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1 PACKAGE hri_dbi_wmv_separation AUTHID DEFINER AS
2 /* $Header: hridbite.pkh 115.7 2003/04/22 13:43:25 jtitmas noship $ */
3     --
4     -- ***********************************************************************
5     -- * The internal identifiers we use to recognise our records in the     *
6     -- * global summary table, and other constants we might want to see      *
7     -- ***********************************************************************
8     object_name           CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'HRI_DBI_WMV_SEPARATION';
9     context_type          CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'HRI_SUPVSR';
10     information_category  CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'HRI_DBI_WMV_SEPARATION';
11     event_group           CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'HRI_WMV_SEPARATION_EVG';
12     loss_event_code       CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'LOSS_SEP';
13     involuntary_code      CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'SEP_INV';
14     voluntary_code        CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'SEP_VOL';
15     direct_report_id      CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := '-1';
16     eot_char              CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := fnd_date.date_to_canonical(hr_general.end_of_time);
17     sot_char              CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := fnd_date.date_to_canonical(hr_general.start_of_time);
18     --
19     FUNCTION global_wmt RETURN VARCHAR2;
20     --
21     --
22     -- ***********************************************************************
23     -- * Fully refresh all summary data for the Annualized Turnover portlets *
24     -- * within the specified time period                                    *
25     -- ***********************************************************************
26     PROCEDURE full_refresh(
27         errbuf          OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
28         retcode         OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
29         p_start_date    IN  VARCHAR2,
30         p_end_date      IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT eot_char
31     );
32     --
33     -- ***********************************************************************
34     -- * Refresh the summary data for the Annualized Turnover portlets based *
35     -- * on the events that have occurred since we last ran this refresh     *
36     -- ***********************************************************************
37     PROCEDURE refresh_from_deltas(
38         errbuf          OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
39         retcode         OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
40     );
41     --
42     -- ***********************************************************************
43     -- * Special debug modes; will switch on debugging in the Payroll Events *
44     -- * wrapper and generate _A_LOT_ of messages to the concurrent log file *
45     -- ***********************************************************************
46     PROCEDURE full_refresh_debug(
47         errbuf          OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
48         retcode         OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
49         p_start_date    IN  VARCHAR2,
50         p_end_date      IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT eot_char
51     );
52     --
53     PROCEDURE refresh_from_deltas_debug(
54         errbuf          OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
55         retcode         OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
56     );
57     --
58     PROCEDURE set_debugging(p_on IN BOOLEAN);
59     PROCEDURE set_concurrent_logging(p_on IN BOOLEAN);
60     --
61 END hri_dbi_wmv_separation;