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Line 12: -- p_trx_req_id - Request ID from okl_trx_requests table

8: -- into the OKL_AMORT_SCHED_HDRS
9: -- Parameters :
10: -- IN : p_api_version - Standard input parameter
11: -- p_init_msg_list - Standard input parameter
12: -- p_trx_req_id - Request ID from okl_trx_requests table
13: -- p_summ_flag - Boolean value indicating whether summary is available
14: -- OUT : x_return_status - Standard output parameter for Output status
15: -- x_msg_count - Standard output parameter
16: -- x_msg_data - Standard output parameter

Line 22: p_trx_req_id in okl_trx_requests.id%type,p_summ_flag in boolean,

18: -- Version : 1.0
19: -- History : srsreeni created.
20: procedure insert_hdr(p_api_version IN NUMBER,p_init_msg_list IN VARCHAR2,x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
21: x_msg_count OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,x_msg_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
22: p_trx_req_id in okl_trx_requests.id%type,p_summ_flag in boolean,
23: x_amor_hdr_id out NOCOPY amort_hdr_id_tbl_type) as
24: l_amor_hdr_id amort_hdr_id_tbl_type;
25: l_hdr_id number;
26: l_indx number := 1;

Line 400: -- p_req_id - Request ID from okl_trx_requests table

396: -- Parameters :
397: -- IN : p_api_version - Standard input parameter
398: -- p_init_msg_list - Standard input parameter
399: -- p_chr_id - Contract ID
400: -- p_req_id - Request ID from okl_trx_requests table
401: -- OUT : x_return_status - Standard output parameter for Output status
402: -- x_msg_count - Standard output parameter
403: -- x_msg_data - Standard output parameter
404: -- Version : 1.0

Line 409: p_req_id in okl_trx_requests.id%type) as

405: -- History : srsreeni created.
407: procedure delete_old_sched(p_api_version IN NUMBER,p_init_msg_list IN VARCHAR2,x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
408: x_msg_count OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,x_msg_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,p_chr_id in okc_k_headers_b.id%type,
409: p_req_id in okl_trx_requests.id%type) as
410: cursor trx_req_csr(p_chr_id in okc_k_headers_b.id%type,p_req_id in okl_trx_requests.id%type) is
411: select nvl(max(trx_req_id),-1) trx_req_id from OKL_AMORT_SCHED_HDRS
412: where trx_req_id = (select nvl(max(tr.id),-1) from okl_trx_requests tr
413: where dnz_khr_id = p_chr_id and id < p_req_id

Line 410: cursor trx_req_csr(p_chr_id in okc_k_headers_b.id%type,p_req_id in okl_trx_requests.id%type) is

407: procedure delete_old_sched(p_api_version IN NUMBER,p_init_msg_list IN VARCHAR2,x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
408: x_msg_count OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,x_msg_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,p_chr_id in okc_k_headers_b.id%type,
409: p_req_id in okl_trx_requests.id%type) as
410: cursor trx_req_csr(p_chr_id in okc_k_headers_b.id%type,p_req_id in okl_trx_requests.id%type) is
411: select nvl(max(trx_req_id),-1) trx_req_id from OKL_AMORT_SCHED_HDRS
412: where trx_req_id = (select nvl(max(tr.id),-1) from okl_trx_requests tr
413: where dnz_khr_id = p_chr_id and id < p_req_id
414: and request_type_code='AMORITIZATION_SCHEDULE_CURRENT')

Line 412: where trx_req_id = (select nvl(max(tr.id),-1) from okl_trx_requests tr

408: x_msg_count OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,x_msg_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,p_chr_id in okc_k_headers_b.id%type,
409: p_req_id in okl_trx_requests.id%type) as
410: cursor trx_req_csr(p_chr_id in okc_k_headers_b.id%type,p_req_id in okl_trx_requests.id%type) is
411: select nvl(max(trx_req_id),-1) trx_req_id from OKL_AMORT_SCHED_HDRS
412: where trx_req_id = (select nvl(max(tr.id),-1) from okl_trx_requests tr
413: where dnz_khr_id = p_chr_id and id < p_req_id
414: and request_type_code='AMORITIZATION_SCHEDULE_CURRENT')
415: group by AMORT_REPORT_FLAG;
416: l_old_trx_req_id okl_trx_requests.id%type := -1;

Line 416: l_old_trx_req_id okl_trx_requests.id%type := -1;

412: where trx_req_id = (select nvl(max(tr.id),-1) from okl_trx_requests tr
413: where dnz_khr_id = p_chr_id and id < p_req_id
414: and request_type_code='AMORITIZATION_SCHEDULE_CURRENT')
415: group by AMORT_REPORT_FLAG;
416: l_old_trx_req_id okl_trx_requests.id%type := -1;
417: begin
418: x_return_status := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
419: --Depending on the report type insert into the tables appropriately
420: --Check if request already existing and retrieve the maximum request number

Line 461: -- p_trx_req_id - Request ID from okl_trx_requests table

457: -- Function : This procedure is invoked to generate the Amortization Schedule
458: -- Invoked after the request record is created from Lease Center
459: -- Parameters :
460: -- IN : p_chr_id - Contract ID
461: -- p_trx_req_id - Request ID from okl_trx_requests table
462: -- p_user_id - User ID requesting the schedule
463: -- OUT : x_return_status - Standard output parameter for Output status
464: -- x_msg_count - Standard output parameter
465: -- x_msg_data - Standard output parameter

Line 471: p_trx_req_id in okl_trx_requests.id%type,p_user_id in number,

467: -- Version : 1.0
468: -- History : srsreeni created.
469: procedure generate_amor_sched(p_chr_id in okc_k_headers_b.id%type,p_api_version IN NUMBER,
470: p_init_msg_list IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT OKL_API.G_FALSE,
471: p_trx_req_id in okl_trx_requests.id%type,p_user_id in number,
472: x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,x_msg_count OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
473: x_msg_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,x_summ_flag OUT boolean) as
475: l_api_version CONSTANT NUMBER := 1.0;