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1 package ad_file_util as
2 /* $Header: adfiluts.pls 120.1.12000000.1 2007/01/16 19:31:29 appldev ship $ */
4 error_buf varchar2(32760);
6 procedure lock_infrastructure;
8 procedure unlock_infrastructure;
11 --
12 -- Procedure
13 --   lock_and_empty_temp_table
14 --
15 -- Purpose
16 --   Serializes access to the AD_CHECK_FILE_TEMP table using a User Lock
17 --   (created using DBMS_LOCK mgmt services), and also empties the table.
18 --   This lock would be a session-level lock, and is intended to be released
19 --   when the calling script is totally done with its use of the temp table.
20 --
21 --   This is especially necessary when we have multiple scripts that use
22 --   the infrastructure built around AD_CHECK_FILE_TEMP, that perhaps could
23 --   be running in parallel. As of 2/25/02, we already a case for
24 --   this, viz. the snapshot preseeding scripts and the checkfile preseeding
25 --   scripts use the same temp table. In the absence of such a serializing
26 --   facility, they could end up stamping on each others feet (eg. creating
27 --   bugs as files and files as bugs!!)
28 --
29 -- Usage
30 --   Any script that uses the AD_CHECK_FILE_TEMP infrastructure must do the
31 --   following:
32 --   a) Call lock_and_empty_temp_table
33 --   b) Insert rows into AD_CHECK_FILE_TEMP
34 --   c) Gather statistics on AD_CHECK_FILE_TEMP
35 --   d) Call the relevant packaged-procedure that reads the temp table and
36 --      loads whatever is necessary.
37 --   e) Commit.
38 --
39 --   Then repeat steps (a) thru (e) for other rows. When all batches have
40 --   finished processing, then unlock_infrastructure() should be called to
41 --   release the User Lock at the very end.
42 --
43 -- Arguments
44 --   APPLSYS schema name
45 --
46 procedure lock_and_empty_temp_table
47            (p_un_fnd varchar2);
49 --
50 -- Procedure
51 --   load_file_info
52 --
53 -- Purpose
54 --   Imports file information from ad_check_file_temp to ad_files
55 --
56 --   Only creates rows that don't already exist.
57 --
58 --   Processes all rows in ad_check_file_temp with active_flag='Y'.
59 --
60 --   To handle batch sizes:
61 --
62 --   1) - fill up whole table with null active_flag
63 --      - In a loop:
64 --        - update a batch to have active_flag='Y'
65 --        - process the batch
66 --        - delete the batch
67 --      - using 'where rownum < batch+1' is handy here
68 --
69 --   2) perform (truncate, load, process) cycles in an outer loop where
70 --      only <batch size> rows are loaded and processed at a time.
71 --
72 --   Updates the file_id column of ad_check_file_temp so that all
73 --   rows point to the file_id of the file referenced in the row.
74 --
75 -- Arguments
76 --   none
77 --
78 procedure load_file_info;
80 --
81 -- Procedure
82 --   load_file_version_info
83 --
84 -- Purpose
85 --   Imports file information from ad_check_file_temp to ad_files and
86 --   ad_file_versions.
87 --
88 --   Only creates rows that don't already exist.
89 --
90 --   Processes all rows in ad_check_file_temp with active_flag='Y'.
91 --
92 --   To handle batch sizes:
93 --
94 --   1) - fill up whole table with null active_flag
95 --      - In a loop:
96 --        - update a batch to have active_flag='Y'
97 --        - process the batch
98 --        - delete the batch
99 --      - using 'where rownum < batch+1' is handy here
100 --
101 --   2) perform (truncate, load, process) cycles in an outer loop where
102 --      only <batch size> rows are loaded and processed at a time.
103 --
104 --   Calls load_file_info
105 --
106 --   Updates the file_version_id column of ad_check_file_temp so that all
107 --   rows point to the file_version_id of the file version referenced
108 --   in the row.
109 --
110 -- Arguments
111 --   none
112 --
113 procedure load_file_version_info;
115 --
116 -- Procedure
117 --   load_checkfile_info
118 --
119 -- Purpose
120 --   Imports file information from ad_check_file_temp to ad_files,
121 --   ad_file_versions, and ad_check_files.
122 --
123 --   Only creates rows in ad_files and ad_file_versions that don't
124 --   already exist. In ad_check_files, it creates rows that don't already
125 --   exist and also updates existing rows if the version to load is higher
126 --   than the current version in ad_check_files.
127 --
128 --   Processes all rows in ad_check_file_temp with active_flag='Y'.
129 --
130 --   To handle batch sizes:
131 --
132 --   1) - fill up whole table with null active_flag
133 --      - In a loop:
134 --        - update a batch to have active_flag='Y'
135 --        - process the batch
136 --        - delete the batch
137 --      - using 'where rownum < batch+1' is handy here
138 --
139 --   2) perform (truncate, load, process) cycles in an outer loop where
140 --      only <batch size> rows are loaded and processed at a time.
141 --
142 --   Calls load_file_version_info
143 --
144 --   Updates the check_file_id column of ad_check_file_temp so that any
145 --   rows that were already in ad_check_files point to the check_file_id
146 --   of the (file, distinguisher) referenced in the row.  Rows in
147 --   ad_check_file_temp that did not already have corresponding rows in
148 --   ad_check_files still have null values for check_file_id
149 --   (assuming they started out as null)
150 --
151 -- Arguments
152 --   none
153 --
154 procedure load_checkfile_info;
156 --
157 -- Procedure
158 --   update_timestamp
159 --
160 -- Purpose
161 --   Inserts/updates a row in AD_TIMESTAMPS corresponding to the
162 --   specified row type and attribute.
163 --
164 -- Arguments
165 --   in_type         The row type
166 --   in_attribute    The row attribute
167 --   in_timestamp    A timestamp.  Defaults to sysdate.
168 --
169 -- Notes
170 --   This is essentially the same as ad_invoker.update_timestamp
171 --   Added it here to make it easier to call from APPS.
172 --
173 procedure update_timestamp
174            (in_type      in varchar2,
175             in_attribute in varchar2,
176             in_timestamp in date);
178 procedure update_timestamp
179            (in_type      in varchar2,
180             in_attribute in varchar2);
181 --
182 --
183 --
184 -- Procedure
185 --   load_patch_onsite_vers_info
186 --
187 -- Purpose
188 --   Imports file information from ad_check_file_temp to ad_files and
189 --   ad_file_versions.
190 --
191 --   Only creates rows that don't already exist.
192 --
193 --   Processes all rows in ad_check_file_temp with active_flag='Y'.
194 --
195 --   To handle batch sizes:
196 --
197 --   1) - fill up whole table with null active_flag
198 --      - In a loop:
199 --        - update a batch to have active_flag='Y'
200 --        - process the batch
201 --        - delete the batch
202 --      - using 'where rownum < batch+1' is handy here
203 --
204 --   2) perform (truncate, load, process) cycles in an outer loop where
205 --      only <batch size> rows are loaded and processed at a time.
206 --
207 --   Calls load_file_info
208 --
209 --   Updates the file_version_id and file_version_id_2 columns of
210 --   ad_check_file_temp so that all rows point to the file_version_id
211 --   of the file versions referenced in the row.
212 --
213 --   Doesn't try to update ad_file_versions for rows in ad_check_file_temp
214 --   with manifest_vers='NA' or manifest_vers_2='NA'.  These values mean
215 --   "no version for this file", so no corresponding record should be
216 --   created in ad_file_versions.
217 --
218 -- Arguments
219 --   none
220 --
221 procedure load_patch_onsite_vers_info;
222 --
223 --
224 --
225 -- Procedure
226 --   load_snapshot_file_info
227 --
228 -- Purpose
229 --  Create Snapshot data by
230 --  1.Calls  ad_file_versions  and loads the file versions
231 --    into the ad_check_file_temp table .
232 --  2.Updates rows in AD_SNAPSHOT_FILES from  ad_check_file_temp
233 --    which have the same file_id, snapshot_id and containing_file_id
234 --  3.Inserts those  rows from ad_check_file_temp  into AD_SNAPSHOT_FILES
235 --    which exists in ad_check_file_temp but are not in AD_SNAPSHOT_FILES.
236 --    for the  given snapshot_id
237 --  4.Delete those rows from AD_SNAPSHOT_FILES which exists
238 --    in AD_SNAPSHOT_FILES  but do not exist in ad_check_file_temp
239 --    for the  given snapshot_id
240 --
241 -- Arguments
242 -- is_upload pass TRUE if it is an upload otherwise FALSE
243 --
244 --
245 procedure load_snapshot_file_info
246            (snp_id number,
247             preserve_irep_flag number);
248 --
249 --
250 --
251 -- Procedure
252 --   load_preseeded_bugfixes
253 --
254 -- Purpose
255 --   Gets the bug_id from AD_BUGS for the bugnumbers in
256 --   in ad_check_file_temp table .
257 --   Creates new rows in the AD_BUGS for the new bugnumbers
258 --   and gets the bug_id for those bugnumbers and stores them
259 --   ad_check_file_temp table .
260 --
261 --   Inserts those BUG_IDs into AD_SNAPSHOT_BUGFIXES
262 --
263 --
264 -- Arguments
265 -- None
266 --
267 procedure load_preseeded_bugfixes;
268 --
269 --
270 procedure load_patch_hist_action
271            (bugs_processed    out NOCOPY number,
272             actions_processed out NOCOPY number);
274 -- Procedure
275 --     create_global_view
276 -- Arguments
277 --     p_apps_system_name - Applications system name
278 -- Purpose
279 --     Procedure to create Global View snapshot using exisiting
280 --     current view snapshots for an applications system.
281 -- Notes
283 procedure create_global_view(p_apps_system_name varchar2);
284 --
285 --
286 -- Procedure
287 --     populate_snapshot_files_temp
288 -- Arguments
289 --     p_apps_system_name   - Applications System Name
290 --
291 --     p_min_file_id        - lower limit file_id in the range of file_ids
292 --
293 --     p_max_file_id        - upper limit file_id in the range of file_ids
294 --
295 --     p_global_snapshot_id - Global snapshot_id
296 --
297 --     p_un_fnd             - applsys username
298 --
299 --     p_iteration          - which iteration  (1,2,etc)
300 -- Purpose
301 --     This procedure populates temp table with a range of file_ids
302 --     processes the data and updates the ad_snapshot_files  with negative
303 --     global snapshot_id
304 -- Notes
305 --
307 procedure populate_snapshot_files_temp(p_applications_sys_name varchar2,p_min_file_id number,
308                                        p_max_file_id number,p_global_snapshot_id number,
309                                        p_un_fnd varchar2,p_iteration number);
311 --
312 --
313 -- Procedure
314 --     populate_snapshot_bugs_temp
315 -- Arguments
316 --     p_apps_system_name   - Applications System Name
317 --
318 --     p_min_bug_id        - lower limit bugfix_id in the range of bugfix_id
319 --
320 --     p_max_bug_id        - upper limit bugfix_id in the range of bugfix_id
321 --
322 --     p_global_snapshot_id - Global snapshot_id
323 --
324 --     p_un_fnd             - applsys username
325 --
326 --     p_iteration          - which iteration  (1,2,etc)
327 -- Purpose
328 --     This procedure populates temp table  with a range of file_ids
329 --     processes the data and updates the ad_snapshot_bugfixes  with negative
330 --     global snapshot_id
331 -- Notes
332 --
333 procedure populate_snapshot_bugs_temp(p_applications_sys_name varchar2,p_min_bug_id number,
334                                       p_max_bug_id number,p_global_snapshot_id number,
335                                       p_un_fnd varchar2,p_iteration number);
338 -- Procedure
339 --   load_prepmode_checkfile_info
340 --
341 -- Purpose
342 --   Imports file information from ad_check_file_temp to
343 --   ad_premode_check_files table, when applying a patch in "prepare" mode.
344 --
345 -- Arguments
346 --   none
347 --
348 procedure load_prepmode_checkfile_info;
351 --
352 -- Procedure
353 --   cleanup_prepmode_checkfile_info
354 --
355 -- Purpose
356 --   deletes rows from ad_premode_check_files (called after the merge)
357 --
358 -- Arguments
359 --   none
360 --
361 procedure cln_prepmode_checkfile_info;
362 --
363 --
364 procedure load_snpst_file_server_info
365            (snp_id number);
366 --
367 --
368 end ad_file_util;