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1 PACKAGE inv_attachments_utils  AS
2 /* $Header: INVATCHS.pls 120.1 2005/06/15 11:44:27 appldev  $ */
4 /*
5 ** -------------------------------------------------------------------------
6 ** Procedure:   get_item_and_catgy_attachments
7 ** Description:
8 ** Output:
9 **      x_return_status
10 **              return status indicating success, error, unexpected error
11 **      x_msg_count
12 **              number of messages in message list
13 **      x_msg_data
14 **              if the number of messages in message list is 1, contains
15 **              message text
16 **      x_attachments_number
17 **              number of category and item attachments for given item
18 **      x_concat_attachment
19 **              concatenated string of attachments for given item
20 ** Input:
21 **      p_inventory_item_id
22 **              item whose attachment is required
23 **      p_organization_id
24 **              organization of item whose attachment is required
25 **      p_document_category
26 **              document category of attached document. this
27 **              maps to a Mobile Applications functionality
28 **              1 - 'To Mobile Receiver'
29 **              2 - 'To Mobile Putaway'
30 **              3 - 'To Mobile Picker'
31 **      p_transaction_temp_id
32 **              unique identifier of the transaction and is null by default.
33 **
34 ** Returns:
35 **      none
36 ** --------------------------------------------------------------------------
37 */
39 procedure get_item_and_catgy_attachments(
40   x_return_status               OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
41 , x_msg_count                   OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
42 , x_msg_data                    OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
43 , x_attachments_number          OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
44 , x_concat_attachment           OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
45 , p_inventory_item_id           IN         NUMBER
46 , p_organization_id             IN         NUMBER
47 , p_document_category           IN         NUMBER
48 , p_transaction_temp_id         IN         NUMBER default NULL);
50 end inv_attachments_utils;