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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 14

select person_id
from per_periods_of_service
where period_of_service_id = p_period_of_service_id;
Line: 37

select null
from hr_lookups
where lookup_type = p_lookup_type
and lookup_code = p_lookup_code;
Line: 76

select null
from per_contracts_f
where person_id = g_person_id
and effective_start_date > p_actual_termination_date + 1
and substrb(status,1,2) = 'A-';
Line: 201

Local procedure to delete and create the element entry
This is called from Terminate and Revers.
In the case of Reverse only the delete is performed.
   ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
procedure last_day_worked_entry
(p_last_day_worked date
,p_actual_termination_date date) is
l_assignment_id number;
Line: 221

select assignment_id
from per_all_assignments_f
where person_id = g_person_id
and   l_effective_date
      between effective_start_date and effective_end_date
and primary_flag = 'Y';
Line: 229

select element_type_id, element_name
from pay_element_types_f
where l_effective_date
   between effective_start_date and effective_end_date
and legislation_code = 'FR';
Line: 238

select input_value_id
from pay_input_values_f
where l_effective_date
   between effective_start_date and effective_end_date
and legislation_code = 'FR'
and element_type_id = l_element_type_id
and name = 'Proration';
Line: 247

select element_entry_id
from pay_element_entries_f ee
,    pay_element_links_f l
where ee.assignment_id = l_assignment_id
and   l.element_type_id = l_element_type_id
and   l.element_link_id = ee.element_link_id
and p_actual_termination_date
   between ee.effective_start_date and ee.effective_end_date
and p_actual_termination_date
   between l.effective_start_date and l.effective_end_date;
Line: 283

Line: 310

                           (p_effective_start_date  => l_effective_start_date
                           ,p_effective_end_date    => l_effective_end_date
                           ,p_element_entry_id      => l_element_entry_id
                           ,p_assignment_id         => l_assignment_id
                           ,p_element_link_id       => l_element_link_id
                           ,p_creator_type          => 'F'
                           ,p_entry_type            => 'E');
Line: 338

                                     (p_dt_update_mode       => 'UPDATE'
                                     ,p_session_date         => p_last_day_worked + 1
                                     ,p_element_entry_id     => l_element_entry_id
                                     ,p_comment_id           => Null
                                     ,p_input_value_id1      => l_input_value_id
                                     ,p_entry_value1         => '2'
Line: 352

                                     (p_dt_update_mode       => 'UPDATE'
                                     ,p_session_date         => p_actual_termination_date + 1
                                     ,p_element_entry_id     => l_element_entry_id
                                     ,p_comment_id           => Null
                                     ,p_input_value_id1      => l_input_value_id
                                     ,p_entry_value1         => '3'
Line: 392

l_update_mode varchar2(30);
Line: 400

select a.assignment_id
,      a.primary_flag
,      a.object_version_number
,      a.soft_coding_keyflex_id
,      scl.segment4
,      scl.segment2
from per_all_assignments_f a
,    hr_soft_coding_keyflex scl
,    per_assignment_status_types ast
where a.period_of_service_id = p_period_of_service_id
and   p_actual_termination_date = a.effective_end_date
and   a.assignment_status_type_id = ast.assignment_status_type_id
and   ast.per_system_status <> 'TERM_ASSIGN'
and a.soft_coding_keyflex_id = scl.soft_coding_keyflex_id (+);
Line: 432

         (P_VALIDATE                     => FALSE
         ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE               => p_actual_termination_date
         ,P_ASSIGNMENT_ID                => a.assignment_id
         ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER        => l_object_version_number
         ,P_SEGMENT2                     => a.segment2
         ,P_SEGMENT4                     => l_leaving_reason
         ,P_CONCATENATED_SEGMENTS        => l_concatenated_segments
         ,P_SOFT_CODING_KEYFLEX_ID       => l_soft_coding_keyflex_id
         ,P_COMMENT_ID                   => l_comment_id
         ,P_EFFECTIVE_START_DATE         => l_effective_start_date
         ,P_EFFECTIVE_END_DATE           => l_effective_end_date
         ,P_NO_MANAGERS_WARNING          => l_no_managers_warning
         ,P_OTHER_MANAGER_WARNING        => l_other_manager_warning);
Line: 466

select leaving_reason
from per_periods_of_service
where period_of_service_id = p_period_of_service_id;
Line: 492

External procedure called from Termination API Row Handler After Update
hook call for France.
N.B. The Termination process as called from the form will call this procedure
3 times:
1. to update HR attributes
2. to maintain ATD
3. to maintain FPD

In 1. the ATD if changing is not available
In 2. the DDF segment changes are not available (both old and new values
are the same)
In 3. no hook processing is required.

Hence it is necessary to detect programatically then termination is happening
as opposed to just an update to the HR attributes (i.e DDF, Leaving Reason).
   ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
procedure termination
(p_period_of_service_id number
,p_actual_termination_date date
,p_leaving_reason varchar2
,p_pds_information8 varchar2
,p_pds_information9 varchar2
,p_pds_information10 varchar2
,p_actual_termination_date_o date
,p_leaving_reason_o varchar2
,p_pds_information8_o varchar2
,p_pds_information9_o varchar2
,p_pds_information10_o varchar2
,p_final_process_date date -- for  bug#5191942
) is
l_proc varchar2(72) := g_package||'.termination';
Line: 548

l_update_mode varchar2(30);
Line: 556

select a.assignment_id
,      a.primary_flag
,      a.object_version_number
,      a.soft_coding_keyflex_id
,      scl.segment4
,      scl.segment2
from per_all_assignments_f a
,    hr_soft_coding_keyflex scl
where a.period_of_service_id = p_period_of_service_id
and   p_actual_termination_date = a.effective_end_date
and a.soft_coding_keyflex_id = scl.soft_coding_keyflex_id (+);
Line: 569

select contract_id
,      person_id
,      object_version_number
,      reference
,      type
,      status
from    per_contracts_f c
where  person_id = g_person_id
and l_effective_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date
and substrb(status,1,2) = 'A-';
Line: 641

             l_update_mode := 'CORRECTION';
Line: 643

                l_update_mode := 'UPDATE_CHANGE_INSERT';
Line: 645

                l_update_mode := 'UPDATE';
Line: 650

hr_utility.trace(c.contract_id||' '||l_update_mode);
Line: 651

          (P_VALIDATE                     => FALSE
          ,P_CONTRACT_ID                  => c.contract_id
          ,P_EFFECTIVE_START_DATE         => l_effective_start_date
          ,P_EFFECTIVE_END_DATE           => l_effective_end_date
          ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER        => l_object_version_number
          ,P_PERSON_ID                    => c.person_id
          ,P_REFERENCE                    => c.reference
          ,P_TYPE                         => c.type
          ,P_STATUS                       => 'T-TERMINATION'
          ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE               => p_actual_termination_date+1
          ,P_DATETRACK_MODE               => l_update_mode);
Line: 728

            (P_VALIDATE                     => FALSE
            ,P_CONTRACT_ID                  => c.contract_id
            ,P_EFFECTIVE_START_DATE         => l_effective_start_date
            ,P_EFFECTIVE_END_DATE           => l_effective_end_date
            ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER        => l_object_version_number
            ,P_PERSON_ID                    => c.person_id
            ,P_REFERENCE                    => c.reference
            ,P_TYPE                         => c.type
            ,P_STATUS                       => c.status
            ,P_END_REASON                   => l_leaving_reason
            ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE               => p_actual_termination_date
            ,P_DATETRACK_MODE               => 'CORRECTION');
Line: 780

select a.object_version_number
,      a.assignment_id
,      a.soft_coding_keyflex_id
,      scl.segment2
,      decode(effective_end_date
             ,p_actual_termination_date+1) effective_date
from per_all_assignments_f a
,    hr_soft_coding_keyflex scl
where period_of_service_id = p_period_of_service_id
and   (effective_end_date = p_actual_termination_date
   or  effective_start_date = p_actual_termination_date+1
   or   (p_actual_termination_date >= effective_start_date and
         effective_end_date = to_date('47121231','YYYYMMDD'))
and   a.soft_coding_keyflex_id = scl.soft_coding_keyflex_id;
Line: 798

select contract_id
,      person_id
,      object_version_number
,      reference
,      type
,      status
from    per_contracts_f c
where  person_id =
(select person_id
 from per_periods_of_service
 where period_of_service_id = p_period_of_service_id)
and p_actual_termination_date = effective_end_date;
Line: 815

select contract_id
,      person_id
,      object_version_number
,      reference
,      type
,      status
from    per_contracts_f c
where contract_id = p_contract_id
and   effective_start_date = p_effective_date;
Line: 838

     (P_VALIDATE                     => FALSE
     ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE               => a.effective_date
     ,P_ASSIGNMENT_ID                => a.assignment_id
     ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER        => l_object_version_number
     ,P_SEGMENT2                     => a.segment2
     ,P_SEGMENT4                     => null
     ,P_CONCATENATED_SEGMENTS        => l_concatenated_segments
     ,P_SOFT_CODING_KEYFLEX_ID       => l_soft_coding_keyflex_id
     ,P_COMMENT_ID                   => l_comment_id
     ,P_EFFECTIVE_START_DATE         => l_effective_start_date
     ,P_EFFECTIVE_END_DATE           => l_effective_end_date
     ,P_NO_MANAGERS_WARNING          => l_no_managers_warning
     ,P_OTHER_MANAGER_WARNING        => l_other_manager_warning);
Line: 873

            (P_VALIDATE                     => FALSE
            ,P_CONTRACT_ID                  => c.contract_id
            ,P_EFFECTIVE_START_DATE         => l_effective_start_date
            ,P_EFFECTIVE_END_DATE           => l_effective_end_date
            ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER        => l_object_version_number
            ,P_PERSON_ID                    => c.person_id
            ,P_REFERENCE                    => c.reference
            ,P_TYPE                         => c.type
            ,P_STATUS                       => l_status
            ,P_END_REASON                   => null
            ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE               => l_effective_date
            ,P_DATETRACK_MODE               => 'CORRECTION');
Line: 900

      (P_VALIDATE                     => FALSE
      ,P_CONTRACT_ID                  => c.contract_id
      ,P_EFFECTIVE_START_DATE         => l_effective_start_date
      ,P_EFFECTIVE_END_DATE           => l_effective_end_date
      ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER        => l_object_version_number
      ,P_PERSON_ID                    => c.person_id
      ,P_REFERENCE                    => c.reference
      ,P_TYPE                         => c.type
      ,P_STATUS                       => c.status
      ,P_END_REASON                   => null
      ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE               => p_actual_termination_date
      ,P_DATETRACK_MODE               => 'CORRECTION');
Line: 926

         (P_VALIDATE                     => FALSE
         ,P_CONTRACT_ID                  => ctr2.contract_id
         ,P_EFFECTIVE_START_DATE         => l_effective_start_date
         ,P_EFFECTIVE_END_DATE           => l_effective_end_date
         ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER        => l_object_version_number
         ,P_PERSON_ID                    => ctr2.person_id
         ,P_REFERENCE                    => ctr2.reference
         ,P_TYPE                         => ctr2.type
         ,P_STATUS                       => c.status
         ,P_END_REASON                   => null
         ,P_EFFECTIVE_DATE               => p_actual_termination_date+1
         ,P_DATETRACK_MODE               => 'CORRECTION');