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Line 69: fa_deprn_periods dp,

65: s.ledger_id,
66: s.name
67: FROM gl_period_statuses ps,
68: gl_ledgers_public_v s,
69: fa_deprn_periods dp,
70: fa_book_controls bc,
71: (SELECT DISTINCT slga.ledger_id
72: FROM fii_slg_assignments slga,
73: fii_source_ledger_groups fslg

Line 1407: fa_deprn_periods dp,

1403: fa_distribution_history dh,
1404: fa_additions_b ad,
1405: fa_asset_history ah,
1406: fii_fa_cat_dimensions cat,
1407: fa_deprn_periods dp,
1408: fa_book_controls bc
1409: where nid.record_id between p_start_range and p_end_range
1410: and nid.event_type_code = 'DEPRECIATION'
1411: and lines.ae_header_id = nid.ae_header_id

Line 1537: fa_deprn_periods dp,

1533: fa_distribution_history dh,
1534: fa_additions_b ad,
1535: fa_asset_history ah,
1536: fii_fa_cat_dimensions cat,
1537: fa_deprn_periods dp,
1538: fa_book_controls bc
1539: where nid.record_id between p_start_range and p_end_range
1540: and nid.event_type_code not in ('DEPRECIATION', 'ROLLBACK_DEPRECIATION')
1541: and lines.ae_header_id = nid.ae_header_id

Line 1741: fa_deprn_periods dp,

1737: fa_distribution_history dh,
1738: fa_additions_b ad,
1739: fa_asset_history ah,
1740: fii_fa_cat_dimensions cat,
1741: fa_deprn_periods dp,
1742: fa_book_controls bc
1743: where gir.je_header_id = nid.je_header_id
1744: and acls.ledger_id = nid.ledger_id
1745: and lines.application_id = 140

Line 1904: fa_deprn_periods dp,

1900: fa_distribution_history dh,
1901: fa_additions_b ad,
1902: fa_asset_history ah,
1903: fii_fa_cat_dimensions cat,
1904: fa_deprn_periods dp,
1905: fa_book_controls bc
1906: where gir.je_header_id = nid.je_header_id
1907: and acls.ledger_id = nid.ledger_id
1908: and lines.application_id = 140