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Line 1: package body ben_maintain_designee_elig as

1: package body ben_maintain_designee_elig as
2: /* $Header: bendsgel.pkb 120.6.12010000.4 2008/08/05 14:41:35 ubhat ship $ */
3: --
4: /* ============================================================================
5: * Name

Line 133: g_package varchar2(80) := 'Ben_maintain_designee_elig';

129: */
130: --
131: -- Global cursor and variables declaration
132: --
133: g_package varchar2(80) := 'Ben_maintain_designee_elig';
134: g_persons_processed number(9) := 0;
135: g_persons_ended number(9) := 0;
136: g_persons_passed number(9) := 0;
137: g_persons_errored number(9) := 0;

Line 466: ben_maintain_designee_elig.process_designee_elig

462: -- Process the rows from the person process cache
463: --
464: For l_cnt in 1..l_record_number loop
465: Begin
466: ben_maintain_designee_elig.process_designee_elig
467: (p_validate => p_validate
468: ,p_person_id => g_cache_person_process(l_cnt).person_id
469: ,p_person_action_id => g_cache_person_process(l_cnt).person_action_id
470: ,p_comp_selection_rl => l_parm.comp_selection_rl

Line 1136: raise ben_maintain_designee_elig.g_record_error;

1132: p_last_actn => 'Step = '||to_char(l_step),p_rpt_flag => TRUE);
1133: fnd_message.set_name('BEN','BEN_91698_NO_ASSIGNMENT_FND');
1134: fnd_message.set_token('PROC',l_proc);
1135: fnd_message.set_token('ID' , to_char(p_person_id));
1136: raise ben_maintain_designee_elig.g_record_error;
1137: end if;
1138: close c1;
1139: l_step := 20;
1140: --

Line 1183: raise ben_maintain_designee_elig.g_record_error;

1179: p_last_actn => 'Step = '||to_char(l_step),p_rpt_flag => TRUE);
1180: fnd_message.set_name('BEN','BEN_91329_FORMULA_RETURN');
1181: fnd_message.set_token('RL','formula_id :'||p_comp_selection_rule_id);
1182: fnd_message.set_token('PROC',l_proc);
1183: raise ben_maintain_designee_elig.g_record_error;
1184: end if;
1185: return l_return;
1186: hr_utility.set_location ('Leaving '||l_proc,10);
1187: exception

Line 1882: end ben_maintain_designee_elig; -- End of Package.

1878: commit;
1879: raise ben_batch_utils.g_record_error;
1880: end process_designee_elig;
1881: --
1882: end ben_maintain_designee_elig; -- End of Package.