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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 60

          SELECT cohiv.*
          FROM igs_pr_cohort_inst_v cohiv
          WHERE cohiv.cohort_name = cp_cohort_name
          AND cohiv.load_cal_type = cp_cal_type
          AND cohiv.load_ci_sequence_number = cp_ci_sequence_number ;
Line: 73

	SELECT cohr.cohort_name
	FROM igs_pr_cohort cohr
	WHERE cohr.org_unit_cd = cp_org_unit_cd


	SELECT cohi.cohort_name
	FROM igs_pr_cohort coh,
	     igs_pr_cohort_inst cohi
	WHERE coh.cohort_name = cohi.cohort_name
	AND coh.org_unit_cd = cp_org_unit_cd
	AND cohi.load_cal_type = cp_cal_type
	AND cohi.load_ci_sequence_number = cp_ci_sequence_number ;
Line: 93

 	SELECT cohi.*
	FROM igs_pr_cohort coh,
	     igs_pr_cohort_inst cohi
	WHERE coh.cohort_name = cohi.cohort_name
	AND coh.org_unit_cd = cp_org_unit_cd
	AND cohi.load_cal_type = cp_cal_type
	AND cohi.load_ci_sequence_number = cp_ci_sequence_number ;
Line: 107

	SELECT cohi.cohort_name
	FROM igs_pr_cohort coh,
	     igs_pr_cohort_inst cohi
	WHERE coh.cohort_name = cohi.cohort_name
	AND coh.cohort_name = cp_cohort_name
	AND coh.org_unit_cd   = cp_org_unit_cd
	AND cohi.load_cal_type = cp_cal_type
	AND cohi.load_ci_sequence_number = cp_ci_sequence_number ;
Line: 121

        SELECT coh.cohort_name
	FROM igs_pr_cohort coh
	WHERE coh.org_unit_cd = cp_org_unit_cd
    AND   coh.cohort_name = cp_cohort_name;
Line: 161

                                 x_rowid                      =>  l_rowid ,
				 x_cohort_name                =>  p_cohort_name,
				 x_load_cal_type              =>  p_cal_type ,
				 x_load_ci_sequence_number    =>  p_ci_sequence_number ,
				 x_cohort_status              =>  'WORKING' ,
				 x_rank_status                =>  'WORKING' ,
				 x_run_date                   =>  SYSDATE
Line: 228

                                 x_rowid                      =>  l_rowid ,
				 x_cohort_name                =>  cohort_old_rec.cohort_name,
				 x_load_cal_type              =>  p_cal_type ,
				 x_load_ci_sequence_number    =>  p_ci_sequence_number ,
				 x_cohort_status              =>  'WORKING' ,
				 x_rank_status                =>  'WORKING' ,
				 x_run_date                   =>  SYSDATE
Line: 296

                 x_rowid                      =>  l_rowid ,
				 x_cohort_name                =>  cohort_org_rec.cohort_name,
				 x_load_cal_type              =>  p_cal_type ,
				 x_load_ci_sequence_number    =>  p_ci_sequence_number ,
				 x_cohort_status              =>  'WORKING' ,
				 x_rank_status                =>  'WORKING' ,
				 x_run_date                   =>  SYSDATE
Line: 401

     SELECT *
     FROM igs_pr_cohort_inst_v
     WHERE cohort_name = cp_cohort_name
     AND  load_cal_type = cp_cal_type
     AND  load_ci_sequence_number = cp_ci_sequence_number;
Line: 411

   FROM igs_pr_cohort
   WHERE cohort_name = cp_cohort_name ;
Line: 429

      SELECT s_cal_cat
      FROM igs_ca_type
      WHERE cal_type = cp_cal_type ;
Line: 437

       SELECT sup_cal_type, sup_ci_sequence_number
       FROM igs_ca_inst_rel
       sub_cal_type  = cp_cal_type
       AND sub_ci_sequence_number = cp_ci_sequence_number
Line: 465

           SELECT cohi.*
           FROM igs_pr_cohort_inst_rank_v cohi
           WHERE cohi.cohort_name = cp_cohort_name
           AND cohi.load_cal_type = cp_cal_type
           AND cohi.load_ci_sequence_number = cp_ci_sequence_number ;
Line: 479

           SELECT cohi.*
           FROM igs_pr_cohort_inst_rank_v cohi
           WHERE cohi.cohort_name = cp_cohort_name
           AND cohi.load_cal_type = cp_cal_type
           AND cohi.load_ci_sequence_number = cp_ci_sequence_number
	   AND cohi.person_id = cp_person_id
	   AND cohi.course_cd = cp_course_cd;
Line: 516

last_updated_by             NUMBER(15),
last_update_date            DATE,
last_update_login           NUMBER(15),
request_id                  NUMBER(15),
program_application_id      NUMBER(15),
program_id                  NUMBER(15),
program_update_date         DATE,
cum_gpa                     NUMBER,
new_rank                    NUMBER

) ;
Line: 547

last_updated_by             NUMBER(15),
last_update_date            DATE,
last_update_login           NUMBER(15),
request_id                  NUMBER(15),
program_application_id      NUMBER(15),
program_id                  NUMBER(15),
program_update_date         DATE,
cum_gpa                     NUMBER,
new_rank                    NUMBER

) ;
Line: 642

                   'SELECT   res.*,
                    RANK() OVER (ORDER BY res.cum_gpa DESC) new_rank
                    FROM     (SELECT  cohiv.*,
                             igs_pr_class_rank.get_cum_gpa (
                              ''' || stat_type_rec.stat_type  || ''',
                              '''|| l_cumulative_ind   || '''
			    ) cum_gpa
                    FROM    igs_pr_cohort_inst_rank_v cohiv
                    WHERE   cohiv.cohort_name = ''' || p_cohort_name  || '''
        		    AND     cohiv.load_cal_type = ''' || p_cal_type  || '''
                    AND     cohiv.load_ci_sequence_number = ' || p_ci_sequence_number  || ') res'  ;
Line: 668

	    -- These records need to updated with the recent Ranking anf the GPA.

	     FOR cohort_inst_person_rec IN cur_cohort_inst_person(p_cohort_name,p_cal_type,p_ci_sequence_number,frozen_rank_rec.person_id,frozen_rank_rec.course_cd) LOOP -- Loop2

		-- Updating the Cohert Instance rank table with the recent ranking and the GPA value as of now. Rest of the values are retained.
                 igs_pr_cohinst_rank_pkg.update_row (
					x_rowid                      =>   cohort_inst_person_rec.row_id ,
					x_cohort_name                =>   cohort_inst_person_rec.cohort_name,
					x_load_cal_type              =>   cohort_inst_person_rec.load_cal_type ,
					x_load_ci_sequence_number    =>   cohort_inst_person_rec.load_ci_sequence_number ,
					x_person_id                  =>   cohort_inst_person_rec.person_id ,
					x_course_cd                  =>   cohort_inst_person_rec.course_cd ,
					x_as_of_rank_gpa             =>   frozen_rank_rec.cum_gpa ,
					x_cohort_rank                =>   frozen_rank_rec.new_rank  ,
					x_cohort_override_rank       =>   cohort_inst_person_rec.cohort_override_rank ,
					x_comments                   =>   cohort_inst_person_rec.comments
Line: 702

                   'SELECT   res.*,
                    DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY res.cum_gpa DESC) new_rank
                    FROM     (SELECT  cohiv.*,
                             igs_pr_class_rank.get_cum_gpa (
                              ''' || stat_type_rec.stat_type  || ''',
                              '''|| l_cumulative_ind   || '''
			    ) cum_gpa
                    FROM    igs_pr_cohort_inst_rank_v cohiv
                    WHERE   cohiv.cohort_name = ''' || p_cohort_name  || '''
		    AND     cohiv.load_cal_type = ''' || p_cal_type  || '''
                    AND     cohiv.load_ci_sequence_number = ' || p_ci_sequence_number  || ') res' ;
Line: 731

	    -- These records need to updated with the recent Ranking anf the GPA.

         FOR cohort_inst_person_rec IN cur_cohort_inst_person(p_cohort_name,p_cal_type,p_ci_sequence_number,frozen_denserank_rec.person_id,frozen_denserank_rec.course_cd) LOOP

		-- Updating the Cohert Instance rank table with the recent ranking and the GPA value as of now. Rest of the values are retained.

              igs_pr_cohinst_rank_pkg.update_row (
					x_rowid                      =>   cohort_inst_person_rec.row_id ,
					x_cohort_name                =>   cohort_inst_person_rec.cohort_name,
					x_load_cal_type              =>   cohort_inst_person_rec.load_cal_type ,
					x_load_ci_sequence_number    =>   cohort_inst_person_rec.load_ci_sequence_number ,
					x_person_id                  =>   cohort_inst_person_rec.person_id ,
					x_course_cd                  =>   cohort_inst_person_rec.course_cd ,
					x_as_of_rank_gpa             =>   frozen_denserank_rec.cum_gpa ,
					x_cohort_rank                =>   frozen_denserank_rec.new_rank ,
					x_cohort_override_rank       =>   cohort_inst_person_rec.cohort_override_rank ,
					x_comments                   =>   cohort_inst_person_rec.comments
Line: 763

                                         x_rowid                    => rank_status_rec.row_id,
                                         x_cohort_name              => rank_status_rec.cohort_name,
                                         x_load_cal_type            => rank_status_rec.load_cal_type,
                                         x_load_ci_sequence_number  => rank_status_rec.load_ci_sequence_number,
                                         x_cohort_status            => rank_status_rec.cohort_status,
                                         x_rank_status              => rank_status_rec.rank_status,
                                         x_run_date                 => SYSDATE
Line: 856

      ' SELECT res.* , RANK () OVER (order by res.cum_gpa desc) AS new_rank
       (SELECT  person_id, course_cd, igs_pr_class_rank.get_cum_gpa ( sca.person_id,sca.course_cd,''' || p_cohort_name || ''',
                                                          ''' || p_cal_type || ''',' || p_ci_sequence_number || ',
                                                          ''' || stat_type_rec.stat_type ||''',
                                                          ''' || l_cumulative_ind || ''' )  cum_gpa
           FROM igs_en_sca_v sca
           sca.cal_type IN ' || l_acad_cal || ' AND
           (sca.person_id, sca.course_cd) IN
            SELECT sca.person_id, sca.course_cd
            FROM igs_en_su_attempt sua, igs_en_sca_v sca
            WHERE sua.person_id = sca.person_id
            AND sua.course_cd = sca.course_cd
            AND unit_attempt_status = ''COMPLETED''
            AND (  sua.cal_type , sua.ci_sequence_number ) IN
            (SELECT teach_cal_type, teach_ci_sequence_number
             FROM igs_ca_load_to_teach_v
             WHERE load_cal_type= ''' || p_cal_type || '''
             AND load_ci_sequence_number = ' || p_ci_sequence_number || '
        igs_pr_class_rank.rulp_val_senna_res (
          ''' || p_cal_type || ''',
          ' || p_ci_sequence_number || ','
          || stat_type_rec.rule_sequence_number  || ') = ''true''  ) res';
Line: 928

		  -- If the students existinf in the old cohort instance list and the new cohort instance then the old rank and the GPA for the student is updated in the
		  -- Cohort Instance Rank table.

                 l_old_flag := 'N';
Line: 934

        igs_pr_cohinst_rank_pkg.update_row (
			x_rowid                      =>   l_old_population_table_rec(i).p_rowid ,
			x_cohort_name                =>   l_old_population_table_rec(i).p_cohort_name,
			x_load_cal_type              =>   l_old_population_table_rec(i).p_load_cal_type ,
			x_load_ci_sequence_number    =>   l_old_population_table_rec(i).p_load_ci_sequence_number ,
			x_person_id                  =>   l_old_population_table_rec(i).p_person_id ,
			x_course_cd                  =>   l_old_population_table_rec(i).p_course_cd ,
			x_as_of_rank_gpa             =>   l_new_population_table_rec(l_new_count).p_as_of_rank_gpa ,
			x_cohort_rank                =>   l_new_population_table_rec(l_new_count).p_cohort_rank ,
			x_cohort_override_rank       =>   l_old_population_table_rec(i).p_cohort_override_rank ,
			x_comments                   =>   l_old_population_table_rec(i).p_comments
Line: 950

		 -- records for the Student Cohort Instance rank has to be deleted from the table Cohort Instance Rank,
		 -- which are not avaliable in the new list.

                 l_new_population_table_rec(l_new_count).p_deletion_indicator        :=        'N'        ;
Line: 965

       igs_pr_cohinst_rank_pkg.insert_row (
			x_rowid                         =>   l_rowid ,
			x_cohort_name                   =>   l_new_population_table_rec(l_new_count).p_cohort_name ,
			x_load_cal_type                 =>   l_new_population_table_rec(l_new_count).p_load_cal_type ,
			x_load_ci_sequence_number       =>   l_new_population_table_rec(l_new_count).p_load_ci_sequence_number,
			x_person_id                     =>   l_new_population_table_rec(l_new_count).p_person_id ,
			x_course_cd                     =>   l_new_population_table_rec(l_new_count).p_course_cd ,
			x_as_of_rank_gpa                =>   l_new_population_table_rec(l_new_count).p_as_of_rank_gpa ,
			x_cohort_rank                   =>   l_new_population_table_rec(l_new_count).p_cohort_rank    ,
			x_cohort_override_rank          =>   l_new_population_table_rec(l_new_count).p_cohort_override_rank   ,
			x_comments                      =>   l_new_population_table_rec(l_new_count).p_comments
Line: 1002

	           igs_pr_cohinst_rank_pkg.delete_row (
	                                          x_rowid  => l_old_population_table_rec(j).p_rowid
Line: 1042

      ' SELECT res.* , DENSE_RANK () OVER (order by res.cum_gpa desc) AS new_rank
       (SELECT  person_id, course_cd, igs_pr_class_rank.get_cum_gpa ( sca.person_id,sca.course_cd,''' || p_cohort_name || ''',
                                                          ''' || p_cal_type || ''',' || p_ci_sequence_number || ',
                                                          ''' || stat_type_rec.stat_type ||''',
                                                          ''' || l_cumulative_ind || ''' )  cum_gpa
           FROM igs_en_sca_v sca
           WHERE sca.cal_type IN ' || l_acad_cal || '
           (sca.person_id, sca.course_cd) IN
            SELECT sca.person_id, sca.course_cd
            FROM igs_en_su_attempt sua, igs_en_sca_v sca
            WHERE sua.person_id = sca.person_id
            AND sua.course_cd = sca.course_cd
            AND unit_attempt_status = ''COMPLETED''
            AND (  sua.cal_type , sua.ci_sequence_number ) IN
            (SELECT teach_cal_type, teach_ci_sequence_number
             FROM igs_ca_load_to_teach_v
             WHERE load_cal_type= ''' || p_cal_type || '''
             AND load_ci_sequence_number = ' || p_ci_sequence_number || '
        igs_pr_class_rank.rulp_val_senna_res (
          ''' || p_cal_type || ''',
          ' || p_ci_sequence_number || ','
          || stat_type_rec.rule_sequence_number  || ') = ''true''  ) res';
Line: 1108

		  -- If the students existinf in the old cohort instance list and the new cohort instance then the old rank and the GPA for the student is updated in the
		  -- Cohort Instance Rank table.

            l_old_flag := 'N';
Line: 1114

                       igs_pr_cohinst_rank_pkg.update_row (
			x_rowid                      =>   l_old_population_table_rec(i).p_rowid ,
			x_cohort_name                =>   l_old_population_table_rec(i).p_cohort_name,
			x_load_cal_type              =>   l_old_population_table_rec(i).p_load_cal_type ,
			x_load_ci_sequence_number    =>   l_old_population_table_rec(i).p_load_ci_sequence_number ,
			x_person_id                  =>   l_old_population_table_rec(i).p_person_id ,
			x_course_cd                  =>   l_old_population_table_rec(i).p_course_cd ,
			x_as_of_rank_gpa             =>   l_new_population_table_rec(l_new_count).p_as_of_rank_gpa ,
			x_cohort_rank                =>   l_new_population_table_rec(l_new_count).p_cohort_rank ,
			x_cohort_override_rank       =>   l_old_population_table_rec(i).p_cohort_override_rank  ,
			x_comments                   =>   l_old_population_table_rec(i).p_comments
Line: 1129

		 -- records for the Student Cohort Instance rank has to be deleted from the table Cohort Instance Rank,
		 -- which are not avaliable in the new list.

                    l_new_population_table_rec(l_new_count).p_deletion_indicator        :=        'N'        ;
Line: 1137

		  -- Records existing in the new list and not in the old list . Those records are inserted in the Cohort Instance Rank table

    	END LOOP;
Line: 1142

                      igs_pr_cohinst_rank_pkg.insert_row (
			x_rowid                         =>   l_rowid ,
			x_cohort_name                   =>   l_new_population_table_rec(l_new_count).p_cohort_name ,
			x_load_cal_type                 =>   l_new_population_table_rec(l_new_count).p_load_cal_type ,
			x_load_ci_sequence_number       =>   l_new_population_table_rec(l_new_count).p_load_ci_sequence_number,
			x_person_id                     =>   l_new_population_table_rec(l_new_count).p_person_id ,
			x_course_cd                     =>   l_new_population_table_rec(l_new_count).p_course_cd ,
			x_as_of_rank_gpa                =>   l_new_population_table_rec(l_new_count).p_as_of_rank_gpa ,
			x_cohort_rank                   =>   l_new_population_table_rec(l_new_count).p_cohort_rank    ,
			x_cohort_override_rank          =>   l_new_population_table_rec(l_new_count).p_cohort_override_rank   ,
			x_comments                      =>   l_new_population_table_rec(l_new_count).p_comments
Line: 1182

	           igs_pr_cohinst_rank_pkg.delete_row (
	                                          x_rowid  => l_old_population_table_rec(j).p_rowid
Line: 1197

                                         x_rowid                    => rank_status_rec.row_id,
                                         x_cohort_name              => rank_status_rec.cohort_name,
                                         x_load_cal_type            => rank_status_rec.load_cal_type,
                                         x_load_ci_sequence_number  => rank_status_rec.load_ci_sequence_number,
                                         x_cohort_status            => rank_status_rec.cohort_status,
                                         x_rank_status              => rank_status_rec.rank_status,
                                         x_run_date                 => SYSDATE
Line: 1523

            SELECT dflt_display_type
	    FROM   igs_pr_cohort
	    WHERE  cohort_name = cp_cohort_name;
Line: 1534

            SELECT NVL(cohort_override_rank, cohort_rank)
            FROM igs_pr_cohort_inst_rank_v cohirv
            WHERE cohirv.cohort_name             = cp_cohort_name
            AND   cohirv.load_cal_type           = cp_cal_type
            AND   cohirv.load_ci_sequence_number = cp_ci_sequence_number
            AND   cohirv.person_id               = cp_person_id
            AND   cohirv.course_cd               = cp_program_cd;
Line: 1547

     	   SELECT COUNT (*)
	   FROM igs_pr_cohort_inst_rank_v cohirv
	   WHERE cohirv.cohort_name            = cp_cohort_name
	   AND cohirv.load_cal_type            = cp_cal_type
           AND cohirv.load_ci_sequence_number  = cp_ci_sequence_number;
Line: 1559

            SELECT LTRIM (TO_CHAR (TO_DATE (cp_rank,'J'),'Jth'),'0') FROM DUAL;
Line: 1677

         FND_MESSAGE.SET_TOKEN('NAME','Insert_Row : '||SQLERRM);