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Line 83: FROM ap_invoices_all

79: CURSOR fetch_recpt_num_cur IS
80: SELECT SUBSTR(SUBSTR(invoice_num, INSTR(invoice_num, '-', 1, 1) + 1 ,
81: (INSTR(invoice_num, '-', 1, 2)-1) - INSTR(invoice_num, '-', 1, 1)
82: ),1,30), Source
83: FROM ap_invoices_all
84: WHERE invoice_id = pr_new.Invoice_Id;
86: CURSOR fetch_inv_org_id_cur IS
87: SELECT Inventory_Organization_Id

Line 118: FROM ap_invoices_all

114: ------------Packing Slip---------------------
115: CURSOR vend_info(inv_id NUMBER) IS
116: SELECT vendor_id, vendor_site_id
117: , invoice_type_lookup_code, cancelled_date -- cbabu for Bug# 2560026
118: FROM ap_invoices_all
119: WHERE invoice_id = inv_id;
121: CURSOR set_up_info(ven_id NUMBER, ven_site_id NUMBER, v_org_id NUMBER) IS
122: SELECT pay_on_code, pay_on_receipt_summary_code

Line 189: another ELSIF condition (AP_INVOICES_ALL.invoice_type_lookup_code = 'DEBIT') is added to

185: inserting tax distributions during pay on receipt. And debug code is added to debug whenever
186: there are any issues.
188: 8. 26-NOV-2002 cbabu for Bug# 2560026, Version# 615.2
189: another ELSIF condition (AP_INVOICES_ALL.invoice_type_lookup_code = 'DEBIT') is added to
190: default taxes when debit memo is auto created or matched with a PURCHASE ORDER or RECEIPT.
191: Based on transaction data following two ways are followed.
193: If AP_INVOICES_ALL.source = 'RTS' THEN 'ERS' functionality is invoked Otherwise PO, RECEIPT

Line 193: If AP_INVOICES_ALL.source = 'RTS' THEN 'ERS' functionality is invoked Otherwise PO, RECEIPT

189: another ELSIF condition (AP_INVOICES_ALL.invoice_type_lookup_code = 'DEBIT') is added to
190: default taxes when debit memo is auto created or matched with a PURCHASE ORDER or RECEIPT.
191: Based on transaction data following two ways are followed.
193: If AP_INVOICES_ALL.source = 'RTS' THEN 'ERS' functionality is invoked Otherwise PO, RECEIPT
194: Match functionality is invoked.
196: 9. 23-DEC-2002 cbabu for Bug# 2717471, Version# 615.3
197: functionality is added to default the taxes for debit memo distribution line, when it is

Line 379: UPDATE ap_invoices_all

375: END IF; -- IF v_source IN ( 'ERS','ASBN')
377: /*
378: IF pr_new.attribute11 = 'Y' THEN
379: UPDATE ap_invoices_all
380: SET invoice_amount = invoice_amount + DECODE(pr_new.amount,-1,1,1,-1)
381: WHERE invoice_id = pr_new.invoice_id;
382: END IF;
383: */

Line 636: ELSIF v_source = 'Manual Invoice Entry' THEN -- this code will be fired if v_source (i.e AP_INVOICES_ALL.source) is 'Manual Invoice Entry'

632: -- added, Harshita for Bug 4866533
633: fnd_global.user_id, fnd_global.user_id, sysdate
634: );
636: ELSIF v_source = 'Manual Invoice Entry' THEN -- this code will be fired if v_source (i.e AP_INVOICES_ALL.source) is 'Manual Invoice Entry'
638: v_rematching := null;
639: IF (pr_new.match_type = 'ITEM_TO_PO' )
640: /* OR (pr_new.match_type IS NULL AND pr_new.parent_invoice_id IS NOT NULL) -- cbabu for Bug# 2717471 */