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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 21

  PROCEDURE select_row(recinfo IN OUT NOCOPY rg_report_axes%ROWTYPE) IS
    select * INTO recinfo
    from rg_report_axes
    where axis_set_id = recinfo.axis_set_id
      and axis_seq = recinfo.axis_seq;
Line: 27

  END select_row;
Line: 29

  PROCEDURE select_columns(X_axis_set_id NUMBER,
                           X_axis_seq NUMBER,
                           X_name IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) IS
    recinfo rg_report_axes%ROWTYPE;
Line: 36

Line: 38

  END select_columns;
Line: 46

     select 1 into dummy from dual
     where not exists
       (select 1 from rg_report_axes
        where axis_seq = x_axis_seq
          and axis_set_id = x_axis_set_id
          and ((x_rowid IS NULL) OR (rowid <> x_rowid)));
Line: 121

    FOR axes_rec IN ( select position,
                      from  rg_report_axes
                      where  axis_set_id = X_column_set_id
                      and  position < 2000
                      and  display_flag = 'Y'
                      order by position asc ) LOOP
      IF (X_ruler IS NULL or X_ruler = '') THEN
        IF (axes_rec.position <= 2) THEN
          X_ruler := RPAD('.', 2000, '.');
Line: 158

    FOR axis_rec IN ( select standard_axis_name,
                      from rg_report_axes col,
                           rg_report_standard_axes_tl sat
                      where col.axis_set_id = X_column_set_id
                      and col.standard_axis_id = sat.standard_axis_id(+)
                      and sat.language(+) = userenv('LANG')
                      and col.position < 2000
                      and col.display_flag = 'Y'
                      order by col.position asc ) LOOP
      IF (X_amount_type_line IS NULL) THEN
        IF (axis_rec.position <= 2) THEN
          X_amount_type_line := '  ';
Line: 213

PROCEDURE insert_row(X_rowid                  IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2	,
		     X_application_id    		    NUMBER	,
 		     X_axis_set_id			    NUMBER	,
                     X_axis_set_type                        VARCHAR2    ,
                     X_axis_seq                             NUMBER     	,
                     X_last_update_date               	    DATE	,
                     X_last_updated_by                	    NUMBER	,
                     X_last_update_login              	    NUMBER	,
                     X_creation_date                  	    DATE        ,
                     X_created_by                     	    NUMBER      ,
                     X_axis_type                      	    VARCHAR2	,
                     X_axis_name                      	    VARCHAR2 	,
                     X_amount_id                      	    NUMBER	,
                     X_standard_axis_id               	    NUMBER	,
                     X_width                          	    NUMBER	,
                     X_position                       	    NUMBER	,
                     X_structure_id                   	    NUMBER	,
                     X_unit_of_measure_id             	    VARCHAR2	,
                     X_parameter_num                  	    NUMBER	,
                     X_period_offset                  	    NUMBER	,
                     X_description                    	    VARCHAR2	,
                     X_display_flag                   	    VARCHAR2	,
                     X_before_axis_string             	    VARCHAR2	,
                     X_after_axis_string              	    VARCHAR2	,
                     X_number_characters_indented     	    NUMBER	,
                     X_page_break_after_flag          	    VARCHAR2	,
                     X_page_break_before_flag         	    VARCHAR2	,
                     X_number_lines_skipped_before    	    NUMBER	,
                     X_number_lines_skipped_after     	    NUMBER	,
                     X_display_level                  	    NUMBER	,
                     X_display_zero_amount_flag       	    VARCHAR2	,
                     X_change_sign_flag               	    VARCHAR2	,
                     X_change_variance_sign_flag      	    VARCHAR2	,
                     X_display_units                  	    NUMBER	,
                     X_display_format                 	    VARCHAR2	,
                     X_calculation_precedence_flag    	    VARCHAR2	,
                     X_percentage_divisor_seq         	    NUMBER	,
                     X_transaction_flag               	    VARCHAR2	,
                     X_format_before_text             	    VARCHAR2	,
                     X_format_after_text              	    VARCHAR2	,
                     X_format_mask_width              	    NUMBER	,
                     X_display_precision              	    NUMBER	,
                     X_segment_override_value         	    VARCHAR2	,
                     X_override_alc_ledger_currency         VARCHAR2	,
                     X_context                        	    VARCHAR2	,
                     X_attribute1                     	    VARCHAR2	,
                     X_attribute2                     	    VARCHAR2	,
                     X_attribute3                     	    VARCHAR2	,
                     X_attribute4                     	    VARCHAR2	,
                     X_attribute5                     	    VARCHAR2	,
                     X_attribute6                     	    VARCHAR2	,
                     X_attribute7                     	    VARCHAR2	,
                     X_attribute8                     	    VARCHAR2	,
                     X_attribute9                     	    VARCHAR2	,
                     X_attribute10                    	    VARCHAR2	,
                     X_attribute11                    	    VARCHAR2	,
                     X_attribute12                    	    VARCHAR2	,
                     X_attribute13                    	    VARCHAR2	,
                     X_attribute14                    	    VARCHAR2	,
                     X_attribute15                    	    VARCHAR2    ,
                     X_element_id                           NUMBER
                     ) IS
  CURSOR C IS SELECT rowid FROM rg_report_axes
              WHERE axis_set_id = X_axis_set_id
                AND axis_seq = X_axis_seq;
Line: 292

    INSERT INTO rg_report_axes
    (application_id               ,
     axis_set_id                  ,
     axis_seq                     ,
     last_update_date             ,
     last_updated_by              ,
     last_update_login            ,
     creation_date                ,
     created_by                   ,
     axis_type                    ,
     axis_name                    ,
     amount_id                    ,
     standard_axis_id             ,
     width                        ,
     position                     ,
     structure_id                 ,
     unit_of_measure_id           ,
     parameter_num                ,
     period_offset                ,
     description                  ,
     display_flag                 ,
     before_axis_string           ,
     after_axis_string            ,
     number_characters_indented   ,
     page_break_after_flag        ,
     page_break_before_flag       ,
     number_lines_skipped_before  ,
     number_lines_skipped_after   ,
     display_level                ,
     display_zero_amount_flag     ,
     change_sign_flag             ,
     change_variance_sign_flag    ,
     display_units                ,
     display_format               ,
     calculation_precedence_flag  ,
     percentage_divisor_seq       ,
     transaction_flag             ,
     format_before_text           ,
     format_after_text            ,
     format_mask_width            ,
     display_precision            ,
     segment_override_value       ,
     override_alc_ledger_currency ,
     context                      ,
     attribute1                   ,
     attribute2                   ,
     attribute3                   ,
     attribute4                   ,
     attribute5                   ,
     attribute6                   ,
     attribute7                   ,
     attribute8                   ,
     attribute9                   ,
     attribute10                  ,
     attribute11                  ,
     attribute12                  ,
     attribute13                  ,
     attribute14                  ,
     attribute15                  ,
     element_id                   )
    (X_application_id              ,
     X_axis_set_id                 ,
     X_axis_seq                    ,
     X_last_update_date            ,
     X_last_updated_by             ,
     X_last_update_login           ,
     X_creation_date               ,
     X_created_by                  ,
     X_axis_type                   ,
     X_axis_name                   ,
     X_amount_id                   ,
     X_standard_axis_id            ,
     X_width                       ,
     X_position                    ,
     X_structure_id                ,
     X_unit_of_measure_id          ,
     X_parameter_num               ,
     X_period_offset               ,
     X_description                 ,
     X_display_flag                ,
     X_before_axis_string          ,
     X_after_axis_string           ,
     X_number_characters_indented  ,
     X_page_break_after_flag       ,
     X_page_break_before_flag      ,
     X_number_lines_skipped_before ,
     X_number_lines_skipped_after  ,
     X_display_level               ,
     X_display_zero_amount_flag    ,
     X_change_sign_flag            ,
     X_change_variance_sign_flag   ,
     X_display_units               ,
     X_display_format              ,
     X_calculation_precedence_flag ,
     X_percentage_divisor_seq      ,
     X_transaction_flag            ,
     X_format_before_text          ,
     X_format_after_text           ,
     X_format_mask_width           ,
     X_display_precision           ,
     X_segment_override_value      ,
     X_context                     ,
     X_attribute1                  ,
     X_attribute2                  ,
     X_attribute3                  ,
     X_attribute4                  ,
     X_attribute5                  ,
     X_attribute6                  ,
     X_attribute7                  ,
     X_attribute8                  ,
     X_attribute9                  ,
     X_attribute10                 ,
     X_attribute11                 ,
     X_attribute12                 ,
     X_attribute13                 ,
     X_attribute14                 ,
     X_attribute15                 ,
     X_element_id                  );
Line: 420

END insert_row;
Line: 479

      SELECT *
      FROM   rg_report_axes
      WHERE  rowid = X_rowid
      FOR UPDATE OF axis_seq       NOWAIT;
Line: 489

Line: 662

PROCEDURE update_row(X_rowid                  IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2    ,
		     X_application_id    		    NUMBER	,
 		     X_axis_set_id			    NUMBER	,
                     X_axis_seq                             NUMBER     	,
                     X_last_update_date               	    DATE	,
                     X_last_updated_by                	    NUMBER	,
                     X_last_update_login              	    NUMBER	,
                     X_axis_type                      	    VARCHAR2	,
                     X_axis_name                      	    VARCHAR2 	,
                     X_amount_id                      	    NUMBER	,
                     X_standard_axis_id               	    NUMBER	,
                     X_width                          	    NUMBER	,
                     X_position                       	    NUMBER	,
                     X_structure_id                   	    NUMBER	,
                     X_unit_of_measure_id             	    VARCHAR2	,
                     X_parameter_num                  	    NUMBER	,
                     X_period_offset                  	    NUMBER	,
                     X_description                    	    VARCHAR2	,
                     X_display_flag                   	    VARCHAR2	,
                     X_before_axis_string             	    VARCHAR2	,
                     X_after_axis_string              	    VARCHAR2	,
                     X_number_characters_indented     	    NUMBER	,
                     X_page_break_after_flag          	    VARCHAR2	,
                     X_page_break_before_flag         	    VARCHAR2	,
                     X_number_lines_skipped_before    	    NUMBER	,
                     X_number_lines_skipped_after     	    NUMBER	,
                     X_display_level                  	    NUMBER	,
                     X_display_zero_amount_flag       	    VARCHAR2	,
                     X_change_sign_flag               	    VARCHAR2	,
                     X_change_variance_sign_flag      	    VARCHAR2	,
                     X_display_units                  	    NUMBER	,
                     X_display_format                 	    VARCHAR2	,
                     X_calculation_precedence_flag    	    VARCHAR2	,
                     X_percentage_divisor_seq         	    NUMBER	,
                     X_transaction_flag               	    VARCHAR2	,
                     X_format_before_text             	    VARCHAR2	,
                     X_format_after_text              	    VARCHAR2	,
                     X_format_mask_width              	    NUMBER	,
                     X_display_precision              	    NUMBER	,
                     X_segment_override_value         	    VARCHAR2	,
                     X_override_alc_ledger_currency         VARCHAR2	,
                     X_context                        	    VARCHAR2	,
                     X_attribute1                     	    VARCHAR2	,
                     X_attribute2                     	    VARCHAR2	,
                     X_attribute3                     	    VARCHAR2	,
                     X_attribute4                     	    VARCHAR2	,
                     X_attribute5                     	    VARCHAR2	,
                     X_attribute6                     	    VARCHAR2	,
                     X_attribute7                     	    VARCHAR2	,
                     X_attribute8                     	    VARCHAR2	,
                     X_attribute9                     	    VARCHAR2	,
                     X_attribute10                    	    VARCHAR2	,
                     X_attribute11                    	    VARCHAR2	,
                     X_attribute12                    	    VARCHAR2	,
                     X_attribute13                    	    VARCHAR2	,
                     X_attribute14                    	    VARCHAR2	,
                     X_attribute15                    	    VARCHAR2    ,
                     X_element_id                           NUMBER
                     ) IS
  old_axis_seq  NUMBER;
Line: 723

  SELECT axis_seq INTO old_axis_seq
    FROM rg_report_axes
   WHERE rowid = X_rowid;
Line: 728

    UPDATE rg_report_axis_contents
    SET axis_seq = X_axis_seq
    WHERE axis_set_id = X_axis_set_id
      AND axis_seq = old_axis_seq;
Line: 733

    UPDATE rg_report_calculations
    SET axis_seq = X_axis_seq
    WHERE axis_set_id = X_axis_set_id
      AND axis_seq = old_axis_seq;
Line: 738

    UPDATE rg_report_exception_flags
    SET axis_seq = X_axis_seq
    WHERE axis_set_id = X_axis_set_id
      AND axis_seq = old_axis_seq;
Line: 743

    UPDATE rg_report_exceptions
    SET axis_seq = X_axis_seq
    WHERE axis_set_id = X_axis_set_id
      AND axis_seq = old_axis_seq;
Line: 749

  UPDATE rg_report_axes
  SET application_id                = X_application_id                ,
      axis_set_id                   = X_axis_set_id                   ,
      axis_seq                      = X_axis_seq                      ,
      last_update_date              = X_last_update_date              ,
      last_updated_by               = X_last_updated_by               ,
      last_update_login             = X_last_update_login             ,
      axis_type                     = X_axis_type                     ,
      axis_name                     = X_axis_name                     ,
      amount_id                     = X_amount_id                     ,
      standard_axis_id              = X_standard_axis_id              ,
      width                         = X_width                         ,
      position                      = X_position                      ,
      structure_id                  = X_structure_id                  ,
      unit_of_measure_id            = X_unit_of_measure_id            ,
      parameter_num                 = X_parameter_num                 ,
      period_offset                 = X_period_offset                 ,
      description                   = X_description                   ,
      display_flag                  = X_display_flag                  ,
      before_axis_string            = X_before_axis_string            ,
      after_axis_string             = X_after_axis_string             ,
      number_characters_indented    = X_number_characters_indented    ,
      page_break_after_flag         = X_page_break_after_flag         ,
      page_break_before_flag        = X_page_break_before_flag        ,
      number_lines_skipped_before   = X_number_lines_skipped_before   ,
      number_lines_skipped_after    = X_number_lines_skipped_after    ,
      display_level                 = X_display_level                 ,
      display_zero_amount_flag      = X_display_zero_amount_flag      ,
      change_sign_flag              = X_change_sign_flag              ,
      change_variance_sign_flag     = X_change_variance_sign_flag     ,
      display_units                 = X_display_units                 ,
      display_format                = X_display_format                ,
      calculation_precedence_flag   = X_calculation_precedence_flag   ,
      percentage_divisor_seq        = X_percentage_divisor_seq        ,
      transaction_flag              = X_transaction_flag              ,
      format_before_text            = X_format_before_text            ,
      format_after_text             = X_format_after_text             ,
      format_mask_width             = X_format_mask_width             ,
      display_precision             = X_display_precision             ,
      segment_override_value        = X_segment_override_value        ,
      override_alc_ledger_currency  = X_override_alc_ledger_currency  ,
      context                       = X_context                       ,
      attribute1                    = X_attribute1                    ,
      attribute2                    = X_attribute2                    ,
      attribute3                    = X_attribute3                    ,
      attribute4                    = X_attribute4                    ,
      attribute5                    = X_attribute5                    ,
      attribute6                    = X_attribute6                    ,
      attribute7                    = X_attribute7                    ,
      attribute8                    = X_attribute8                    ,
      attribute9                    = X_attribute9                    ,
      attribute10                   = X_attribute10                   ,
      attribute11                   = X_attribute11                   ,
      attribute12                   = X_attribute12                   ,
      attribute13                   = X_attribute13                   ,
      attribute14                   = X_attribute14                   ,
      attribute15                   = X_attribute15                   ,
      element_id                    = X_element_id
  WHERE rowid = X_rowid;
Line: 812

END update_row;
Line: 814

PROCEDURE delete_row(X_rowid VARCHAR2) IS
  X_axis_set_id NUMBER;
Line: 818

  select axis_set_id, axis_seq
    into X_axis_set_id, X_axis_seq
    from rg_report_axes
   where rowid = X_rowid;
Line: 823

Line: 826

Line: 829

Line: 832

  DELETE FROM rg_report_axes
  WHERE  rowid = X_rowid;
Line: 843

END delete_row;
Line: 845

PROCEDURE delete_rows(X_axis_set_id NUMBER) IS
Line: 850

Line: 853

Line: 856

  delete from rg_report_axes
  where axis_set_id = X_axis_set_id;
Line: 859

END delete_rows;
Line: 917

    v_last_updated_by NUMBER;
Line: 935

      SELECT creation_date, last_updated_by, rowid
      INTO   v_creation_date, v_last_updated_by, v_rowid
      WHERE  AXIS_SET_ID = X_axis_set_id
      AND    AXIS_SEQ    = X_axis_seq;
Line: 942

      IF (v_last_updated_by <> 1) THEN
Line: 947

       * Update only if force_edits is 'Y' or owner = 'SEED'
      IF ( user_id = 1 or X_Force_Edits = 'Y' ) then
	    X_rowid	                  => v_rowid,
   	    X_application_id              => X_Application_Id,
	    X_axis_set_id                 => X_Axis_Set_Id,
	    X_axis_seq                    => X_Axis_Seq,
            X_last_update_date            => sysdate,
	    X_last_updated_by             => user_id,
            X_last_update_login           => 0,
	    X_axis_type                   => X_Axis_Type,
            X_axis_name 	          => X_Axis_Name,
            X_amount_id                   => X_Amount_Id,
            X_standard_axis_id            => X_Standard_Axis_Id,
            X_width                       => X_Width,
            X_position                    => X_Position,
            X_structure_id                => null,
            X_unit_of_measure_id          => X_Unit_Of_Measure_Id,
            X_parameter_num               => X_Parameter_Num,
            X_period_offset               => X_Period_Offset,
            X_description                 => X_Description,
            X_display_flag                => X_Display_Flag,
            X_before_axis_string          => X_Before_Axis_String,
            X_after_axis_string           => X_After_Axis_String,
            X_number_characters_indented  => X_Number_Characters_Indented,
            X_page_break_after_flag       => X_Page_Break_After_Flag,
            X_page_break_before_flag      => X_Page_Break_Before_Flag,
            X_number_lines_skipped_before => X_Number_Lines_Skipped_Before,
            X_number_lines_skipped_after  => X_Number_Lines_Skipped_After,
            X_display_level               => X_Display_Level,
            X_display_zero_amount_flag    => X_Display_Zero_Amount_Flag,
            X_change_sign_flag            => X_Change_Sign_Flag,
            X_change_variance_sign_flag   => X_Change_Variance_Sign_Flag,
            X_display_units               => X_Display_Units,
            X_display_format              => X_Display_Format,
            X_calculation_precedence_flag => X_Calculation_Precedence_Flag,
            X_percentage_divisor_seq      => X_Percentage_Divisor_Seq,
            X_transaction_flag            => null,
            X_format_before_text          => X_Format_Before_Text,
            X_format_after_text           => X_Format_After_Text,
            X_format_mask_width           => X_Format_Mask_Width,
            X_display_precision           => X_Display_Precision,
            X_segment_override_value      => X_Segment_Override_Value,
            X_override_alc_ledger_currency=> X_Override_Alc_Ledger_Currency,
            X_context                     => X_Context,
            X_attribute1                  => X_Attribute1,
            X_attribute2                  => X_Attribute2,
            X_attribute3                  => X_Attribute3,
            X_attribute4                  => X_Attribute4,
            X_attribute5                  => X_Attribute5,
            X_attribute6                  => X_Attribute6,
            X_attribute7                  => X_Attribute7,
	    X_attribute8                  => X_Attribute8,
            X_attribute9                  => X_Attribute9,
            X_attribute10                 => X_Attribute10,
            X_attribute11                 => X_Attribute11,
            X_attribute12                 => X_Attribute12,
            X_attribute13                 => X_Attribute13,
            X_attribute14                 => X_Attribute14,
            X_attribute15                 => X_Attribute15,
            X_element_id                  => null);
Line: 1017

	   * If the row doesn't exist yet, call Insert_Row().
	     X_rowid                         => v_rowid,
	     X_application_id    	     => X_Application_Id,
	     X_axis_set_id		     => X_Axis_Set_Id,
             X_axis_set_type                 => 'C',
             X_axis_seq                      => X_Axis_Seq,
             X_last_update_date              => sysdate,
             X_last_updated_by               => user_id,
             X_last_update_login             => 0,
             X_creation_date                 => sysdate,
             X_created_by                    => user_id,
             X_axis_type                     => X_Axis_Type,
             X_axis_name                     => X_Axis_Name,
             X_amount_id                     => X_Amount_Id,
             X_standard_axis_id              => X_Standard_Axis_Id,
             X_width                         => X_Width,
             X_position                      => X_Position,
             X_structure_id                  => null,
             X_unit_of_measure_id            => X_Unit_Of_Measure_Id,
             X_parameter_num                 => X_Parameter_Num,
             X_period_offset                 => X_Period_Offset,
             X_description                   => X_Description,
             X_display_flag                  => X_Display_Flag,
             X_before_axis_string            => X_Before_Axis_String,
             X_after_axis_string             => X_After_Axis_String,
             X_number_characters_indented    => X_Number_Characters_Indented,
             X_page_break_after_flag         => X_Page_Break_After_Flag,
             X_page_break_before_flag        => X_Page_Break_Before_Flag,
             X_number_lines_skipped_before   => X_Number_Lines_Skipped_Before,
             X_number_lines_skipped_after    => X_Number_Lines_Skipped_After,
             X_display_level                 => X_Display_Level,
             X_display_zero_amount_flag      => X_Display_Zero_Amount_Flag,
             X_change_sign_flag              => X_Change_Sign_Flag,
             X_change_variance_sign_flag     => X_Change_Variance_Sign_Flag,
             X_display_units                 => X_Display_Units,
             X_display_format                => X_Display_Format,
             X_calculation_precedence_flag   => X_Calculation_Precedence_Flag,
             X_percentage_divisor_seq        => X_Percentage_Divisor_Seq,
             X_transaction_flag              => null,
             X_format_before_text            => X_Format_Before_Text,
             X_format_after_text             => X_Format_After_Text,
             X_format_mask_width             => X_Format_Mask_Width,
             X_display_precision             => X_Display_Precision,
             X_segment_override_value        => X_Segment_Override_Value,
             X_override_alc_ledger_currency  => X_Override_Alc_Ledger_Currency,
             X_context                       => X_Context,
             X_attribute1                    => X_Attribute1,
             X_attribute2                    => X_Attribute2,
             X_attribute3                    => X_Attribute3,
             X_attribute4                    => X_Attribute4,
             X_attribute5                    => X_Attribute5,
             X_attribute6                    => X_Attribute6,
             X_attribute7                    => X_Attribute7,
             X_attribute8                    => X_Attribute8,
             X_attribute9                    => X_Attribute9,
             X_attribute10                   => X_Attribute10,
             X_attribute11                   => X_Attribute11,
             X_attribute12                   => X_Attribute12,
             X_attribute13                   => X_Attribute13,
             X_attribute14                   => X_Attribute14,
             X_attribute15                   => X_Attribute15,
             X_element_id                    => null);
Line: 1100

     * Update only if force_edits is 'Y' or owner = 'SEED'
    IF ( user_id = 1 or X_Force_Edits = 'Y' ) THEN
	  axis_name         = X_Axis_Name,
	  description       = X_Description,
	  last_update_date  = sysdate,
	  last_updated_by   = user_id,
	  last_Update_login = 0
      WHERE  axis_set_id = X_Axis_Set_Id
      AND    axis_seq    = X_Axis_Seq
      AND    userenv('LANG') =
             ( SELECT language_code
                FROM  FND_LANGUAGES
               WHERE  installed_flag = 'B' );