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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 131

          select pa_draft_invoices_all.*
          from pa_draft_invoices_all
          where request_id = pn_request_id ;
Line: 138

          select pa_draft_invoices_all.*
          from pa_draft_invoices_all
          where project_id =  pn_project_id and
                draft_invoice_num = pn_draft_invoice_num ;
Line: 202

        select pdii.*
        from pa_draft_invoice_items pdii
        where pdii.project_id = r_new.project_id  and
              pdii.draft_invoice_num = r_new.draft_invoice_num ;
Line: 309

                                  r_new                    ,
                                  ln_tax_category_id       ,
                                  pv_action                ,
                                  ln_draft_invoice_id      ,
                                  ln_draft_invoice_line_id ,
                                  pv_process_message       ,
Line: 357

        select ppa.distribution_rule
        from pa_projects_all ppa
        where ppa.project_id  = pn_project_id and
                 distribution_rule is not null ;
Line: 364

        select jpsp.distribution_rule , jpsc.context ,jpsp.preference
        from  jai_pa_setup_contexts jpsc , jai_pa_setup_preferences  jpsp
        where jpsc.context_id = jpsp.context_id and
              jpsp.distribution_rule = cv_distribution_rule
        order by jpsp.preference asc  ;
Line: 488

          select pe.event_type
          from   pa_events pe
          where  pe.project_id = pn_project_id and
                 ( pe.task_id    = ln_event_task_id or pe.task_id is null )    and
                 pe.event_num  = ln_event_num ;
Line: 497

          select event_type_id
          from pa_event_types
          where event_type = ln_event_type ;
Line: 503

          select setup_value1 tax_category
          from jai_pa_setup_values
          where  context    = jai_constants.setup_event_type and -- this will search only for events not for other context types
                 attribute1 = ln_event_type_id ;
Line: 589

           select setup_value1 tax_category
           from   jai_pa_setup_values
           where  context     = jai_constants.setup_project and
                  attribute1  = pn_project_id ;
Line: 642

           select setup_value1
           from jai_pa_setup_values
           where attribute1   = cn_customer_id        and
                 attribute2   = cn_address_id and
                 context      = jai_constants.setup_customer_site ;
Line: 649

           select setup_value1
           from jai_pa_setup_values
           where attribute1  = cn_customer_id        and
                 context     = jai_constants.setup_customer_site and
                 attribute2 is null ;
Line: 718

            select count(distinct expenditure_type)
            from pa_expenditure_items_all peia
            where peia.expenditure_item_id in
                (  select expenditure_item_id
                   from pa_cust_rev_dist_lines_all pdida
                   where pdida.project_id = pn_project_id and
                         pdida.draft_invoice_num = pn_draft_invoice_num and
                         pdida.draft_invoice_item_line_num  = pn_line_num
Line: 729

            select distinct expenditure_type
            from pa_expenditure_items_all peia
            where peia.expenditure_item_id in
                   ( select expenditure_item_id
                     from pa_cust_rev_dist_lines_all  pdida
                     where pdida.project_id        = pn_project_id and
                           pdida.draft_invoice_num = pn_draft_invoice_num and
                           pdida.draft_invoice_item_line_num = pn_line_num
Line: 741

           select jpsv.setup_value1
           from jai_pa_setup_values  jpsv,
          pa_expenditure_types pet
           where jpsv.context     = jai_constants.setup_expenditure_type and
                 jpsv.attribute1  = pet.expenditure_type_id and
                 pet.expenditure_type =cv_expenditure_type ;
Line: 796

            /*-------------------------------BEGIN LOCAL METHOD INSERT_LINE_INFO  -----------------------------*/

procedure insert_line_info (
                            r_new               in pa_draft_invoice_items%rowtype,
                            pn_tax_category_id  in JAI_CMN_TAX_CTGS_ALL.tax_category_id%type  ,
                            pv_action           in varchar2,
                            pn_draft_invoice_id out nocopy jai_pa_draft_invoice_lines.draft_invoice_id%type      ,
                            pn_draft_invoice_line_id out nocopy jai_pa_draft_invoice_lines.draft_invoice_line_id%type ,
                            pv_process_message       out nocopy varchar2,
                            pv_process_flag          out nocopy varchar2
                           ) is

ln_draft_invoice_id          jai_pa_draft_invoice_lines.draft_invoice_id%type       ;
Line: 823

       select  draft_invoice_id
       from jai_pa_draft_invoices
       where project_id         =  r_new.project_id and
             draft_invoice_num  =  r_new.draft_invoice_num ;
Line: 830

       select  jai_pa_draft_invoices_s.nextval
       from dual ;
Line: 835

       select jai_pa_draft_invoice_lines_s.nextval
       from dual ;
Line: 844

       select organization_id , location_id , draft_invoice_id
       from jai_pa_draft_invoices
       where project_id        = r_new.project_id and
             draft_invoice_num = pkg_global_type.ln_draft_invoice_num_credited;
Line: 850

       select service_type_code ,draft_invoice_id , draft_invoice_line_id ,line_amt , tax_category_id
       from jai_pa_draft_invoice_lines
       where project_id        =r_new.project_id and
             draft_invoice_num =pkg_global_type.ln_draft_invoice_num_credited and
            line_num           =r_new.draft_inv_line_num_credited ;
Line: 900

      insert into jai_pa_draft_invoices (
                                         draft_invoice_id       ,
                                         project_id             ,
                                         draft_invoice_num      ,
                                         organization_id        ,
                                         location_id            ,
                                         creation_date          ,
                                         created_by             ,
                                         last_update_date       ,
                                         last_updated_by        ,
                                         last_update_login      ,
                        values          (
                                         ln_draft_invoice_id              ,
                                         r_new.project_id             ,
                                         r_new.draft_invoice_num      ,
                                         ln_organization_id              ,
                                         ln_location_id                      ,
                                         sysdate                      ,
                                         fnd_global.user_id              ,
                                         sysdate                      ,
                                         fnd_global.user_id              ,
                                         fnd_global.login_id          ,
                                         ) ;
Line: 933

  insert into jai_pa_draft_invoice_lines(
                                       draft_invoice_line_id            ,
                                       draft_invoice_id                 ,
                                       project_id                       ,
                                       draft_invoice_num                 ,
                                       line_num                         ,
                                       line_amt                         ,
                                       line_tax_amt                     ,
                                       tax_category_id                  ,
                                       creation_date                         ,
                                       created_by                         ,
                                       last_update_date                 ,
                                       last_updated_by                         ,
                                       last_update_login                ,
                                       service_type_code                ,
                                       parent_draft_invoice_id          ,
          values (
                                       ln_draft_invoice_line_id         ,
                                       ln_draft_invoice_id                 ,
                                       r_new.project_id                 ,
                                       r_new.draft_invoice_num                 ,
                                       r_new.line_num                         ,
                                       r_new.amount                         ,
                                       null                                 ,
                                       ln_tax_category_id                 ,
                                       sysdate                                 ,
                                       fnd_global.user_id                 ,
                                       sysdate                                 ,
                                       fnd_global.user_id                 ,
                                       fnd_global.login_id              ,
                                       lv_service_type_code             ,
                                       pkg_global_type.ln_draft_invoice_id ,
Line: 978

 pv_process_message :=  substr('insert_line_info='|| sqlerrm,1,1999);
Line: 980

end insert_line_info;
Line: 1002

       select tax_category_id
       from   jai_cmn_document_taxes
       where source_doc_id      = pn_draft_invoice_id and
             source_doc_line_id = pn_draft_invoice_line_id and
             source_doc_type    = jai_constants.pa_draft_invoice ;
Line: 1009

       select pdia.inv_currency_code , pdia.inv_exchange_rate
       from pa_draft_invoices_all pdia, jai_pa_draft_invoice_lines   jpdil
       where pdia.project_id = jpdil.project_id and
             pdia.draft_invoice_num = jpdil.draft_invoice_num and
             jpdil.draft_invoice_line_id = pn_draft_invoice_line_id and
             draft_invoice_id = pn_draft_invoice_id ;
Line: 1017

       select sum(tax_amt)
       from jai_cmn_document_taxes
       where source_doc_id = pn_draft_invoice_id and
             source_doc_line_id = pn_draft_invoice_line_id and
             source_doc_type = jai_constants.pa_draft_invoice ;
Line: 1027

     insert into jai_cmn_document_taxes
                     doc_tax_id                     ,
                     tax_line_no                    ,
                     tax_id                         ,
                     tax_type                       ,
                     currency_code                  ,
                     tax_rate                       ,
                     qty_rate                       ,
                     uom                            ,
                     tax_amt                        ,
                     func_tax_amt                   ,
                     modvat_flag                    ,
                     tax_category_id                ,
                     source_doc_type                ,
                     source_doc_id                  ,
                     source_doc_line_id             ,
                     source_table_name              ,
                     tax_modified_by                ,
                     adhoc_flag                     ,
                     precedence_1                   ,
                     precedence_2                   ,
                     precedence_3                   ,
                     precedence_4                   ,
                     precedence_5                   ,
                     precedence_6                   ,
                     precedence_7                   ,
                     precedence_8                   ,
                     precedence_9                   ,
                     precedence_10                  ,
                     creation_date                  ,
                     created_by                     ,
                     last_update_date               ,
                     last_updated_by                ,
        select   jai_cmn_document_taxes_s.nextval       ,
                 j1.tax_line_no      ,
                 j1.tax_id           ,
                 j1.tax_type         ,
                 j1.currency_code    ,
                 j1.tax_rate         ,
                 j1.qty_rate         ,
                 j1.uom              ,
                 round(((pn_line_amount * ((j1.tax_amt *100)/pkg_global_type.ln_line_amt ) )/100),nvl(j2.rounding_factor,0)),
                 round(((pn_line_amount * ((j1.func_tax_amt *100)/pkg_global_type.ln_line_amt ) )/100),nvl(j2.rounding_factor,0))             ,
                 j1.modvat_flag      ,     j1.tax_category_id  ,
                 j1.source_doc_type  ,     pn_draft_invoice_id    ,
                 pn_draft_invoice_line_id                 ,
                 j1.source_table_name              ,
                 j1.tax_modified_by                ,
                 j1.adhoc_flag                     ,
                 j1.precedence_1                   ,
                 j1.precedence_2                   ,
                 j1.precedence_3                   ,
                 j1.precedence_4                   ,
                 j1.precedence_5                   ,
                 j1.precedence_6                   ,
                 j1.precedence_7                   ,
                 j1.precedence_8                   ,
                 j1.precedence_9                   ,
                 j1.precedence_10                  ,
                 sysdate                               ,
                 fnd_global.user_id               ,
                 sysdate                               ,
                 fnd_global.user_id               ,
       from  jai_cmn_document_taxes j1 , JAI_CMN_TAXES_ALL j2
       where j1.source_doc_id = pkg_global_type.ln_draft_invoice_id and
             j1.source_doc_line_id = pkg_global_type.ln_draft_invoice_line_id and
             j1.source_doc_type = jai_constants.pa_draft_invoice and
             j1.tax_id = j2.tax_id ;
Line: 1106

      update jai_pa_draft_invoice_lines
      set line_tax_amt  = ln_tax_amount
      where draft_invoice_line_id =  pn_draft_invoice_line_id and
            draft_invoice_id      =  pn_draft_invoice_id  ;
Line: 1134

          delete from jai_cmn_document_taxes
          where source_doc_id =     pn_draft_invoice_id and
                source_doc_line_id =    pn_draft_invoice_line_id and
                source_doc_type = jai_constants.pa_draft_invoice ;
Line: 1180

                     P_LAST_UPDATE_DATE     =>  SYSDATE,
                     P_LAST_UPDATED_BY      =>  FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID,
                     P_LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN    =>  FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID,
                     P_SOURCE_TABLE_NAME    =>  'JAI_PA_DRAFT_INVOICE_LINES',
                     P_ACTION               =>  JAI_CONSTANTS.DEFAULT_TAXES
                     )   ;
Line: 1191

       update jai_pa_draft_invoice_lines
       set line_tax_amt  = pn_tax_amount
       where draft_invoice_line_id =  pn_draft_invoice_line_id and
             draft_invoice_id      =  pn_draft_invoice_id  ;
Line: 1213

   delete from jai_cmn_document_taxes
   where ( source_doc_id , source_doc_line_id )  in
         ( select draft_invoice_id , draft_invoice_line_id
           from jai_pa_draft_invoice_lines
           where project_id = pn_project_id and
                 draft_invoice_num  = pn_draft_invoice_num
          ) ;
Line: 1221

   delete from jai_pa_draft_invoice_lines
   where project_id = pn_project_id and
         draft_invoice_num  = pn_draft_invoice_num ;
Line: 1225

   delete from jai_pa_draft_invoices
   where project_id =pn_project_id  and
         draft_invoice_num = pn_draft_invoice_num ;
Line: 1243

        from pa_draft_invoices_all
  where project_id = pn_project_id and
              draft_invoice_num = pn_draft_invoice_num ;
Line: 1294

select draft_invoice_id , draft_invoice_line_id
from jai_pa_draft_invoice_lines
where project_id = r_new.project_id  and
      draft_invoice_num =  r_new.draft_invoice_num and
      line_num  = r_new.line_num  ;
Line: 1329

                     P_LAST_UPDATE_DATE     =>  SYSDATE,
                     P_LAST_UPDATED_BY      =>  FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID,
                     P_LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN    =>  FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID,
                     P_SOURCE_TABLE_NAME    =>  'JAI_PA_DRAFT_INVOICE_LINES',
                     P_ACTION               =>  JAI_CONSTANTS.RECALCULATE_TAXES
                     )   ;
Line: 1337

  update jai_pa_draft_invoice_lines
  set line_tax_amt  = ln_tax_amount ,
   line_amt      = r_new.inv_amount
  where draft_invoice_line_id =  r_get_line_detail.draft_invoice_line_id and
     draft_invoice_id      =  r_get_line_detail.draft_invoice_id  ;