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1 package iby_accttype_pkg AUTHID CURRENT_USER as
2 /*$Header: ibyactps.pls 115.5 2002/11/15 23:49:49 jleybovi ship $*/
3 /*
4 ** Function: createPmtSchemes.
5 ** Purpose:  creates the pmt scheme information, if it is not already
6 **           there in the database.
7 **           and passes back the corresponding pmtschemeid id.
8 */
9 procedure createAcctType( i_accttype in iby_accttype.accttype%type,
10                         i_instrtype in iby_accttype.instrtype%type,
11                         io_accttypeid  in out nocopy iby_accttype.accttypeid%type);
12 end iby_accttype_pkg;