delivery_detail_id WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS.delivery_detail_id%TYPE,
55         shp_qty WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS.shipped_quantity%TYPE,
56         req_qty WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS.requested_quantity%TYPE,
57         shp_qty2 WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS.shipped_quantity%TYPE,
58         req_qty2 WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS.requested_quantity%TYPE,
59         req_qty_uom WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS.requested_quantity_uom%TYPE,
60         detail_cont_item_id WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS.detail_container_item_id%TYPE,
61         master_cont_item_id WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS.master_container_item_id%TYPE,
62         gross_weight  WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS.gross_weight%TYPE,
63         net_weight  WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS.net_weight%TYPE,
64         converted_wt WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS.net_weight%TYPE,
65         weight_uom  WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS.weight_uom_code%TYPE,
66         volume  WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS.volume%TYPE,
67         converted_vol WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS.volume%TYPE,
68         volume_uom  WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS.volume_uom_code%TYPE,
69         det_cont_qty WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS.requested_quantity%TYPE,
70         mast_max_load_qty WSH_CONTAINER_ITEMS.max_load_quantity%TYPE,
71         source_line_id WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS.source_line_id%TYPE,
72         source_code WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS.source_code%TYPE,
73         preferred_container WSH_CONTAINER_ITEMS.container_item_id%TYPE,
74         max_load_qty NUMBER,
75         cont_wt WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS.net_weight%TYPE,
76         delivery_id wsh_delivery_assignments_v.DELIVERY_ID%TYPE, -- anxsharm
77 -- HW OPMCONV - Change variable name from opm_lot_ind to lot_divisible_flag
78         lot_divisible_flag MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS.lot_divisible_flag%TYPE,
79         cont_vol WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS.volume%TYPE);
81   -- table of line_cont_info records that stores delivery line information
82   -- of the lines that are selected for autopacking
84   TYPE line_cont_info_tab IS TABLE OF line_cont_info INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
87  TYPE cont_inst_rec IS RECORD (
88    cont_name        WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS.container_name%TYPE,
89    cont_instance_id NUMBER,
90    delivery_detail_id NUMBER,
91    delivery_assignment_id NUMBER, --added for WDA
92    gross_weight     NUMBER,
93    net_weight       NUMBER,
94    volume           NUMBER,
95    cont_fill_pc     NUMBER,
96    row_id           VARCHAR2(20)
97    );
99   -- table of cont_info records that stores delivery line information
100   -- of the containers that are created for autopacking
102   TYPE cont_inst_tab IS TABLE OF cont_inst_rec INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
105 /*
106 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
107   RECORD TYPE  : empty_cont_info
108   DESCRIPTION  : This record type stores some of the container attributes
109 		 of the containers that remain partially empty during the
110 		 packing of a delivery detail line. If a container still has
111 		 some space remaining to be packed, the container item id,
112 		 container instance id and percent empty is stored in a
113 		 empty_cont_info record.
114 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
115 */
117   TYPE empty_cont_info IS RECORD (
118        container_instance_id NUMBER,
119        container_item_id     NUMBER);
121   -- table of empty_cont_info records that stores all the containers that
122   -- remain partially empty during autopacking of multiple lines.
124   TYPE empty_cont_info_tab IS TABLE OF empty_cont_info INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
126   TYPE cont_info IS RECORD (
127         group_id NUMBER,
128         organization_id WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS.organization_id%TYPE,
129         fill_pc_basis WSH_SHIPPING_PARAMETERS.percent_fill_basis_flag%TYPE,
130         inventory_item_id WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS.inventory_item_id%TYPE,
131         delivery_detail_id WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS.delivery_detail_id%TYPE,
132         shp_qty WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS.shipped_quantity%TYPE,
133         req_qty WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS.requested_quantity%TYPE,
134         gross_weight  WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS.net_weight%TYPE,
135         converted_wt WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS.net_weight%TYPE,
136         weight_uom  WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS.weight_uom_code%TYPE,
137         volume  WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS.volume%TYPE,
138         converted_vol WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS.volume%TYPE,
139         volume_uom  WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS.volume_uom_code%TYPE,
140         preferred_container WSH_CONTAINER_ITEMS.container_item_id%TYPE,
141         max_load_qty NUMBER,
142         cont_wt WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS.net_weight%TYPE,
143         cont_vol WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS.volume%TYPE);
145   TYPE cont_info_tab IS TABLE OF cont_info INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
149 /*
150 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
151    PROCEDURE  : Create_Container_Instance
152    PARAMETERS : p_cont_name - name for the container
153 		p_cont_item_id - container item id (containers inv item id)
154 		x_cont_instance_id - delivery_detail_id for new container - if
155 		null then it will return a new id
156 		p_par_detail_id - the parent detail id (parent container)
157 		p_organization_id - organization id
158 		p_container_type_code - the container type code of container
159 		x_row_id - rowid of the new container record
160 		x_return_status - return status of API
161   DESCRIPTION : This procedure creates a new container and defaults some of the
162 		container item attributes. The container item id of the
163 		container that is being created is required. If	the container
164 		name is not specified it defaults the name to be equal to the
165 		delivery detail id.
166 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
167 */
170 PROCEDURE Create_Container_Instance (
171   x_cont_name IN OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
172   p_cont_item_id IN NUMBER,
173   x_cont_instance_id IN OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER,
174   p_par_detail_id IN NUMBER,
175   p_organization_id IN NUMBER,
176   p_container_type_code IN VARCHAR2,
177   x_row_id OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
178   x_return_status OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2);
180 -- anxsharm
181 -- This API has been called for
182 -- Creating Multiple Containers of single type
183 -- during Auto Pack
185 PROCEDURE Create_Cont_Instance_Multi (
186   x_cont_name IN OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
187   p_cont_item_id IN NUMBER,
188   x_cont_instance_id IN OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER,
189   p_par_detail_id IN NUMBER,
190   p_organization_id IN NUMBER,
191   p_container_type_code IN VARCHAR2,
192   p_num_of_containers IN NUMBER,
193   x_row_id OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
194   x_return_status OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
195   x_cont_tab OUT NOCOPY  WSH_UTIL_CORE.id_tab_type,
196   -- J: W/V Changes
197   x_unit_weight OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
198   x_unit_volume OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
199   x_weight_uom_code OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
200   x_volume_uom_code OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
201   p_lpn_id          IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
202   p_ignore_for_planning IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'N',
203   p_caller            IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'WSH'
204   );
207 /*
208 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
209    PROCEDURE  : Create_Multiple_Containers
210    PARAMETERS : p_cont_item_id - container item id (containers inv item id)
211 		p_organization_id - organization id
212 		p_container_type_code - the container type code of container
213 		p_cont_name - name for the container if qty is 1 (mainly used
214 				by public APIs)
215 		p_cont_name_pre - prefix for container name
216 		p_cont_name_suf - suffix for container name
217 		p_cont_name_num - starting number for number part of container
218 				  name
219 		p_cont_name_dig - number of digits to use for the number part
220 				  of the container name
221 		p_quantity - number of containers to create
222 		x_cont_instance_tab - table of delivery_detail_ids for new
223 				  containers - if null then it will return a
224 				  table with new ids
225 		x_return_status - return status of API
226   DESCRIPTION : This procedure creates a new container and defaults some of the
227 		container item attributes. The container item id of the
228 		container that is being created is required. If	the container
229 		name is not specified it defaults the name to be equal to the
230 		delivery detail id.
231 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
232 */
235 PROCEDURE Create_Multiple_Containers (
236   p_cont_item_id IN NUMBER,
237   p_organization_id IN NUMBER,
238   p_container_type_code IN VARCHAR2,
239   p_cont_name IN VARCHAR2,
240   p_cont_name_pre IN VARCHAR2,
241   p_cont_name_suf IN VARCHAR2,
242   p_cont_name_num IN NUMBER,
243   p_cont_name_dig IN NUMBER,
244   p_quantity IN NUMBER,
245   x_cont_instance_tab IN OUT NOCOPY  WSH_UTIL_CORE.id_tab_type,
246   x_return_status OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2);
249 /*
250 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
251    PROCEDURE  : Assign_Detail
252    PARAMETERS : p_container_instance_id - container instance id of container
253 		p_del_detail_tab - table of delivery detail ids
254 		x_pack_status - status of container after packing the lines
255 			into it : underpacked or overpacked
256 		x_return_status - return status of API
257   DESCRIPTION : This procedure assigns a number of lines to the specified
258 		container instance and returns a pack status of underpacked
259 		or overpacked or success.
260 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
261 */
265 PROCEDURE Assign_Detail(
266   p_container_instance_id IN NUMBER,
267   p_del_detail_tab IN WSH_UTIL_CORE.id_tab_type,
268   x_pack_status OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
269   x_return_status OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
270   p_check_credit_holds IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE );
273 /*
274 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
275    PROCEDURE  : Unassign_Detail
276    PARAMETERS : p_container_instance_id - container instance id of container
277 		p_delivery_id - delivery id from which detail needs to be
278 		unassigned
279 		p_del_detail_tab - table of delivery detail ids
280 		p_cont_unassign - flag to determine whether to unassign from
281 		container or not.
282 		p_del_unassign - flag to determine whether to unassign from
283 		delivery or not
284 		x_pack_status - status of container after packing the lines
285 			into it : underpacked or overpacked
286 		x_return_status - return status of API
287   DESCRIPTION : This procedure unassigns a number of lines from the specified
288 		container instance or delivery and returns a pack status of
289 		underpacked or overpacked or success. The unassigning is
290 		determined using the two unassign flags or by specific ids.
291 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
292 */
296 PROCEDURE Unassign_Detail(
297   p_container_instance_id IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
298   p_delivery_id IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
299   p_del_detail_tab IN WSH_UTIL_CORE.id_tab_type,
300   p_cont_unassign IN VARCHAR2,
301   p_del_unassign IN VARCHAR2,
302   x_pack_status OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
303   x_return_status OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
304   p_action_prms IN wsh_glbl_var_strct_grp.dd_action_parameters_rec_type
305   );
307   /*
308   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
309      PROCEDURE  : Unassign_Detail
310      PARAMETERS : p_container_instance_id - container instance id of container
311         p_delivery_id - delivery id from which detail needs to be
312         unassigned
313         p_del_detail_tab - table of delivery detail ids
314         p_cont_unassign - flag to determine whether to unassign from
315         container or not.
316         p_del_unassign - flag to determine whether to unassign from
317         delivery or not
318         x_pack_status - status of container after packing the lines
319             into it : underpacked or overpacked
320         x_return_status - return status of API
321     DESCRIPTION : This procedure is for backward compatibility only. Do not use this.
322   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
323 */
325 PROCEDURE Unassign_Detail(
326   p_container_instance_id IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
327   p_delivery_id IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
328   p_del_detail_tab IN WSH_UTIL_CORE.id_tab_type,
329   p_cont_unassign IN VARCHAR2,
330   p_del_unassign IN VARCHAR2,
331   x_pack_status OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
332   x_return_status OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2);
333 /*
334 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
335    PROCEDURE  : Assign_To_Delivery
336    PARAMETERS : p_container_instance_id - container instance id of container
337 		p_delivery_id - delivery id
338 		x_return_status - return status of API
339   DESCRIPTION : This procedure checks to see if a container can be assigned to
340 		the specified delivery and returns a success or failure.
341 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
342 */
344 PROCEDURE Assign_To_Delivery(
345   p_container_instance_id IN NUMBER,
346   p_delivery_id IN NUMBER,
347   x_return_status OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
348  x_dlvy_has_lines          IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,    -- J-IB-NPARIKH
349  x_dlvy_freight_terms_code IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2     -- J-IB-NPARIKH
350   );
352 -------------------------------------------------------------------
353 -- This procedure is only for backward compatibility. No one should call
354 -- this procedure.
355 -------------------------------------------------------------------
357 PROCEDURE Assign_To_Delivery(
358  p_container_instance_id IN NUMBER,
359  p_delivery_id IN NUMBER,
360  x_return_status OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
361     ) ;
364 /*
365 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
366    PROCEDURE  : Create_Delivery_Assignment
367    PARAMETERS : p_container_instance_id - container instance id of container
368 		p_delivery_id - delivery id
372 */
369 		x_return_status - return status of API.
370   DESCRIPTION : This procedure assigns a container to the specified delivery.
371 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
374 PROCEDURE Create_Delivery_Assignment (
375  p_container_instance_id IN NUMBER,
376  p_delivery_id IN NUMBER,
377  x_return_status OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
378  x_dlvy_has_lines          IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,    -- J-IB-NPARIKH
379  x_dlvy_freight_terms_code IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2     -- J-IB-NPARIKH
380  );
382 -------------------------------------------------------------------
383 -- This procedure is only for backward compatibility. No one should call
384 -- this procedure.
385 -------------------------------------------------------------------
386 PROCEDURE Create_Delivery_Assignment (
387  p_container_instance_id IN NUMBER,
388  p_delivery_id IN NUMBER,
389  x_return_status OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2);
392 /*
393 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
394    PROCEDURE  : Unassign_Delivery
395    PARAMETERS : p_container_instance_id - container instance id of container
396 		p_delivery_id - delivery id
397 		x_return_status - return status of API
398   DESCRIPTION : This procedure checks unassigns a container from the specified
399 		delivery and returns a success or failure.
400 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
401 */
403 PROCEDURE Unassign_Delivery(
404   p_container_instance_id IN NUMBER,
405   p_delivery_id IN NUMBER,
406   x_return_status OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2);
409 /*
410 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
411    PROCEDURE  : Assign_To_Container
412    PARAMETERS : p_det_cont_inst_id - container instance id of child container
413 		p_par_cont_inst_id - container instance id of parent container
414 		x_return_status - return status of API
415   DESCRIPTION : This procedure checks to see if a container can be assigned to
416 		a specified parent container and returns a success or failure.
417 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
418 */
421 PROCEDURE Assign_To_Container(
422   p_det_cont_inst_id IN NUMBER,
423   p_par_cont_inst_id IN NUMBER,
424   x_return_status OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2);
426 /*
427 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
428    PROCEDURE  : Auto_Pack_Lines
429    PARAMETERS : p_group_id_tab_id - table of group ids for lines that need to
430 			be autopacked.
431 		p_del_detail_tab - table of delivery detail ids
432 		p_pack_cont_flag - 'Y' or 'N' to determine whether to try and
433 			autopack the detail containers into master containers.
434 		x_cont_instance_tab - table of container instance ids that were
435 			created during the autopacking.
436 		x_return_status - return status of API.
437   DESCRIPTION : This procedure takes the number of lines and groups them by
438 		common grouping attributes - similar to grouping attributes of
439 		delivery.  If a group id table is specified it uses the
440 		group ids in the table to decided which lines can be grouped
441 		into the same container. If a group id table is not specified,
442 		it creates the group id table before autopacking. It creates
443 		the required number and type of containers per line and keeps
444 		track of all partially filled containers in the empty
445 		containers table. Before creating new container instances, it
446 		searches for available space using the empty container table
447 		and after filling up a container, it creates a new one if
448 		there are no empty containers of the same type.
449 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
450 */
453 PROCEDURE Auto_Pack_Lines (
454   p_group_id_tab IN WSH_UTIL_CORE.id_tab_type,
455   p_del_detail_tab IN WSH_UTIL_CORE.id_tab_type,
456   p_pack_cont_flag IN VARCHAR2,
457   x_cont_instance_tab IN OUT NOCOPY  WSH_UTIL_CORE.id_tab_type,
458   x_return_status OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2);
461 /*
462 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
463    PROCEDURE  : Auto_Pack_Delivery
464    PARAMETERS : p_delivery_tab - table of delivery ids that need to be
465 			autopacked.
466 		p_pack_cont_flag - 'Y' or 'N' to determine whether to try and
467 			autopack the detail containers into master containers.
468 		x_cont_instance_tab - table of container instance ids that were
469 			created during the autopacking.
470 		x_return_status - return status of API.
471   DESCRIPTION : This procedure takes a table of deliveries that need to be
472 		autopacked and checks for all unpacked lines in each of the
473 		deliveries. After fetching all unpacked lines in each delivery,
474 		it calls the Auto_Pack_Lines with the table of unpacked lines.
475 		After autopacking the lines, it recalculates the weight and
476 		volume of the delivery.
477 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
478 */
481 PROCEDURE Auto_Pack_Delivery (
482   p_delivery_tab IN WSH_UTIL_CORE.id_tab_type,
483   p_pack_cont_flag IN VARCHAR2,
484   x_cont_instance_tab OUT NOCOPY  WSH_UTIL_CORE.id_tab_type,
485   x_return_status OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2);
488 /*
489 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
490    PROCEDURE  : Pack_Multi
491    PARAMETERS : p_cont_tab - table of container instance ids that are being
492 		packed.
493 		p_del_detail_tab - table of unpacked delivery detail ids.
494 		p_pack_mode  - indicates whether containers are packed in
495 		equal/proportional mode ('E') or in full/sequential mode ('F')
496 		p_split_pc - the percentage by which each line is going to be
497 		split in the case of equal packing mode.
498 		x_pack_status - the packed status of containers after the multi
499 		pack is performed - indicates whether any underpacked or
500 		overpacked containers.
501 		x_return_status - return status of API.
502   DESCRIPTION : This procedure takes the specified delivery detail ids and
503 		packs them into the selected containers in either the full mode
504 		or equal mode. In the full mode, it packs the first container
505 		fully before packing the next. In the equal mode, all lines
506 		are split equally between all the containers and packed
507 		equally between them.
508 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
509 */
512 PROCEDURE Pack_Multi (
513  p_cont_tab IN WSH_UTIL_CORE.id_tab_type,
514  p_del_detail_tab IN WSH_UTIL_CORE.id_tab_type,
515  p_pack_mode IN VARCHAR2,
516  p_split_pc IN NUMBER,
517  x_pack_status OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
518  x_return_status OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2);
521 /*
522 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
523    PROCEDURE  : Update_Shipped_Qty
524    PARAMETERS : p_delivery_detail_id - delivery detail id of the original line
525 		that was split
526 		p_split_detail_id - delivery detail id of the newly created
527 		split line
528 		p_split_qty - quantity used to split original delivery line
529 		x_return_status - return status of API
530   DESCRIPTION : This procedure updates the shipped quantities of the original
531 		delivery line that was split and the new line that was created
532 		due to the split.  The shipped quantity of the original line is
533 		decremented by split qty and that of the new line is increased
534 		to be equal to the split qty.  The updating is done only if the
535 		original shipped quantity is not null.
536 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
537 */
539 PROCEDURE Update_Shipped_Qty(
540   p_delivery_detail_id IN NUMBER,
541   p_split_detail_id IN NUMBER,
542   p_split_qty IN NUMBER,
543   x_return_status OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2);
545 /*
546 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
547    PROCEDURE  : Auto_Pack_Conts
548    PARAMETERS : p_group_id_tab_id - table of group ids for containers that need
549 		to be autopacked.
550   		p_cont_info_tab - table of detail containers created during the
551 		autopack process consisting of container instances, master
552 		container item ids and percentage empty.
553 		p_cont_detail_tab - table of container delivery detail ids that
554 		were created during the autopacking of lines.
555 		x_cont_instance_id - table of container instance ids that were
556 			created during the autopacking.
557 		x_return_status - return status of API.
558   DESCRIPTION : This procedure takes the number of containers and groups them
559 		by common grouping attributes - similar to grouping attributes
560 		of delivery.  If a group id table is specified it uses the
561 		group ids in the table to decided which container can be
562 		grouped	into the same parent container. If a group id table is
563 		not specified, it creates the group id table before autopacking
564 		It creates the required number and type of parent containers
565 		per detail container and keeps track of all partially filled
566 		containers in the empty containers table. Before creating new
567 		container instances, it	searches for available space using the
568 		empty container table and after filling up a container, it
569 		creates a new one if there are no empty containers of the same
570 		type. The difference between this API and the autopack lines is
571 		that this API does not split containers if they don't fit
572 		entirely into a parent container.
573 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
574 */
577 PROCEDURE Auto_Pack_Conts (
578   p_group_id_tab IN WSH_UTIL_CORE.id_tab_type,
579   p_cont_info_tab IN wsh_container_actions.empty_cont_info_tab,
580   p_cont_detail_tab IN WSH_UTIL_CORE.id_tab_type,
581   x_cont_instance_tab IN OUT NOCOPY  WSH_UTIL_CORE.id_tab_type,
582   x_return_status OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2);
585 /*
586 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
587    PROCEDURE  : Update_Cont_Attributes
588    PARAMETERS : p_delivery_detail_id - delivery detail id
589 		p_delivery_id - delivery id if container assigned to delivery
590 		p_container_instance_id - delivery detail id for the container
591 		x_return_status - return status of API
592   DESCRIPTION : This procedure updates the grouping attribute columns of the
596 */
593 		container with the grouping attribute values derived from the
594 		delivery line that is input.
595 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
598 PROCEDURE Update_Cont_Attributes (
599  p_delivery_detail_id IN NUMBER,
600  p_delivery_id IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
601  p_container_instance_id IN NUMBER,
602  x_return_status OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2);
605 /*
606 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
607    PROCEDURE  : Check_Cont_Attributes
608    PARAMETERS : p_container_instance_id - delivery detail id for the container
609 		x_attr_flag - 'Y' or 'N' to determine if any of the grouping
610 		attributes other than org id and ship from has been populated.
611 		x_return_status - return status of API
612   DESCRIPTION : This procedure fetched the grouping attribute columns of the
613 		container and checks to see if the columns are null or if they
614 		are populated. If any of the values are not null, then the API
615 		returns a x_attr_flag of 'Y' else it returns a 'N'.
616 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
617 */
619 PROCEDURE Check_Cont_Attributes (
620  p_container_instance_id IN NUMBER,
621  x_attr_flag OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
622  x_return_status OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2);
625 /*
626 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
627    PROCEDURE  : Update_Cont_Hierarchy
628    PARAMETERS : p_delivery_detail_id - delivery detail id
629 		p_delivery_id - delivery id if container assigned to delivery
630 		p_container_instance_id - delivery detail id for the container
631 		x_return_status - return status of API
632   DESCRIPTION : This procedure updates the grouping attribute columns of the
633 		the entire container hierarchy for the specified container
634 		with the grouping attribute values derived from the
635 		delivery line that is input.
636 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
637 */
639 PROCEDURE Update_Cont_Hierarchy (
640  p_del_detail_id IN NUMBER,
641  p_delivery_id IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
642  p_container_instance_id IN NUMBER,
643  x_return_status OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2);
646 /*
647 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
648    PROCEDURE  : Last_Assigned_Line
649    PARAMETERS : p_delivery_detail_id - delivery detail id
650 		p_container_instance_id - delivery detail id for the container
651 		x_last_line_flag - 'Y' or 'N' depending on whether it is the
652 		last line in the container hierarchy or not.
653 		x_return_status - return status of API
654   DESCRIPTION : This procedure checks to see if the delivery detail id is the
655 		last assigned line in the container hierarchy for the input
656 		container. If it is, x_last_line_flag is set to 'Y' else it is
657 		set to 'N'.
658 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
659 */
661 PROCEDURE Last_Assigned_Line (
662  p_del_detail_id IN NUMBER,
663  p_container_instance_id IN NUMBER,
664  x_last_line_flag OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
665  x_return_status OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2);
667 /*
668 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
669    PROCEDURE  : Delete_Containers
670    PARAMETERS : p_container_id - container instance to be deleted.
671 		x_return_status - return status of API
672   DESCRIPTION : This procedure takes in a table of container instances and
673 		deletes the containers.  If the containers are not empty or
674 		they are assigned to deliveries that are not open, they will
675 		not be deleted. Also, if the containers are either assigned to
676 		or container other containers packed into it, they will not be
677 		deleted.
678 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
679 */
682 PROCEDURE Delete_Containers (
683   p_container_id IN NUMBER,
684   x_return_status OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2);
687 /*
688 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
689    PROCEDURE  : Update_Container
690    PARAMETERS : p_container_name - new container name that needs to be assigned
691 		to the existing container.
692 		p_container_instance_id - the delivery detail id for the
693 		container that needs to be updated.
694 		p_old_cont_name - exisiting container name for the container,
695 		to be used only if container instance id in the input parameter
696 		is null.
697 		x_return_status - return status of API
698   DESCRIPTION : This procedure takes in a new container name and existing
699 		container information like the delivery detail id and existing
700 		container name that needs to be updated. The API checks to see
701 		if the container that is being updated is assigned to a closed,
702 		confirmed or in-transit delivery. If it is, no update is
703 		allowed - if not, only the container name can be updated.
704 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
705 */
708 PROCEDURE Update_Container (
709   p_container_name IN VARCHAR2,
710   p_container_instance_id IN NUMBER,
711   p_old_cont_name IN VARCHAR2,
712   x_return_status OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2);
715 PROCEDURE unpack_inbound_delivery
716             (
717                p_delivery_id        IN          NUMBER,
718                x_return_status      OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
719             ) ;
724                p_lpn_id             IN          NUMBER,
721 PROCEDURE pack_inbound_lines
722             (
723                p_lines_tbl          IN          WSH_UTIL_CORE.id_tab_type,
725                p_lpn_name           IN        VARCHAR2,
726                p_delivery_id        IN          NUMBER,
727                p_transactionType    IN          VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'ASN',
728                x_return_status      OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
729 	       p_waybill_number     IN          VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
730                p_caller             IN          VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
731             ) ;
733 --lpn conv
734 PROCEDURE Update_child_inv_info(p_container_id  IN NUMBER,
735 			P_locator_id IN NUMBER,
736 			P_subinventory IN VARCHAR2,
737 			X_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
740 PROCEDURE Assign_Container_to_Consol(
741              p_child_container_id   IN NUMBER,
742              p_parent_container_id  IN NUMBER,
743              p_caller               IN VARCHAR2,
744              x_return_status        OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
746 PROCEDURE Unpack_Details_from_Consol
747                (p_delivery_details_tab IN WSH_UTIL_CORE.ID_TAB_TYPE,
748                 p_caller               IN VARCHAR2,
749                 x_return_status       OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
751 END wsh_container_actions;