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2 /* $Header: ARATRECS.pls 120.7.12010000.2 2008/11/21 09:27:21 ankuagar ship $ */
5 /*========================================================================+
6  | PUBLIC PROCEDURE GET_DETAIL_ACCOUNTS                                   |
7  |                                                                        |
8  | DESCRIPTION                                                            |
9  |                                                                        |
10  |   This procedure is used to get the parameters from the Conc program   |
11  |    and convert them to the type reqd for processing.                   |
12  |                                                                        |
13  | PSEUDO CODE/LOGIC                                                      |
14  |                                                                        |
15  | PARAMETERS                                                             |
16  |                                                                        |
17  |                                                                        |
18  | KNOWN ISSUES                                                           |
19  |                                                                        |
20  | NOTES                                                                  |
21  |                                                                        |
22  |                                                                        |
23  | MODIFICATION HISTORY                                                   |
24  | Date                     Author            Description of Changes      |
25  | 16-JUL-2005              bichatte           Created                    |
26  *=========================================================================*/
30 PROCEDURE get_parameters(
31       P_ERRBUF                          OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
32       P_RETCODE                         OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
33       p_process_type                    IN VARCHAR2,
34       p_batch_date                      IN VARCHAR2,
35       p_batch_gl_date                   IN VARCHAR2,
36       p_create_flag                     IN VARCHAR2,
37       p_approve_flag                    IN VARCHAR2,
38       p_format_flag                     IN VARCHAR2,
39       p_batch_id                        IN VARCHAR2,
40       p_debug_mode_on                   IN VARCHAR2,
41       p_batch_currency                  IN VARCHAR2,
42       p_exchange_date                   IN VARCHAR2,
43       p_exchange_rate                   IN VARCHAR2,
44       p_exchange_rate_type              IN VARCHAR2,
45       p_remit_method_code               IN VARCHAR2,
46       p_receipt_class_id                IN VARCHAR2,
47       p_payment_method_id               IN VARCHAR2,
48       p_media_reference                 IN VARCHAR2,
49       p_remit_bank_branch_id            IN VARCHAR2,
50       p_remit_bank_account_id           IN VARCHAR2,
51       p_remit_bank_deposit_number       IN VARCHAR2,
52       p_comments                        IN VARCHAR2,
53       p_trx_date_l                      IN VARCHAR2,
54       p_trx_date_h                      IN VARCHAR2,
55       p_due_date_l                      IN VARCHAR2,
56       p_due_date_h                      IN VARCHAR2,
57       p_trx_num_l                       IN VARCHAR2,
58       p_trx_num_h                       IN VARCHAR2,
59       p_doc_num_l                       IN VARCHAR2,
60       p_doc_num_h                       IN VARCHAR2,
61       p_customer_number_l               IN VARCHAR2,
62       p_customer_number_h               IN VARCHAR2,
63       p_customer_name_l                 IN VARCHAR2,
64       p_customer_name_h                 IN VARCHAR2,
65       p_customer_id                     IN VARCHAR2,
66       p_site_l                          IN VARCHAR2,
67       p_site_h                          IN VARCHAR2,
68       p_site_id                         IN VARCHAR2,
69       p_remittance_total_from           IN VARCHAR2,
70       p_Remittance_total_to             IN VARCHAR2,
71       p_billing_number_l                IN VARCHAR2,
72       p_billing_number_h                IN VARCHAR2,
73       p_customer_bank_acc_num_l         IN VARCHAR2,
74       p_customer_bank_acc_num_h         IN VARCHAR2
75       );
77 /*========================================================================+
78  |  PROCEDURE insert_batch                                                |
79  |                                                                        |
80  | DESCRIPTION                                                            |
81  |                                                                        |
82  |   This procedure is used to insert the batch record when called from   |
83  |   srs. It also gets the other required parameters from sysparm         |
84  |   and conc program                                                     |
85  | PSEUDO CODE/LOGIC                                                      |
86  |                                                                        |
87  | PARAMETERS                                                             |
88  |                                                                        |
89  |                                                                        |
90  | KNOWN ISSUES                                                           |
91  |                                                                        |
92  | NOTES                                                                  |
93  |                                                                        |
94  |                                                                        |
95  | MODIFICATION HISTORY                                                   |
96  | Date                     Author            Description of Changes      |
97  | 16-JUL-2005              bichatte           Created                    |
98  *=========================================================================*/
101 PROCEDURE insert_batch(
102       p_gl_date                          IN  ar_cash_receipt_history.gl_date%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
103       p_batch_date                       IN  ar_cash_receipts.receipt_date%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
104       p_receipt_class_id                 IN  ar_receipt_classes.receipt_class_id%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
105       p_receipt_method_id                IN  ar_cash_receipts.receipt_method_id%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
106       p_currency_code                    IN  ar_cash_receipts.currency_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
107       p_approve_flag                     IN  ar_cash_receipts.confirmed_flag%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
108       p_format_flag                      IN  ar_cash_receipts.confirmed_flag%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
109       p_create_flag                      IN  ar_cash_receipts.confirmed_flag%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
110       p_batch_id                         OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
111       );
115 /*========================================================================+
116  | PUBLIC PROCEDURE GET_DETAIL_ACCOUNTS                                   |
117  |                                                                        |
118  | DESCRIPTION                                                            |
119  |                                                                        |
120  |   This procedure is used to select the valied invoices and insert them |
121  |   into the GT table rec_gt                                             |
122  | PSEUDO CODE/LOGIC                                                      |
123  |                                                                        |
124  | PARAMETERS                                                             |
125  |                                                                        |
126  |                                                                        |
127  | KNOWN ISSUES                                                           |
128  |                                                                        |
129  | NOTES                                                                  |
130  |                                                                        |
131  |                                                                        |
132  | MODIFICATION HISTORY                                                   |
133  | Date                     Author            Description of Changes      |
134  | 16-JUL-2005              bichatte           Created                    |
135  *=========================================================================*/
137 PROCEDURE select_valid_invoices(
138                                 p_trx_date_l                      IN ar_payment_schedules.trx_date%TYPE,
139                                 p_trx_date_h                      IN ar_payment_schedules.trx_date%TYPE,
140                                 p_due_date_l                      IN ar_payment_schedules.due_date%TYPE,
141                                 p_due_date_h                     IN ar_payment_schedules.due_date%TYPE,
142                                 p_trx_num_l                      IN ar_payment_schedules.trx_number%TYPE,
143                                 p_trx_num_h                      IN ar_payment_schedules.trx_number%TYPE,
144                                 p_doc_num_l                      IN ra_customer_trx.doc_sequence_value%TYPE,
145                                 p_doc_num_h                      IN ra_customer_trx.doc_sequence_value%TYPE,
146 				p_customer_number_l		 IN hz_cust_accounts.account_number%TYPE,  --Bug6734688
147 				p_customer_number_h		 IN hz_cust_accounts.account_number%TYPE,  --Bug6734688
148 				p_customer_name_l		 IN hz_parties.party_name%TYPE,  --Bug6734688
149 				p_customer_name_h		 IN hz_parties.party_name%TYPE,  --Bug6734688
150                                 p_batch_id                       IN ar_batches.batch_id%TYPE,
151 			        p_approve_only_flag                  IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL,--Bug 5344405
152                                 p_receipt_method_id              IN ar_receipt_methods.receipt_method_id%TYPE,
153                                 p_payment_schedule_id        OUT NOCOPY ar_payment_schedules.payment_schedule_id%TYPE,
154                                 p_customer_trx_id            OUT NOCOPY ar_payment_schedules.customer_trx_id%TYPE,
155                                 p_cash_receipt_id            OUT NOCOPY ar_cash_receipts.cash_receipt_id%TYPE,
156                                 p_paying_customer_id         OUT NOCOPY ar_payment_schedules.customer_id%TYPE,
157                                 p_paying_site_use_id         OUT NOCOPY hz_cust_site_uses.site_use_id%TYPE,
158                                 p_payment_server_order_num   OUT NOCOPY ra_customer_trx.payment_server_order_num%TYPE,
159                                 p_due_date                   OUT NOCOPY ar_payment_schedules.due_date%TYPE,
160                                 p_amount_due_remaining       OUT NOCOPY ar_payment_schedules.amount_due_remaining%TYPE,
161                                 p_cust_bank_account_id       OUT NOCOPY ra_customer_trx.customer_bank_account_id%TYPE,
162                                 p_cust_min_amt               OUT NOCOPY hz_cust_profile_amts.auto_rec_min_receipt_amount%TYPE,
163                                 p_payment_trxn_extension_id  OUT NOCOPY ra_customer_trx.payment_trxn_extension_id%TYPE,
164                                 p_payment_channel_code       OUT NOCOPY ar_receipt_methods.payment_channel_code%TYPE,
165                                 p_instrument_type              OUT NOCOPY IBY_PMT_INSTR_USES_ALL.instrument_type%TYPE,
166                                 p_return_status              OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
167                                  );
172 /*========================================================================+
173  | PUBLIC PROCEDURE GROUP_VAL_CREATE_RECEIPTS                             |
174  |                                                                        |
175  | DESCRIPTION                                                            |
176  |                                                                        |
177  |   This procedure is used to group the Invoices in REC_GT validate and  |
178  |    Then call the receipt API create_cash to create the receipts        |
179  |                                                                        |
180  | PSEUDO CODE/LOGIC                                                      |
181  |                                                                        |
182  | PARAMETERS                                                             |
183  |                                                                        |
184  |                                                                        |
185  | KNOWN ISSUES                                                           |
186  |                                                                        |
187  | NOTES                                                                  |
188  |                                                                        |
189  |                                                                        |
190  | MODIFICATION HISTORY                                                   |
191  | Date                     Author            Description of Changes      |
192  | 16-JUL-2005              bichatte           Created                    |
193  *=========================================================================*/
195 PROCEDURE group_val_create_receipts(
196       p_receipt_method_id                IN  ar_cash_receipts.receipt_method_id%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
197       p_batch_id                         IN  ar_batches.batch_id%TYPE
198       );
201 /*========================================================================+
202  |  PROCEDURE insert_exceptions                                           |
203  |                                                                        |
204  | DESCRIPTION                                                            |
205  |                                                                        |
206  |   This procedure is used to insert the exception record when           |
207  |                                                                        |
208  | PSEUDO CODE/LOGIC                                                      |
209  |                                                                        |
210  | PARAMETERS                                                             |
211  |                                                                        |
212  |                                                                        |
213  | KNOWN ISSUES                                                           |
214  |                                                                        |
215  | NOTES                                                                  |
216  |                                                                        |
217  |                                                                        |
218  | MODIFICATION HISTORY                                                   |
219  | Date                     Author            Description of Changes      |
220  | 16-JUL-2005              bichatte           Created                    |
221  *=========================================================================*/
222 PROCEDURE insert_exceptions(
223              p_batch_id               IN  ar_batches.batch_id%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
224              p_request_id             IN  ar_cash_receipts.request_id%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
225              p_cash_receipt_id        IN  ar_cash_receipts.cash_receipt_id%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
226              p_payment_schedule_id    IN  ar_payment_schedules.payment_schedule_id%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
227              p_paying_customer_id     IN  ar_cash_receipts.pay_from_customer%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
228              p_paying_site_use_id     IN  ar_cash_receipts.customer_site_use_id%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
229              p_due_date               IN  ar_payment_schedules.due_date%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
230              p_cust_min_rec_amount    IN  NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
231              p_bank_min_rec_amount    IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
232              p_exception_code         IN VARCHAR2,
233              p_additional_message     IN VARCHAR2
234              );
237 /*========================================================================+
238  | PUBLIC PROCEDURE SUBMIT_REPORT                                         |
239  |                                                                        |
240  | DESCRIPTION                                                            |
241  |                                                                        |
242  |   This procedure is used to get the parameters from the Conc program   |
243  |    and convert them to the type reqd for processing.                   |
244  |                                                                        |
245  | PSEUDO CODE/LOGIC                                                      |
246  |                                                                        |
247  | PARAMETERS                                                             |
248  |                                                                        |
249  |                                                                        |
250  | KNOWN ISSUES                                                           |
251  |                                                                        |
252  | NOTES                                                                  |
253  |                                                                        |
254  |                                                                        |
255  | MODIFICATION HISTORY                                                   |
256  | Date                     Author            Description of Changes      |
257  | 16-JUL-2005              bichatte           Created                    |
258  *=========================================================================*/
261                           p_batch_id    ar_batches.batch_id%TYPE,
262                           p_request_id  ar_cash_receipts.request_id%TYPE
263                         );
268 PROCEDURE rec_reset( p_apply_fail IN  VARCHAR2,
269                           p_pay_process_fail IN  VARCHAR2
270                         );
273 FUNCTION Get_Invoice_Bal_After_Disc(
274 		p_applied_payment_schedule_id  IN  NUMBER,
275 		p_apply_date                   IN  DATE ) RETURN NUMBER;