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APPS.PA_COST1 dependencies on PA_TASKS

Line 46: * if the given task is not exists in pa_tasks the derive the

43: END print_msg ;
45: /* This API checks whether the given task is a financial task
46: * if the given task is not exists in pa_tasks the derive the
47: * burden sch details from project level
48: */
49: FUNCTION is_workPlan_Task(p_project_id IN Number
50: ,p_task_id IN Number )

Line 60: from pa_tasks t

56: SELECT 'N'
57: INTO l_exists_flag
58: FROM dual
59: WHERE EXISTS (select null
60: from pa_tasks t
61: where t.task_id = p_task_id
62: and t.project_id = p_project_id);
63: End If;

Line 112: FROM pa_tasks t

108: BEGIN
109: l_stage := 'Getting labor cost multiplier ';
110: SELECT lcm.multiplier
111: INTO l_cost_rate_multiplier
112: FROM pa_tasks t
113: ,pa_labor_cost_multipliers lcm
114: WHERE t.task_id = p_task_id
115: AND t.labor_cost_multiplier_name = lcm.labor_cost_multiplier_name
116: AND trunc(P_exp_item_date) BETWEEN LCM.start_date_active AND

Line 179: FROM pa_tasks t,

175: -- Select the Task level schedule override if not found
176: -- then select the Project level override
177: SELECT irs.ind_rate_sch_id
178: INTO x_burden_sch_id
179: FROM pa_tasks t,
180: pa_ind_rate_schedules irs
181: WHERE t.task_id = p_task_id
182: AND t.project_id = p_project_id
183: AND t.task_id = irs.task_id

Line 203: FROM pa_tasks t

199: -- check the task level schedule (not the override)
200: BEGIN
201: SELECT t.cost_ind_rate_sch_id
202: INTO x_burden_sch_id
203: FROM pa_tasks t
204: WHERE t.task_id = p_task_id
205: AND t.project_id = p_project_id;