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1 PACKAGE BODY pay_progress_pkg AS
2 -- $Header: pyprogpk.pkb 120.0 2005/05/29 07:51:25 appldev noship $
3 --
4   -- Buffer previous progress update requests.
5   -- We may use this in future to create a progress summary graph
6   -- e.g. showing the processing rate over time using the timestamp field
7   -- which holds the time that the progress update was requested in
8   -- 100ths of a second.
9   --
10   TYPE progress_info_t IS TABLE OF progress_info_r INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
11 --
12   -- Global information about the progress info buffer table and the last
13   -- progress update we requested.
14   --
15   g_num_samples   NUMBER;
16   g_action_id     NUMBER;
17   g_sample_list   progress_info_t;
18   g_first_stamp   NUMBER;
19 --
20   -- Get the progress of the specified payroll action, or get an update
21   -- on the last action we explicitly requested info for.
22   -- Buffer the progress information in a global table before sending it back.
23   --
24   FUNCTION current_progress(p_payroll_action_id IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL) RETURN progress_info_r IS
25     --
26     -- Calculate counts of records for the action based on their status
27     CURSOR csr_summary(cp_id IN NUMBER) IS
28       SELECT    NVL(SUM(DECODE(action_status,'C',1,'S',1,0)),0)   completed,
29                 NVL(SUM(DECODE(action_status,'E',1,0)),0)   in_error,
30                 NVL(SUM(DECODE(action_status,'M',1,0)),0)   marked_for_retry,
31                 NVL(SUM(DECODE(action_status,'U',1,0)),0)   unprocessed
32       FROM      pay_assignment_actions
33       WHERE     payroll_action_id = cp_id
34       AND       source_action_id IS NULL;
35     --
36     -- Determine various statistics used for calculating timing information
37     CURSOR csr_time(cp_id IN NUMBER,cp_done IN VARCHAR2) IS
38       SELECT    ppa.creation_date start_time,
39                 NVL(fcr.actual_completion_date,
40                   DECODE(cp_done,'Y',ppa.last_update_date,SYSDATE)
41                 ) end_time,
42                 SYSDATE                                             current_time
43       FROM      fnd_concurrent_requests fcr,pay_payroll_actions ppa
44       WHERE     fcr.request_id(+) = ppa.request_id
45       AND       ppa.payroll_action_id = cp_id;
46     --
47     -- Get the information we need to pass to the existing function
48     -- in the pay_payroll_actions_pkg package, which works out the
49     -- name of the run.
50     CURSOR csr_action(cp_id IN NUMBER) IS
51       SELECT    payroll_action_id,
52                 action_type,
53                 action_status,
54                 consolidation_set_id,
55                 display_run_number,
56                 element_set_id,
57                 assignment_set_id,
58                 effective_date,
60       FROM      pay_payroll_actions
61       WHERE     payroll_action_id = cp_id;
62     --
63     l_progress      progress_info_r;
64     l_action        csr_action%ROWTYPE;
65     l_end_time      DATE;
66     l_current_time  DATE;
67     l_done          VARCHAR2(1);
68     --
69   BEGIN
70     --
71     -- Timestamp this progress update in 100ths of a second
72     IF g_first_stamp IS NULL THEN
73       g_first_stamp := dbms_utility.get_time;
74       l_progress.timestamp := 0;
75     ELSE
76       l_progress.timestamp := dbms_utility.get_time - g_first_stamp;
77     END IF;
78     --
79     -- If we didn't pass an action ID and we haven't previously
80     -- passed one then we can't do anything more
81     IF p_payroll_action_id IS NULL AND g_action_id = -1 THEN
82       RETURN l_progress;
83     END IF;
84     --
85     -- If we passed an action ID and it's different to the
86     -- last one we passed then reset the result buffer table
87     IF  p_payroll_action_id IS NOT NULL
88     AND p_payroll_action_id <> g_action_id
89     THEN
90       g_action_id := p_payroll_action_id;
91       g_num_samples := 0;
92       g_sample_list.Delete;
93     ELSE
94       g_num_samples := g_num_samples + 1;
95     END IF;
96     --
97     -- Fetch the count of records processed into the progress record
98     OPEN csr_summary(g_action_id);
99     FETCH csr_summary
100     INTO  l_progress.completed,
101           l_progress.in_error,
102           l_progress.marked_for_retry,
103           l_progress.unprocessed;
104     CLOSE csr_summary;
105     --
106     IF l_progress.unprocessed + l_progress.marked_for_retry > 0 THEN
107       l_done := 'N';
108     ELSE
109       l_done := 'Y';
110     END IF;
111     --
112     -- Get the start time and other intermediate timing info
113     OPEN csr_time(g_action_id,l_done);
114     FETCH csr_time
115     INTO  l_progress.start_time,
116           l_end_time,
117           l_current_time;
118     CLOSE csr_time;
119     --
120     IF l_end_time IS NOT NULL THEN
121       l_current_time := l_end_time;
122     END IF;
123     l_progress.elapsed_time := (l_current_time - l_progress.start_time) * (24*60*60);
124     IF l_progress.completed + l_progress.in_error > 0 THEN
125       l_progress.process_rate := l_progress.elapsed_time / (l_progress.completed + l_progress.in_error);
126       l_progress.time_remaining := (((l_progress.unprocessed + l_progress.marked_for_retry) * l_progress.process_rate) / (60*60));
127       l_progress.completion_time := l_current_time + (l_progress.time_remaining / 24);
128       l_progress.time_remaining := ROUND(l_progress.time_remaining);
129     END IF;
130     l_progress.time_per_assignment := ROUND(l_progress.process_rate);
131     IF l_progress.process_rate > 0 THEN
132       l_progress.assignments_per_hour := ROUND((60*60)/l_progress.process_rate);
133     END IF;
134     --
135     OPEN csr_action(g_action_id);
136     FETCH csr_action INTO l_action;
137     CLOSE csr_action;
138     --
139     l_progress.run_description := pay_payroll_actions_pkg.v_name(
140       l_action.payroll_action_id,
141       l_action.action_type,
142       l_action.consolidation_set_id,
143       l_action.display_run_number,
144       l_action.element_set_id,
145       l_action.assignment_set_id,
146       l_action.effective_date
147     );
148     l_progress.message := l_action.comments;
149     --
150     -- Work out the total percent complete and in error
151     if (l_progress.in_error + l_progress.completed +
152         l_progress.marked_for_retry + l_progress.unprocessed) > 0 then
153       l_progress.percent_complete := ((l_progress.in_error +
154           l_progress.completed) / (l_progress.in_error + l_progress.completed +
155                   l_progress.marked_for_retry + l_progress.unprocessed)) * 100;
156       l_progress.percent_in_error := (l_progress.in_error /
157          (l_progress.in_error + l_progress.completed +
158                   l_progress.marked_for_retry + l_progress.unprocessed)) * 100;
159     else
160       l_progress.percent_complete := 0;
161       l_progress.percent_in_error := 0;
162     end if;
163     --
164     g_sample_list(g_num_samples) := l_progress;
165     RETURN l_progress;
166   END current_progress;
167 --
169   g_num_samples := 0;
170   g_action_id   := -1;
171   g_sample_list.Delete;
172 END pay_progress_pkg;