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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 65

 select  msei.secondary_inventory_name subinventory_code               --changed
        ,mil.inventory_location_id locator_id
        ,msei.organization_id organization_id                          --changed
        ,mil.project_id project_id
        ,mil.task_id task_id
        ,g_inventory_item_id inventory_item_id
        ,mil.location_current_units location_current_units
        ,mil.inventory_item_id locator_inventory_item_id
        ,mil.empty_flag empty_flag
        ,mil.mixed_items_flag mixed_items_flag
  where mil.organization_id(+) = msei.organization_id
    and mil.subinventory_code(+) = msei.secondary_inventory_name
    and NVL(msei.disable_date, sysdate+1) > sysdate
    and NVL(mil.disable_date, sysdate+1) > sysdate
Line: 165

 select  msei.secondary_inventory_name subinventory_code            -- changed
        ,mil.inventory_location_id locator_id
        ,msei.organization_id organization_id                       -- changed
        ,mil.project_id project_id
        ,mil.task_id task_id
        ,g_inventory_item_id inventory_item_id
        ,mil.location_current_units location_current_units
        ,mil.inventory_item_id locator_inventory_item_id
        ,mil.empty_flag empty_flag
        ,mil.mixed_items_flag mixed_items_flag
  where mil.organization_id(+) = msei.organization_id
    and mil.subinventory_code(+) = msei.secondary_inventory_name
    and NVL(msei.disable_date, sysdate+1) > sysdate
    and NVL(mil.disable_date, sysdate+1) > sysdate
    and mil.organization_id = misi.organization_id
    and mil.subinventory_code = misi.secondary_inventory
    and misi.inventory_item_id = g_inventory_item_id
Line: 269

 select  mil.subinventory_code subinventory_code
        ,mil.inventory_location_id locator_id
        ,mil.organization_id organization_id
        ,mil.project_id project_id
        ,mil.task_id task_id
        ,g_inventory_item_id inventory_item_id
        ,mil.location_current_units location_current_units
        ,mil.inventory_item_id locator_inventory_item_id
        ,mil.empty_flag empty_flag
        ,mil.mixed_items_flag mixed_items_flag
  where mil.organization_id = msei.organization_id
    and mil.subinventory_code = msei.secondary_inventory_name
    and NVL(msei.disable_date, sysdate+1) > sysdate
    and NVL(mil.disable_date, sysdate+1) > sysdate
    and mil.organization_id = misi.organization_id
    and mil.subinventory_code = misi.secondary_inventory
    and misi.inventory_item_id = g_inventory_item_id
    and mil.organization_id = msl.organization_id
    and mil.inventory_location_id = msl.secondary_locator
    and msl.inventory_item_Id = g_inventory_item_id
Line: 377

 select  x.organization_id
  from (
  -- subs not restricted and locator controlled
        ,mil.PROJECT_ID     PROJECT_ID
        ,mil.TASK_ID      TASK_ID
    from MTL_ITEM_LOCATIONS                      mil
        ,MTL_SECONDARY_INVENTORIES               msei
        ,MTL_PARAMETERS                          mp
        ,MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS                        msi
   where nvl(msi.RESTRICT_SUBINVENTORIES_CODE,2) = 2
     and nvl(msi.RESTRICT_LOCATORS_CODE,2)       = 2
     and mp.ORGANIZATION_ID                      = msi.ORGANIZATION_ID
     and msei.ORGANIZATION_ID                    = msi.ORGANIZATION_ID
     and nvl(msei.DISABLE_DATE,sysdate+1)        > sysdate
     and decode(mp.STOCK_LOCATOR_CONTROL_CODE,
                mp.STOCK_LOCATOR_CONTROL_CODE)   > 1
     and mil.INVENTORY_LOCATION_ID               > 0  -- force U1 to be used
     and mil.ORGANIZATION_ID                     = msei.ORGANIZATION_ID
     and mil.SUBINVENTORY_CODE                   = msei.SECONDARY_INVENTORY_NAME
     and nvl(mil.DISABLE_DATE,sysdate+1)         > sysdate
  union all
  -- subs restricted and locator controlled
  select msi.ORGANIZATION_ID
    from MTL_ITEM_LOCATIONS                      mil
        ,MTL_SECONDARY_INVENTORIES               msei
        ,MTL_ITEM_SUB_INVENTORIES                misi
        ,MTL_PARAMETERS                          mp
        ,MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS                        msi
   where nvl(msi.RESTRICT_SUBINVENTORIES_CODE,2) = 1
     and nvl(msi.RESTRICT_LOCATORS_CODE,2)       = 2
     and mp.ORGANIZATION_ID                      = msi.ORGANIZATION_ID
     and misi.ORGANIZATION_ID                    = msi.ORGANIZATION_ID
     and misi.INVENTORY_ITEM_ID                  = msi.INVENTORY_ITEM_ID
     and msei.ORGANIZATION_ID                    = misi.ORGANIZATION_ID
     and nvl(msei.DISABLE_DATE,sysdate+1)        > sysdate
     and decode(mp.STOCK_LOCATOR_CONTROL_CODE,
                mp.STOCK_LOCATOR_CONTROL_CODE)   > 1
     and mil.INVENTORY_LOCATION_ID               > 0  -- force U1 to be used
     and mil.ORGANIZATION_ID                     = misi.ORGANIZATION_ID
     and mil.SUBINVENTORY_CODE                   = misi.SECONDARY_INVENTORY
     and nvl(mil.DISABLE_DATE,sysdate+1)         > sysdate
  union all
  -- locators restricted
  select msi.ORGANIZATION_ID
    from MTL_ITEM_LOCATIONS                      mil
        ,MTL_SECONDARY_LOCATORS                  msl
        ,MTL_SECONDARY_INVENTORIES               msei
        ,MTL_ITEM_SUB_INVENTORIES                misi
        ,MTL_PARAMETERS                          mp
        ,MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS                        msi
   where nvl(msi.RESTRICT_SUBINVENTORIES_CODE,2) = 1
     and nvl(msi.RESTRICT_LOCATORS_CODE,2)       = 1
     and mp.ORGANIZATION_ID                      = msi.ORGANIZATION_ID
     and misi.ORGANIZATION_ID                    = msi.ORGANIZATION_ID
     and misi.INVENTORY_ITEM_ID                  = msi.INVENTORY_ITEM_ID
     and msei.ORGANIZATION_ID                    = misi.ORGANIZATION_ID
     and nvl(msei.DISABLE_DATE,sysdate+1)        > sysdate
     and msl.ORGANIZATION_ID                     = misi.ORGANIZATION_ID
     and msl.INVENTORY_ITEM_ID                   = misi.INVENTORY_ITEM_ID
     and msl.SUBINVENTORY_CODE                   = misi.SECONDARY_INVENTORY
     and mil.ORGANIZATION_ID                     = msl.ORGANIZATION_ID
     and mil.INVENTORY_LOCATION_ID               = msl.SECONDARY_LOCATOR
     and nvl(mil.DISABLE_DATE,sysdate+1)         > sysdate
  ) x
  group by x.organization_id
         , x.inventory_item_id
         , x.subinventory_code
         , x.locator_id
Line: 474

   select  msn.current_organization_id organization_id
    ,lot.expiration_date lot_expiration_date
    ,msn.current_subinventory_code subinventory_code
    ,msn.current_locator_id locator_id
    ,msn.status_id   --added status_id
    ,msn.initialization_date date_received
    ,1 primary_quantity
    ,null secondary_quantity                            -- new
    ,lot.grade_code grade_code                          -- new
    ,nvl(loc.reservable_type,1)  locreservable          -- Bug 6719290
    ,nvl(lot.reservable_type,1)  lotreservable          -- Bug 6719290
    ,nvl(loc.pick_uom_code, sub.pick_uom_code) uom_code
         nvl(loc.pick_uom_code, sub.pick_uom_code)
        ,msn.inventory_item_id) conversion_rate
    ,msn.lpn_id lpn_id
    ,loc.project_id project_id
    ,loc.task_id task_id
          ,NULL locator_inventory_item_id
          ,NULL empty_flag
          ,NULL location_current_units
   from  mtl_serial_numbers msn
    ,mtl_secondary_inventories sub
    ,mtl_item_locations loc
    ,mtl_lot_numbers lot
   where msn.current_status = 3
      and decode(g_unit_number, ''-9999'', ''a'', ''-7777'', nvl(msn.end_item_unit_number, ''-7777''), msn.end_item_unit_number) =
      decode(g_unit_number, ''-9999'', ''a'', g_unit_number)
      and (msn.group_mark_id IS NULL or msn.group_mark_id = -1)
      --and (g_detail_serial IN ( 1,2)
        and ( g_detail_any_serial = 2   or   (g_detail_any_serial = 1
            and g_from_serial_number <= msn.serial_number
            and lengthb(g_from_serial_number) = lengthb(msn.serial_number)
            and g_to_serial_number >=  msn.serial_number
            and lengthb(g_to_serial_number) = lengthb(msn.serial_number))
             or ( g_from_serial_number is null or g_to_serial_number is null)
      and sub.organization_id = msn.current_organization_id
      and sub.secondary_inventory_name = msn.current_subinventory_code
      and loc.organization_id (+)= msn.current_organization_id
      and loc.inventory_location_id (+)= msn.current_locator_id
      and lot.organization_id (+)= msn.current_organization_id
      and lot.inventory_Item_id (+)= msn.inventory_item_id
      and lot.lot_number (+)= msn.lot_number
Line: 530

         select  msn.current_organization_id organization_id
          ,lot.expiration_date lot_expiration_date
          ,msn.current_subinventory_code subinventory_code
          ,msn.current_locator_id locator_id
	   ,msn.status_id   --added status_id
          ,msn.initialization_date date_received
          ,1 primary_quantity
          ,null secondary_quantity                            -- new
          ,lot.grade_code grade_code                          -- new
          ,nvl(loc.reservable_type,1)  locreservable          -- Bug 6719290
          ,nvl(lot.reservable_type,1)  lotreservable          -- Bug 6719290
          ,nvl(loc.pick_uom_code, sub.pick_uom_code) uom_code
               nvl(loc.pick_uom_code, sub.pick_uom_code)
              ,msn.inventory_item_id) conversion_rate
          ,msn.lpn_id lpn_id
          ,loc.project_id project_id
          ,loc.task_id task_id
                ,NULL locator_inventory_item_id
                ,NULL empty_flag
                ,NULL location_current_units
           from  mtl_serial_numbers msn
          ,mtl_secondary_inventories sub
          ,mtl_item_locations loc
          ,mtl_lot_numbers lot
          where msn.current_status = 3
            and decode(g_unit_number, ''-9999'', ''a'', ''-7777'', nvl(msn.end_item_unit_number, ''-7777''), msn.end_item_unit_number) =
            decode(g_unit_number, ''-9999'', ''a'', g_unit_number)
            and (msn.group_mark_id IS NULL or msn.group_mark_id = -1)
            and (g_detail_serial = 4
                OR(g_detail_any_serial = 1
             OR (g_from_serial_number <= msn.serial_number
                AND lengthb(g_from_serial_number) = lengthb(msn.serial_number)
                AND g_to_serial_number >=  msn.serial_number
                      AND lengthb(g_to_serial_number) = lengthb(msn.serial_number)
            and sub.organization_id = msn.current_organization_id
            and sub.secondary_inventory_name = msn.current_subinventory_code
            and loc.organization_id (+)= msn.current_organization_id
            and loc.inventory_location_id (+)= msn.current_locator_id
            and lot.organization_id (+)= msn.current_organization_id
            and lot.inventory_Item_id (+)= msn.inventory_item_id
            and lot.lot_number (+)= msn.lot_number
Line: 586

    select  msn.current_organization_id organization_id
     ,lot.expiration_date lot_expiration_date
     ,msn.current_subinventory_code subinventory_code
     ,msn.current_locator_id locator_id
     ,msn.status_id	--added status_id
     ,msn.initialization_date date_received
     ,1 primary_quantity
     ,null secondary_quantity                            -- new
     ,lot.grade_code grade_code                          -- new
     ,nvl(loc.reservable_type,1)   locreservable                -- Bug 6719290
     ,nvl(lot.reservable_type,1)   lotreservable                -- Bug 6719290
     ,nvl(loc.pick_uom_code, sub.pick_uom_code) uom_code
          nvl(loc.pick_uom_code, sub.pick_uom_code)
         ,msn.inventory_item_id) conversion_rate
     ,msn.lpn_id lpn_id
     ,loc.project_id project_id
     ,loc.task_id task_id
           ,NULL locator_inventory_item_id
           ,NULL empty_flag
           ,NULL location_current_units
      from  mtl_serial_numbers msn
     ,mtl_secondary_inventories sub
     ,mtl_item_locations loc
     ,mtl_lot_numbers lot
    where msn.current_status = 3
       and decode(g_unit_number, ''-9999'', ''a'', ''-7777'', nvl(msn.end_item_unit_number, ''-7777''), msn.end_item_unit_number) =
       decode(g_unit_number, ''-9999'', ''a'', g_unit_number)
       and (msn.group_mark_id IS NULL or msn.group_mark_id = -1)
       and (g_detail_serial = 3
           OR(g_detail_any_serial = 1
        OR (g_from_serial_number <= msn.serial_number
           AND lengthb(g_from_serial_number) = lengthb(msn.serial_number)
           AND g_to_serial_number >=  msn.serial_number
                 AND lengthb(g_to_serial_number) = lengthb(msn.serial_number)
       and sub.organization_id = msn.current_organization_id
       and sub.secondary_inventory_name = msn.current_subinventory_code
       and loc.organization_id (+)= msn.current_organization_id
       and loc.inventory_location_id (+)= msn.current_locator_id
       and lot.organization_id (+)= msn.current_organization_id
       and lot.inventory_Item_id (+)= msn.inventory_item_id
       and lot.lot_number (+)= msn.lot_number
       and inv_detail_util_pvt.is_serial_trx_allowed(
                                        ,msn.status_id) = ''Y'' ';
Line: 645

   select  x.organization_id
          ,lot.expiration_date lot_expiration_date
	  ,nvl(x.reservable_type,1) locreservable             -- Bug 6719290
	  ,nvl(lot.reservable_type,1) lotreservable           -- Bug 6719290
	  ,x.status_id		--added status_id
          ,x.date_received date_received
          ,x.primary_quantity primary_quantity
          ,x.secondary_quantity       secondary_quantity            -- new
          ,lot.grade_code             grade_code                    -- new
          ,x.lpn_id lpn_id
          ,x.project_id project_id
          ,x.task_id task_id
	    ,moq.status_id		--added status_id
	    ,mils.reservable_type                                  -- Bug 6719290
                 moq.date_received)) date_received
            ,sum(moq.primary_transaction_quantity) primary_quantity
            ,sum(moq.secondary_transaction_quantity) secondary_quantity   -- new
            ,moq.lpn_id lpn_id
            ,mils.project_id project_id
            ,mils.task_id task_id
              mtl_onhand_quantities_detail  moq
            , mtl_item_locations            mils
               moq.organization_id = g_organization_id
           AND moq.inventory_item_id = g_inventory_item_id
           AND moq.organization_id = mils.organization_id
           AND moq.subinventory_code = mils.subinventory_code
           AND moq.locator_id = mils.inventory_location_id
           AND moq.lpn_id IS NOT NULL
           AND NOT EXISTS(
                select lpn_id
                from wms_license_plate_numbers wlpn1
                where wlpn1.parent_lpn_id = moq.lpn_id)
               1 = (select count(distinct(moq1.inventory_item_id))
               from mtl_onhand_quantities_detail moq1
               where   moq1.organization_id = moq.organization_id
                    and moq1.subinventory_code = moq.subinventory_code
                    and moq1.locator_id = moq.locator_id
                    and moq1.lpn_id = moq.lpn_id)
           GROUP BY
               moq.organization_id, moq.inventory_item_id
              ,moq.revision, moq.lot_number
              ,moq.subinventory_code, moq.locator_id   --added status_id
              ,moq.cost_group_id,moq.status_id,mils.reservable_type,moq.lpn_id       -- Bug 6719290
              ,mils.project_id, mils.task_id
          ) x
          ,mtl_secondary_inventories sub
          ,mtl_lot_numbers lot
    where x.primary_quantity > 0
      and x.organization_id = sub.organization_id
      and x.subinventory_code = sub.secondary_inventory_name
      and x.organization_id = lot.organization_id (+)
      and x.inventory_item_id = lot.inventory_item_id (+)
      and x.lot_number = lot.lot_number (+)
Line: 726

   select  x.organization_id
          ,lot.expiration_date lot_expiration_date
	  ,nvl(x.reservable_type,1)   locreservable                          -- Bug 6719290
	  ,nvl(lot.reservable_type,1) lotreservable                          -- Bug 6719290
	  ,x.status_id		--added status_id
          ,x.date_received date_received
          ,x.primary_quantity primary_quantity
          ,x.secondary_quantity       secondary_quantity            -- new
          ,lot.grade_code             grade_code                    -- new
          ,x.lpn_id lpn_id
          ,x.project_id project_id
          ,x.task_id task_id
	    ,moq.status_id		--added status_id
	    ,mils.reservable_type                                  -- Bug 6719290
                 moq.date_received)) date_received
            ,sum(moq.primary_transaction_quantity) primary_quantity
            ,sum(moq.secondary_transaction_quantity) secondary_quantity   -- new
            ,moq.lpn_id lpn_id
            ,decode(mils.project_id, mils.project_id, moq.project_id) project_id
            ,decode(mils.task_id, mils.task_id, moq.task_id) task_id
            mtl_onhand_quantities_detail moq,mtl_item_locations mils
               moq.organization_id = g_organization_id
           AND moq.inventory_item_id = g_inventory_item_id
           AND moq.organization_id = mils.organization_id (+)
           AND moq.subinventory_code = mils.subinventory_code (+)
           AND moq.locator_id = mils.inventory_location_id (+)
          GROUP BY
               moq.organization_id, moq.inventory_item_id
              ,moq.revision, moq.lot_number
              ,moq.subinventory_code, moq.locator_id		--added status_id
              ,moq.cost_group_id,moq.status_id, mils.reservable_type, moq.lpn_id         -- Bug 6719290
              ,decode(mils.project_id, mils.project_id, moq.project_id)
              ,decode(mils.task_id, mils.task_id, moq.task_id)
          ) x
          ,mtl_secondary_inventories sub
          ,mtl_lot_numbers lot
    where x.primary_quantity > 0
      and x.organization_id = sub.organization_id
      and x.subinventory_code = sub.secondary_inventory_name
      and x.organization_id = lot.organization_id (+)
      and x.inventory_item_id = lot.inventory_item_id (+)
      and x.lot_number = lot.lot_number (+)
Line: 792

  g_base_select                   LONG;
Line: 794

  g_rule_select                   LONG;
Line: 795

  g_rule_select_serial            LONG;
Line: 990

     SELECT count( DISTINCT p.object_id)
       INTO l_serial_object_used
       FROM wms_selection_criteria_txn wsc,
            wms_strategies_b wsb,
            wms_strategy_members wsm,
            wms_rules_b wrb,
            wms_restrictions r,
            wms_sort_criteria s,
            wms_rule_consistencies c,
            wms_parameters_b p
      WHERE wsc.rule_type_code = 2
        AND wsc.enabled_flag = 1
        AND wsc.return_type_code = 'S'
        AND wsc.from_organization_id = p_organization_id
        AND wsc.return_type_id = wsb.strategy_id
        AND wsb.strategy_id = wsm.strategy_id
        AND wsm.rule_id = wrb.rule_id
        AND (
             ( wrb.rule_id = r.rule_id AND ((r.parameter_id = p.parameter_id ) OR (r.operand_parameter_id = p.parameter_id)))
                OR (wrb.rule_id = s.rule_id AND s.parameter_id = p.parameter_id)                OR (wrb.rule_id = c.rule_id AND c.parameter_id = p.parameter_id)              )
        AND wrb.organization_id IN (p_organization_id, -1)
        AND p.object_id = 26; --- 26 is Serial object
Line: 1037

    g_base_select         := NULL;
Line: 1038

    g_rule_select         := NULL;
Line: 1039

    g_rule_select_serial  := NULL;
Line: 1091

    UPDATE wms_rule_list_package
       SET package_name_count = 3;
Line: 1157

      SELECT   conversion_rate
             , uom_class
          FROM mtl_uom_conversions
         WHERE uom_code = p_uom_code
           AND inventory_item_id IN (p_inventory_item_id, 0)
           AND NVL(disable_date, TRUNC(SYSDATE) + 1) > TRUNC(SYSDATE)
      ORDER BY inventory_item_id DESC;
Line: 1167

      SELECT uom_class
        FROM mtl_units_of_measure muom, mtl_system_items msi
       WHERE msi.organization_id = p_organization_id
         AND msi.inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
         AND muom.uom_code = msi.primary_uom_code;
Line: 1175

      SELECT   conversion_rate
          FROM mtl_uom_class_conversions
         WHERE from_uom_class = l_from_class
           AND to_uom_class = l_to_class
           AND inventory_item_id IN (p_inventory_item_id, 0)
           AND NVL(disable_date, TRUNC(SYSDATE) + 1) > TRUNC(SYSDATE)
      ORDER BY inventory_item_id DESC;
Line: 1266

      SELECT wdo1.table_alias
           , wdo2.table_name
           , wdo2.table_alias
        FROM wms_db_objects wdo1, wms_db_objects wdo2
       WHERE wdo1.db_object_id = 1
         AND wdo2.db_object_id = 2;
Line: 1310

      g_base_select  :=    l_type_dependent_alias
                        || '.REVISION'
                        || g_line_feed
                        || ','
                        || l_type_dependent_alias
                        || '.LOT_NUMBER'
                        || g_line_feed
                        || ','
                        || l_type_dependent_alias
                        || '.LOT_EXPIRATION_DATE'
                        || g_line_feed
                        || ','
                        || g_base_table_alias
                        || '.SUBINVENTORY_CODE'
                        || g_line_feed
                        || ','
                        || g_base_table_alias
                        || '.LOCATOR_ID'
                        || g_line_feed;
Line: 1330

      g_base_select  := g_base_table_alias
                       || '.SUBINVENTORY_CODE'
                       || g_line_feed || ','
                       || g_base_table_alias
                       || '.LOCATOR_ID'
                       || g_line_feed;
Line: 1340

      g_base_select  := g_base_select
                       || ','
                       || g_base_table_alias
                       || '.PROJECT_ID'
                       || g_line_feed;
Line: 1345

      g_base_select  := g_base_select
                       || ','
                       || g_base_table_alias
                       || '.TASK_ID'
                       || g_line_feed;
Line: 1355

      g_base_select  := g_base_select
                       || ','
                       || g_base_table_alias
                       || '.COST_GROUP_ID'
                       || g_line_feed;
Line: 1360

      g_base_select  := g_base_select
                       || ','
                       || g_base_table_alias
                       || '.UOM_CODE'
                       || g_line_feed;
Line: 1367

        g_base_select  := g_base_select
                       || ','
                       || g_base_table_alias
                       || '.LPN_ID'
                       || g_line_feed;
Line: 1373

        g_base_select  := g_base_select
                       || ',decode(g_lpn_id, -9999, NULL, g_lpn_id) LPN_ID'
                       || g_line_feed;
Line: 1382

     *  g_base_select := g_base_select ||',NULL cost_group_id'
     *                                 || g_line_feed;
Line: 1384

     *  g_base_select := g_base_select ||',NULL uom_code'
     *                                 || g_line_feed;
Line: 1458

                 || 'SELECT x.organization_id       organization_id     '
                                       || g_line_feed
                 || '  ,x.inventory_item_id         inventory_item_id   '
                                       || g_line_feed
                 || '  ,x.revision                  revision            '
                                       || g_line_feed
                 || '  ,x.lot_number                lot_number          '
                                       || g_line_feed
                 || '  ,x.lot_expiration_date       lot_expiration_date '
                                       || g_line_feed
                 || '  ,x.subinventory_code         subinventory_code   '
                 || g_line_feed
                 || '  ,x.locator_id                locator_id          '
                                       || g_line_feed
                 || '  ,x.cost_group_id             cost_group_id       '
                                       || g_line_feed
		 || '  ,x.status_id                 status_id       '   --added status_id
                              || g_line_feed
                 || '  ,NULL                        serial_number       '
                                       || g_line_feed
                 || '  ,x.lpn_id                    lpn_id              '
                                       || g_line_feed
                 || '  ,x.project_id                project_id          '
                                       || g_line_feed
                 || '  ,x.task_id                   task_id             '
                                       || g_line_feed
                 || '  ,x.date_received             date_received       '
                                       || g_line_feed
                 || '  ,x.primary_quantity          primary_quantity    '
                                       || g_line_feed
                 || '  ,x.secondary_quantity          secondary_quantity    '         -- new
                                       || g_line_feed                                 -- new
                 || '  ,x.grade_code                  grade_code            '         -- new
                                       || g_line_feed                                 -- new
                 || '  ,x.reservable_type           reservable_type     '
                                       || g_line_feed
                 || '  ,x.locreservable             locreservable '              -- Bug 6719290 Start
                                       || g_line_feed
                 || '  ,x.lotreservable             lotreservable '
                                       || g_line_feed                            -- Bug 6719290 End
                 || '  ,NVL(loc.pick_uom_code,sub.pick_uom_code) uom_code'
                                       || g_line_feed
                 || '  ,WMS_Rule_PVT.GetConversionRate(                 '
                                       || g_line_feed
                 || '       NVL(loc.pick_uom_code, sub.pick_uom_code)   '
                                       || g_line_feed
                 || '       ,x.organization_id            '
                                       || g_line_feed
                 || '       ,x.inventory_item_id) conversion_rate       '
                                       || g_line_feed
                 || '  ,NULL locator_inventory_item_id                  '
                                       || g_line_feed
                 || '  ,NULL empty_flag                                 '
                                       || g_line_feed
                 || '  ,NULL location_current_units                     '
                                       || g_line_feed
                 || 'FROM ('
                 || g_pick_base
                  --extra line feed?                  || g_line_feed
                 || '     ) x                                           '
                                       || g_line_feed
                 || '    ,mtl_secondary_inventories sub                 '
                                       || g_line_feed
                 || '    ,mtl_item_locations loc                        '
                                       || g_line_feed
                 || 'WHERE x.organization_id = loc.organization_id (+)  '
                                       || g_line_feed
                 || '   AND x.locator_id = loc.inventory_location_id (+)'
                                       || g_line_feed
                 || '   AND sub.organization_id = x.organization_id     '
                                       || g_line_feed
                 || '   AND sub.secondary_inventory_name = x.subinventory_code '
                                       || g_line_feed; /*
Line: 1571

                                  select lpn_id
                                  from wms_license_plate_numbers wlpn1
                                  where wlpn1.parent_lpn_id = msn.lpn_id)
                                        1 = (select count(distinct(moq1.inventory_item_id))
                                             from mtl_onhand_quantities_detail moq1
                                             where moq1.organization_id = msn.current_organization_id
                             and moq1.subinventory_code = msn.current_subinventory_code
                             and moq1.locator_id = msn.current_locator_id
                             and moq1.lpn_id = msn.lpn_id)
Line: 1591

        select lpn_id
        from wms_license_plate_numbers wlpn1
        where wlpn1.parent_lpn_id = msn.lpn_id)
             1 = (select count(distinct(moq1.inventory_item_id))
                   from mtl_onhand_quantities_detail moq1
                   where moq1.organization_id = msn.current_organization_id
         and moq1.subinventory_code = msn.current_subinventory_code
         and moq1.locator_id = msn.current_locator_id
         and moq1.lpn_id = msn.lpn_id)
Line: 1608

        select lpn_id
        from wms_license_plate_numbers wlpn1
        where wlpn1.parent_lpn_id = msn.lpn_id)
             1 = (select count(distinct(moq1.inventory_item_id))
                   from mtl_onhand_quantities_detail moq1
                   where moq1.organization_id = msn.current_organization_id
         and moq1.subinventory_code = msn.current_subinventory_code
         and moq1.locator_id = msn.current_locator_id
         and moq1.lpn_id = msn.lpn_id)
Line: 1791

      SELECT   wdo.db_object_id
             , wdo.table_name
             , wdo.table_alias
             , wdo.context_dependent_flag
          FROM wms_db_objects wdo
             , wms_parameters_b wpb
             , (SELECT wsc.parameter_id
                  FROM wms_sort_criteria wsc
                 WHERE wsc.rule_id = p_rule_id
                SELECT wr.parameter_id
                  FROM wms_restrictions wr
                 WHERE wr.rule_id = p_rule_id
                SELECT wr.operand_parameter_id
                  FROM wms_restrictions wr
                 WHERE wr.rule_id = p_rule_id
                   AND wr.operand_type_code = 4
                SELECT wrc.parameter_id
                  FROM wms_rule_consistencies wrc
                 WHERE wrc.rule_id = p_rule_id) x
         WHERE wpb.parameter_id = x.parameter_id
           AND wpb.db_object_ref_type_code = 1
           AND wdo.db_object_id = wpb.db_object_id
           AND wdo.db_object_id NOT IN (1, 2)
      -- 2. all parents of single referenced DB objects
      SELECT   wdo.db_object_id
             , wdo.table_name
             , wdo.table_alias
             , wdo.context_dependent_flag
          FROM wms_db_objects wdo
             , (SELECT     wdop.parent_db_object_id
                      FROM wms_db_objects_parents wdop
                     WHERE wdop.type_code = p_type_code
                CONNECT BY wdop.db_object_id = PRIOR wdop.parent_db_object_id
                START WITH wdop.db_object_id IN (SELECT wdod.db_object_id
                                                   FROM wms_db_objects wdod
                                                      , wms_parameters_b wpbd
                                                      , (SELECT wscd.parameter_id
                                                           FROM wms_sort_criteria wscd
                                                          WHERE wscd.rule_id = p_rule_id
                                                         SELECT wrd.parameter_id
                                                           FROM wms_restrictions wrd
                                                          WHERE wrd.rule_id = p_rule_id
                                                         SELECT wrd.operand_parameter_id
                                                           FROM wms_restrictions wrd
                                                          WHERE wrd.rule_id = p_rule_id
                                                            AND wrd.operand_type_code = 4
                                                         SELECT wrcd.parameter_id
                                                           FROM wms_rule_consistencies wrcd
                                                          WHERE wrcd.rule_id = p_rule_id) xd
                                                  WHERE wpbd.parameter_id = xd.parameter_id
                                                    AND wpbd.db_object_ref_type_code = 1
                                                    AND wdod.db_object_id = wpbd.db_object_id)) x
         WHERE wdo.db_object_id = x.parent_db_object_id
           AND wdo.db_object_id NOT IN (1, 2)
      -- 3. all multi referenced DB objects
      SELECT   wdo.db_object_id
             , wdo.table_name
             , NVL(wdorm.table_alias, wdo.table_alias)
             , wdo.context_dependent_flag
          FROM wms_db_objects wdo
             , wms_db_obj_ref_members wdorm
             , wms_db_object_references wdor
             , wms_parameters_b wpb
             , (SELECT wsc.parameter_id
                  FROM wms_sort_criteria wsc
                 WHERE wsc.rule_id = p_rule_id
                SELECT wr.parameter_id
                  FROM wms_restrictions wr
                 WHERE wr.rule_id = p_rule_id
                SELECT wr.operand_parameter_id
                  FROM wms_restrictions wr
                 WHERE wr.rule_id = p_rule_id
                   AND wr.operand_type_code = 4
                SELECT wrc.parameter_id
                  FROM wms_rule_consistencies wrc
                 WHERE wrc.rule_id = p_rule_id) x
         WHERE wpb.parameter_id = x.parameter_id
           AND wpb.db_object_ref_type_code = 2
           AND wdor.db_object_reference_id = wpb.db_object_reference_id
           AND wdorm.db_object_reference_id = wdor.db_object_reference_id
           AND wdo.db_object_id = wdorm.db_object_id
           AND wdo.db_object_id NOT IN (1, 2)
      -- 4. all parents of multi referenced DB objects
      SELECT   wdo.db_object_id
             , wdo.table_name
             , wdo.table_alias
             , wdo.context_dependent_flag
          FROM wms_db_objects wdo
             , (SELECT     wdop.parent_db_object_id
                      FROM wms_db_objects_parents wdop
                     WHERE wdop.type_code = p_type_code
                CONNECT BY wdop.db_object_id = PRIOR wdop.parent_db_object_id
                START WITH wdop.db_object_id IN (SELECT wdoi.db_object_id
                                                   FROM wms_db_objects wdoi
                                                      , wms_db_obj_ref_members wdormi
                                                      , wms_db_object_references wdori
                                                      , wms_parameters_b wpbi
                                                      , (SELECT wsc.parameter_id
                                                           FROM wms_sort_criteria wsc
                                                          WHERE wsc.rule_id = p_rule_id
                                                         SELECT wr.parameter_id
                                                           FROM wms_restrictions wr
                                                          WHERE wr.rule_id = p_rule_id
                                                         SELECT wr.operand_parameter_id
                                                           FROM wms_restrictions wr
                                                          WHERE wr.rule_id = p_rule_id
                                                            AND wr.operand_type_code = 4
                                                         SELECT wrc.parameter_id
                                                           FROM wms_rule_consistencies wrc
                                                          WHERE wrc.rule_id = p_rule_id) xi
                                                  WHERE wpbi.parameter_id = xi.parameter_id
                                                    AND wpbi.db_object_ref_type_code = 2
                                                    AND wdori.db_object_reference_id = wpbi.db_object_reference_id
                                                    AND wdormi.db_object_reference_id = wdori.db_object_reference_id
                                                    AND wdoi.db_object_id = wdormi.db_object_id)) x
         WHERE wdo.db_object_id = x.parent_db_object_id
           AND wdo.db_object_id NOT IN (1, 2)
      ORDER BY 1;
Line: 1929

      SELECT wpb.parameter_type_code
           , wpb.column_name
           , wpb.expression
           , wpb.data_type_code
           , wpbp.parameter_type_code
           , wpbp.column_name
           , wpbp.expression
           , wpbp.data_type_code
           , wdop.table_alias -- alias n.a. for multi object based parameters
        FROM wms_db_objects wdop, wms_parameters_b wpbp, wms_parameters_b wpb, wms_db_object_joins wdoj
       WHERE wdoj.db_object_id = l_db_object_id
         AND wdoj.type_code = p_type_code
         AND wpb.parameter_id = wdoj.parameter_id
         AND wpbp.parameter_id = wdoj.parent_parameter_id
         AND wdop.db_object_id(+) = wpbp.db_object_id;
Line: 1949

      SELECT wpb.parameter_type_code
           , wpb.column_name
           , wpb.expression
           , wpb.data_type_code
           , wdo.table_alias -- alias n.a. for multi object based parameters
        FROM wms_db_objects wdo, wms_parameters_b wpb, wms_rules_b wrb
       WHERE wrb.rule_id = p_rule_id
         AND wpb.parameter_id = wrb.qty_function_parameter_id
         AND wdo.db_object_id(+) = wpb.db_object_id;
Line: 1963

      SELECT   wpbl.parameter_type_code
             , wpbl.column_name
             , wpbl.expression
             , wpbl.data_type_code
             , wdol.table_alias -- alias n.a. for multi object based parameters
             , DECODE(
               , 1, '>'
               , 2, '<'
               , 3, '='
               , 4, '<>'
               , 5, '>='
               , 6, '<='
               , 7, 'IN'
               , 8, 'NOT IN'
               , 9, 'LIKE'
               , 10, 'NOT LIKE'
               , 11, 'IS NULL'
               , 12, 'IS NOT NULL'
               , NULL
             , wr.operand_type_code
             , wr.operand_constant_number
             , wr.operand_constant_character
             , wr.operand_constant_date
             , wr.operand_expression
             , wr.operand_flex_value_set_id
             , DECODE(wr.logical_operator_code, 1, 'and', 2, 'or', NULL)
             , wr.bracket_open
             , wr.bracket_close
             , wpbr.parameter_type_code
             , wpbr.column_name
             , wpbr.expression
             , DECODE(
               , 4, wpbr.data_type_code
               , 5, wpbl.data_type_code
               , 6, DECODE(ffvs.format_type, 'N', 1, 'C', 2, 3)
               , 7, NULL
               , wr.operand_type_code
             , wdor.table_alias -- alias n.a. for multi object based parameters
             , ffvs.validation_type -- only 'independent' and 'table' are supported
             , ffvt.id_column_name
             , ffvt.value_column_name
             , ffvt.application_table_name
             , ffvt.additional_where_clause
             , wr.rule_id
             , wr.sequence_number
          FROM fnd_flex_validation_tables ffvt
             , fnd_flex_value_sets ffvs
             , wms_db_objects wdor
             , wms_parameters_b wpbr
             , wms_db_objects wdol
             , wms_parameters_b wpbl
             , wms_restrictions wr
         WHERE wr.rule_id = p_rule_id
           AND wpbl.parameter_id = wr.parameter_id
           AND wdol.db_object_id(+) = wpbl.db_object_id
           AND wpbr.parameter_id(+) = wr.operand_parameter_id
           AND wdor.db_object_id(+) = wpbr.db_object_id
           AND ffvs.flex_value_set_id(+) = wr.operand_flex_value_set_id
           AND ffvt.flex_value_set_id(+) = wr.operand_flex_value_set_id
      ORDER BY wr.rule_id, wr.sequence_number -- order is important
Line: 2033

      SELECT   wpb.parameter_type_code
             , wpb.column_name
             , wpb.expression
             , wpb.data_type_code
             , wdo.table_alias -- alias n.a. for multi object based parameters
             , wms_parameter_pvt.getflexdatatypecode(
               , wpb.db_object_ref_type_code
               , wpb.parameter_type_code
               , wpb.flexfield_usage_code
               , wpb.flexfield_application_id
               , wpb.flexfield_name
               , wpb.column_name
             , DECODE(wsc.order_code, 1, 'asc', 2, 'desc', NULL)
             , wsc.rule_id
             , wsc.sequence_number
          FROM wms_db_objects wdo, wms_parameters_b wpb, wms_sort_criteria wsc
         WHERE wsc.rule_id = p_rule_id
           AND wpb.parameter_id = wsc.parameter_id
           AND wdo.db_object_id(+) = wpb.db_object_id
      ORDER BY wsc.rule_id, wsc.sequence_number;
Line: 2060

      SELECT wpb.parameter_type_code
           , wpb.column_name
           , wpb.expression
           , wdo.table_alias
        FROM wms_rule_consistencies wrc, wms_parameters_b wpb, wms_db_objects wdo
       WHERE wrc.rule_id = p_rule_id
         AND wpb.parameter_id = wrc.parameter_id
         AND wdo.db_object_id(+) = wpb.db_object_id;
Line: 2085

        g_rule_select  := 'NULL serial_number
                          ,nvl(base.secondary_quantity,0)              -- new
                          ,base.grade_code,                            -- new
                          ,NULL consist_string,
                          ,NULL order_by_string';
Line: 2096

        g_rule_select  := 'NULL serial_number
                                (  mptdtv.TO_ORGANIZATION_ID
                          ,NULL consist_string
                          ,NULL order_by_string';
Line: 2246

        g_rule_select  := g_rule_select || ',' || g_base_table_alias || '.SERIAL_NUMBER' || g_line_feed;
Line: 2248

        g_rule_select  := g_rule_select || ',NULL SERIAL_NUMBER' || g_line_feed;
Line: 2253

      g_rule_select_serial  := g_rule_select_serial || ',NULL SERIAL_NUMBER' || g_line_feed;
Line: 2293

        g_rule_select         := g_rule_select || ',nvl(' || l_table_alias || '.' || l_column_name || ',0)' || g_line_feed;
Line: 2294

        g_rule_select_serial  := g_rule_select_serial || ',sum(nvl(' || l_table_alias || '.' || l_column_name || ',0))' || g_line_feed;
Line: 2310

          g_rule_select         := g_rule_select
                                   || ',nvl(' || l_expression || ',0)'
                                   || g_line_feed;
Line: 2313

          g_rule_select_serial  := g_rule_select_serial
                                   || ',sum(nvl(' || l_expression || ',0))'
                                   || g_line_feed;
Line: 2317

          g_rule_select         := g_rule_select
                                || ',base.primary_quantity ' || g_line_feed
                                || ',base.secondary_quantity ' || g_line_feed         -- new
                                || ',base.grade_code ' || g_line_feed;                -- new
Line: 2321

          g_rule_select_serial  := g_rule_select_serial
                                || ',sum(base.primary_quantity) ' || g_line_feed
                                || ',sum(base.secondary_quantity) ' || g_line_feed         -- new
                                || ',base.grade_code ' || g_line_feed;                -- new
Line: 2534

                           || '( select '
                           || l_flex_column_name
                           || ' from '
                           || l_application_table_name
                           || ' '
                           || l_additional_where_clause
                           || ')'
                           || l_bracket_close
                           || g_line_feed;
Line: 2547

                           || '( select FLEX_VALUE from '
                           || 'FND_FLEX_VALUES_VL where FLEX_VALUE_SET_ID = '
                           || l_operand_flex_value_set_id
                           || ' and ENABLED_FLAG = ''Y'' and sysdate between nvl('
                           || 'START_DATE_ACTIVE,sysdate-1) and nvl('
                           || 'END_DATE_ACTIVE,sysdate+1) )'
                           || l_bracket_close
                           || g_line_feed;
Line: 2767

        g_rule_select         := g_rule_select
                                || ','
                                || l_consist_string
                                || ' consist_string'
                                || g_line_feed;
Line: 2772

        g_rule_select_serial  := g_rule_select_serial
                                || ','
                                || l_consist_string
                                || ' consist_string'
                                || g_line_feed;
Line: 2783

        g_rule_select         := g_rule_select || ',NULL consist_string' || g_line_feed;
Line: 2784

        g_rule_select_serial  := g_rule_select_serial || ',NULL consist_string' || g_line_feed;
Line: 2832

        g_rule_select         := g_rule_select
                                || ','
                                || l_order_by_string
                                || ' order_by_string'
                                || g_line_feed;
Line: 2837

        g_rule_select_serial  := g_rule_select_serial
                                || ','
                                || l_order_by_string
                                || ' order_by_string'
                                || g_line_feed;
Line: 2844

        g_rule_select         := g_rule_select || ',NULL order_by_string' || g_line_feed;
Line: 2845

        g_rule_select_serial  := g_rule_select_serial || ',NULL order_by_string' || g_line_feed;
Line: 2872

      g_rule_select         := g_rule_select || ',NULL consist_string' || g_line_feed;
Line: 2873

      g_rule_select_serial  := g_rule_select_serial || ',NULL consist_string' || g_line_feed;
Line: 2874

      g_rule_select         := g_rule_select || ',NULL order_by_string' || g_line_feed;
Line: 2875

      g_rule_select_serial  := g_rule_select_serial || ',NULL order_by_string' || g_line_feed;
Line: 2996

                        || ' ((exists (select 1 from mtl_parameters where organization_id = g_organization_id and default_status_id is not null ) '
			|| ' AND exists(select 1 from mtl_material_statuses where status_id = '
			|| g_base_table_alias
			|| '.STATUS_ID'
			|| ' AND RESERVABLE_TYPE = 1)) OR '
			|| '((NOT exists(select 1 from mtl_parameters where organization_id = g_organization_id and default_status_id is not NULL) '
                        || ' or '
			|| g_base_table_alias
			|| ' and '
			|| 'decode(g_subinventory_code, ''-9999'', '
                        || g_base_table_alias
                        || '.RESERVABLE_TYPE, 1)'
                        || ' = 1))'
                        || g_line_feed;
Line: 3023

			  || ' ((exists (select 1 from mtl_parameters where organization_id = g_organization_id and default_status_id is not null ) '
			  || ' AND exists(select 1 from mtl_material_statuses where status_id = '
			  || g_base_table_alias
			  || '.STATUS_ID'
			  || ' AND RESERVABLE_TYPE = 1)) OR '
			  || '((NOT exists(select 1 from mtl_parameters where organization_id = g_organization_id and default_status_id is not NULL) '
			  || 'or '
			  || g_base_table_alias
			  || '.STATUS_ID IS NULL)'
			  || ' and '
                          || 'decode(g_locator_id, -9999, '
                          || g_base_table_alias
                          || '.locreservable, 1)'
                          || ' = 1))'
                          || g_line_feed;
Line: 3063

			    || ' ((exists (select 1 from mtl_parameters where organization_id = g_organization_id and default_status_id is not null ) '
			    || ' AND exists(select 1 from mtl_material_statuses where status_id = '
			    || g_base_table_alias
			    || '.STATUS_ID'
			    || ' AND RESERVABLE_TYPE = 1)) OR '
			    || '((NOT exists(select 1 from mtl_parameters where organization_id = g_organization_id and default_status_id is not NULL) '
			    || 'or '
                            || g_base_table_alias
                            || '.STATUS_ID IS NULL)'
			    || ' and '
                            || 'decode(g_lot_number, ''-9999'', '
                            || g_base_table_alias
                            || '.lotreservable, 1)'
                            || ' = 1))'
                            || g_line_feed;
Line: 4087

  PROCEDURE rollback_capacity_update(
    x_return_status     OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
  , x_msg_count         OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
  , x_msg_data          OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
  , p_organization_id   IN            NUMBER
  , p_inventory_item_id IN            NUMBER
  ) IS
    l_return_status VARCHAR2(1);
Line: 4098

    l_api_name      VARCHAR2(30)  := 'rollback_capacity_update';
Line: 4107

      SELECT   to_locator_id
             , SUM(primary_quantity) quantity
          FROM wms_transactions_temp
         WHERE type_code = 1
           AND line_type_code = 2
      GROUP BY to_locator_id;
Line: 4120

       log_procedure(l_api_name, 'start', 'Start rollback_capacity_update');
Line: 4165

       log_procedure(l_api_name, 'end', 'End rollback_capacity_update');
Line: 4181

   END rollback_capacity_update;
Line: 4225

  PROCEDURE validate_and_insert(
    x_return_status          OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
  , x_msg_count              OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
  , x_msg_data               OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
  , p_record_id              IN            NUMBER
  , p_needed_quantity        IN            NUMBER
  , p_use_pick_uom           IN            BOOLEAN
  , p_organization_id        IN            NUMBER
  , p_inventory_item_id      IN            NUMBER
  , p_to_subinventory_code   IN            VARCHAR2
  , p_to_locator_id          IN            NUMBER
  , p_to_cost_group_id       IN            NUMBER
  , p_primary_uom            IN            VARCHAR2
  , p_transaction_uom        IN            VARCHAR2
  , p_transaction_temp_id    IN            NUMBER
  , p_type_code              IN            NUMBER
  , p_rule_id                IN            NUMBER
  , p_reservation_id         IN            NUMBER
  , p_tree_id                IN            NUMBER
  , p_debug_on               IN            BOOLEAN
  , p_needed_sec_quantity    IN            NUMBER                        -- new
  , p_secondary_uom          IN            VARCHAR2                      -- new
  , p_grade_code             IN            VARCHAR2                      -- new
  , x_inserted_record        OUT NOCOPY    BOOLEAN
  , x_allocated_quantity     OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
  , x_remaining_quantity     OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
  , x_sec_allocated_quantity OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER                         -- new
  , x_sec_remaining_quantity OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER                         -- new
  ) IS
    l_api_name                  VARCHAR2(30) := 'validate_and_insert';
Line: 4287

      SELECT lot_divisible_flag
          ,  lot_control_code
          ,  dual_uom_control
        FROM mtl_system_items
       WHERE organization_id = p_organization_id
         AND inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id;
Line: 4295

      Select  1
         ,  secondary_reservation_quantity
      From mtl_reservations
      Where reservation_id = p_reservation_id
       and  lot_number = g_locs(p_record_id).lot_number;
Line: 4360

       log_procedure(l_api_name, 'validate and insert', 'Start Validate_And_Insert');
Line: 4361

       log_statement(l_api_name, 'validate and insert', 'lot_divisible_flag : ' || l_lot_divisible_flag);
Line: 4362

       log_statement(l_api_name, 'validate and insert', 'needed quantity: ' || p_needed_quantity);
Line: 4363

       log_statement(l_api_name, 'validate and insert', 'sec_needed quantity: ' || p_needed_sec_quantity);
Line: 4364

       log_statement(l_api_name, 'validate and insert', 'p_record_id: ' || p_record_id);
Line: 4517

      x_inserted_record     := FALSE;
Line: 4567

        x_inserted_record             := FALSE;
Line: 4643

      x_inserted_record         := FALSE;
Line: 4667

        x_inserted_record     := FALSE;
Line: 4677

       log_statement(l_api_name, 'update_tree', 'Updating qty tree');
Line: 4680

                p_api_version_number         => g_qty_tree_api_version
              , p_init_msg_lst               => fnd_api.g_false
              , x_return_status              => x_return_status
              , x_msg_count                  => x_msg_count
              , x_msg_data                   => x_msg_data
              , p_tree_id                    => p_tree_id
              , p_revision                   => g_locs(p_record_id).revision
              , p_lot_number                 => g_locs(p_record_id).lot_number
              , p_subinventory_code          => g_locs(p_record_id).subinventory_code
              , p_locator_id                 => g_locs(p_record_id).locator_id
              , p_primary_quantity           => l_allocation_quantity
              , p_secondary_quantity         => l_sallocation_quantity                             -- INVCONV
              , p_quantity_type              => inv_quantity_tree_pvt.g_qs_txn
              , x_qoh                        => l_qoh
              , x_rqoh                       => l_rqoh
              , x_qr                         => l_qr
              , x_qs                         => l_qs
              , x_att                        => l_att
              , x_atr                        => l_atr
              , x_sqoh                       => l_sqoh                                             -- INVCONV
              , x_srqoh                      => l_srqoh                                            -- INVCONV
              , x_sqr                        => l_sqr                                              -- INVCONV
              , x_sqs                        => l_sqs                                              -- INVCONV
              , x_satt                       => l_satt                                             -- INVCONV
              , x_satr                       => l_satr                                             -- INVCONV
              , p_transfer_subinventory_code => p_to_subinventory_code
              , p_cost_group_id              => g_locs(p_record_id).cost_group_id
              , p_lpn_id                     => g_locs(p_record_id).lpn_id
Line: 4714

         log_statement(l_api_name, 'uerr_update_qty', 'Unexpected error in inv_quantity_tree_pvt.update_quantities');
Line: 4720

         log_statement(l_api_name, 'err_update_qty', 'Error in inv_quantity_tree_pvt.update_quantities');
Line: 4736

       log_statement(l_api_name, 'insert_wtt_rec', 'Inserting wtt recs. Trx Qty: ' || l_possible_trx_qty);
Line: 4737

       log_statement(l_api_name, 'insert_wtt_rec', 'Inserting wtt recs. Sec Trx Qty: ' || l_sec_possible_trx_qty);
Line: 4740

    INSERT INTO wms_transactions_temp
              , transaction_temp_id
              , type_code
              , line_type_code
              , transaction_quantity
              , primary_quantity
              , secondary_quantity
              , grade_code
              , revision
              , lot_number
              , lot_expiration_date
              , from_subinventory_code
              , from_locator_id
              , rule_id
              , reservation_id
              , serial_number
              , to_subinventory_code
              , to_locator_id
              , from_cost_group_id
              , to_cost_group_id
              , lpn_id
         VALUES (
              , p_transaction_temp_id
              , p_type_code
              , 2 -- line type code is output
              , l_possible_trx_qty
              , l_allocation_quantity
              , l_sallocation_quantity
              , g_locs(p_record_id).grade_code
              , g_locs(p_record_id).revision
              , g_locs(p_record_id).lot_number
              , g_locs(p_record_id).lot_expiration_date
              , g_locs(p_record_id).subinventory_code
              , g_locs(p_record_id).locator_id
              , p_rule_id
              , p_reservation_id
              , g_locs(p_record_id).serial_number
              , p_to_subinventory_code
              , l_to_locator_id
              , g_locs(p_record_id).cost_group_id
              , p_to_cost_group_id
              , g_locs(p_record_id).lpn_id
Line: 4788

       log_statement(l_api_name, 'finish_insert_wtt', 'Finished inserting wtt recs.');
Line: 4798

    x_inserted_record           := TRUE;
Line: 4804

       log_procedure(l_api_name, 'end', 'End Validate_and_Insert');
Line: 4835

  END validate_and_insert;
Line: 4894

       SELECT SUM(moq.primary_transaction_quantity)
       INTO   l_moq_qty
       FROM   mtl_onhand_quantities_detail moq
       WHERE  moq.organization_id = p_organization_id
       AND    moq.inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
       AND    nvl(moq.revision,'@@') = nvl(p_revision,'@@')
       AND    moq.subinventory_code = p_subinventory_code
       AND    decode(p_lot_number,null,'@@',moq.lot_number) = nvl(p_lot_number,'@@')
       AND    moq.locator_id = p_locator_id
       AND    moq.lpn_id = p_lpn_id;
Line: 4909

       SELECT SUM(Decode(mmtt.transaction_status, 2, 1,
               * round(Abs(mmtt.primary_quantity),5))
       INTO   l_mmtt_qty_src
       FROM   mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
       WHERE  mmtt.organization_id = p_organization_id
       AND    mmtt.inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
       AND    nvl(mmtt.revision,'@@') = nvl(p_revision,'@@')
       AND    mmtt.subinventory_code = p_subinventory_code
       AND    mmtt.locator_id = p_locator_id
       AND    NVL(mmtt.content_lpn_id,mmtt.transfer_lpn_id) = p_lpn_id
       AND    mmtt.posting_flag = 'Y'
       AND    mmtt.subinventory_code IS NOT NULL
       AND (Nvl(mmtt.transaction_status,0) <> 2 OR
               Nvl(mmtt.transaction_status,0) = 2 AND
               mmtt.transaction_action_id IN (1,2,28,3,21,29,32,34)
       AND    mmtt.transaction_action_id NOT IN (5,6,24,30);
Line: 4933

       SELECT SUM(Abs(mmtt.primary_quantity))
       INTO   l_mmtt_qty_dest
       FROM   mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
       WHERE  decode(mmtt.transaction_action_id,3,
               mmtt.transfer_organization,mmtt.organization_id) = p_organization_id
       AND    mmtt.inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
       AND    nvl(mmtt.revision,'@@') = nvl(p_revision,'@@')
       AND    mmtt.transfer_subinventory = p_subinventory_code
       AND    mmtt.transfer_to_location = p_locator_id
       AND    NVL(mmtt.content_lpn_id,mmtt.transfer_lpn_id) = p_lpn_id
       AND    mmtt.posting_flag = 'Y'
       AND    Nvl(mmtt.transaction_status,0) <> 2
       AND    mmtt.transaction_action_id  in (2,28,3)
       AND    mmtt.wip_supply_type IS NULL;
Line: 4961

       SELECT SUM(Decode(mmtt.transaction_status, 2, 1,
               * round(Abs(mmtt.primary_quantity),5))
       INTO   l_mmtt_qty_src
       FROM   mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
       WHERE  mmtt.organization_id = p_organization_id
       AND    mmtt.inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
       AND    nvl(mmtt.revision,'@@') = nvl(p_revision,'@@')
       AND    mmtt.subinventory_code = p_subinventory_code
       AND    mmtt.locator_id = p_locator_id
       AND    mmtt.posting_flag = 'Y'
       AND    mmtt.subinventory_code IS NOT NULL
       AND (Nvl(mmtt.transaction_status,0) <> 2 OR
               Nvl(mmtt.transaction_status,0) = 2 AND
               mmtt.transaction_action_id IN (1,2,28,3,21,29,32,34)
       AND    mmtt.transaction_action_id NOT IN (5,6,24,30);
Line: 4984

       SELECT SUM(moq.primary_transaction_quantity)
       INTO   l_moq_qty
       FROM   mtl_onhand_quantities_detail moq
       WHERE  moq.organization_id = p_organization_id
       AND    moq.inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
       AND    nvl(moq.revision,'@@') = nvl(p_revision,'@@')
       AND    moq.subinventory_code = p_subinventory_code
       AND    decode(p_lot_number,null,'@@',moq.lot_number) = nvl(p_lot_number,'@@')
       AND    moq.locator_id = p_locator_id;
Line: 4998

       SELECT SUM(Decode(mmtt.transaction_status, 2, 1,
               * round(Abs(mmtt.primary_quantity),5))
       INTO   l_mmtt_qty_src
       FROM   mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
       WHERE  mmtt.organization_id = p_organization_id
       AND    mmtt.inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
       AND    nvl(mmtt.revision,'@@') = nvl(p_revision,'@@')
       AND    mmtt.subinventory_code = p_subinventory_code
       AND    mmtt.locator_id = p_locator_id
       AND    mmtt.posting_flag = 'Y'
       AND    mmtt.subinventory_code IS NOT NULL
       AND (Nvl(mmtt.transaction_status,0) <> 2 OR
               Nvl(mmtt.transaction_status,0) = 2 AND
               mmtt.transaction_action_id IN (1,2,28,3,21,29,32,34)
       AND    mmtt.transaction_action_id NOT IN (5,6,24,30);
Line: 5041

   PROCEDURE ValidNinsert(
        x_return_status        OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
      , x_msg_count            OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
      , x_msg_data             OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
      , p_record_id            IN            NUMBER
      , p_needed_quantity      IN            NUMBER
      , p_use_pick_uom         IN            BOOLEAN
      , p_organization_id      IN            NUMBER
      , p_inventory_item_id    IN            NUMBER
      , p_to_subinventory_code IN            VARCHAR2
      , p_to_locator_id        IN            NUMBER
      , p_to_cost_group_id     IN            NUMBER
      , p_primary_uom          IN            VARCHAR2
      , p_transaction_uom      IN            VARCHAR2
      , p_transaction_temp_id  IN            NUMBER
      , p_type_code            IN            NUMBER
      , p_rule_id              IN            NUMBER
      , p_reservation_id       IN            NUMBER
      , p_tree_id              IN            NUMBER
      , p_debug_on             IN            BOOLEAN
      , x_inserted_record      OUT NOCOPY    BOOLEAN
      , x_allocated_quantity   OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
      , x_remaining_quantity   OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
      ) IS
        l_api_name                 VARCHAR2(30) := 'validate_N_insert';
Line: 5087

           log_procedure(l_api_name, 'start', 'Start Validate_N_Insert');
Line: 5154

          x_inserted_record     := FALSE;
Line: 5201

            x_inserted_record             := FALSE;
Line: 5274

          x_inserted_record     := FALSE;
Line: 5294

            x_inserted_record     := FALSE;
Line: 5311

           log_statement(l_api_name, 'insert_wtt_rec', 'Inserting wtt recs. Trx Qty: ' || l_possible_trx_qty);
Line: 5314

        INSERT INTO wms_transactions_temp
                  , transaction_temp_id
                  , type_code
                  , line_type_code
                  , transaction_quantity
                  , primary_quantity
                  , revision
                  , lot_number
                  , lot_expiration_date
                  , from_subinventory_code
                  , from_locator_id
                  , rule_id
                  , reservation_id
                  , serial_number
                  , to_subinventory_code
                  , to_locator_id
                  , from_cost_group_id
                  , to_cost_group_id
                  , lpn_id
             VALUES (
                  , p_transaction_temp_id
                  , p_type_code
                  , 2 -- line type code is output
                  , l_possible_trx_qty
                  , l_allocation_quantity
                  , g_locs(p_record_id).revision
                  , g_locs(p_record_id).lot_number
                  , g_locs(p_record_id).lot_expiration_date
                  , g_locs(p_record_id).subinventory_code
                  , g_locs(p_record_id).locator_id
                  , p_rule_id
                  , p_reservation_id
                  , g_locs(p_record_id).serial_number
                  , p_to_subinventory_code
                  , p_to_locator_id
                  , g_locs(p_record_id).cost_group_id
                  , p_to_cost_group_id
                  , g_locs(p_record_id).lpn_id
Line: 5358

           log_statement(l_api_name, 'finish_insert_wtt', 'Finished inserting wtt recs.');
Line: 5366

        x_inserted_record           := TRUE;
Line: 5370

           log_procedure(l_api_name, 'end', 'End Validate_and_Insert');
Line: 5401

  END ValidNinsert;
Line: 5492

         log_statement(l_api_name, 'first_loc', 'First rec to update: ' || l_current_loc);
Line: 5508

    DELETE FROM wms_transactions_temp
          WHERE line_type_code = 2
            AND type_code = p_type_code;
Line: 5512

       log_statement(l_api_name, 'finish_delete_sugs', 'Finished deleting suggestions and restored quantity tree');
Line: 5578

    l_inserted_record          BOOLEAN;
Line: 5633

             log_statement(l_api_name, 'val_insert', 'Calling Validate and Insert');
Line: 5636

            x_return_status              => x_return_status
          , x_msg_count                  => x_msg_count
          , x_msg_data                   => x_msg_data
          , p_record_id                  => l_uom_loc_id
          , p_needed_quantity            => l_needed_quantity
          , p_use_pick_uom               => FALSE
          , p_organization_id            => p_organization_id
          , p_inventory_item_id          => p_inventory_item_id
          , p_to_subinventory_code       => p_to_subinventory_code
          , p_to_locator_id              => p_to_locator_id
          , p_to_cost_group_id           => p_to_cost_group_id
          , p_primary_uom                => p_primary_uom
          , p_transaction_uom            => p_transaction_uom
          , p_transaction_temp_id        => p_transaction_temp_id
          , p_type_code                  => p_type_code
          , p_rule_id                    => p_rule_id
          , p_reservation_id             => p_reservation_id
          , p_tree_id                    => p_tree_id
          , p_debug_on                   => p_debug_on
          , p_needed_sec_quantity        => l_sec_needed_quantity
          , p_secondary_uom              => p_secondary_uom
          , p_grade_code                 => p_grade_code
          , x_inserted_record            => l_inserted_record
          , x_allocated_quantity         => l_allocated_quantity
          , x_remaining_quantity         => l_remaining_quantity
          , x_sec_allocated_quantity     => l_sec_allocated_quantity
          , x_sec_remaining_quantity     => l_sec_remaining_quantity
Line: 5668

               log_statement(l_api_name, 'uerr_validate_insert', 'Unexpected error in validate_and_insert');
Line: 5673

               log_statement(l_api_name, 'err_validate_insert', 'Error in validate_and_insert');
Line: 5771

      	 log_statement(l_api_name, 'val_insert', 'Calling Validate and Insert');
Line: 5776

        x_return_status              => x_return_status
      , x_msg_count                  => x_msg_count
      , x_msg_data                   => x_msg_data
      , p_record_id                  => l_loc_id
      , p_needed_quantity            => l_needed_quantity
      , p_use_pick_uom               => p_use_pick_uom
      , p_organization_id            => p_organization_id
      , p_inventory_item_id          => p_inventory_item_id
      , p_to_subinventory_code       => p_to_subinventory_code
      , p_to_locator_id              => p_to_locator_id
      , p_to_cost_group_id           => p_to_cost_group_id
      , p_primary_uom                => p_primary_uom
      , p_transaction_uom            => p_transaction_uom
      , p_transaction_temp_id        => p_transaction_temp_id
      , p_type_code                  => p_type_code
      , p_rule_id                    => p_rule_id
      , p_reservation_id             => p_reservation_id
      , p_tree_id                    => p_tree_id
      , p_debug_on                   => p_debug_on
      , p_needed_sec_quantity        => l_sec_needed_quantity
      , p_secondary_uom              => p_secondary_uom
      , p_grade_code                 => p_grade_code
      , x_inserted_record            => l_inserted_record
      , x_allocated_quantity         => l_allocated_quantity
      , x_remaining_quantity         => l_remaining_quantity
      , x_sec_allocated_quantity     => l_sec_allocated_quantity
      , x_sec_remaining_quantity     => l_sec_remaining_quantity
Line: 5808

           log_statement(l_api_name, 'uerr_validate_insert', 'Unexpected error in validate_and_insert');
Line: 5813

           log_statement(l_api_name, 'err_validate_insert', 'Error in validate_and_insert');
Line: 6050

  PROCEDURE insert_consist_record(
    x_return_status        OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
  , x_msg_count            OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
  , x_msg_data             OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
  , p_record_id            IN            NUMBER
  , p_needed_quantity      IN            NUMBER
  , p_use_pick_uom         IN            BOOLEAN
  , p_organization_id      IN            NUMBER
  , p_inventory_item_id    IN            NUMBER
  , p_to_subinventory_code IN            VARCHAR2
  , p_to_locator_id        IN            NUMBER
  , p_to_cost_group_id     IN            NUMBER
  , p_primary_uom          IN            VARCHAR2
  , p_transaction_uom      IN            VARCHAR2
  , p_transaction_temp_id  IN            NUMBER
  , p_type_code            IN            NUMBER
  , p_rule_id              IN            NUMBER
  , p_reservation_id       IN            NUMBER
  , p_tree_id              IN            NUMBER
  , p_debug_on             IN            BOOLEAN
  , p_order_by_rank        IN            NUMBER
  , p_needed_sec_quantity  IN            NUMBER                        -- new
  , p_secondary_uom        IN            VARCHAR2                      -- new
  , p_grade_code           IN            VARCHAR2                      -- new
  , x_finished             OUT NOCOPY    BOOLEAN
  , x_remaining_quantity   OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
  ) IS
    l_api_name               VARCHAR2(30) := 'insert_consist_record';
Line: 6095

       log_procedure(l_api_name, 'start', 'Start Insert Consist Record');
Line: 6283

       log_procedure(l_api_name, 'end', 'End Insert_Consist_Record');
Line: 6312

  END insert_consist_record;
Line: 6391

    /*SELECT *
      INTO l_locator
      FROM mtl_item_locations
     WHERE inventory_location_id = p_locator_id; Commented bug3237702*/
Line: 6397

       SELECT *
       INTO g_locator
       WHERE inventory_location_id = p_locator_id;
Line: 6425

  select *
  into l_org
  from mtl_parameters
  where organization_id = l_locator.organization_id;
Line: 6431

/*  select *
  into l_sub
  from mtl_secondary_inventories
  where secondary_inventory_name = l_locator.subinventory_code
  and organization_id = l_locator.organization_id;
Line: 6616

    l_capacity_updated       BOOLEAN;
Line: 6637

    l_inserted_record        BOOLEAN;
Line: 6701

    l_custom_select_serials    INV_DETAIL_UTIL_PVT.g_serial_row_table_rec;
Line: 6716

      SELECT default_wms_picking_rule_id
           , default_put_away_rule_id
           , rules_override_lot_reservation
        FROM mtl_parameters
       WHERE organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 6724

      SELECT serial_number_control_code
           , NVL(restrict_subinventories_code, 2)
           , NVL(restrict_locators_code, 2)
           , lot_divisible_flag
           , lot_control_code
           , revision_qty_control_code
           , grade_control_flag
        FROM mtl_system_items
       WHERE organization_id = p_organization_id
         AND inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id;
Line: 6737

      SELECT COUNT(object_name)
        FROM user_objects
       WHERE object_name = l_package_name;
Line: 6745

      SELECT allocation_mode_id
           , qty_function_parameter_id
        FROM wms_rules_b
       WHERE rule_id = l_rule_id;
Line: 6752

      SELECT consistency_id
        FROM wms_rule_consistencies
       WHERE rule_id = l_rule_id;
Line: 6758

      SELECT lpn_controlled_flag, reservable_type
        FROM mtl_secondary_inventories
       WHERE organization_id = p_organization_id
         AND secondary_inventory_name = l_osubinventory_code;
Line: 6765

      SELECT SUM(primary_transaction_quantity)
        FROM mtl_onhand_quantities_detail
       WHERE lpn_id = v_current_row.lpn_id;
Line: 6771

       SELECT serial_number FROM wms_transactions_temp
       WHERE rule_id = l_rule_id;
Line: 7036

Line: 7408

              log_statement(l_api_name,'detailed', 'Reservation is fully detailed, validate and insert');
Line: 7422

	           select status_id
	             into l_serial_status_id
	             from mtl_serial_numbers
	            where inventory_item_id        = p_inventory_item_id
	              and current_organization_id  = p_organization_id
	              and serial_number            = l_serial_number;
Line: 7495

             x_return_status              => x_return_status
           , x_msg_count                  => x_msg_count
           , x_msg_data                   => x_msg_data
           , p_record_id                  => 1
           , p_needed_quantity            => l_needed_quantity
           , p_use_pick_uom               => FALSE
           , p_organization_id            => p_organization_id
           , p_inventory_item_id          => p_inventory_item_id
           , p_to_subinventory_code       => l_to_subinventory_code
           , p_to_locator_id              => l_to_locator_id
           , p_to_cost_group_id           => l_to_cost_group_id
           , p_primary_uom                => p_primary_uom
           , p_transaction_uom            => p_transaction_uom
           , p_transaction_temp_id        => p_transaction_temp_id
           , p_type_code                  => p_type_code
           , p_rule_id                    => l_rule_id
           , p_reservation_id             => l_reservation_id
           , p_tree_id                    => p_tree_id
           , p_debug_on                   => l_debug_on
           , p_needed_sec_quantity        => l_sec_needed_quantity
           , p_secondary_uom              => p_secondary_uom
           , p_grade_code                 => p_grade_code
           , x_inserted_record            => l_inserted_record
           , x_allocated_quantity         => l_allocated_quantity
           , x_remaining_quantity         => l_remaining_quantity
           , x_sec_allocated_quantity     => l_sec_allocated_quantity
           , x_sec_remaining_quantity     => l_sec_remaining_quantity
Line: 7526

                log_statement(l_api_name, 'uerr_validate_insert', 'Unexpected error in validate_and_insert');
Line: 7531

                log_statement(l_api_name, 'err_validate_insert', 'Error in validate_and_insert');
Line: 7638

Line: 7639

Line: 7640

Line: 7675

           IF  ( l_allocate_serial_flag = 'C' ) AND (nvl(l_custom_serial_index,-1) < nvl(l_custom_select_serials.serial_number.LAST,-1)) THEN
              -- next record should be next serial from custom API
              l_custom_serial_index := l_custom_serial_index + 1;
Line: 7678

              v_current_row.serial_number := l_custom_select_serials.serial_number(l_custom_serial_index);
Line: 7745

                 , x_serial_numbers          => l_custom_select_serials );
Line: 7759

                l_custom_serial_index := l_custom_select_serials.serial_number.FIRST;
Line: 7760

                v_current_row.serial_number := l_custom_select_serials.serial_number(l_custom_serial_index);
Line: 7772

                 select status_id
                 into l_serial_status_id
                 from mtl_serial_numbers
                 where inventory_item_id        = p_inventory_item_id
                    and current_organization_id = p_organization_id
                    and serial_number           = v_current_row.serial_number;
Line: 7894

                        x_return_status              => x_return_status
                      , x_msg_count                  => x_msg_count
                      , x_msg_data                   => x_msg_data
                      , p_record_id                  => l_cur_lpn_rec
                      , p_needed_quantity            => l_needed_quantity
                      , p_use_pick_uom               => FALSE
                      , p_organization_id            => p_organization_id
                      , p_inventory_item_id          => p_inventory_item_id
                      , p_to_subinventory_code       => l_to_subinventory_code
                      , p_to_locator_id              => l_to_locator_id
                      , p_to_cost_group_id           => l_to_cost_group_id
                      , p_primary_uom                => p_primary_uom
                      , p_transaction_uom            => p_transaction_uom
                      , p_transaction_temp_id        => p_transaction_temp_id
                      , p_type_code                  => p_type_code
                      , p_rule_id                    => l_rule_id
                      , p_reservation_id             => l_reservation_id
                      , p_tree_id                    => p_tree_id
                      , p_debug_on                   => l_debug_on
                      , p_needed_sec_quantity        => l_sec_needed_quantity
                      , p_secondary_uom              => p_secondary_uom
                      , p_grade_code                 => p_grade_code
                      , x_inserted_record            => l_inserted_record
                      , x_allocated_quantity         => l_allocated_quantity
                      , x_remaining_quantity         => l_remaining_quantity
                      , x_sec_allocated_quantity     => l_sec_allocated_quantity
                      , x_sec_remaining_quantity     => l_sec_remaining_quantity
Line: 7926

                           log_statement(l_api_name, 'uerr_validate_insert', 'Unexpected error in validate_and_insert');
Line: 7931

                          log_statement(l_api_name, 'err_validate_insert', 'Error in validate_and_insert');
Line: 7936

                      IF l_inserted_record = FALSE
                         OR l_allocated_quantity < l_expected_quantity THEN
                        IF l_debug = 1 THEN
                           log_statement(l_api_name, 'insert_failed', 'Record failed to allocation.  Rolling back and ' || 'invalidating LPN');
Line: 7956

                        DELETE FROM wms_transactions_temp
                              WHERE line_type_code = 2
                                AND type_code = p_type_code;
Line: 7969

                           log_statement(l_api_name, 'finish_delete_sugs', 'Finished deleting suggestions and restored quantity tree');
Line: 8088

                      x_return_status              => x_return_status
                    , x_msg_count                  => x_msg_count
                    , x_msg_data                   => x_msg_data
                    , p_record_id                  => l_cur_lpn_rec
                    , p_needed_quantity            => l_needed_quantity
                    , p_use_pick_uom               => FALSE
                    , p_organization_id            => p_organization_id
                    , p_inventory_item_id          => p_inventory_item_id
                    , p_to_subinventory_code       => l_to_subinventory_code
                    , p_to_locator_id              => l_to_locator_id
                    , p_to_cost_group_id           => l_to_cost_group_id
                    , p_primary_uom                => p_primary_uom
                    , p_transaction_uom            => p_transaction_uom
                    , p_transaction_temp_id        => p_transaction_temp_id
                    , p_type_code                  => p_type_code
                    , p_rule_id                    => l_rule_id
                    , p_reservation_id             => l_reservation_id
                    , p_tree_id                    => p_tree_id
                    , p_debug_on                   => l_debug_on
                    , p_needed_sec_quantity        => l_sec_needed_quantity
                    , p_secondary_uom              => p_secondary_uom
                    , p_grade_code                 => p_grade_code
                    , x_inserted_record            => l_inserted_record
                    , x_allocated_quantity         => l_allocated_quantity
                    , x_remaining_quantity         => l_remaining_quantity
                    , x_sec_allocated_quantity     => l_sec_allocated_quantity
                    , x_sec_remaining_quantity     => l_sec_remaining_quantity
Line: 8120

                          log_statement(l_api_name, 'uerr_validate_insert', 'Unexpected error in validate_and_insert');
Line: 8125

                         log_statement(l_api_name, 'err_validate_insert', 'Error in validate_and_insert');
Line: 8131

                    IF l_inserted_record = FALSE
                       OR l_allocated_quantity < l_expected_quantity THEN
                      IF l_debug = 1 THEN
                         log_statement(l_api_name, 'insert_failed', 'Record failed to allocation.  Rolling back and ' || 'invalidating LPN');
Line: 8158

                      DELETE FROM wms_transactions_temp
                            WHERE line_type_code = 2
                              AND type_code = p_type_code;
Line: 8173

                         log_statement(l_api_name, 'finish_delete_sugs', 'Finished deleting suggestions and restored quantity tree');
Line: 8696

                 log_statement(l_api_name, 'val_insert', 'Calling validate_and_insert');
Line: 8699

                x_return_status              => x_return_status
              , x_msg_count                  => x_msg_count
              , x_msg_data                   => x_msg_data
              , p_record_id                  => l_cur_lpn_rec
              , p_needed_quantity            => l_needed_quantity
              , p_use_pick_uom               => FALSE
              , p_organization_id            => p_organization_id
              , p_inventory_item_id          => p_inventory_item_id
              , p_to_subinventory_code       => l_to_subinventory_code
              , p_to_locator_id              => l_to_locator_id
              , p_to_cost_group_id           => l_to_cost_group_id
              , p_primary_uom                => p_primary_uom
              , p_transaction_uom            => p_transaction_uom
              , p_transaction_temp_id        => p_transaction_temp_id
              , p_type_code                  => p_type_code
              , p_rule_id                    => l_rule_id
              , p_reservation_id             => l_reservation_id
              , p_tree_id                    => p_tree_id
              , p_debug_on                   => l_debug_on
              , p_needed_sec_quantity        => l_sec_needed_quantity
              , p_secondary_uom              => p_secondary_uom
              , p_grade_code                 => p_grade_code
              , x_inserted_record            => l_inserted_record
              , x_allocated_quantity         => l_allocated_quantity
              , x_remaining_quantity         => l_remaining_quantity
              , x_sec_allocated_quantity     => l_sec_allocated_quantity
              , x_sec_remaining_quantity     => l_sec_remaining_quantity
Line: 8732

                   log_statement(l_api_name, 'uerr_validate_insert', 'Unexpected error in validate_and_insert');
Line: 8739

                   log_statement(l_api_name, 'err_validate_insert', 'Error in validate_and_insert');
Line: 8746

              IF l_inserted_record = FALSE
                 OR l_allocated_quantity < g_locs(l_cur_lpn_rec).quantity THEN

                IF l_debug = 1 THEN
                   log_statement(l_api_name, 'insert_fail', 'Record failed to insert.' || 'Invalidating LPN');
Line: 8802

                DELETE FROM wms_transactions_temp
                      WHERE line_type_code = 2
                        AND type_code = p_type_code;
Line: 8818

                   log_statement(l_api_name, 'finish_delete_sugs', 'Finished deleting suggestions and restored quantity tree');
Line: 8954

                 select status_id
                   into l_serial_status_id
                   from mtl_serial_numbers
                  where inventory_item_id       = p_inventory_item_id
                    and current_organization_id = p_organization_id
                    and serial_number           = v_current_row.serial_number;
Line: 9078

                     log_statement(l_api_name, 'insert_consist', 'Calling Insert_Consist_Record');
Line: 9082

                    x_return_status              => x_return_status
                  , x_msg_count                  => x_msg_count
                  , x_msg_data                   => x_msg_data
                  , p_record_id                  => l_cur_uom_rec
                  , p_needed_quantity            => l_needed_quantity
                  , p_use_pick_uom               => FALSE
                  , p_organization_id            => p_organization_id
                  , p_inventory_item_id          => p_inventory_item_id
                  , p_to_subinventory_code       => l_to_subinventory_code
                  , p_to_locator_id              => l_to_locator_id
                  , p_to_cost_group_id           => l_to_cost_group_id
                  , p_primary_uom                => p_primary_uom
                  , p_transaction_uom            => p_transaction_uom
                  , p_transaction_temp_id        => p_transaction_temp_id
                  , p_type_code                  => p_type_code
                  , p_rule_id                    => l_rule_id
                  , p_reservation_id             => l_reservation_id
                  , p_tree_id                    => p_tree_id
                  , p_debug_on                   => l_debug_on
                  , p_order_by_rank              => l_order_by_rank
                  , p_needed_sec_quantity        => l_sec_needed_quantity
                  , p_secondary_uom              => p_secondary_uom
                  , p_grade_code                 => p_grade_code
                  , x_finished                   => l_finished
                  , x_remaining_quantity         => l_remaining_quantity
Line: 9112

                       log_statement(l_api_name, 'uerr_insert_consist', 'Unexpected error in insert_consist_record');
Line: 9117

                       log_statement(l_api_name, 'err_insert_consist', 'Error in insert_consist_record');
Line: 9134

                     log_statement(l_api_name, 'validate_insert', 'Calling Validate_and_Insert');
Line: 9137

                    x_return_status              => x_return_status
                  , x_msg_count                  => x_msg_count
                  , x_msg_data                   => x_msg_data
                  , p_record_id                  => l_cur_uom_rec
                  , p_needed_quantity            => l_needed_quantity
                  , p_use_pick_uom               => FALSE
                  , p_organization_id            => p_organization_id
                  , p_inventory_item_id          => p_inventory_item_id
                  , p_to_subinventory_code       => l_to_subinventory_code
                  , p_to_locator_id              => l_to_locator_id
                  , p_to_cost_group_id           => l_to_cost_group_id
                  , p_primary_uom                => p_primary_uom
                  , p_transaction_uom            => p_transaction_uom
                  , p_transaction_temp_id        => p_transaction_temp_id
                  , p_type_code                  => p_type_code
                  , p_rule_id                    => l_rule_id
                  , p_reservation_id             => l_reservation_id
                  , p_tree_id                    => p_tree_id
                  , p_debug_on                   => l_debug_on
                  , p_needed_sec_quantity        => l_sec_needed_quantity
                  , p_secondary_uom              => p_secondary_uom
                  , p_grade_code                 => p_grade_code
                  , x_inserted_record            => l_inserted_record
                  , x_allocated_quantity         => l_allocated_quantity
                  , x_remaining_quantity         => l_remaining_quantity
                  , x_sec_allocated_quantity     => l_sec_allocated_quantity
                  , x_sec_remaining_quantity     => l_sec_remaining_quantity
Line: 9169

                       log_statement(l_api_name, 'uerr_validate_insert', 'Unexpected error in validate_and_insert');
Line: 9174

                       log_statement(l_api_name, 'err_validate_insert', 'Error in validate_and_insert');
Line: 9180

                  IF l_inserted_record THEN
                    l_needed_quantity  := l_needed_quantity - l_allocated_quantity;
Line: 9337

                   log_statement(l_api_name, 'insert_consist', 'Calling insert consist record from pick UOM list');
Line: 9341

                  x_return_status              => x_return_status
                , x_msg_count                  => x_msg_count
                , x_msg_data                   => x_msg_data
                , p_record_id                  => l_cur_uom_rec
                , p_needed_quantity            => l_needed_quantity
                , p_use_pick_uom               => FALSE
                , p_organization_id            => p_organization_id
                , p_inventory_item_id          => p_inventory_item_id
                , p_to_subinventory_code       => l_to_subinventory_code
                , p_to_locator_id              => l_to_locator_id
                , p_to_cost_group_id           => l_to_cost_group_id
                , p_primary_uom                => p_primary_uom
                , p_transaction_uom            => p_transaction_uom
                , p_transaction_temp_id        => p_transaction_temp_id
                , p_type_code                  => p_type_code
                , p_rule_id                    => l_rule_id
                , p_reservation_id             => l_reservation_id
                , p_tree_id                    => p_tree_id
                , p_debug_on                   => l_debug_on
                , p_order_by_rank              => l_order_by_rank
                , p_needed_sec_quantity        => l_sec_needed_quantity
                , p_secondary_uom              => p_secondary_uom
                , p_grade_code                 => p_grade_code
                , x_finished                   => l_finished
                , x_remaining_quantity         => l_remaining_quantity
Line: 9371

                     log_statement(l_api_name, 'uerr_insert_consist', 'Unexpected error in insert_consist_record');
Line: 9376

                     log_statement(l_api_name, 'err_insert_consist', 'Error in insert_consist_record');
Line: 9396

                   log_statement(l_api_name, 'validate_insert', 'Calling Validate_and_insert for pick uom list');
Line: 9400

                  x_return_status              => x_return_status
                , x_msg_count                  => x_msg_count
                , x_msg_data                   => x_msg_data
                , p_record_id                  => l_cur_uom_rec
                , p_needed_quantity            => l_needed_quantity
                , p_use_pick_uom               => FALSE
                , p_organization_id            => p_organization_id
                , p_inventory_item_id          => p_inventory_item_id
                , p_to_subinventory_code       => l_to_subinventory_code
                , p_to_locator_id              => l_to_locator_id
                , p_to_cost_group_id           => l_to_cost_group_id
                , p_primary_uom                => p_primary_uom
                , p_transaction_uom            => p_transaction_uom
                , p_transaction_temp_id        => p_transaction_temp_id
                , p_type_code                  => p_type_code
                , p_rule_id                    => l_rule_id
                , p_reservation_id             => l_reservation_id
                , p_tree_id                    => p_tree_id
                , p_debug_on                   => l_debug_on
                , p_needed_sec_quantity        => l_sec_needed_quantity
                , p_secondary_uom              => p_secondary_uom
                , p_grade_code                 => p_grade_code
                , x_inserted_record            => l_inserted_record
                , x_allocated_quantity         => l_allocated_quantity
                , x_remaining_quantity         => l_remaining_quantity
                , x_sec_allocated_quantity     => l_sec_allocated_quantity
                , x_sec_remaining_quantity     => l_sec_remaining_quantity
Line: 9432

                     log_statement(l_api_name, 'uerr_validate_insert', 'Unexpected error in validate_and_insert');
Line: 9437

                     log_statement(l_api_name, 'err_validate_insert', 'Error in validate_and_insert');
Line: 9443

                IF l_inserted_record THEN
                  l_needed_quantity  := l_needed_quantity - l_allocated_quantity;
Line: 9448

                     log_statement(l_api_name, 'success_validate', 'Successfully inserted record.  New needed quantity: ' || l_needed_quantity);
Line: 9449

                     log_statement(l_api_name, 'success_validate', 'Successfully inserted record.  sec New needed quantity: ' || l_sec_needed_quantity);
Line: 9711

               log_statement(l_api_name, 'insert_consist', 'Calling Insert_Consist_Record');
Line: 9719

              x_return_status              => x_return_status
            , x_msg_count                  => x_msg_count
            , x_msg_data                   => x_msg_data
            , p_record_id                  => g_locs_index
            , p_needed_quantity            => l_needed_quantity
            , p_use_pick_uom               => l_use_pick_uom
            , p_organization_id            => p_organization_id
            , p_inventory_item_id          => p_inventory_item_id
            , p_to_subinventory_code       => l_to_subinventory_code
            , p_to_locator_id              => l_to_locator_id
            , p_to_cost_group_id           => l_to_cost_group_id
            , p_primary_uom                => p_primary_uom
            , p_transaction_uom            => p_transaction_uom
            , p_transaction_temp_id        => p_transaction_temp_id
            , p_type_code                  => p_type_code
            , p_rule_id                    => l_rule_id
            , p_reservation_id             => l_reservation_id
            , p_tree_id                    => p_tree_id
            , p_debug_on                   => l_debug_on
            , p_order_by_rank              => l_order_by_rank
            , p_needed_sec_quantity        => l_sec_needed_quantity
            , p_secondary_uom              => p_secondary_uom
            , p_grade_code                 => p_grade_code
            , x_finished                   => l_finished
            , x_remaining_quantity         => l_remaining_quantity
Line: 9749

                 log_statement(l_api_name, 'uerr_insert_consist', 'Unexpected error in insert_consist_record');
Line: 9754

                 log_statement(l_api_name, 'err_insert_consist', 'Error in insert_consist_record');
Line: 9771

               log_statement(l_api_name, 'validate_insert', 'Calling Validate_and_insert');
Line: 9774

              x_return_status              => x_return_status
            , x_msg_count                  => x_msg_count
            , x_msg_data                   => x_msg_data
            , p_record_id                  => g_locs_index
            , p_needed_quantity            => l_needed_quantity
            , p_use_pick_uom               => l_use_pick_uom
            , p_organization_id            => p_organization_id
            , p_inventory_item_id          => p_inventory_item_id
            , p_to_subinventory_code       => l_to_subinventory_code
            , p_to_locator_id              => l_to_locator_id
            , p_to_cost_group_id           => l_to_cost_group_id
            , p_primary_uom                => p_primary_uom
            , p_transaction_uom            => p_transaction_uom
            , p_transaction_temp_id        => p_transaction_temp_id
            , p_type_code                  => p_type_code
            , p_rule_id                    => l_rule_id
            , p_reservation_id             => l_reservation_id
            , p_tree_id                    => p_tree_id
            , p_debug_on                   => l_debug_on
            , p_needed_sec_quantity        => l_sec_needed_quantity
            , p_secondary_uom              => p_secondary_uom
            , p_grade_code                 => p_grade_code
            , x_inserted_record            => l_inserted_record
            , x_allocated_quantity         => l_allocated_quantity
            , x_remaining_quantity         => l_remaining_quantity
            , x_sec_allocated_quantity     => l_sec_allocated_quantity
            , x_sec_remaining_quantity     => l_sec_remaining_quantity
Line: 9806

                 log_statement(l_api_name, 'uerr_validate_insert', 'Unexpected error in validate_and_insert');
Line: 9811

                 log_statement(l_api_name, 'err_validate_insert', 'Error in validate_and_insert');
Line: 9817

            IF l_inserted_record THEN
              l_needed_quantity  := l_needed_quantity - l_allocated_quantity;
Line: 9821

                 log_statement(l_api_name, 'inserted_rec', 'Inserted record.  New needed quantity: ' || l_needed_quantity);
Line: 9822

		 log_statement(l_api_name, 'inserted_rec', 'Inserted record.  sec New needed quantity: ' || l_sec_needed_quantity);
Line: 9916

        l_capacity_updated  := FALSE;
Line: 10459

               log_statement(l_api_name, 'update_capacity', 'Updating suggested capacity');
Line: 10461

              x_return_status              => x_return_status
            , x_msg_count                  => x_msg_count
            , x_msg_data                   => x_msg_data
            , p_organization_id            => p_organization_id
            , p_inventory_location_id      => l_olocator_id
            , p_inventory_item_id          => p_inventory_item_id
            , p_primary_uom_flag           => 'Y'
            , p_transaction_uom_code       => NULL
            , p_quantity                   => l_possible_quantity
Line: 10475

                 log_statement(l_api_name, 'uerr_update_capacity', 'Unexpected error in update_loc_suggested_capacity');
Line: 10480

                 log_statement(l_api_name, 'err_update_capacity', 'Error in update_loc_suggested_capacity');
Line: 10484

              l_capacity_updated  := TRUE;
Line: 10503

            log_statement(l_api_name, 'insert_put_wtt_recs', 'Before insert values of l_possible_trx_qty'|| l_possible_trx_qty);
Line: 10504

            log_statement(l_api_name, 'insert_put_wtt_recs', 'Before insert values of l_possible_quantity'|| l_possible_quantity);
Line: 10508

             log_statement(l_api_name, 'insert_put_wtt_recs', 'Inserting putaway records in wtt');
Line: 10511

          INSERT INTO wms_transactions_temp
                    , transaction_temp_id
                    , type_code
                    , line_type_code
                    , transaction_quantity
                    , primary_quantity
                    , secondary_quantity
                    , grade_code
                    , revision
                    , lot_number
                    , lot_expiration_date
                    , from_subinventory_code
                    , from_locator_id
                    , rule_id
                    , reservation_id
                    , to_subinventory_code
                    , to_locator_id
                    , from_cost_group_id
                    , to_cost_group_id
                    , lpn_id
               VALUES (
                    , p_transaction_temp_id
                    , p_type_code
                    , 2 -- line type code is output
                    , l_possible_trx_qty
                    , l_possible_quantity
                    , l_sec_possible_quantity
                    , l_grade_code
                    , l_revision
                    , l_lot_number
                    , l_lot_expiration_date
                    , l_from_subinventory_code
                    , l_from_locator_id
                    , l_rule_id
                    , l_reservation_id
                    , l_osubinventory_code
                    , l_olocator_id
                    , l_from_cost_group_id
                    , l_to_cost_group_id
                    , l_input_lpn_id
Line: 10558

          l_capacity_updated  := FALSE;
Line: 10650

                      inv_log_util.trace('Serial not found', 'delete_serial_numbers', 9);
Line: 10656

                          inv_log_util.trace('Org: ' || p_organization_id, 'delete_serial_numbers', 9);
Line: 10657

	                  inv_log_util.trace('Item: ' || p_inventory_item_id, 'delete_serial_numbers', 9);
Line: 10658

	                  inv_log_util.trace('Serial: ' || l_serial_number, 'delete_serial_numbers', 9);
Line: 10659

			  inv_log_util.trace('inv_detail_util_pvt.g_serial_tbl_ptr ' || inv_detail_util_pvt.g_serial_tbl_ptr, 'delete_serial_numbers', 9);
Line: 10672

Line: 10675

				     inv_log_util.trace('inv_detail_util_pvt.g_serial_tbl_ptr ' || inv_detail_util_pvt.g_serial_tbl_ptr, 'delete_serial_numbers', 9);
Line: 10679

Line: 10682

                                    inv_log_util.trace('Array cleared', 'delete_serial_numbers', 9);
Line: 10686

			      exit; --if a serial has been deleted, needn't check other serials present in g_output_serial_rows
Line: 10712

              x_return_status              => x_return_status
            , x_msg_count                  => x_msg_count
            , x_msg_data                   => x_msg_data
            , p_organization_id            => p_organization_id
            , p_inventory_item_id          => p_inventory_item_id
Line: 10722

                 log_statement(l_api_name, 'uerr_rollback_cap', 'Unexpected error in rollback_capacity_update');
Line: 10727

                 log_statement(l_api_name, 'err_rollback_cap', 'Error in rollback_capacity_update');
Line: 10734

            IF l_capacity_updated THEN
              IF l_debug = 1 THEN
                 log_statement(l_api_name, 'revert_capacity', 'Calling revert_loc_suggested_capacity');
Line: 10762

              l_capacity_updated  := FALSE;
Line: 10782

              p_api_version                => 1.0
            , p_init_msg_list              => fnd_api.g_false
            , p_validation_level           => fnd_api.g_valid_level_full
            , x_return_status              => l_return_status
            , x_msg_count                  => x_msg_count
            , x_msg_data                   => x_msg_data
            , p_header_id                  => wms_engine_pvt.g_trace_header_id
            , p_rule_id                    => l_rule_id
            , p_pre_suggestions            => g_trace_recs
Line: 10805

	    UPDATE wms_transactions_temp
               SET primary_quantity = l_needed_quantity
                ,  secondary_quantity = l_sec_needed_quantity
             WHERE pp_transaction_temp_id = l_pp_transaction_temp_id;
Line: 10810

Line: 10821

        DELETE FROM wms_transactions_temp
              WHERE pp_transaction_temp_id = l_pp_transaction_temp_id;
Line: 10826

Line: 10830

          p_api_version                => 1.0
        , p_init_msg_list              => fnd_api.g_false
        , p_validation_level           => fnd_api.g_valid_level_full
        , x_return_status              => l_return_status
        , x_msg_count                  => x_msg_count
        , x_msg_data                   => x_msg_data
        , p_header_id                  => wms_engine_pvt.g_trace_header_id
        , p_rule_id                    => l_rule_id
        , p_pre_suggestions            => g_trace_recs
Line: 10870

        x_return_status              => l_return_status
      , x_msg_count                  => l_msg_count
      , x_msg_data                   => l_msg_data
      , p_organization_id            => p_organization_id
      , p_inventory_item_id          => p_inventory_item_id
Line: 10880

      IF l_capacity_updated THEN
          x_return_status              => l_return_status
        , x_msg_count                  => l_msg_count
        , x_msg_data                   => l_msg_data
        , p_organization_id            => p_organization_id
        , p_inventory_location_id      => l_olocator_id
        , p_inventory_item_id          => p_inventory_item_id
        , p_primary_uom_flag           => 'Y'
        , p_transaction_uom_code       => NULL
        , p_quantity                   => l_possible_quantity
Line: 10892

        l_capacity_updated  := FALSE;
Line: 10913

        x_return_status              => l_return_status
      , x_msg_count                  => l_msg_count
      , x_msg_data                   => l_msg_data
      , p_organization_id            => p_organization_id
      , p_inventory_item_id          => p_inventory_item_id
Line: 10923

      IF l_capacity_updated THEN
          x_return_status              => l_return_status
        , x_msg_count                  => l_msg_count
        , x_msg_data                   => l_msg_data
        , p_organization_id            => p_organization_id
        , p_inventory_location_id      => l_olocator_id
        , p_inventory_item_id          => p_inventory_item_id
        , p_primary_uom_flag           => 'Y'
        , p_transaction_uom_code       => NULL
        , p_quantity                   => l_possible_quantity
Line: 10935

        l_capacity_updated  := FALSE;
Line: 10956

        x_return_status              => l_return_status
      , x_msg_count                  => l_msg_count
      , x_msg_data                   => l_msg_data
      , p_organization_id            => p_organization_id
      , p_inventory_item_id          => p_inventory_item_id
Line: 10966

      IF l_capacity_updated THEN
          x_return_status              => l_return_status
        , x_msg_count                  => l_msg_count
        , x_msg_data                   => l_msg_data
        , p_organization_id            => p_organization_id
        , p_inventory_location_id      => l_olocator_id
        , p_inventory_item_id          => p_inventory_item_id
        , p_primary_uom_flag           => 'Y'
        , p_transaction_uom_code       => NULL
        , p_quantity                   => l_possible_quantity
Line: 10978

        l_capacity_updated  := FALSE;
Line: 11136

          SELECT  subinventory_code
            FROM  mtl_item_sub_defaults
            WHERE inventory_item_id = l_inventory_item_id
              AND organization_id   = l_organization_id
              AND default_type      = 3;  -- default transfer order sub
Line: 11143

          SELECT  status_id
            FROM  mtl_item_locations
            WHERE inventory_location_id = l_putaway_loc
              AND organization_id  = l_organization_id ;
Line: 11149

          SELECT  locator_id
            FROM  mtl_item_loc_defaults mtld,
                  mtl_item_locations mil
            WHERE mtld.locator_id        = mil.inventory_location_id
              AND mtld.organization_id   = mil.organization_id
              AND mtld.inventory_item_id = l_inventory_item_id
              AND mtld.organization_id   = l_organization_id
              AND mtld.subinventory_code = l_putaway_sub
              AND mtld.default_type      = 3
              AND nvl(mil.disable_date,sysdate + 1) > sysdate;
Line: 11455

        SELECT lpn_controlled_flag
          FROM mtl_secondary_inventories
         WHERE organization_id = p_organization_id
           AND secondary_inventory_name = l_osubinventory_code;
Line: 11541

Line: 11668

      select locator_type into l_locator_type
        from mtl_secondary_inventories
       where organization_id = p_organization_id
         and SECONDARY_INVENTORY_NAME  = l_to_subinventory_code;
Line: 11996

        log_statement(l_api_name, 'insert_put_wtt_recs',
         'Inserting putaway records in wtt');
Line: 12000

        ) VALUES
       ( wms_transactions_temp_s.NEXTVAL
        ,1      -- p_type_code
        ,2             -- line type code is output
        ,NULL   -- l_rule_id
Line: 12073

           WHERE pp_transaction_temp_id = l_pp_transaction_temp_id;
Line: 12078

Line: 12081

           p_api_version => 1.0
          ,p_init_msg_list => fnd_api.g_false
          ,p_validation_level => fnd_api.g_valid_level_full
          ,x_return_status => l_return_status
          ,x_msg_count => x_msg_count
          ,x_msg_data => x_msg_data
          ,p_header_id => wms_engine_pvt.g_trace_header_id
          ,p_rule_id => null
          ,p_pre_suggestions => g_trace_recs
Line: 12270

      SELECT rule_id
           , organization_id
           , type_code
           , NAME
           , description
           , qty_function_parameter_id
           , enabled_flag
           , user_defined_flag
           , attribute_category
           , attribute1
           , attribute2
           , attribute3
           , attribute4
           , attribute5
           , attribute6
           , attribute7
           , attribute8
           , attribute9
           , attribute10
           , attribute11
           , attribute12
           , attribute13
           , attribute14
           , attribute15
        FROM wms_rules_vl
       WHERE rule_id = p_rule_id;
Line: 12349

Line: 12412

      SELECT status
      FROM   user_objects
      WHERE  object_name = UPPER(p_package_name)
      AND    object_type='PACKAGE'
      AND    status <> 'VALID'
      AND    rownum = 1;
Line: 12420

      SELECT status
      FROM   user_objects
      WHERE  object_name = UPPER(p_package_name)
      AND    object_type = 'PACKAGE BODY'
      AND    status <> 'VALID'
      AND    rownum = 1;
Line: 12455

           ,insert_newlines => 'FALSE'
           ,comp_error => l_comp_error
Line: 12562

      SELECT type_code
           , allocation_mode_id
        FROM wms_rules_b mpr
       WHERE mpr.rule_id = p_rule_id;
Line: 12674

      g_stmt_serial         :=    'select '
                               || g_base_select
                               || g_rule_select_serial
                               || ' from '
                               || g_rule_from
                               || g_base_from_serial
                               || ' where '
                               || g_input_where
                               || g_rule_where
                               || ' group by '
                               || g_base_group_by
                               || g_rule_group_by;
Line: 12687

      g_stmt_serial_validate :=    'select '
                               || g_base_select
                               || g_rule_select_serial
                               || ' from '
                               || g_rule_from
                               || g_base_from_serial_v
                               || ' where '
                               || g_input_where
                               || g_rule_where
                               || ' group by '
                               || g_base_group_by
                               || g_rule_group_by;
Line: 12700

      g_stmt_serial_detail  :=    'select '
                               || g_base_select
                               || g_rule_select
                               || ' from '
                               || g_rule_from
                               || g_base_from_serial
                               || ' where '
                               || g_input_where
                               || g_rule_where;
Line: 12710

     g_stmt_serial_detail_new  :=    'select '
                               || g_base_select
                               || g_rule_select
                               || ' from '
                               || g_rule_from
                               || g_base_from_serial_detail
                               || ' where '
                               || g_input_where
                               || g_rule_where;
Line: 12732

      g_stmt_serial          := 'select 1,1,sysdate,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 from dual';
Line: 12733

      g_stmt_serial_validate := 'select 1,1,sysdate,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 from dual';
Line: 12734

      g_stmt_serial_detail   := 'select 1,1,sysdate,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 from dual';
Line: 12735

      g_stmt_serial_detail_new   := 'select 1,1,sysdate,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 from dual';
Line: 12745

      g_stmt           :=    'select count(*) '
                          || '  from '
                          || NVL(g_rule_from, 'WMS_LABEL_REQUESTS wlr')
                          || ' where wlr.label_request_id = p_label_request_id '
                          || g_rule_where;
Line: 12812

      g_stmt           :=    'select count(*) '
                          || '  from '
                          || NVL(g_rule_from, 'MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS_TEMP mmtt')
                          || ' where mmtt.transaction_temp_id = p_pp_transaction_temp_id '
                          || g_rule_where;
Line: 12876

      g_stmt           :=    'select count(*) '
                          || '  from '
                          || NVL(g_rule_from, 'MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS_TEMP mmtt')
                          || ' where nvl(mmtt.parent_line_id,mmtt.transaction_temp_id) = p_pp_transaction_temp_id '  -- Bug Fix 5560849
                          || g_rule_where;
Line: 12942

      g_stmt           :=    'select count(*) '
                          || '  from '
                          || NVL(g_rule_from, 'WMS_COST_GROUPS_INPUT_V wcgiv')
                          || ' where wcgiv.line_id = g_line_id '
                          || g_rule_where;
Line: 13028

                              'select ' || g_base_select || ' from ' || g_rule_from || g_base_from || ' where ' || g_input_where || g_rule_where;
Line: 13340

             'select ' || g_base_select || g_rule_select || ' from ' || g_rule_from || g_base_from || ' where ' || g_input_where || g_rule_where;
Line: 13345

        g_stmt  :=    'select '
                   || g_base_select
                   || g_rule_select_serial
                   || ' from '
                   || g_rule_from
                   || g_base_from
                   || ' where '
                   || g_input_where
                   || g_rule_where
                   || 'group by '
                   || g_base_group_by
                   || g_rule_group_by;
Line: 13780

      SELECT mmtt.transaction_temp_id
        FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt, mtl_txn_request_lines mol
       WHERE mmtt.operation_plan_id IS NULL
         AND mmtt.move_order_line_id = mol.line_id
         AND mol.header_id = p_move_order_header_id;
Line: 13800

       SELECT 1 INTO l_count
	 FROM dual
	 WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM wms_rules_b rules
		       WHERE  rules.type_code = 7
		       AND    rules.enabled_flag = 'Y'
		       AND    (organization_id = -1
			       OR organization_id IN (SELECT mmtt.organization_id
						      FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt,
						      mtl_txn_request_lines mol
						      WHERE mmtt.standard_operation_id IS NULL
						      AND mmtt.move_order_line_id = mol.line_id
						      AND mol.header_id = p_move_order_header_id)));
Line: 13862

       UPDATE mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
	 SET mmtt.operation_plan_id = (SELECT NVL(default_pick_op_plan_id, 1)
				       FROM mtl_parameters mp
				       WHERE mp.organization_id = mmtt.organization_id)
	 WHERE mmtt.operation_plan_id IS NULL
	   AND mmtt.move_order_line_id IN (SELECT line_id
					   FROM mtl_txn_request_lines mol
					   WHERE mol.header_id = p_move_order_header_id)
	   AND mmtt.transaction_source_type_id in (2, 8);
Line: 13925

      SELECT   rules.rule_id
             , mmtt.organization_id
             , mmtt.wms_task_type
             , rules.type_hdr_id
          FROM wms_rules_b rules, wms_op_plans_b wop, mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
	WHERE rules.type_code = 7
	AND rules.enabled_flag = 'Y'
	AND rules.type_hdr_id = wop.operation_plan_id
	AND wop.system_task_type = NVL(mmtt.wms_task_type, wop.system_task_type)
	--AND    mmtt.transaction_source_type_id <> 5 -- exclude wip issue tasks
	AND    mmtt.transaction_source_type_id IN (2, 8) --restrict to sales order and internal order mmtts only
	AND mmtt.transaction_temp_id = p_task_id
	AND rules.organization_id IN (mmtt.organization_id, -1)
	AND NVL(wop.organization_id, mmtt.organization_id) = mmtt.organization_id
           AND wop.enabled_flag = 'Y'
      ORDER BY rules.rule_weight DESC, rules.creation_date;
Line: 13944

      SELECT COUNT(object_name)
        FROM user_objects
       WHERE object_name = l_package_name;
Line: 13951

      SELECT NVL(default_pick_op_plan_id, 1)
        FROM mtl_parameters
       WHERE organization_id = l_organization_id;
Line: 14011

          UPDATE mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
             SET mmtt.operation_plan_id = l_operation_plan_id
           WHERE mmtt.transaction_temp_id = p_task_id;
Line: 14031

            select organization_id
             into  l_organization_id
             from  mtl_material_transactions_temp
	      where  transaction_temp_id = p_task_id
	      AND transaction_source_type_id IN (2, 8);   -- bug fix 3361560
Line: 14055

      UPDATE mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
         SET mmtt.operation_plan_id = l_operation_plan_id
       WHERE mmtt.transaction_temp_id = p_task_id;
Line: 14123

      SELECT mmtt.transaction_temp_id
            ,mmtt.organization_id -- Added new
            ,mmtt.wms_task_type   -- Added new
        FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt, mtl_txn_request_lines mol
       WHERE mmtt.standard_operation_id IS NULL
         AND mmtt.move_order_line_id = mol.line_id
         AND mol.header_id = p_move_order_header_id;
Line: 14148

       SELECT 1 INTO l_count
	 FROM dual
	 WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM wms_rules_b rules
		       WHERE  rules.type_code = 3
		       AND    rules.enabled_flag = 'Y'
		       AND    (organization_id = -1
			       OR organization_id IN (SELECT mmtt.organization_id
						      FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt,
						      mtl_txn_request_lines mol
						      WHERE mmtt.standard_operation_id IS NULL
						      AND mmtt.move_order_line_id = mol.line_id
						      AND mol.header_id = p_move_order_header_id)));
Line: 14193

       UPDATE mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
	 SET standard_operation_id =
	 (SELECT DECODE(mmtt.wms_task_type, 1, default_pick_task_type_id,
			2, default_putaway_task_type_id,
			3, default_cc_task_type_id,
			4, default_repl_task_type_id,
			5, default_moxfer_task_type_id,
			6, default_moissue_task_type_id,
	  FROM mtl_parameters mp WHERE mp.organization_id = mmtt.organization_id)
	 WHERE mmtt.standard_operation_id IS NULL
	   AND mmtt.move_order_line_id IN (SELECT line_id
					   FROM mtl_txn_request_lines mol
					   WHERE mol.header_id = p_move_order_header_id);
Line: 14278

      SELECT   rules.rule_id
             , rules.type_hdr_id /* Added this Column */
             , mmtt.organization_id
             , mmtt.wms_task_type
          FROM wms_rules_b rules, bom_standard_operations bso , mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
         WHERE rules.type_code = 3
           AND rules.enabled_flag = 'Y'
           AND rules.type_hdr_id = bso.standard_operation_id
           AND bso.wms_task_type = NVL(mmtt.wms_task_type, bso.wms_task_type)
           AND mmtt.transaction_temp_id = p_task_id
           AND rules.organization_id IN (mmtt.organization_id, -1)
           AND bso.organization_id = mmtt.organization_id
      ORDER BY rules.rule_weight DESC, rules.creation_date;
Line: 14293

    SELECT   rules.rule_id ,  rules.type_hdr_id
	FROM wms_rules_b rules, bom_standard_operations bso
       WHERE rules.type_code = 3
	 AND rules.enabled_flag = 'Y'
	 AND rules.type_hdr_id = bso.standard_operation_id
	 AND bso.wms_task_type = NVL(p_wms_task_type, bso.wms_task_type)
	 AND rules.organization_id IN (p_organization_id, -1)
	 AND bso.organization_id = p_organization_id
    ORDER BY rules.rule_weight DESC, rules.creation_date; */
Line: 14306

      SELECT COUNT(object_name)
        FROM user_objects
       WHERE object_name = l_package_name;
Line: 14312

      SELECT default_pick_task_type_id
        FROM mtl_parameters
       WHERE organization_id = l_organization_id;
Line: 14321

      SELECT default_pick_task_type_id
           , default_cc_task_type_id
           , default_putaway_task_type_id
           , default_repl_task_type_id
           , default_moxfer_task_type_id
           , default_moissue_task_type_id
           , default_pick_op_plan_id
        FROM mtl_parameters
       WHERE organization_id =  l_organization_id;
Line: 14405

          UPDATE mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
             SET mmtt.standard_operation_id = l_type_hdr_id
           WHERE mmtt.transaction_temp_id = p_task_id;
Line: 14409

           UPDATE mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
	                SET mmtt.standard_operation_id = (SELECT type_hdr_id
	                                                    FROM wms_rules_b
	                                                   WHERE rule_id = l_rule_id)
           WHERE mmtt.transaction_temp_id = p_task_id

          EXIT; -- task assigned, jump out of the rule loop
Line: 14432

      select organization_id, wms_task_type
       into  l_organization_id, l_wms_task_type
       from  mtl_material_transactions_temp
      where  transaction_temp_id = p_task_id;
Line: 14498

      UPDATE mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
         SET mmtt.standard_operation_id = l_task_type_id
       WHERE mmtt.transaction_temp_id = p_task_id;
Line: 14557

    UPDATE wms_rules_b
       SET rule_weight = (SELECT 100 * COUNT(parameter_id)
                            FROM (SELECT DISTINCT rules.rule_id
                                                , par.parameter_id
                                             FROM wms_rules_b rules, wms_restrictions rest, wms_parameters_b par
                                            WHERE rules.rule_id = p_rule_id
                                              AND rules.rule_id = rest.rule_id(+)
                                              AND rest.parameter_id = par.parameter_id(+)
                                              AND (NVL(par.use_for_tt_assn_flag, 'Y') = 'Y'
                                                   OR NVL(par.use_for_label_rest_flag, 'Y') = 'Y'
     WHERE rule_id = p_rule_id
       AND rule_weight IS NULL;
Line: 14634

      SELECT   rules.rule_id
             , rules.rule_weight
             , rules.type_hdr_id
             , wl.label_format_name
             , wl.document_id
          FROM wms_rules_b rules, wms_label_formats wl, wms_label_requests wlr
         WHERE rules.type_code = 4
           AND rules.type_hdr_id = wl.label_format_id
           AND wl.label_format_id = NVL(wlr.label_format_id, wl.label_format_id)
           AND NVL(format_disable_date, SYSDATE + 1) > SYSDATE   --Bug #3452076
           AND wlr.document_id = wl.document_id
           AND wlr.label_request_id = p_label_request_id
           AND rules.enabled_flag = 'Y'
           AND (rules.organization_id = wlr.organization_id
                OR rules.organization_id = -1
               ) -- Common to All Org.
      ORDER BY rules.rule_weight DESC, rules.creation_date;
Line: 14654

      SELECT COUNT(object_name)
        FROM user_objects
       WHERE object_name = l_package_name;
Line: 14659

      SELECT label_format_id
           , label_format_name
        FROM wms_label_formats
       WHERE document_id = l_document_id
         AND default_format_flag IN ('Y', 'y');
Line: 14666

      SELECT *
        FROM wms_label_requests
       WHERE label_request_id = p_label_request_id;
Line: 14677

       SELECT   count(rules.rule_id ) into  ll_ctr
       FROM wms_rules_b rules, wms_label_formats wl, wms_label_requests wlr
       WHERE rules.type_code = 4
                  AND rules.type_hdr_id = wl.label_format_id
                  AND wl.label_format_id = NVL(wlr.label_format_id, wl.label_format_id)
                  AND NVL(format_disable_date, SYSDATE + 1) > SYSDATE   --Bug #        3452076
                  AND wlr.document_id = wl.document_id
                  AND wlr.label_request_id = p_label_request_id
                  AND rules.enabled_flag = 'Y'
                  AND (rules.organization_id = wlr.organization_id
                       OR rules.organization_id = -1
                  ) ;
Line: 14780

        UPDATE wms_label_requests wlr
           SET wlr.label_format_id = l_label_format_id
             , wlr.rule_id = l_rule_id
             , wlr.strategy_id = l_strategy_id
             , wlr.rule_weight = l_rule_weight
         WHERE wlr.label_request_id = p_label_request_id;
Line: 14787

           TRACE('Rule Match.Update Label Request with format ID :'|| l_label_format_id || ' ' || l_label_format_name);
Line: 14826

    UPDATE wms_label_requests wlr
       SET wlr.label_format_id = l_label_format_id
     WHERE wlr.label_request_id = p_label_request_id;
Line: 14831

       TRACE('Update Label Request with label ID :'|| l_label_format_id || '.(' || SQL%ROWCOUNT || ')');
Line: 14905

      SELECT   rule_id
          FROM wms_rules_b
         WHERE enabled_flag = 'Y'
      ORDER BY rule_id;
Line: 15063

            l_inserted_record        BOOLEAN;
Line: 15099

          AND LPN_ID = l_lpn_id;
Line: 15257

Line: 15440

          	   log_statement(l_api_name, 'validate_and_insert', 'Calling  validate_and_insert');
Line: 15441

          	   log_statement(l_api_name, 'validate_and_insert', 'p_record_id 	'||  l_cur_rec);
Line: 15442

          	   log_statement(l_api_name, 'validate_and_insert', 'p_needed_quantity 	'||  l_needed_quantity);
Line: 15443

          	   log_statement(l_api_name, 'validate_and_insert', 'p_needed_sec_quantity 	'||  l_sec_needed_quantity);
Line: 15444

          	   log_statement(l_api_name, 'validate_and_insert', 'p_organization_id 	'||  p_organization_id);
Line: 15445

          	   log_statement(l_api_name, 'validate_and_insert', 'p_inventory_item_id'||  p_inventory_item_id);
Line: 15446

          	   log_statement(l_api_name, 'validate_and_insert', 'p_to_subinventory_code'|| l_to_subinventory_code);
Line: 15447

          	   log_statement(l_api_name, 'validate_and_insert', 'p_to_locator_id 	'||  l_to_locator_id);
Line: 15448

          	   log_statement(l_api_name, 'validate_and_insert', 'p_to_cost_group_id '||   l_to_cost_group_id );
Line: 15449

          	   log_statement(l_api_name, 'validate_and_insert', 'p_primary_uom 	'||   p_primary_uom);
Line: 15450

          	   log_statement(l_api_name, 'validate_and_insert', 'p_transaction_uom 	'||   p_transaction_uom);
Line: 15451

          	   log_statement(l_api_name, 'validate_and_insert', 'p_transaction_temp_id'|| p_transaction_temp_id );
Line: 15452

             	   log_statement(l_api_name, 'validate_and_insert', 'p_type_code 	'||   p_type_code );
Line: 15453

  		   log_statement(l_api_name, 'validate_and_insert', 'p_reservation_id  	'||   l_reservation_id  );
Line: 15454

          	   log_statement(l_api_name, 'validate_and_insert', 'p_tree_id 		'||   l_tree_id);
Line: 15455

          	   log_statement(l_api_name, 'validate_and_insert', 'Insert an Output record into WTT if status allowed');
Line: 15457

  		 --  Insert an Output record into WTT if status allowed
  	--LPN Status Project

                IF l_debug = 1 THEN
			 log_statement(l_api_name, 'l_onhand_status_trx_allowed: ', l_onhand_status_trx_allowed);
Line: 15473

                       log_statement(l_api_name, 'Calling validate_and_insert', '');
Line: 15475

                       x_return_status              => x_return_status
                     , x_msg_count                  => x_msg_count
                     , x_msg_data                   => x_msg_data
                     , p_record_id                  => l_cur_rec
                     , p_needed_quantity            => l_needed_quantity
                     , p_use_pick_uom               => FALSE
                     , p_organization_id            => p_organization_id
                     , p_inventory_item_id          => p_inventory_item_id
                     , p_to_subinventory_code       => l_to_subinventory_code
                     , p_to_locator_id              => l_to_locator_id
                     , p_to_cost_group_id           => l_to_cost_group_id
                     , p_primary_uom                => p_primary_uom
                     , p_transaction_uom            => p_transaction_uom
                     , p_transaction_temp_id        => p_transaction_temp_id
                     , p_type_code                  => p_type_code
                     , p_rule_id                    => 0
                     , p_reservation_id             => l_reservation_id
                     , p_tree_id                    => l_tree_id
                     , p_debug_on                   => l_debug_on
                     , p_needed_sec_quantity        => l_sec_needed_quantity
                     , p_secondary_uom              => p_secondary_uom
                     , p_grade_code                 => p_grade_code
                     , x_inserted_record            => l_inserted_record
                     , x_allocated_quantity         => l_allocated_quantity
                     , x_remaining_quantity         => l_remaining_quantity
                     , x_sec_allocated_quantity     => l_sec_allocated_quantity
                     , x_sec_remaining_quantity     => l_sec_remaining_quantity
Line: 15504

                 ELSIF p_tree_id is NULL THEN  -- Call the new local procedure validate_and_insert_noqtytree() for bug #4006426

                       IF l_debug = 1 THEN
                          log_statement(l_api_name, 'Calling validateNinsert', '');
Line: 15510

                             x_return_status              => x_return_status
                           , x_msg_count                  => x_msg_count
                           , x_msg_data                   => x_msg_data
                           , p_record_id                  => l_cur_rec
                           , p_needed_quantity            => l_needed_quantity
                           , p_use_pick_uom               => FALSE
                           , p_organization_id            => p_organization_id
                           , p_inventory_item_id          => p_inventory_item_id
                           , p_to_subinventory_code       => l_to_subinventory_code
                           , p_to_locator_id              => l_to_locator_id
                           , p_to_cost_group_id           => l_to_cost_group_id
                           , p_primary_uom                => p_primary_uom
                           , p_transaction_uom            => p_transaction_uom
                           , p_transaction_temp_id        => p_transaction_temp_id
                           , p_type_code                  => p_type_code
                           , p_rule_id                    => 0
                           , p_reservation_id             => l_reservation_id
                           , p_tree_id                    => l_tree_id
                           , p_debug_on                   => l_debug_on
                           , x_inserted_record            => l_inserted_record
                           , x_allocated_quantity         => l_allocated_quantity
                           , x_remaining_quantity         => l_remaining_quantity
Line: 15538

                                log_statement(l_api_name, 'uerr_validate_insert',
                                        'Unexpected error in validate_and_insert');
Line: 15544

                            log_statement(l_api_name, 'err_validate_insert', 'Error in validate_and_insert');
Line: 15549

                      IF l_inserted_record = FALSE   OR l_allocated_quantity < l_needed_quantity THEN
                         fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_LPN_UNAVAILABLE');  --- to be Added to Mesg Dict
Line: 15561

                                log_statement(l_api_name, 'insert_failed', 'Record failed to allocation.  Rolling back and ' || 'invalidating LPN');
Line: 15794

    l_capacity_updated       BOOLEAN;
Line: 15816

    l_inserted_record        BOOLEAN;
Line: 15820

    l_sec_inserted_record    BOOLEAN;                   -- new
Line: 15860

      SELECT default_wms_picking_rule_id
           , default_put_away_rule_id
        FROM mtl_parameters
       WHERE organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 15867

      SELECT serial_number_control_code
           , NVL(restrict_subinventories_code, 2)
           , NVL(restrict_locators_code, 2)
        FROM mtl_system_items
       WHERE organization_id = p_organization_id
         AND inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id;
Line: 15876

      SELECT COUNT(object_name)
        FROM user_objects
       WHERE object_name = l_package_name;
Line: 15884

      SELECT allocation_mode_id
           , qty_function_parameter_id
        FROM wms_rules_b
       WHERE rule_id = l_rule_id;
Line: 15891

      SELECT consistency_id
        FROM wms_rule_consistencies
       WHERE rule_id = l_rule_id;
Line: 15897

      SELECT lpn_controlled_flag, reservable_type
        FROM mtl_secondary_inventories
       WHERE organization_id = p_organization_id
         AND secondary_inventory_name = l_osubinventory_code;
Line: 15904

      SELECT SUM(primary_transaction_quantity)
        FROM mtl_onhand_quantities_detail
       WHERE lpn_id = v_current_row.lpn_id;
Line: 16027

      /* Lgao, Bug 5141737 select available will not check this flag, not used */
      /*IF p_partial_success_allowed_flag IS NULL
         OR p_partial_success_allowed_flag = fnd_api.g_miss_char THEN
        IF fnd_msg_pub.check_msg_level(fnd_msg_pub.g_msg_lvl_unexp_error) THEN
          fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_PARTIAL_SUCC_FLAG_MISS');
Line: 16172
