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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 40

 select  target_id
  from   ben_dm_resolve_mappings bdm
  where  resolve_mapping_id =  p_resolve_mapping_id
Line: 91

 select  target_id
 from   ben_dm_resolve_mappings bdm
 where  table_name   =  p_table_name
   and  column_name  =  p_source_column
   and  source_id    =  p_source_id
Line: 229

 select target_id,
 from  ben_dm_resolve_mappings
 where target_id is not null
Line: 242

 g_fk_maping_tbl.delete ;
Line: 274

procedure update_pk_mapping(
               p_resolve_mapping_id  in   NUMBER   DEFAULT null
              ,p_target_id           in   NUMBER
              ,p_table_name          in   VARCHAR2 DEFAULT null
              ,p_column_name         in   VARCHAR2 DEFAULT null
              ,p_source_id           in   NUMBER   DEFAULT null
              ,p_source_column       in   VARCHAR2 DEFAULT null
              ,p_business_group_name in   VARCHAR2 DEFAULT null
              ,p_table_id            in   NUMBER   DEFAULT null
              )  is
 l_proc         varchar2(75) ;
Line: 288

 select target_id
   from  ben_dm_resolve_mappings brm
  where brm.resolve_mapping_id = p_resolve_mapping_id
Line: 297

 select brm.resolve_mapping_id ,
 from ben_dm_resolve_mappings brm
 where  table_name   = c_table_name
  and   source_id    = p_source_id
  and   column_name  = c_column_name
  and   business_group_name = p_business_group_name
Line: 309

 select parent_id_column_name,                            -- confirm with sarju
 from ben_dm_hierarchies
 where table_id    = p_table_id
  and  column_name = p_source_column
Line: 324

 l_proc  :=  g_package || 'update_pk_mapping' ;
Line: 384

       update  ben_dm_resolve_mappings
       set target_id = p_target_id
       where   resolve_mapping_id = l_resolve_mapping_id ;
Line: 394

   ben_dm_utility.message('INFO',' update_pk_mapping   ' || substr(sqlerrm ,1, 100)   ,140);
Line: 396

end  update_pk_mapping ;
Line: 420

              ,p_last_update_date    in          DATE     DEFAULT NULl
              ,p_last_updated_by     in          NUMBER   DEFAULT NULl
              ,p_last_update_login   in          NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL
              ,p_created_by          in          NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL
              ,p_creation_date       in          DATE     DEFAULT NULL )  is

 cursor c1 is
   select table_name from
   ben_dm_tables bdt
   where bdt.table_id = p_table_id
Line: 434

   select resolve_mapping_id
   from  ben_dm_resolve_mappings brm
   where brm.table_name          = c_table_name
   and   brm.column_name         = p_column_name
   and   brm.source_id           = p_source_id
   and   brm.business_group_name = p_business_group_name
Line: 498

 hr_utility.set_location(' Inserting the value :'||l_proc, 20);
Line: 500

 into  p_resolve_mapping_id from dual ;
Line: 504

 insert into ben_dm_resolve_mappings
      ( resolve_mapping_id
       ) values
       ) ;
Line: 836

 select ben_dm_entity_results_s.nextval
        into p_entity_result_id from dual ;
Line: 1103

  select business_group_id
    into l_bg_id
    from per_business_groups
   where name = p_business_group_name;
Line: 1234

procedure delete_process
 (p_migration_id    in  number
 ,p_group_order     in  number) is

--  cursor to Fetch Data from BEN_DM_FILE_INPUT table.
 cursor csr_get_inf is
 select *
 from   ben_dm_input_file inf
  where group_order = p_group_order
  and  person_type = 'P'
Line: 1249

 select person_id
 from   per_all_people_f
 where  business_group_id = c_business_group_id
   and  national_identifier = c_national_identifier;
Line: 1256

  l_proc                     varchar2(72) := g_package || 'delete_process';
Line: 1272

Line: 1323

Line: 1324

    hr_person_delete.delete_a_person(l_person_table(i), FALSE, SYSDATE);
Line: 1338

                       ,p_last_update_date         in varchar2
                       ,p_upload_table_name        in varchar2
                       ,p_table_alias              in varchar2
                       ,p_datetrack                in varchar2
                       ,p_derive_sql               in varchar2
                       ,p_surrogate_pk_column_name in varchar2
                       ,p_short_name               in varchar2
                       ,p_sequence_name            in varchar2
                      ) is

cursor c1 is
select table_id
from ben_dm_tables
where table_name = p_table_name ;
Line: 1364

     hr_utility.set_location(' Insert :'||p_table_name, 10);
Line: 1365

     update ben_dm_tables
        set table_name               = p_table_name
           ,upload_table_name        = p_upload_table_name
           ,table_alias              = p_table_alias
           ,datetrack                = p_datetrack
           ,derive_sql               = p_derive_sql
           ,surrogate_pk_column_name = p_surrogate_pk_column_name
           ,short_name               = p_short_name
           ,sequence_name            = p_sequence_name
           ,last_update_date         = sysdate
           ,last_updated_by          = fnd_global.user_id
           ,last_update_login        = fnd_global.login_id
     where table_id =  l_table_id   ;
Line: 1380

    hr_utility.set_location(' Update :'||p_table_name, 10);
Line: 1381

    insert into  ben_dm_tables
         (  table_id
         ) values
         ) ;
Line: 1427

                          ,p_last_update_date  in varchar2
                         ) is

cursor c1 is
select table_id
from ben_dm_tables
where table_name = p_table_name ;
Line: 1440

select table_order_id
from ben_dm_table_order
where table_id = l_table_id
--  and table_order = p_Table_order
Line: 1466

     hr_utility.set_location(' Insert :'||p_table_name, 10);
Line: 1467

     update  ben_dm_table_order
       set   table_order       = p_table_order
            ,last_update_date  = sysdate
            ,last_updated_by   = fnd_global.user_id
            ,last_update_login = fnd_global.login_id
      where table_order_id = l_table_order_id
Line: 1475

    hr_utility.set_location(' Update :'||p_table_name, 10);
Line: 1476

    insert into ben_dm_table_order
          )  Values
Line: 1511

                          ,p_last_update_date        in varchar2
                          ,p_parent_table_name       in varchar2
                          ,p_parent_column_name      in varchar2
                          ,p_parent_id_column_name   in varchar2
                         ) is

cursor c1 is
select table_id
from ben_dm_tables
where table_name = p_table_name ;
Line: 1525

select hierarchy_id
from ben_dm_hierarchies
where table_id = l_table_id
 and column_name = p_column_name
Line: 1551

     hr_utility.set_location(' Insert :'||p_table_name, 10);
Line: 1552

     update  ben_dm_hierarchies
       set   parent_table_name     = p_parent_table_name
            ,parent_column_name    = p_parent_column_name
            ,parent_id_column_name = p_parent_id_column_name
            ,last_update_date      = sysdate
            ,last_updated_by       = fnd_global.user_id
            ,last_update_login     = fnd_global.login_id
      where hierarchy_id = l_hierarchy_id
Line: 1562

    hr_utility.set_location(' Update :'||p_table_name, 10);
Line: 1563

    insert into ben_dm_hierarchies
          ( hierarchy_id
          ) values
          ( ben_dm_hierarchies_s.nextval
          ) ;
Line: 1605

                      ,p_last_update_date           in varchar2
                      ,p_entity_result_column_name  in varchar2
                      ) is
cursor c1 is
select table_id
from ben_dm_tables
where table_name = p_table_name ;
Line: 1616

select column_mapping_id
from ben_dm_column_mappings
where table_id = l_table_id
 and column_name = p_column_name
Line: 1642

     hr_utility.set_location(' Insert :'||p_table_name, 10);
Line: 1643

     update  ben_dm_column_mappings
       set   entity_result_column_name  = entity_result_column_name
      where column_mapping_id = l_column_mapping_id
Line: 1648

    hr_utility.set_location(' Update :'||p_table_name, 10);
Line: 1649

    insert into ben_dm_column_mappings
          ( column_mapping_id
          ) values
          ( ben_dm_column_mappings_s.nextval
          ) ;
Line: 1685

                      ,p_LAST_UPDATE_DATE               IN VARCHAR2
                      ,p_OWNER                          IN VARCHAR2
                      ,p_SECURITY_GROUP_ID              IN VARCHAR2

cursor c1 is
select 'x'
from hr_dm_phase_rules
  and p_PHASE_NAME        = PHASE_NAME
  and p_NEXT_PHASE        = NEXT_PHASE
Line: 1709

     insert into hr_dm_phase_rules
          ( phase_rule_id
           ) Values
          ( hr_dm_phase_rules_s.nextval
          ) ;
Line: 1746

Procedure  update_gen_version (p_table_id   in number
                              ,p_version    in varchar2
                              ) is
l_proc  varchar2(75) ;
Line: 1751

  l_proc  :=  g_package || 'update_gen_version' ;
Line: 1754

  update  ben_dm_tables
          set GENERATOR_VERSION   = replace(replace (p_version,' $Header:',''),' -  ',':')
            , LAST_GENERATED_DATE = sysdate
  where  table_id = p_table_id ;