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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 17

  sarakshi   27-Feb-2002  changed the hz_parties references to igs_fi_parties_v from all the selects, bug:2238362
********************************************************************************************** */

PROCEDURE  process_cust_acct( errbuf             OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2,
                              retcode            OUT NOCOPY   NUMBER,
                              p_person_id        IN    igs_pe_person_v.person_id%TYPE,
                              p_person_id_grp    IN    igs_pe_persid_group.group_id%TYPE) IS

  Created By     :  Sarakshi
  Date Created By:  18-Feb-2002
  Purpose        :  To create the customer corresponding to a person or person group.
  Known limitations,enhancements,remarks:
  Change History
  Who       When          What
  shtatiko  28-MAY-2003   Enh# 2831582, Obsoleted this process.
  shtatiko  25-APR-2003   Enh# 2831569, Added check for Manage Account System Option
  pathipat  06-Jan-2003   Bug:2684782 - Logged group_cd instead of group_id for person_id_Group
                          in the log file - Used func igs_fi_gen_005.finp_get_prsid_grp_code()
  vchappid  13-Jun-2002   Bug#2411529, Incorrectly used message names have been modified
********************************************************************************************** */


  * Enh# 2831582, Lockbox design introduces a new Lockbox functionality
  * detached from Oracle Receivables (AR) Module.
  * Due to this change, Process, "Create Customer Accounts" is obsoleted.
  fnd_message.set_name('IGS', 'IGS_GE_OBSOLETE_JOB');