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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 31

  40.11 R.Kamiyama  05-Jan-1997         Added select stmt to get
				        business_group_id to for JP functions.
  40.11 R.Kamiyama  07-Mar-1997         Changed to BONUS_YEAR_STARTS from
  40.12 R.Kamiyama  13-Mar-1998         Translated to JP dim name.
  40.17 Y.Negoro    11-Nov-1998         Fix 665503.
  110.01 Y.Negoro   13-Nov-1998         Create for R11
  115.1  Y.Negoro   03-JUN-1999         Create for R11i
  115.2  K.Yazawa   17-JUN-1999	        Change the package name.
                                        (hr_jpbal => hr_jprts)
  115.4  Y.Tohya    06-Oct-1999         Fix 1020589.
  115.5  K.Yazawa   08-Oct-1999         Remove Multi byte Character.
				        per_assignments_f => per_all_assignments_f
  115.6  T.Tagawa   25-Sep-2002 2597843 ASG_ITD support.
                                        Added code to avoid HR_6614_PAY_NO_TIME_PERIOD.
  115.7  T.Tagawa   18-OCT-2002 2597843 IS_SUPPORTED function simplified(UTF8 support).
  115.8  T.Tagawa   06-NOV-2002 2597843 Added code to avoid error if the payroll on actual
                                        upload date is different from that on batch upload date.
  115.9 M.Iwamoto   19-JAN-2003 2708491 Total Reward System Support.
  115.10 T.Tagawa   15-MAY-2003         Added ASG_JULTD and new ASG_FYTD to is_supported.
                                        Added new ASG_FYTD expiry date routine.
  115.11 T.Tagawa   21-MAY-2003         show err commented out.
  115.12 T.Tagawa   21-APR-2006 2656208 Re-built. All potential bugs fixed.
-- Constants
c_package     constant varchar2(31) := 'pay_jp_bal_upload.';
Line: 103

	select	business_group_id,
	into	l_business_group_id,
	from	per_all_assignments_f
	where	assignment_id = p_assignment_id
	and	p_upload_date
		between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
Line: 123

	select	nvl(min(ptp2.start_date), END_OF_TIME)
	into	l_ptp_start_date
	from	per_time_periods	ptp,
		per_time_periods	ptp2
	where	ptp.payroll_id = l_payroll_id
	and	p_upload_date
		between ptp.start_date and ptp.end_date
	and	ptp2.payroll_id = ptp.payroll_id
	and	ptp2.start_date <= p_upload_date;
Line: 139

	select	max(asg.effective_end_date) + 1
	into	l_asg_start_date
	from	per_all_assignments_f	asg
	where	asg.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
	and	asg.effective_end_date < p_upload_date
	and	nvl(asg.payroll_id, -1) <> l_payroll_id;
Line: 149

		select	min(asg.effective_start_date)
		into	l_asg_start_date
		from	per_all_assignments_f	asg
		where	asg.assignment_id = p_assignment_id;
Line: 160

		select	nvl(min(ee.effective_start_date), END_OF_TIME)
		into	l_ee_start_date
		from	pay_element_entries_f	ee
		where	(	ee.element_entry_id = p_original_entry_id
			or	ee.original_entry_id = p_original_entry_id)
		and	ee.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
		and	ee.entry_type = 'E'
		and	ee.effective_start_date <= p_upload_date;
Line: 180

	select	period_type,
	into	l_period_type,
	from	pay_balance_dimensions
	where	dimension_name = p_dimension_name
	and	nvl(business_group_id, l_business_group_id) = l_business_group_id
	and	nvl(legislation_code, l_legislation_code) = l_legislation_code;
Line: 248

  select  distinct
  into    l_description,
  from    pay_balance_dimensions    dim,
          per_business_groups_perf  bg
  where   dim.dimension_name = p_dimension_name
  and     bg.business_group_id(+) = dim.business_group_id
  and     nvl(dim.legislation_code, bg.legislation_code) = 'JP';