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Line 58: cst_cost_group_assignments ccga1

54: nvl(poll.lcm_flag,'N') lcm_flag
55: FROM
56: rcv_transactions rt,
57: po_line_locations_all poll, -- Added for Complex work Procurement
58: cst_cost_group_assignments ccga1
59: WHERE rt.transaction_date BETWEEN i_start_date and i_end_date AND
60: -- Added for Complex work Procurement
61: rt.po_line_id = poll.po_line_id AND
62: rt.po_line_location_id = poll.line_location_id AND

Line 112: cst_cost_group_assignments ccga

108: and i_invoice_no IS NULL
109: and i_receipt_no is NULL
110: and exists (select 1 from rcv_transactions rt,
111: po_line_locations_all poll, -- Added for Complex work Procurement
112: cst_cost_group_assignments ccga
113: where rt.transaction_id = aida.rcv_transaction_id
114: -- Added for Complex work Procurement
115: and rt.po_line_id = poll.po_line_id
116: and rt.po_line_location_id = poll.line_location_id

Line 171: cst_cost_group_assignments ccga

167: and i_receipt_no IS NULL
168: and i_invoice_no IS NULL
169: and exists (select 1 from rcv_transactions rt,
170: po_line_locations_all poll, -- Added for Complex work Procurement
171: cst_cost_group_assignments ccga
172: where rt.transaction_id = aida.rcv_transaction_id
173: -- Added for Complex work Procurement
174: and rt.po_line_id = poll.line_location_id
175: and rt.po_line_location_id = poll.line_location_id

Line 283: cst_cost_group_assignments ccga1,

279: poll.quantity poll_quantity,
280: muom.unit_of_measure,
281: max(clat.transaction_id) transaction_id
282: FROM cst_lc_adj_transactions clat,
283: cst_cost_group_assignments ccga1,
284: mtl_parameters mp,
285: rcv_transactions rt,
286: rcv_parameters rp,
287: mtl_system_items msi,

Line 4562: cst_cost_group_assignments ccga2

4558: mmt.organization_id in (
4559: SELECT
4560: ccga2.organization_id
4561: FROM
4562: cst_cost_group_assignments ccga2
4563: WHERE
4564: ccga2.cost_group_id = i_cost_group_id);
4566: ELSIF i_wip_inv_flag = 'W' THEN

Line 4600: cst_cost_group_assignments ccga3

4596: wt.organization_id in (
4597: SELECT
4598: ccga3.organization_id
4599: FROM
4600: cst_cost_group_assignments ccga3
4601: WHERE
4602: ccga3.cost_group_id = i_cost_group_id);
4603: ELSE