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1 PACKAGE wms_task_dispatch_engine AS
2 /* $Header: WMSTDENS.pls 120.0.12010000.1 2008/07/28 18:37:10 appldev ship $*/
4 --
5 -- File        : WMSTDENS.pls
6 -- Content     : WMS_task_schedule package specification
7 -- Description : WMS task dispatching API for mobile application
8 -- Notes       :
9 -- Modified    : 05/01/2000 lezhang created
10 --               09/06/2000 add task split, consolidation apis
13 -- API name    : dispatch_task
14 -- Type        : Private
15 -- Function    : Return a group of tasks that a sign-on employee is eligible
16 --               to perform
17 --               Or return a group of picking tasks with the same picking
18 --               methodology and pick slip number. This group of tasks includes
19 --               the most optimal task based on priority, locator picking
20 --               sequence, coordinates approximation, etc.
21 --               or reservation input parameters and creates recommendations
22 -- Pre-reqs    : 1. For each record in MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS_TEMP, user
23 --               defined task type (standard_operation_id column ) has been
24 --               assigned,
25 --               2. System task type (wms_task_type column) has been assigned
26 --               3. Pick methdology code (pick_rule_id column) and pick slip
27 --               number (pick_slip_number column) has been assigned
28 --
29 -- Parameters  :
30 --   p_api_version          Standard Input Parameter
31 --   p_init_msg_list        Standard Input Parameter
32 --   p_commit               Standard Input Parameter
33 --   p_validation_level     Standard Input Parameter
34 --   p_sign_on_emp_id       NUMBER, sign on emplployee ID, mandatory
35 --   p_sign_on_org_id       NUMBER, org ID, mandatory
36 --   p_sign_on_zone         VARCHAR2, sign on sub ID, optional
37 --   p_sign_on_equipment_id NUMBER, sign on equipment item ID, optional,
38 --                          can be a specific number, NULL or -999,
39 --                          -999 means none
40 --   p_sign_on_equipment_srl   VARCHAR2, sign on equipment serial num, optional
41 --                          can be a specific serial number, NULL or '@@@',
42 --                          '@@@' means none
43 --   p_task_type            VARCHAR2, system task type this API will return,
44 --                          can be 'PICKING' or 'ALL'
45 --
46 --
47 -- Output Parameters
48 --   x_return_status        Standard Output Parameter
49 --   x_msg_count            Standard Output Parameter
50 --   x_msg_data             Standard Output Parameter
51 --   x_task_cur             Reference Cursor to deliver the queried tasks
52 --                          It includes following fields:
53 --                          mmtt.transaction_temp_id    NUMBER
54 --                          mmtt.subinventory_code      VARCHAR2
55 --                          mmtt.locator_id             NUMBER
56 --                          mmtt.revision               VARCHAR2
57 --                          mmtt.transaction_uom        VARCHAR2
58 --                          mmtt.transaction_quantity   NUMBER
59 --                          mmtt.lot_number             NUMBER
60 --
61 --
62 -- Version
63 --   Currently version is 1.0
64 --
68 TYPE task_rec_cur_tp IS REF CURSOR;
70 -- APL procedure
71 PROCEDURE dispatch_task
72   (p_api_version        IN  NUMBER,
73    p_init_msg_list      IN  VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
74    p_commit             IN  VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
75    p_sign_on_emp_id     IN NUMBER,
76    p_sign_on_org_id     IN NUMBER,
77    p_sign_on_zone       IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
78    p_sign_on_equipment_id     IN NUMBER := NULL,  -- specific equip id, NULL or -999. -999 stands for none
79    p_sign_on_equipment_srl    IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,  -- same as above
80    p_task_filter              IN            VARCHAR2,
81    p_task_method              IN            VARCHAR2,
82    x_grouping_document_type   IN OUT nocopy VARCHAR2,
83    x_grouping_document_number IN OUT nocopy NUMBER,
84    x_grouping_source_type_id  IN OUT nocopy NUMBER,
85    x_task_cur           OUT NOCOPY task_rec_cur_tp,
86    x_return_status      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
87    x_msg_count          OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
88    x_msg_data           OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
90 PROCEDURE dispatch_task
91   (p_api_version        IN  NUMBER,
92    p_init_msg_list      IN  VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
93    p_commit             IN  VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
94    p_sign_on_emp_id     IN NUMBER,
95    p_sign_on_org_id     IN NUMBER,
96    p_sign_on_zone       IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
97    p_sign_on_equipment_id     IN NUMBER := NULL,  -- specific equip id, NULL or -999. -999 stands for none
98    p_sign_on_equipment_srl    IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,  -- same as above
99    p_task_type          IN VARCHAR2,  -- 'PICKING' or 'ALL' to determine the API is called for dispatching picking tasks or displaying all tasks
100    p_cartonization_id   IN NUMBER := NULL,
101    x_task_cur           OUT NOCOPY task_rec_cur_tp,
102    x_return_status      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
103    x_msg_count          OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
104    x_msg_data           OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
106 -- CP Enhancements
107  -- Overridden this procedure to support cluster picking
108 PROCEDURE dispatch_task
109   (p_api_version        IN  NUMBER,
110    p_init_msg_list      IN  VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
111    p_commit             IN  VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
112    p_sign_on_emp_id     IN NUMBER,
113    p_sign_on_org_id     IN NUMBER,
114    p_sign_on_zone       IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
115    p_sign_on_equipment_id     IN NUMBER := NULL,  -- specific equip id, NULL or -999. -999 stands for none
116    p_sign_on_equipment_srl    IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,  -- same as above
117    p_task_type          IN VARCHAR2,  -- 'PICKING' or 'ALL' to determine the API is called for dispatching picking tasks or displaying all tasks
118    p_task_filter        IN  VARCHAR2 := null,
119    p_cartonization_id   IN NUMBER := NULL,
120    x_task_cur           OUT NOCOPY task_rec_cur_tp,
121    x_return_status      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
122    x_msg_count          OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
123    x_msg_data           OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
124    p_max_clusters       IN    NUMBER := 0,
125    x_deliveries_list    OUT   nocopy VARCHAR2,
126    x_cartons_list       OUT   nocopy VARCHAR2);
129 PROCEDURE split_task
130   (p_api_version NUMBER,
131    p_task_id NUMBER,
132    p_commit VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false,
133    x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
134    x_msg_count OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
135    x_msg_data  OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
139 PROCEDURE split_tasks
140   (p_api_version NUMBER,
141    p_move_order_header_id NUMBER,
142    p_commit VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false,
143    x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
144    x_msg_count OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
145    x_msg_data  OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
149 PROCEDURE consolidate_bulk_tasks
150   (p_api_version            IN NUMBER,
151    p_commit                 IN VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false,
152    x_return_status          OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
153    x_msg_count              OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
154    x_msg_data               OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
155    p_move_order_header_id   IN NUMBER);
157 /* -------------------------------------------------------
158    The following two APIs are defined for patchset J bulk picking
159    enhancement
161    is_serial_allocated is to check if the serial numbers is allocated
162    or not.
164     consolidate_bulk_tasks_for_so is to implement the new logic for
165     bulk picking, works for sales order only for patchset J
166 */
168 PROCEDURE consolidate_bulk_tasks_for_so
169   (p_api_version            IN NUMBER,
170    p_commit                 IN VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false,
171    x_return_status          OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
172    x_msg_count              OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
173    x_msg_data               OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
174    p_move_order_header_id   IN NUMBER);
176 /* end of patchset J bulk picking */
178 FUNCTION is_equipment_cap_exceeded
179   (p_standard_operation_id   IN NUMBER,
180    p_item_id IN NUMBER,
181    p_organization_id IN NUMBER,
182    p_txn_qty  IN NUMBER,
183    p_txn_uom_code IN VARCHAR2)
186 /*******************************************
187 * API to insert a record into mmtt
188 * Created by cjandhya originally
189 ********************************************/
191 PROCEDURE insert_mmtt
192   (l_mmtt_rec mtl_material_transactions_temp%ROWTYPE);
195 /*******************************************
196 * API to insert a record into wms_cartonization_temp
197 * Created by cjandhya originally
198 ********************************************/
201 PROCEDURE insert_wct
202   (l_wct_rec wms_cartonization_temp%ROWTYPE);
204 END wms_task_dispatch_engine;