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Line 1: PACKAGE BODY Msc_GET_name AS

2: /* $Header: MSCGPRJB.pls 120.50.12010000.4 2008/12/23 23:22:45 cnazarma ship $*/
3: FUNCTION project (arg_project_id IN NUMBER,
4: arg_org_id IN NUMBER,
5: arg_plan_id IN NUMBER,

Line 812: v_org_code := msc_get_name.org_code(arg_org_id, arg_instance_id);

809: return null;
810: end if;
812: v_org_code := msc_get_name.org_code(arg_org_id, arg_instance_id);
814: select department_code || '/' || resource_code
815: into v_dept_resource_code
816: from msc_department_resources

Line 980: return msc_get_name.org_code(l_org_id,arg_instance_id);

976: from msc_interorg_ship_methods
977: where transaction_id = arg_transaction_id
978: and plan_id = arg_plan_id;
980: return msc_get_name.org_code(l_org_id,arg_instance_id);
981: end if;
982: END;
984: FUNCTION to_org(arg_plan_id IN NUMBER,

Line 998: return msc_get_name.org_code(l_org_id,arg_instance_id);

994: from msc_interorg_ship_methods
995: where transaction_id = arg_transaction_id
996: and plan_id = arg_plan_id;
998: return msc_get_name.org_code(l_org_id,arg_instance_id);
999: end if;
1000: END to_org;
1002: FUNCTION from_org_id(arg_plan_id IN NUMBER,

Line 1251: msc_get_name.action('MSC_SUPPLIES', msi.bom_item_type,

1248: CURSOR internal_sales(p_plan_id number,
1249: p_tran_id number, p_inst_id number) IS
1250: select ms.disposition_status_type,
1251: msc_get_name.action('MSC_SUPPLIES', msi.bom_item_type,
1252: msi.base_item_id, msi.wip_supply_type, ms.order_type,
1253: DECODE(ms.firm_planned_type,1,1,ms.reschedule_flag),
1254: ms.disposition_status_type,
1255: ms.new_schedule_date, ms.old_schedule_date,

Line 1322: return msc_get_name.lookup_meaning('MRP_ACTIONS',6);

1318: IF arg_lots_exist = 2 and
1319: arg_order_type =5 and
1320: arg_quantity_rate <> 0 then
1321: -- plan generated planned order from supply schedule
1322: return msc_get_name.lookup_meaning('MRP_ACTIONS',6);
1323: END IF;
1325: IF NVL(arg_release_time_fence_code,-1) = 7 THEN
1326: -- Shikyu item

Line 1327: return msc_get_name.lookup_meaning('MRP_ACTIONS',6);

1323: END IF;
1325: IF NVL(arg_release_time_fence_code,-1) = 7 THEN
1326: -- Shikyu item
1327: return msc_get_name.lookup_meaning('MRP_ACTIONS',6);
1328: END IF;
1330: IF arg_base_item_id IS NOT NULL
1331: OR arg_wip_supply_type = 6 THEN

Line 1346: l_action := msc_get_name.lookup_meaning('MRP_ACTIONS',6);

1342: arg_order_type IN (7, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 27, 28)
1343: THEN
1345: -- Model Option Class
1346: l_action := msc_get_name.lookup_meaning('MRP_ACTIONS',6);
1348: ELSE
1350: IF arg_rescheduled_flag = 1 and arg_order_type not in (5,51) THEN

Line 1353: l_action := msc_get_name.lookup_meaning('MRP_ACTIONS',6);

1350: IF arg_rescheduled_flag = 1 and arg_order_type not in (5,51) THEN
1352: -- already took action
1353: l_action := msc_get_name.lookup_meaning('MRP_ACTIONS',6);
1355: ELSIF arg_disposition_status_type = 2 THEN
1356: -- Cancel order
1357: l_action := msc_get_name.lookup_meaning('MRP_ACTIONS',1);

Line 1357: l_action := msc_get_name.lookup_meaning('MRP_ACTIONS',1);

1353: l_action := msc_get_name.lookup_meaning('MRP_ACTIONS',6);
1355: ELSIF arg_disposition_status_type = 2 THEN
1356: -- Cancel order
1357: l_action := msc_get_name.lookup_meaning('MRP_ACTIONS',1);
1359: --pabram.srp.changes.added 76,77,78
1360: ELSIF arg_order_type in (5,51,13,76,77,78) THEN
1361: IF (NVL(arg_implemented_quantity, 0) +

Line 1369: l_action := msc_get_name.lookup_meaning('MRP_ACTIONS',6);

1366: -- nvl(arg_firm_quantity, is added for partial release
1367: -- Planned order has been released
1368: -- set action to none
1369: l_action := msc_get_name.lookup_meaning('MRP_ACTIONS',6);
1371: ELSIF arg_order_type = 51 and
1372: nvl(arg_part_condition,1) = 2 THEN
1373: -- 6676007, defective part, set action to none

Line 1374: l_action := msc_get_name.lookup_meaning('MRP_ACTIONS',6);

1371: ELSIF arg_order_type = 51 and
1372: nvl(arg_part_condition,1) = 2 THEN
1373: -- 6676007, defective part, set action to none
1374: l_action := msc_get_name.lookup_meaning('MRP_ACTIONS',6);
1375: ELSE
1376: -- Release
1377: l_action := msc_get_name.lookup_meaning('MRP_ACTIONS',4);

Line 1377: l_action := msc_get_name.lookup_meaning('MRP_ACTIONS',4);

1373: -- 6676007, defective part, set action to none
1374: l_action := msc_get_name.lookup_meaning('MRP_ACTIONS',6);
1375: ELSE
1376: -- Release
1377: l_action := msc_get_name.lookup_meaning('MRP_ACTIONS',4);
1379: END IF;
1381: ELSIF nvl(arg_reschedule_days,0) <> 0 THEN

Line 1385: l_action := msc_get_name.lookup_meaning('MRP_ACTIONS',6);

1381: ELSIF nvl(arg_reschedule_days,0) <> 0 THEN
1382: --bug#1979161, new_due_date might differ from old_due_date due to nonworking
1383: -- day issue
1384: IF (arg_order_type in (8,11,12) ) then
1385: l_action := msc_get_name.lookup_meaning('MRP_ACTIONS',6);
1386: ELSE
1387: --bug5984599, need to check if they are in same planning bucket
1388: OPEN bkt_c(trunc(arg_new_due_date));
1389: FETCH bkt_c INTO p_new_date_index;

Line 1398: l_action := msc_get_name.lookup_meaning('MRP_ACTIONS',6);

1394: CLOSE bkt_c;
1396: IF p_new_date_index = p_old_date_index THEN
1398: l_action := msc_get_name.lookup_meaning('MRP_ACTIONS',6);
1400: ELSIF trunc(arg_new_due_date) > trunc(arg_old_due_date) THEN
1401: -- p_old_date_index could be null, if so, use old logic

Line 1404: l_action := msc_get_name.lookup_meaning('MRP_ACTIONS',3);

1400: ELSIF trunc(arg_new_due_date) > trunc(arg_old_due_date) THEN
1401: -- p_old_date_index could be null, if so, use old logic
1403: -- Reschedule out
1404: l_action := msc_get_name.lookup_meaning('MRP_ACTIONS',3);
1406: ELSIF trunc(arg_new_due_date) < trunc(arg_old_due_date) THEN
1408: -- Reschedule in

Line 1409: l_action := msc_get_name.lookup_meaning('MRP_ACTIONS',2);

1406: ELSIF trunc(arg_new_due_date) < trunc(arg_old_due_date) THEN
1408: -- Reschedule in
1409: l_action := msc_get_name.lookup_meaning('MRP_ACTIONS',2);
1410: END IF;
1411: END IF;
1412: ELSIF arg_order_type in (4,13) THEN
1413: IF arg_bom_item_type IN (1, 2, 3, 5) THEN

Line 1416: l_action := msc_get_name.lookup_meaning('MRP_ACTIONS',6);

1412: ELSIF arg_order_type in (4,13) THEN
1413: IF arg_bom_item_type IN (1, 2, 3, 5) THEN
1415: -- Model option class
1416: l_action := msc_get_name.lookup_meaning('MRP_ACTIONS',6);
1418: ELSE
1420: -- Release

Line 1421: l_action := msc_get_name.lookup_meaning('MRP_ACTIONS',4);

1418: ELSE
1420: -- Release
1421: l_action := msc_get_name.lookup_meaning('MRP_ACTIONS',4);
1422: END IF;
1423: ELSE
1425: -- Action is not required.

Line 1426: l_action := msc_get_name.lookup_meaning('MRP_ACTIONS',6);

1422: END IF;
1423: ELSE
1425: -- Action is not required.
1426: l_action := msc_get_name.lookup_meaning('MRP_ACTIONS',6);
1427: END IF;
1428: END IF;
1429: -- action should be set to NONE for the critical components
1430: -- Plan type = MPS, item attribute <>( MPS planning or MPS/DRP planning),

Line 1442: l_action := msc_get_name.lookup_meaning('MRP_ACTIONS',6);

1439: IF l_plan_type = 2 and -- MPS
1440: arg_mrp_planning_code not in (4,8 ) THEN
1442: l_action := msc_get_name.lookup_meaning('MRP_ACTIONS',6);
1444: ELSIF l_plan_type = 3 and -- DRP
1445: arg_mrp_planning_code NOT in (9, 7, 8) THEN

Line 1447: l_action := msc_get_name.lookup_meaning('MRP_ACTIONS',6);

1444: ELSIF l_plan_type = 3 and -- DRP
1445: arg_mrp_planning_code NOT in (9, 7, 8) THEN
1447: l_action := msc_get_name.lookup_meaning('MRP_ACTIONS',6);
1449: END IF;
1450: END IF;

Line 1455: l_action := msc_get_name.lookup_meaning('MRP_ACTIONS',6);

1452: ELSE
1454: -- This record does note come from MSC_SUPPLIES
1455: l_action := msc_get_name.lookup_meaning('MRP_ACTIONS',6);
1456: IF NVL(arg_release_time_fence_code,-1) = 7 THEN
1457: -- Shikyu item
1458: RETURN l_action;
1459: END IF;

Line 1471: -- l_action := msc_get_name.lookup_meaning('MRP_ACTIONS',1);

1467: FETCH internal_sales INTO v_temp, v_ir_action;
1468: CLOSE internal_sales;
1469: -- IRproject
1470: --if v_temp = 2 then -- cancel
1471: -- l_action := msc_get_name.lookup_meaning('MRP_ACTIONS',1);
1472: if arg_bom_item_type in ( 5, 1) and -- plan_type
1473: v_ir_action is not null then -- use action from related IR
1474: l_action := v_ir_action;
1475: else

Line 1478: l_action := msc_get_name.lookup_meaning('MRP_ACTIONS',6);

1474: l_action := v_ir_action;
1475: else
1476: if arg_rescheduled_flag = 1 then -- already reschedule
1477: -- none
1478: l_action := msc_get_name.lookup_meaning('MRP_ACTIONS',6);
1479: elsif arg_quantity_rate <>
1480: nvl(arg_firm_quantity, -- old_demand_qty
1481: arg_quantity_rate) then
1482: -- can not release split so, bug6122088

Line 1484: l_action := msc_get_name.lookup_meaning('MRP_ACTIONS',6);

1480: nvl(arg_firm_quantity, -- old_demand_qty
1481: arg_quantity_rate) then
1482: -- can not release split so, bug6122088
1483: -- none
1484: l_action := msc_get_name.lookup_meaning('MRP_ACTIONS',6);
1485: elsif arg_release_time_fence_code <> -- inventory_item_id
1486: arg_reschedule_days and
1487: arg_reschedule_days <> 0 then -- original_item_id
1488: -- release, bug5972090

Line 1490: l_action := msc_get_name.lookup_meaning('MRP_ACTIONS',4);

1486: arg_reschedule_days and
1487: arg_reschedule_days <> 0 then -- original_item_id
1488: -- release, bug5972090
1489: -- item_id <> original_item_id and not split
1490: l_action := msc_get_name.lookup_meaning('MRP_ACTIONS',4);
1491: else
1492: if arg_bom_item_type = 5 then -- plan_type
1493: if nvl(arg_implemented_quantity,2) =1 or --sales_order_line_split
1494: nvl(arg_quantity_in_process,2) =1 then --fill_kill_flag

Line 1495: l_action := msc_get_name.lookup_meaning('MRP_ACTIONS',6);

1491: else
1492: if arg_bom_item_type = 5 then -- plan_type
1493: if nvl(arg_implemented_quantity,2) =1 or --sales_order_line_split
1494: nvl(arg_quantity_in_process,2) =1 then --fill_kill_flag
1495: l_action := msc_get_name.lookup_meaning('MRP_ACTIONS',6);
1496: return l_action;
1497: end if;
1498: end if;
1499: v_temp :=0;

Line 1507: l_action := msc_get_name.lookup_meaning('MRP_ACTIONS',4);

1503: CLOSE excp_exist;
1505: if v_temp = 1 then -- Sales Order changes excp exists
1506: -- release
1507: l_action := msc_get_name.lookup_meaning('MRP_ACTIONS',4);
1508: else
1509: -- none
1510: l_action := msc_get_name.lookup_meaning('MRP_ACTIONS',6);
1511: end if;

Line 1510: l_action := msc_get_name.lookup_meaning('MRP_ACTIONS',6);

1506: -- release
1507: l_action := msc_get_name.lookup_meaning('MRP_ACTIONS',4);
1508: else
1509: -- none
1510: l_action := msc_get_name.lookup_meaning('MRP_ACTIONS',6);
1511: end if;
1512: end if; -- if arg_rescheduled_flag = 1
1513: end if; -- if v_temp = 2 then -- cancel
1514: end if; -- if arg_source_table = 'MSC_DEMANDS'

Line 2117: 3, msc_get_name.job_name(dem.disposition_id, dem.plan_id, dem.sr_instance_id),

2114: cursor c_demand_order_number is
2115: SELECT NVL(dem.order_number,
2116: decode(dem.origination_type,1, to_char(dem.disposition_id),
2117: 3, msc_get_name.job_name(dem.disposition_id, dem.plan_id, dem.sr_instance_id),
2118: 22, to_char(dem.disposition_id),
2119: 29,decode(dem.plan_id, -11, msc_get_name.designator(dem.schedule_designator_id) ,
2120: decode(msi.in_source_plan,1,msc_get_name.designator(dem.schedule_designator_id,
2121: dem.forecast_set_id ),

Line 2119: 29,decode(dem.plan_id, -11, msc_get_name.designator(dem.schedule_designator_id) ,

2115: SELECT NVL(dem.order_number,
2116: decode(dem.origination_type,1, to_char(dem.disposition_id),
2117: 3, msc_get_name.job_name(dem.disposition_id, dem.plan_id, dem.sr_instance_id),
2118: 22, to_char(dem.disposition_id),
2119: 29,decode(dem.plan_id, -11, msc_get_name.designator(dem.schedule_designator_id) ,
2120: decode(msi.in_source_plan,1,msc_get_name.designator(dem.schedule_designator_id,
2121: dem.forecast_set_id ),
2122: msc_get_name.scenario_designator(dem.forecast_set_id, dem.plan_id, dem.organization_id, dem.sr_instance_id)
2123: || decode(msc_get_name.designator(dem.schedule_designator_id,dem.forecast_set_id ), null, null, '/'||msc_get_name.designator(dem.schedule_designator_id,dem.forecast_set_id )))),

Line 2120: decode(msi.in_source_plan,1,msc_get_name.designator(dem.schedule_designator_id,

2116: decode(dem.origination_type,1, to_char(dem.disposition_id),
2117: 3, msc_get_name.job_name(dem.disposition_id, dem.plan_id, dem.sr_instance_id),
2118: 22, to_char(dem.disposition_id),
2119: 29,decode(dem.plan_id, -11, msc_get_name.designator(dem.schedule_designator_id) ,
2120: decode(msi.in_source_plan,1,msc_get_name.designator(dem.schedule_designator_id,
2121: dem.forecast_set_id ),
2122: msc_get_name.scenario_designator(dem.forecast_set_id, dem.plan_id, dem.organization_id, dem.sr_instance_id)
2123: || decode(msc_get_name.designator(dem.schedule_designator_id,dem.forecast_set_id ), null, null, '/'||msc_get_name.designator(dem.schedule_designator_id,dem.forecast_set_id )))),
2124: msc_get_name.designator(dem.schedule_designator_id))) order_number

Line 2122: msc_get_name.scenario_designator(dem.forecast_set_id, dem.plan_id, dem.organization_id, dem.sr_instance_id)

2118: 22, to_char(dem.disposition_id),
2119: 29,decode(dem.plan_id, -11, msc_get_name.designator(dem.schedule_designator_id) ,
2120: decode(msi.in_source_plan,1,msc_get_name.designator(dem.schedule_designator_id,
2121: dem.forecast_set_id ),
2122: msc_get_name.scenario_designator(dem.forecast_set_id, dem.plan_id, dem.organization_id, dem.sr_instance_id)
2123: || decode(msc_get_name.designator(dem.schedule_designator_id,dem.forecast_set_id ), null, null, '/'||msc_get_name.designator(dem.schedule_designator_id,dem.forecast_set_id )))),
2124: msc_get_name.designator(dem.schedule_designator_id))) order_number
2125: from msc_demands dem, msc_system_items msi
2126: where dem.plan_id = p_plan_id

Line 2123: || decode(msc_get_name.designator(dem.schedule_designator_id,dem.forecast_set_id ), null, null, '/'||msc_get_name.designator(dem.schedule_designator_id,dem.forecast_set_id )))),

2119: 29,decode(dem.plan_id, -11, msc_get_name.designator(dem.schedule_designator_id) ,
2120: decode(msi.in_source_plan,1,msc_get_name.designator(dem.schedule_designator_id,
2121: dem.forecast_set_id ),
2122: msc_get_name.scenario_designator(dem.forecast_set_id, dem.plan_id, dem.organization_id, dem.sr_instance_id)
2123: || decode(msc_get_name.designator(dem.schedule_designator_id,dem.forecast_set_id ), null, null, '/'||msc_get_name.designator(dem.schedule_designator_id,dem.forecast_set_id )))),
2124: msc_get_name.designator(dem.schedule_designator_id))) order_number
2125: from msc_demands dem, msc_system_items msi
2126: where dem.plan_id = p_plan_id
2127: and dem.sr_instance_id = p_inst_id

Line 2124: msc_get_name.designator(dem.schedule_designator_id))) order_number

2120: decode(msi.in_source_plan,1,msc_get_name.designator(dem.schedule_designator_id,
2121: dem.forecast_set_id ),
2122: msc_get_name.scenario_designator(dem.forecast_set_id, dem.plan_id, dem.organization_id, dem.sr_instance_id)
2123: || decode(msc_get_name.designator(dem.schedule_designator_id,dem.forecast_set_id ), null, null, '/'||msc_get_name.designator(dem.schedule_designator_id,dem.forecast_set_id )))),
2124: msc_get_name.designator(dem.schedule_designator_id))) order_number
2125: from msc_demands dem, msc_system_items msi
2126: where dem.plan_id = p_plan_id
2127: and dem.sr_instance_id = p_inst_id
2128: and dem.demand_id = p_demand_id

Line 2296: 29, msc_get_name.scenario_designator(

2292: cursor demand_c is
2293: select nvl(order_number,
2294: decode(origination_type,
2295: 1,to_char(disposition_id),
2296: 29, msc_get_name.scenario_designator(
2297: forecast_set_id,plan_id,organization_id,sr_instance_id),
2298: msc_get_name.designator(schedule_designator_id)
2299: )
2300: )

Line 2298: msc_get_name.designator(schedule_designator_id)

2294: decode(origination_type,
2295: 1,to_char(disposition_id),
2296: 29, msc_get_name.scenario_designator(
2297: forecast_set_id,plan_id,organization_id,sr_instance_id),
2298: msc_get_name.designator(schedule_designator_id)
2299: )
2300: )
2301: from msc_demands
2302: where plan_id = p_plan_id

Line 3451: decode(substr(msc_get_name.get_order_number( l_sr_instance_id,

3447: to_char(l_transaction_id),
3448: l_order_number||' '||to_char(l_transaction_id)) ,
3449: 14, decode(l_plan_id,
3450: -1, l_order_number,
3451: decode(substr(msc_get_name.get_order_number( l_sr_instance_id,
3452: l_plan_id, l_disposition_id, 1),1,240),
3453: null, to_char(l_disposition_id),
3454: substr(msc_get_name.get_order_number(l_sr_instance_id, l_plan_id,
3455: l_disposition_id, 1),1,240)||' ' || to_char(l_disposition_id))),

Line 3454: substr(msc_get_name.get_order_number(l_sr_instance_id, l_plan_id,

3450: -1, l_order_number,
3451: decode(substr(msc_get_name.get_order_number( l_sr_instance_id,
3452: l_plan_id, l_disposition_id, 1),1,240),
3453: null, to_char(l_disposition_id),
3454: substr(msc_get_name.get_order_number(l_sr_instance_id, l_plan_id,
3455: l_disposition_id, 1),1,240)||' ' || to_char(l_disposition_id))),
3456: 17, decode(substr(msc_get_name.get_order_number(
3457: l_sr_instance_id,
3458: l_plan_id,

Line 3456: 17, decode(substr(msc_get_name.get_order_number(

3452: l_plan_id, l_disposition_id, 1),1,240),
3453: null, to_char(l_disposition_id),
3454: substr(msc_get_name.get_order_number(l_sr_instance_id, l_plan_id,
3455: l_disposition_id, 1),1,240)||' ' || to_char(l_disposition_id))),
3456: 17, decode(substr(msc_get_name.get_order_number(
3457: l_sr_instance_id,
3458: l_plan_id,
3459: l_disposition_id,
3460: 1),1,240), null, to_char(l_disposition_id),

Line 3461: substr(msc_get_name.get_order_number(

3457: l_sr_instance_id,
3458: l_plan_id,
3459: l_disposition_id,
3460: 1),1,240), null, to_char(l_disposition_id),
3461: substr(msc_get_name.get_order_number(
3462: l_sr_instance_id,
3463: l_plan_id,
3464: l_disposition_id,
3465: 1),1,240)||' ' || to_char(l_disposition_id)),

Line 3578: l_order_num_temp:= substr(msc_get_name.get_order_number

3574: else
3575: l_order_num := p_order_number||' '||to_char(p_transaction_id);
3576: end if;
3577: Elsif p_order_type in (14, 17) THEN
3578: l_order_num_temp:= substr(msc_get_name.get_order_number
3579: (p_sr_instance_id,
3580: p_plan_id,
3581: p_disposition_id, 1), 1, 240);
3582: if l_order_num_temp is null then

Line 4076: l_supply_order_number := msc_get_name.supply_order_number(l_order_type,

4072: open curr_supply(p_plan_id,p_inst_id ,p_trans_id) ;
4073: fetch curr_supply into l_order_number ,l_order_type ,l_disposition_id;
4074: close curr_supply;
4076: l_supply_order_number := msc_get_name.supply_order_number(l_order_type,
4077: l_order_number,
4078: p_plan_id ,
4079: p_inst_id,
4080: p_trans_id ,

Line 4106: l_supply_item := msc_get_name.item_name(l_inventory_item_id,

4102: open curr_supply(p_plan_id,p_inst_id ,p_trans_id) ;
4103: fetch curr_supply into l_inventory_item_id ,l_organization_id;
4104: close curr_supply;
4106: l_supply_item := msc_get_name.item_name(l_inventory_item_id,
4107: l_organization_id,
4108: p_trans_id,
4109: p_inst_id);
4110: return l_supply_item ;

Line 4122: select msc_get_name.org_code(organization_id , sr_instance_id )

4118: is
4119: l_supply_org_code varchar2(100);
4121: cursor curr_supply(p_curr_plan_id number , p_curr_inst_id number , p_curr_trans_id number) is
4122: select msc_get_name.org_code(organization_id , sr_instance_id )
4123: from msc_supplies
4124: where plan_id = p_curr_plan_id
4125: and sr_instance_id = p_curr_inst_id
4126: and transaction_id = p_curr_trans_id;

Line 4583: msc_get_name.check_cfm(

4579: IF p_cfm_routing_flag IS NULL and
4580: ((p_order_type = 5 and p_implement_as = 3) or
4581: p_order_type = 3) THEN
4582: v_cfm_routing_flag :=
4583: msc_get_name.check_cfm(
4584: p_plan_id,
4585: p_organization_id,
4586: p_sr_instance_id,
4587: p_item_id,

Line 5232: END Msc_GET_name;

5228: return null;
5229: END get_order_Comments;
5232: END Msc_GET_name;