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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 13

                           in the igf_sp_stdnt_rel_pkg.insert_row call in create_stdnt_spnsr_rel procedure.
vvutukur    20-Jul-2003    Enh#3038511.FICR106 Build. Modified procedure create_stdnt_spnsr_rel.
pathipat    24-Apr-2003    Enh 2831569 - Commercial Receivables build
                           Modified create_stdnt_spnsr_rel() - added call to chk_manage_account()

  g_pkg_name CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'Igf_Sp_Assign_Pub';
Line: 37

    SELECT 'x'
    FROM igs_pe_person_base_v
    WHERE person_id = cp_n_person_id;
Line: 73

    SELECT api.pe_person_id
    FROM igs_pe_person_id_typ pit,
         igs_pe_alt_pers_id api
    WHERE api.person_id_type = pit.person_id_type AND
          api.person_id_type = cp_c_usr_alt_prs_id_type AND
          api.api_person_id = cp_c_api_person_id AND
          pit.s_person_id_type = cp_c_sys_prsn_id_typ AND
          SYSDATE BETWEEN api.start_dt AND NVL(api.end_dt, SYSDATE);
Line: 123

    SELECT 'x'
    FROM igf_aw_fund_cat c,
         igf_aw_fund_mast m
    WHERE c.fund_code = m.fund_code AND
          c.fund_code = cp_c_fund_code AND
          c.sys_fund_type = cp_c_sys_fund_type AND
          c.active = cp_c_status;
Line: 161

    SELECT 'x'
    FROM igs_ca_inst i,
         igs_ca_stat s,
         igf_ap_batch_aw_map b
    WHERE i.cal_status = s.cal_status AND
          i.cal_type = b.ci_cal_type AND
          i.sequence_number = b.ci_sequence_number AND
          i.cal_type = cp_c_cal_type AND
          i.sequence_number = cp_n_sequence_number AND
          s.s_cal_status = cp_c_cal_status;
Line: 201

    SELECT 'x'
    FROM igs_ca_inst aw,
         igs_ca_inst ld,
         igs_ca_type ld_t,
         igs_ca_type aw_t,
         igs_ca_inst_rel rel,
         igs_ca_stat status
    WHERE rel.sup_cal_type=aw.cal_type AND
          rel.sup_ci_sequence_number=aw.sequence_number AND
          rel.sub_cal_type=ld.cal_type AND
          rel.sub_ci_sequence_number=ld.sequence_number AND
          aw.cal_type = aw_t.cal_type AND
          aw_t.s_cal_cat= cp_c_awd_cal_cat AND
          ld.cal_type = ld_t.cal_type AND
          ld_t.s_cal_cat= cp_c_ld_cal_cat AND
          ld.cal_status = status.cal_status AND
          status.s_cal_status= cp_c_cal_status AND
          ld.cal_type = cp_c_cal_type AND
          ld.sequence_number = cp_n_sequence_number;
Line: 258

    SELECT m.fund_id
    FROM igf_aw_fund_mast m,
         igf_aw_fund_tp t
    WHERE m.fund_id = t.fund_id AND
          m.fund_code = cp_c_fund_code AND
          m.ci_cal_type = cp_c_aw_cal_type AND
          m.ci_sequence_number = cp_n_aw_sequence_number AND
          m.discontinue_fund = cp_c_fund_status AND
          t.tp_cal_type = cp_c_ld_cal_type AND
          t.tp_sequence_number = cp_n_ld_sequence_number;
Line: 349

    SELECT 'x'
    FROM igf_sp_stdnt_rel
    WHERE fund_id = cp_n_fund_id AND
          base_id = cp_n_base_id AND
          ld_cal_type = cp_c_ld_cal_type AND
          ld_sequence_number = cp_n_ld_seq_number;
Line: 396

                             in the igf_sp_stdnt_rel_pkg.insert_row call
  vvutukur    20-Jul-2003    Enh#3038511.FICR106 Build. Added call to generic procedure
                             igs_fi_crdapi_util.get_award_year_status to validate Award Year Status.
  pathipat    24-Apr-2003    Enh 2831569 - Commercial Receivables build
                             Added check for manage_accounts - call to chk_manage_account()
    l_b_error BOOLEAN :=FALSE;
Line: 673

           igf_sp_stdnt_rel_pkg.insert_row (x_rowid => l_rowid,
                                            x_spnsr_stdnt_id=> l_n_spr_stdnt_id,
                                            x_fund_id => l_n_fund_id ,
                                            x_base_id=> l_n_base_id,
                                            x_person_id=> NVL(p_person_id, l_n_person_id),
                                            x_ld_cal_type=> p_ld_cal_type,
                                            x_ld_sequence_number=> p_ld_ci_sequence_number,
                                            x_tot_spnsr_amount=> igs_fi_gen_gl.get_formatted_amount(p_amount),
                                            x_min_credit_points=> NULL,
                                            x_min_attendance_type=> NULL);