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2 -- $Header: ECOSTGS.pls 120.2 2005/09/29 11:03:17 arsriniv ship $
4 /**
5 Global Variables
6 **/
8 counter			number :=0;
9 i_document_number	number :=0;
11 u_file_handle		utl_file.file_type;
13 /**
14 Global Common Key Constants: these can be changed if the common key specifications
15 change or become parameters in future versions.
16 **/
17 g_rec_num_ln		number := 4;
18 g_rec_num_fl		varchar2(1) := '0';
20 g_rec_lcd_ln		number := 2;
21 g_rec_lcd_fl		varchar2(1) := fnd_global.local_chr(32);	-- space
23 g_rec_lql_ln		number := 3;
24 g_rec_lql_fl		varchar2(1) := fnd_global.local_chr(32);	-- space
26 g_rec_appd_fl		varchar2(1) := fnd_global.local_chr(32);	-- space
28 g_rec_ckey_ln		number := 91;
29 g_rec_ckey_fl		varchar2(1) := fnd_global.local_chr(32);	-- space
31 g_tp_ckey_ln		number := 25;
32 g_tp_ckey_fl		varchar2(1) := fnd_global.local_chr(32);	-- space
34 /**
35 The reference key lengths can be changed to a length of 13
36 so that at least 5 levels of reference keys can fit in a common key
37 of length 91 and tp code length of 25:
38 **/
39 -- g_ref_ckey_ln		number := 13;
40 g_ref_ckey_ln		number := 22;
41 g_ref_ckey_fl		varchar2(1) := fnd_global.local_chr(32);	-- space
43 /**
44 Record Type for storing the Information Specific to a Level
45 i.e. Start record Number, Document id , Document Number , Key Column name etc.
46 **/
47 TYPE start_rec is RECORD
48 (
49 start_record_number	ece_interface_columns.record_number%TYPE,
50 total_records		number(15),
51 Document_Id		number(15),
52 Line_Number		number(15),
53 Parent_Stage_Id		number(15),
54 Select_Cursor		number(15),
55 Transaction_type	ece_interface_tables.transaction_type%TYPE,
56 Run_Id			number(15),
57 Document_Number		varchar2(200),
58 Status			varchar2(40),
59 Stage_Id		number(15),
60 Key_Column_Name		ece_interface_tables.key_column_name%TYPE,
61 key_Column_Position	number(4),
62 Key_Column_Staging ece_interface_columns.staging_column%TYPE,
63 primary_address_type	ece_interface_tables.primary_address_type%TYPE,
64 tp_code_staging		ece_interface_columns.staging_column%TYPE
65 );
67 TYPE Level_Info 	IS TABLE OF start_rec INDEX by BINARY_INTEGER;
69 /**
70 Record Type for storing the Information Specific to a Record Number
71 i.e. record Number, position , width, and SQL select statment etc.
72 **/
73 TYPE all_rec is RECORD
74 (
75 record_number		ece_interface_columns.record_number%TYPE,
76 external_level		ece_external_levels.external_level%TYPE,
77 start_record_number	ece_interface_columns.record_number%TYPE,
78 counter		        number(15),
79 select_stmt		varchar2(32000)
80 );
84 /**
85 This is the Main Staging Program.
86 For a given transaction, and the Outbound File information i.e. File name
87 and File Path , it extracts the Staging table data into the Flat File. There is no
88 checking done for the data, and it is extracted according to the Mapping
89 information seeded for a transaction.
90 **/
92 	(
93 	i_transaction_type	IN	varchar2,
94 	i_file_name		IN	varchar2,
95 	i_file_path		IN	varchar2,
96 	i_map_id		IN	number,
97 	i_run_id		IN	number
98 	);
100 /**
101 This procedures fetches the staging data in the proper hierarchecal order by recursively
102 calling itself using the current records STAGE_ID = PARENT_STAGE_ID.  It also calls the
103 procedures to format the common key and populate the flat file with the stage data.
104 Calling this procedure recursively guarantees that the flat file will be formatted in order
105 as long as the relationship between the STAGE_ID and the PARENT_STAGE_ID is populated
106 correctly by the OUTBOUND ENGINE regardless of the order they were populated.
107 **/
108 procedure Fetch_Stage_Data
109 	(
110 	i_transaction_type	in	varchar2,
111 	i_run_id		in	number,
112 	i_parent_stage_id	IN 	number,
113 	i_stage_cursor		IN OUT NOCOPY	number,
114 	i_common_key		IN OUT NOCOPY	varchar2
115 	);
117 /**
118 This procedures loads the mapping information between the Flat File
119 and the Staging table. This information is seeded in the ECE_INTERFACE_TABLES
120 and ECE_INTERFACE_COLUMNS. The mapping information is loaded into the Local Body
121 PL/SQL table variable for a given transaction Type and its level. This PL/SQL table
122 loaded with Mapping information is visible only to the functions and procedures
123 defined within this package.
124 **/
125 procedure Populate_Flatfile_Mapping
126 	(
127 	i_transaction_type	in	varchar2,
128 	i_level			in	number,
129 	i_map_id		IN	number
130 	);
131 /**
132 This procedure formats the main body of a SELECT statement for each record number of
133 a given transaction and saves the result in a local PL/SQL table for later parsing.
134 This procedure is called once for each record number regardless of the number of
135 columns in the staging table in order to save on the number of PL/SQL string operations
136 required
137 **/
138 PROCEDURE Get_Select_Stmt
139 		(
140 		i_current_level		IN	NUMBER,
141 		i_record_num		IN	number,
142 		i_file_pos		IN	number,
143 		i_next_file_pos         IN OUT NOCOPY  number,
144 		i_total_rec_unit	IN	number
145 		);
147 /**
148 The Data is extracted from the Staging table using loaded in the Local PL/SQL table.
149 This procedures uses Transaction Level and cursor handle as parameters to parse a SQL
150 statement.
151 The Cursor handle is passed as 0 in the First call , and the subsequent calls
152 use the Cursor Handle returned by the Procedure. This helps in avoiding the
153 expensive parsing of the SQL Statement again and again for the Same level.
154 **/
155 procedure Select_From_Stage_Table
156 	(
157 	i_level		IN	NUMBER,
158 	i_stage_id	IN	NUMBER,
159 	i_select_cursor	IN OUT NOCOPY	NUMBER,
160 	i_common_key	IN OUT NOCOPY	VARCHAR2
161 	);
162 /**
163 This procedure formats the common key for each level of a given transaction.  It takes the previous common key
164 string and formats it according to the level before concatenting the new KEY COLUMN on to the end of it.
165 NOTE: all common key variables (eg: length, fill character) are defined as global variables and can be
166 changed if the common key specifications change or become parameters in future versions.
167 Additionally, the call to this procedure can be commented out if NO common key is desired.  This provides a
168 modest increase in perfomance and a decrease in flat file size.
169 **/
170 procedure Select_Common_Key
171 	(
172 	i_level		IN	NUMBER,
173 	i_tp_code	IN	VARCHAR2,
174 	i_key_column	IN	VARCHAR2,
175 	i_common_key    IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
176 	);