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Line 32: g_debug boolean := hr_utility.debug_enabled;

28: --
29: g_package varchar2(30) := 'ben_evaluate_elig_criteria.';
30: --
31: l_fonm_cvg_strt_dt date ;
32: g_debug boolean := hr_utility.debug_enabled;
33: --
34: --
35: -- -----------------------------------------------------
36: -- find whther any overide value definded for the criteria

Line 63: hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc,10);

59: l_date_val2 date ;
60: l_short_code_found varchar2(15) ;
61: begin
62: if g_debug then
63: hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc,10);
64: hr_utility.set_location('first: '||p_crit_ovrrd_val_tbl.first ,10);
65: end if ;
67: p_overide_found := 'N' ;

Line 64: hr_utility.set_location('first: '||p_crit_ovrrd_val_tbl.first ,10);

60: l_short_code_found varchar2(15) ;
61: begin
62: if g_debug then
63: hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc,10);
64: hr_utility.set_location('first: '||p_crit_ovrrd_val_tbl.first ,10);
65: end if ;
67: p_overide_found := 'N' ;
68: l_short_code_found := 'N' ;

Line 115: hr_utility.set_location(' overide data :'|| p_short_code || ' : ' || l_short_code_found, 5);

111: end if ;
112: end if ;
114: if g_debug then
115: hr_utility.set_location(' overide data :'|| p_short_code || ' : ' || l_short_code_found, 5);
116: hr_utility.set_location(' overide :' || p_overide_found, 5);
117: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:' || l_proc, 5);
118: end if ;

Line 116: hr_utility.set_location(' overide :' || p_overide_found, 5);

112: end if ;
114: if g_debug then
115: hr_utility.set_location(' overide data :'|| p_short_code || ' : ' || l_short_code_found, 5);
116: hr_utility.set_location(' overide :' || p_overide_found, 5);
117: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:' || l_proc, 5);
118: end if ;
120: end get_override_value ;

Line 117: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:' || l_proc, 5);

114: if g_debug then
115: hr_utility.set_location(' overide data :'|| p_short_code || ' : ' || l_short_code_found, 5);
116: hr_utility.set_location(' overide :' || p_overide_found, 5);
117: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:' || l_proc, 5);
118: end if ;
120: end get_override_value ;
121: --

Line 171: hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc,10);

167: ;
169: Begin
170: if g_debug then
171: hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc,10);
172: end if ;
174: l_ret_val := false ;

Line 180: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving date track : '||l_proc,10);

176: open c_osv ;
177: fetch c_osv into l_dummy_char ;
178: if c_osv%notfound then
179: close c_osv ;
180: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving date track : '||l_proc,10);
181: Return l_ret_val ;
182: end if ;
183: close c_osv ;

Line 190: hr_utility.set_location(' Found the organization :' || p_organization_id , 15);

186: open c_org_hier ;
187: fetch c_org_hier into l_dummy_char ;
188: if c_org_hier%Found then
189: l_ret_val := true ;
190: hr_utility.set_location(' Found the organization :' || p_organization_id , 15);
191: else
192: open c_org ;
193: fetch c_org into l_dummy_char ;
194: if c_org%found then

Line 196: hr_utility.set_location(' Found the organization :' || p_organization_id , 20);

192: open c_org ;
193: fetch c_org into l_dummy_char ;
194: if c_org%found then
195: l_ret_val := true ;
196: hr_utility.set_location(' Found the organization :' || p_organization_id , 20);
197: end if ;
198: close c_org ;
199: end if ;
200: close c_org_hier ;

Line 204: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:' || l_proc, 5);

200: close c_org_hier ;
203: if g_debug then
204: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:' || l_proc, 5);
205: end if ;
206: Return l_ret_val ;
208: End find_part_of_org_hierarchy ;

Line 262: hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc,10);

258: and a.POS_STRUCTURE_VERSION_ID = p_pos_structure_version_id
259: ;
260: Begin
261: if g_debug then
262: hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc,10);
263: end if ;
264: l_ret_val := false ;
266: open c_psv ;

Line 270: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving date track : '||l_proc,10);

266: open c_psv ;
267: fetch c_psv into l_dummy_char ;
268: if c_psv%notfound then
269: close c_psv ;
270: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving date track : '||l_proc,10);
271: Return l_ret_val ;
272: end if ;
273: close c_psv ;

Line 280: hr_utility.set_location(' Found the position :' || p_position_id , 15);

276: open c_pos_hier ;
277: fetch c_pos_hier into l_dummy_char ;
278: if c_pos_hier%Found then
279: l_ret_val := true ;
280: hr_utility.set_location(' Found the position :' || p_position_id , 15);
281: else
282: open c_pos ;
283: fetch c_pos into l_dummy_char ;
284: if c_pos%found then

Line 286: hr_utility.set_location(' Found the position :' || p_position_id , 20);

282: open c_pos ;
283: fetch c_pos into l_dummy_char ;
284: if c_pos%found then
285: l_ret_val := true ;
286: hr_utility.set_location(' Found the position :' || p_position_id , 20);
287: end if ;
288: close c_pos ;
289: end if ;
290: close c_pos_hier ;

Line 294: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:' || l_proc, 5);

290: close c_pos_hier ;
293: if g_debug then
294: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:' || l_proc, 5);
295: end if ;
296: Return l_ret_val ;
298: End find_part_of_pos_hierarchy ;

Line 337: hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc,10);

333: --
334: Begin
336: if g_debug then
337: hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc,10);
338: end if ;
340: if p_formula_id is not null then
341: l_output := benutils.formula

Line 358: hr_utility.set_location(l_count ||' : ' || l_dummy, 5);

354: ,p_param2_value => fnd_date.date_to_canonical(p_fonm_cvg_strt_date)
355: );
356: for l_count in l_output.first..l_output.last loop
357: l_dummy := l_output(l_count).value;
358: hr_utility.set_location(l_count ||' : ' || l_dummy, 5);
359: if l_dummy is not null then
361: if p_data_type_cd = 'C' then
362: p_value_char := l_dummy ;

Line 375: hr_utility.set_location(' char return :' || p_value_char, 5);

372: end if ;
374: if g_debug then
375: hr_utility.set_location(' char return :' || p_value_char, 5);
376: hr_utility.set_location(' num return :' || p_value_num , 5);
377: hr_utility.set_location(' date return :'|| p_value_date, 5);
379: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:' || l_proc, 5);

Line 376: hr_utility.set_location(' num return :' || p_value_num , 5);

372: end if ;
374: if g_debug then
375: hr_utility.set_location(' char return :' || p_value_char, 5);
376: hr_utility.set_location(' num return :' || p_value_num , 5);
377: hr_utility.set_location(' date return :'|| p_value_date, 5);
379: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:' || l_proc, 5);
380: end if ;

Line 377: hr_utility.set_location(' date return :'|| p_value_date, 5);

374: if g_debug then
375: hr_utility.set_location(' char return :' || p_value_char, 5);
376: hr_utility.set_location(' num return :' || p_value_num , 5);
377: hr_utility.set_location(' date return :'|| p_value_date, 5);
379: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:' || l_proc, 5);
380: end if ;

Line 379: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:' || l_proc, 5);

375: hr_utility.set_location(' char return :' || p_value_char, 5);
376: hr_utility.set_location(' num return :' || p_value_num , 5);
377: hr_utility.set_location(' date return :'|| p_value_date, 5);
379: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:' || l_proc, 5);
380: end if ;
382: end get_formula_value ;
383: --

Line 415: hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc,10);

411: --
412: l_current_loc NUMBER:=0;
413: Begin
414: if g_debug then
415: hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc,10);
416: end if ;
417: l_effective_date := nvl(p_fonm_rt_strt_date,nvl(p_fonm_cvg_strt_date,p_effective_date)) ;
419: -- build the dynamic statement

Line 466: hr_utility.set_location(' char return :' || p_value_char, 5);

462: end if ;
463: close l_valcur ;
465: if g_debug then
466: hr_utility.set_location(' char return :' || p_value_char, 5);
467: hr_utility.set_location(' num return :' || p_value_num , 5);
468: hr_utility.set_location(' date return :'|| p_value_date, 5);
469: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:' || l_proc, 5);
470: end if ;

Line 467: hr_utility.set_location(' num return :' || p_value_num , 5);

463: close l_valcur ;
465: if g_debug then
466: hr_utility.set_location(' char return :' || p_value_char, 5);
467: hr_utility.set_location(' num return :' || p_value_num , 5);
468: hr_utility.set_location(' date return :'|| p_value_date, 5);
469: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:' || l_proc, 5);
470: end if ;
471: exception

Line 468: hr_utility.set_location(' date return :'|| p_value_date, 5);

465: if g_debug then
466: hr_utility.set_location(' char return :' || p_value_char, 5);
467: hr_utility.set_location(' num return :' || p_value_num , 5);
468: hr_utility.set_location(' date return :'|| p_value_date, 5);
469: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:' || l_proc, 5);
470: end if ;
471: exception
472: when others then

Line 469: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:' || l_proc, 5);

465: if g_debug then
466: hr_utility.set_location(' char return :' || p_value_char, 5);
467: hr_utility.set_location(' num return :' || p_value_num , 5);
468: hr_utility.set_location(' date return :'|| p_value_date, 5);
469: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:' || l_proc, 5);
470: end if ;
471: exception
472: when others then
473: hr_utility.set_location(' exception:' || substr(sqlerrm,1,110), 5);

Line 473: hr_utility.set_location(' exception:' || substr(sqlerrm,1,110), 5);

469: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:' || l_proc, 5);
470: end if ;
471: exception
472: when others then
473: hr_utility.set_location(' exception:' || substr(sqlerrm,1,110), 5);
474: raise ;
475: End get_values_access_table ;

Line 489: hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc,10);

485: l_proc varchar2(100):= g_package||'is_ok C';
486: l_return boolean ;
487: begin
488: if g_debug then
489: hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc,10);
490: hr_utility.set_location('range : '||p_range_check,10);
491: end if ;
492: l_return := false ;
493: if p_range_check = 'N' then

Line 490: hr_utility.set_location('range : '||p_range_check,10);

486: l_return boolean ;
487: begin
488: if g_debug then
489: hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc,10);
490: hr_utility.set_location('range : '||p_range_check,10);
491: end if ;
492: l_return := false ;
493: if p_range_check = 'N' then
494: l_return := (p_value = p_from_value ) ;

Line 506: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:' || l_proc, 5);

502: if l_return is null then
503: l_return := false ;
504: end if ;
505: if g_debug then
506: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:' || l_proc, 5);
507: end if ;
508: return l_return ;
509: end is_ok ;

Line 523: hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc,10);

519: l_proc varchar2(100):= g_package||'is_ok N';
520: l_return boolean ;
521: begin
522: if g_debug then
523: hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc,10);
524: hr_utility.set_location('range : '||p_range_check,10);
525: end if ;
526: l_return := false ;
527: if p_range_check = 'N' then

Line 524: hr_utility.set_location('range : '||p_range_check,10);

520: l_return boolean ;
521: begin
522: if g_debug then
523: hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc,10);
524: hr_utility.set_location('range : '||p_range_check,10);
525: end if ;
526: l_return := false ;
527: if p_range_check = 'N' then
528: l_return := (p_value = p_from_value ) ;

Line 542: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:' || l_proc, 5);

538: l_return := false ;
539: end if ;
541: if g_debug then
542: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:' || l_proc, 5);
543: end if ;
544: return l_return ;
545: end is_ok ;

Line 558: hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc,10);

554: l_proc varchar2(100):= g_package||'is_ok D';
555: l_return boolean ;
556: begin
557: if g_debug then
558: hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc,10);
559: hr_utility.set_location('range : '||p_range_check,10);
560: end if ;
561: l_return := false ;
562: if p_range_check = 'N' then

Line 559: hr_utility.set_location('range : '||p_range_check,10);

555: l_return boolean ;
556: begin
557: if g_debug then
558: hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc,10);
559: hr_utility.set_location('range : '||p_range_check,10);
560: end if ;
561: l_return := false ;
562: if p_range_check = 'N' then
563: l_return := (p_value = p_from_value ) ;

Line 576: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:' || l_proc, 5);

572: l_return := false ;
573: end if ;
575: if g_debug then
576: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:' || l_proc, 5);
577: end if ;
578: return l_return ;
579: end is_ok ;

Line 606: hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc,5);

602: l_return boolean ;
604: begin
605: if g_debug then
606: hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc,5);
607: end if ;
609: if p_crit_col_datatype = 'C' then
610: l_return := is_ok(p_value_char,p_char_from_value,p_char_to_value,p_allow_range_validation_flag) ;

Line 618: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:' || l_proc, 10);

614: l_return := is_ok(p_value_date,p_date_from_value,p_date_to_value,p_allow_range_validation_flag) ;
615: end if ;
617: if g_debug then
618: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:' || l_proc, 10);
619: end if ;
621: return l_return;

Line 726: hr_utility.trace_on(null,'rbc');

722: l_crit_found varchar2(1) ;
724: Begin
725: /*if p_person_id = 282401 then
726: hr_utility.trace_on(null,'rbc');
727: end if;*/
728: g_debug := hr_utility.debug_enabled;
729: if g_debug then
730: hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc,10);

Line 728: g_debug := hr_utility.debug_enabled;

724: Begin
725: /*if p_person_id = 282401 then
726: hr_utility.trace_on(null,'rbc');
727: end if;*/
728: g_debug := hr_utility.debug_enabled;
729: if g_debug then
730: hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc,10);
731: end if ;
732: l_effective_date := nvl(p_fonm_cvg_strt_date,nvl(p_fonm_rt_strt_date,p_effective_date)) ;

Line 730: hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc,10);

726: hr_utility.trace_on(null,'rbc');
727: end if;*/
728: g_debug := hr_utility.debug_enabled;
729: if g_debug then
730: hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc,10);
731: end if ;
732: l_effective_date := nvl(p_fonm_cvg_strt_date,nvl(p_fonm_rt_strt_date,p_effective_date)) ;
733: l_crit_value_checked := 'Y' ;
734: if g_debug then

Line 735: hr_utility.set_location('effective date : '||p_effective_date,11);

731: end if ;
732: l_effective_date := nvl(p_fonm_cvg_strt_date,nvl(p_fonm_rt_strt_date,p_effective_date)) ;
733: l_crit_value_checked := 'Y' ;
734: if g_debug then
735: hr_utility.set_location('effective date : '||p_effective_date,11);
736: hr_utility.set_location('fonm effective date : '||l_effective_date,11);
737: end if ;
739: for i in c_dst_egc

Line 736: hr_utility.set_location('fonm effective date : '||l_effective_date,11);

732: l_effective_date := nvl(p_fonm_cvg_strt_date,nvl(p_fonm_rt_strt_date,p_effective_date)) ;
733: l_crit_value_checked := 'Y' ;
734: if g_debug then
735: hr_utility.set_location('effective date : '||p_effective_date,11);
736: hr_utility.set_location('fonm effective date : '||l_effective_date,11);
737: end if ;
739: for i in c_dst_egc
740: loop

Line 741: hr_utility.set_location('eligy_criteria_id : '||i.eligy_criteria_id,20);

737: end if ;
739: for i in c_dst_egc
740: loop
741: hr_utility.set_location('eligy_criteria_id : '||i.eligy_criteria_id,20);
742: open c_info_egc (i.eligy_criteria_id) ;
743: fetch c_info_egc into l_info_egc ;
744: close c_info_egc ;
745: l_overide_found := 'N' ;

Line 798: hr_utility.set_location('get the values from the table column SET1',99099);

794: ) ;
796: else
797: -- get the values from the table column
798: hr_utility.set_location('get the values from the table column SET1',99099);
799: get_values_access_table
800: (p_table_name => l_info_egc.access_table_name1 ,
801: p_column_name => l_info_egc.access_column_name1,
802: p_data_type_cd => l_info_egc.crit_col1_datatype ,

Line 822: hr_utility.set_location('l_info_egc.access_table_name1 '||l_info_egc.access_table_name1,99011);

818: null ;
819: end if ;
821: end if; --l_info_egc.ACCESS_CALC_RULE
822: hr_utility.set_location('l_info_egc.access_table_name1 '||l_info_egc.access_table_name1,99011);
823: hr_utility.set_location('l_info_egc.access_column_name1 '||l_info_egc.access_column_name1,99011);
824: hr_utility.set_location('l_info_egc.access_calc_rule '||l_info_egc.access_calc_rule,99011);
825: hr_utility.set_location('l_info_egc.crit_col1_datatype '||l_info_egc.crit_col1_datatype,99011);
826: hr_utility.set_location('l_info_egc.allow_range_validation_flag '||l_info_egc.allow_range_validation_flag,99011);

Line 823: hr_utility.set_location('l_info_egc.access_column_name1 '||l_info_egc.access_column_name1,99011);

819: end if ;
821: end if; --l_info_egc.ACCESS_CALC_RULE
822: hr_utility.set_location('l_info_egc.access_table_name1 '||l_info_egc.access_table_name1,99011);
823: hr_utility.set_location('l_info_egc.access_column_name1 '||l_info_egc.access_column_name1,99011);
824: hr_utility.set_location('l_info_egc.access_calc_rule '||l_info_egc.access_calc_rule,99011);
825: hr_utility.set_location('l_info_egc.crit_col1_datatype '||l_info_egc.crit_col1_datatype,99011);
826: hr_utility.set_location('l_info_egc.allow_range_validation_flag '||l_info_egc.allow_range_validation_flag,99011);
827: hr_utility.set_location('l_value_char1 '||l_value_char1,99011);

Line 824: hr_utility.set_location('l_info_egc.access_calc_rule '||l_info_egc.access_calc_rule,99011);

821: end if; --l_info_egc.ACCESS_CALC_RULE
822: hr_utility.set_location('l_info_egc.access_table_name1 '||l_info_egc.access_table_name1,99011);
823: hr_utility.set_location('l_info_egc.access_column_name1 '||l_info_egc.access_column_name1,99011);
824: hr_utility.set_location('l_info_egc.access_calc_rule '||l_info_egc.access_calc_rule,99011);
825: hr_utility.set_location('l_info_egc.crit_col1_datatype '||l_info_egc.crit_col1_datatype,99011);
826: hr_utility.set_location('l_info_egc.allow_range_validation_flag '||l_info_egc.allow_range_validation_flag,99011);
827: hr_utility.set_location('l_value_char1 '||l_value_char1,99011);
828: hr_utility.set_location('l_value_num1 '||l_value_num1,99011);

Line 825: hr_utility.set_location('l_info_egc.crit_col1_datatype '||l_info_egc.crit_col1_datatype,99011);

821: end if; --l_info_egc.ACCESS_CALC_RULE
822: hr_utility.set_location('l_info_egc.access_table_name1 '||l_info_egc.access_table_name1,99011);
823: hr_utility.set_location('l_info_egc.access_column_name1 '||l_info_egc.access_column_name1,99011);
824: hr_utility.set_location('l_info_egc.access_calc_rule '||l_info_egc.access_calc_rule,99011);
825: hr_utility.set_location('l_info_egc.crit_col1_datatype '||l_info_egc.crit_col1_datatype,99011);
826: hr_utility.set_location('l_info_egc.allow_range_validation_flag '||l_info_egc.allow_range_validation_flag,99011);
827: hr_utility.set_location('l_value_char1 '||l_value_char1,99011);
828: hr_utility.set_location('l_value_num1 '||l_value_num1,99011);
829: hr_utility.set_location('l_value_date1 '||l_value_date1,99011);

Line 826: hr_utility.set_location('l_info_egc.allow_range_validation_flag '||l_info_egc.allow_range_validation_flag,99011);

822: hr_utility.set_location('l_info_egc.access_table_name1 '||l_info_egc.access_table_name1,99011);
823: hr_utility.set_location('l_info_egc.access_column_name1 '||l_info_egc.access_column_name1,99011);
824: hr_utility.set_location('l_info_egc.access_calc_rule '||l_info_egc.access_calc_rule,99011);
825: hr_utility.set_location('l_info_egc.crit_col1_datatype '||l_info_egc.crit_col1_datatype,99011);
826: hr_utility.set_location('l_info_egc.allow_range_validation_flag '||l_info_egc.allow_range_validation_flag,99011);
827: hr_utility.set_location('l_value_char1 '||l_value_char1,99011);
828: hr_utility.set_location('l_value_num1 '||l_value_num1,99011);
829: hr_utility.set_location('l_value_date1 '||l_value_date1,99011);

Line 827: hr_utility.set_location('l_value_char1 '||l_value_char1,99011);

823: hr_utility.set_location('l_info_egc.access_column_name1 '||l_info_egc.access_column_name1,99011);
824: hr_utility.set_location('l_info_egc.access_calc_rule '||l_info_egc.access_calc_rule,99011);
825: hr_utility.set_location('l_info_egc.crit_col1_datatype '||l_info_egc.crit_col1_datatype,99011);
826: hr_utility.set_location('l_info_egc.allow_range_validation_flag '||l_info_egc.allow_range_validation_flag,99011);
827: hr_utility.set_location('l_value_char1 '||l_value_char1,99011);
828: hr_utility.set_location('l_value_num1 '||l_value_num1,99011);
829: hr_utility.set_location('l_value_date1 '||l_value_date1,99011);
831: if l_info_egc.ACCESS_CALC_RULE2 is not null then

Line 828: hr_utility.set_location('l_value_num1 '||l_value_num1,99011);

824: hr_utility.set_location('l_info_egc.access_calc_rule '||l_info_egc.access_calc_rule,99011);
825: hr_utility.set_location('l_info_egc.crit_col1_datatype '||l_info_egc.crit_col1_datatype,99011);
826: hr_utility.set_location('l_info_egc.allow_range_validation_flag '||l_info_egc.allow_range_validation_flag,99011);
827: hr_utility.set_location('l_value_char1 '||l_value_char1,99011);
828: hr_utility.set_location('l_value_num1 '||l_value_num1,99011);
829: hr_utility.set_location('l_value_date1 '||l_value_date1,99011);
831: if l_info_egc.ACCESS_CALC_RULE2 is not null then
832: get_formula_value

Line 829: hr_utility.set_location('l_value_date1 '||l_value_date1,99011);

825: hr_utility.set_location('l_info_egc.crit_col1_datatype '||l_info_egc.crit_col1_datatype,99011);
826: hr_utility.set_location('l_info_egc.allow_range_validation_flag '||l_info_egc.allow_range_validation_flag,99011);
827: hr_utility.set_location('l_value_char1 '||l_value_char1,99011);
828: hr_utility.set_location('l_value_num1 '||l_value_num1,99011);
829: hr_utility.set_location('l_value_date1 '||l_value_date1,99011);
831: if l_info_egc.ACCESS_CALC_RULE2 is not null then
832: get_formula_value
833: ( p_person_id => p_person_id ,

Line 853: hr_utility.set_location('get the values from the table column SET2',99099);

849: p_fonm_rt_strt_date => p_fonm_rt_strt_date
850: ) ;
852: elsif l_info_egc.access_table_name2 is not null then
853: hr_utility.set_location('get the values from the table column SET2',99099);
854: get_values_access_table
855: (p_table_name => l_info_egc.access_table_name2 ,
856: p_column_name => l_info_egc.access_column_name2,
857: p_data_type_cd => l_info_egc.crit_col2_datatype ,

Line 870: hr_utility.set_location('l_info_egc.access_table_name2 '||l_info_egc.access_table_name2,99011);

866: p_fonm_rt_strt_date => p_fonm_rt_strt_date
867: ) ;
869: end if ; --if l_info_egc.ACCESS_CALC_RULE2
870: hr_utility.set_location('l_info_egc.access_table_name2 '||l_info_egc.access_table_name2,99011);
871: hr_utility.set_location('l_info_egc.access_column_name2 '||l_info_egc.access_column_name2,99011);
872: hr_utility.set_location('l_info_egc.access_calc_rule2 '||l_info_egc.access_calc_rule2,99011);
873: hr_utility.set_location('l_info_egc.crit_col2_datatype '||l_info_egc.crit_col2_datatype,99011);
874: hr_utility.set_location('l_info_egc.allow_range_validation_flag2 '||l_info_egc.allow_range_validation_flag2,99011);

Line 871: hr_utility.set_location('l_info_egc.access_column_name2 '||l_info_egc.access_column_name2,99011);

867: ) ;
869: end if ; --if l_info_egc.ACCESS_CALC_RULE2
870: hr_utility.set_location('l_info_egc.access_table_name2 '||l_info_egc.access_table_name2,99011);
871: hr_utility.set_location('l_info_egc.access_column_name2 '||l_info_egc.access_column_name2,99011);
872: hr_utility.set_location('l_info_egc.access_calc_rule2 '||l_info_egc.access_calc_rule2,99011);
873: hr_utility.set_location('l_info_egc.crit_col2_datatype '||l_info_egc.crit_col2_datatype,99011);
874: hr_utility.set_location('l_info_egc.allow_range_validation_flag2 '||l_info_egc.allow_range_validation_flag2,99011);
875: hr_utility.set_location('l_value_char2 '||l_value_char2,99011);

Line 872: hr_utility.set_location('l_info_egc.access_calc_rule2 '||l_info_egc.access_calc_rule2,99011);

869: end if ; --if l_info_egc.ACCESS_CALC_RULE2
870: hr_utility.set_location('l_info_egc.access_table_name2 '||l_info_egc.access_table_name2,99011);
871: hr_utility.set_location('l_info_egc.access_column_name2 '||l_info_egc.access_column_name2,99011);
872: hr_utility.set_location('l_info_egc.access_calc_rule2 '||l_info_egc.access_calc_rule2,99011);
873: hr_utility.set_location('l_info_egc.crit_col2_datatype '||l_info_egc.crit_col2_datatype,99011);
874: hr_utility.set_location('l_info_egc.allow_range_validation_flag2 '||l_info_egc.allow_range_validation_flag2,99011);
875: hr_utility.set_location('l_value_char2 '||l_value_char2,99011);
876: hr_utility.set_location('l_value_num2 '||l_value_num2,99011);

Line 873: hr_utility.set_location('l_info_egc.crit_col2_datatype '||l_info_egc.crit_col2_datatype,99011);

869: end if ; --if l_info_egc.ACCESS_CALC_RULE2
870: hr_utility.set_location('l_info_egc.access_table_name2 '||l_info_egc.access_table_name2,99011);
871: hr_utility.set_location('l_info_egc.access_column_name2 '||l_info_egc.access_column_name2,99011);
872: hr_utility.set_location('l_info_egc.access_calc_rule2 '||l_info_egc.access_calc_rule2,99011);
873: hr_utility.set_location('l_info_egc.crit_col2_datatype '||l_info_egc.crit_col2_datatype,99011);
874: hr_utility.set_location('l_info_egc.allow_range_validation_flag2 '||l_info_egc.allow_range_validation_flag2,99011);
875: hr_utility.set_location('l_value_char2 '||l_value_char2,99011);
876: hr_utility.set_location('l_value_num2 '||l_value_num2,99011);
877: hr_utility.set_location('l_value_date2 '||l_value_date2,99011);

Line 874: hr_utility.set_location('l_info_egc.allow_range_validation_flag2 '||l_info_egc.allow_range_validation_flag2,99011);

870: hr_utility.set_location('l_info_egc.access_table_name2 '||l_info_egc.access_table_name2,99011);
871: hr_utility.set_location('l_info_egc.access_column_name2 '||l_info_egc.access_column_name2,99011);
872: hr_utility.set_location('l_info_egc.access_calc_rule2 '||l_info_egc.access_calc_rule2,99011);
873: hr_utility.set_location('l_info_egc.crit_col2_datatype '||l_info_egc.crit_col2_datatype,99011);
874: hr_utility.set_location('l_info_egc.allow_range_validation_flag2 '||l_info_egc.allow_range_validation_flag2,99011);
875: hr_utility.set_location('l_value_char2 '||l_value_char2,99011);
876: hr_utility.set_location('l_value_num2 '||l_value_num2,99011);
877: hr_utility.set_location('l_value_date2 '||l_value_date2,99011);

Line 875: hr_utility.set_location('l_value_char2 '||l_value_char2,99011);

871: hr_utility.set_location('l_info_egc.access_column_name2 '||l_info_egc.access_column_name2,99011);
872: hr_utility.set_location('l_info_egc.access_calc_rule2 '||l_info_egc.access_calc_rule2,99011);
873: hr_utility.set_location('l_info_egc.crit_col2_datatype '||l_info_egc.crit_col2_datatype,99011);
874: hr_utility.set_location('l_info_egc.allow_range_validation_flag2 '||l_info_egc.allow_range_validation_flag2,99011);
875: hr_utility.set_location('l_value_char2 '||l_value_char2,99011);
876: hr_utility.set_location('l_value_num2 '||l_value_num2,99011);
877: hr_utility.set_location('l_value_date2 '||l_value_date2,99011);
879: end if ; --l_overide_found = 'N'

Line 876: hr_utility.set_location('l_value_num2 '||l_value_num2,99011);

872: hr_utility.set_location('l_info_egc.access_calc_rule2 '||l_info_egc.access_calc_rule2,99011);
873: hr_utility.set_location('l_info_egc.crit_col2_datatype '||l_info_egc.crit_col2_datatype,99011);
874: hr_utility.set_location('l_info_egc.allow_range_validation_flag2 '||l_info_egc.allow_range_validation_flag2,99011);
875: hr_utility.set_location('l_value_char2 '||l_value_char2,99011);
876: hr_utility.set_location('l_value_num2 '||l_value_num2,99011);
877: hr_utility.set_location('l_value_date2 '||l_value_date2,99011);
879: end if ; --l_overide_found = 'N'
880: --- intialise the falg value

Line 877: hr_utility.set_location('l_value_date2 '||l_value_date2,99011);

873: hr_utility.set_location('l_info_egc.crit_col2_datatype '||l_info_egc.crit_col2_datatype,99011);
874: hr_utility.set_location('l_info_egc.allow_range_validation_flag2 '||l_info_egc.allow_range_validation_flag2,99011);
875: hr_utility.set_location('l_value_char2 '||l_value_char2,99011);
876: hr_utility.set_location('l_value_num2 '||l_value_num2,99011);
877: hr_utility.set_location('l_value_date2 '||l_value_date2,99011);
879: end if ; --l_overide_found = 'N'
880: --- intialise the falg value
881: l_crit_value_checked := 'Y' ;

Line 893: hr_utility.set_location(' person values : '|| l_error_value1 ,30);

889: l_error_value2 := l_value_char2||l_value_num2||l_value_date2 ;
890: if l_error_value2 is not null then
891: l_error_value1 := l_error_value1 || ' , ' || l_error_value2 ;
892: end if ;
893: hr_utility.set_location(' person values : '|| l_error_value1 ,30);
894: l_eror_crit_name := l_info_egc.name ;
895: ---
897: for l in c_egv(p_eligy_prfl_id ,

Line 901: hr_utility.set_location('eligy_criteria_values C : '||l.char_value1 ||' / ' || l.char_value2||' and '||l.char_value3 ||'/ '||l.char_value4 ,30);

897: for l in c_egv(p_eligy_prfl_id ,
898: i.eligy_criteria_id)
899: loop
900: if g_debug then
901: hr_utility.set_location('eligy_criteria_values C : '||l.char_value1 ||' / ' || l.char_value2||' and '||l.char_value3 ||'/ '||l.char_value4 ,30);
902: hr_utility.set_location('eligy_criteria_values N : '||l.number_value1 ||' / ' || l.number_value2||' and '||l.number_value3 ||'/ '||l.number_value4 ,30);
903: hr_utility.set_location('eligy_criteria_values D : '||l.date_value1 ||' / ' || l.date_value2 ||' and '||l.date_value3 ||'/ '||l.date_value4,30);
904: end if ;
905: -- intialize the variable for the calue row

Line 902: hr_utility.set_location('eligy_criteria_values N : '||l.number_value1 ||' / ' || l.number_value2||' and '||l.number_value3 ||'/ '||l.number_value4 ,30);

898: i.eligy_criteria_id)
899: loop
900: if g_debug then
901: hr_utility.set_location('eligy_criteria_values C : '||l.char_value1 ||' / ' || l.char_value2||' and '||l.char_value3 ||'/ '||l.char_value4 ,30);
902: hr_utility.set_location('eligy_criteria_values N : '||l.number_value1 ||' / ' || l.number_value2||' and '||l.number_value3 ||'/ '||l.number_value4 ,30);
903: hr_utility.set_location('eligy_criteria_values D : '||l.date_value1 ||' / ' || l.date_value2 ||' and '||l.date_value3 ||'/ '||l.date_value4,30);
904: end if ;
905: -- intialize the variable for the calue row
906: l_crit_value_checked := 'Y' ;

Line 903: hr_utility.set_location('eligy_criteria_values D : '||l.date_value1 ||' / ' || l.date_value2 ||' and '||l.date_value3 ||'/ '||l.date_value4,30);

899: loop
900: if g_debug then
901: hr_utility.set_location('eligy_criteria_values C : '||l.char_value1 ||' / ' || l.char_value2||' and '||l.char_value3 ||'/ '||l.char_value4 ,30);
902: hr_utility.set_location('eligy_criteria_values N : '||l.number_value1 ||' / ' || l.number_value2||' and '||l.number_value3 ||'/ '||l.number_value4 ,30);
903: hr_utility.set_location('eligy_criteria_values D : '||l.date_value1 ||' / ' || l.date_value2 ||' and '||l.date_value3 ||'/ '||l.date_value4,30);
904: end if ;
905: -- intialize the variable for the calue row
906: l_crit_value_checked := 'Y' ;
907: l_true_false1 := true ;

Line 1008: hr_utility.set_location('end result : '||l_crit_value_checked,20);

1004: --- Y Y exit consider prfile failed
1005: --- N N validate further values to see whether he pass any values
1006: --- N Y treate like he meets the condition Y and N
1008: hr_utility.set_location('end result : '||l_crit_value_checked,20);
1009: hr_utility.set_location('exclude : '||l.EXCLD_FLAG,20);
1010: if l_crit_value_checked = 'Y' and l.EXCLD_FLAG = 'N' then
1011: --- when one of the value satisfied and exclde flag is false
1012: --- exit, next criteria will be validated for failure

Line 1009: hr_utility.set_location('exclude : '||l.EXCLD_FLAG,20);

1005: --- N N validate further values to see whether he pass any values
1006: --- N Y treate like he meets the condition Y and N
1008: hr_utility.set_location('end result : '||l_crit_value_checked,20);
1009: hr_utility.set_location('exclude : '||l.EXCLD_FLAG,20);
1010: if l_crit_value_checked = 'Y' and l.EXCLD_FLAG = 'N' then
1011: --- when one of the value satisfied and exclde flag is false
1012: --- exit, next criteria will be validated for failure
1013: exit ;

Line 1033: hr_utility.set_location('after exclude end result : '||l_crit_value_checked,20);

1029: --- to validate, this is as good as Y and N
1030: l_crit_value_checked := 'Y' ;
1031: exit ;
1032: end if ;
1033: hr_utility.set_location('after exclude end result : '||l_crit_value_checked,20);
1035: end Loop ;
1037: -- if any of the criteria failed (non of the value matched) then exit

Line 1045: hr_utility.set_location('end result : '||l_crit_value_checked,20);

1041: end if ;
1042: end Loop ;
1045: hr_utility.set_location('end result : '||l_crit_value_checked,20);
1046: if l_crit_value_checked = 'N' then
1047: ben_evaluate_elig_profiles.g_inelg_rsn_cd := 'RBC';
1048: fnd_message.set_name('BEN','BEN_94124_RBC_PRFL_FAIL');
1049: hr_utility.set_location('Criteria Failed: '||l_proc,20);

Line 1049: hr_utility.set_location('Criteria Failed: '||l_proc,20);

1045: hr_utility.set_location('end result : '||l_crit_value_checked,20);
1046: if l_crit_value_checked = 'N' then
1047: ben_evaluate_elig_profiles.g_inelg_rsn_cd := 'RBC';
1048: fnd_message.set_name('BEN','BEN_94124_RBC_PRFL_FAIL');
1049: hr_utility.set_location('Criteria Failed: '||l_proc,20);
1050: benutils.write(p_text => 'Generic Criteria : '|| l_eror_crit_name
1051: );
1052: benutils.write(p_text => 'Criteria Values : '||l_error_value1
1053: );

Line 1059: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:' || l_proc, 5);

1055: raise ben_evaluate_elig_profiles.g_criteria_failed;
1056: --
1057: end if ;
1058: if g_debug then
1059: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:' || l_proc, 5);
1060: end if ;
1061: end main ;