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Line 229: use_nl_with_index (ael, xla_ae_lines_u1)

225: FROM (
226: SELECT /*+ ordered index (ai, ap_invoices_u1) swap_join_inputs (upg) no_expand
227: use_nl_with_index (aae, ap_accounting_events_n1)
228: use_nl_with_index (aeh, xla_ae_headers_n2)
229: use_nl_with_index (ael, xla_ae_lines_u1)
230: use_nl_with_index (aid, ap_invoice_distributions_n27) */
231: AEH.Event_ID,
232: AEH.AE_Header_ID,
233: AEL.AE_Line_Num,

Line 253: XLA_AE_Lines AEL,

249: FROM AP_Invoices_All AI,
250: XLA_Upgrade_Dates UPG,
251: AP_Accounting_Events_All AAE,
252: XLA_AE_Headers AEH,
253: XLA_AE_Lines AEL,
254: AP_Invoice_Distributions_All AID,
255: FND_Currencies FC
256: WHERE AI.Invoice_ID between p_start_id and p_end_id
257: AND AI.Set_Of_Books_ID = UPG.Ledger_ID

Line 281: use_nl_with_index (ael, xla_ae_lines_u1)

278: SELECT /*+ ordered index (ai, ap_invoices_u1) swap_join_inputs (upg) no_expand
279: use_nl_with_index (aae, ap_accounting_events_n1)
280: use_nl_with_index (aeh, xla_ae_headers_n2)
281: use_nl_with_index (ael, xla_ae_lines_u1)
282: use_nl_with_index (aid, ap_invoice_distributions_n27) */
283: AEH.Event_ID,
284: AEH.AE_Header_ID,
285: AEL.AE_Line_Num,

Line 305: XLA_AE_Lines AEL,

301: FROM AP_Invoices_All AI,
302: XLA_Upgrade_Dates UPG,
303: AP_Accounting_Events_All AAE,
304: XLA_AE_Headers AEH,
305: XLA_AE_Lines AEL,
306: AP_Invoice_Distributions_All AID,
307: FND_Currencies FC
308: WHERE AI.Invoice_ID between p_start_id and p_end_id
309: AND AI.Set_Of_Books_ID = UPG.Ledger_ID

Line 333: use_nl_with_index (ael, xla_ae_lines_u1)

330: SELECT /*+ ordered index (ai, ap_invoices_u1) swap_join_inputs (upg)
331: use_nl_with_index (aae, ap_accounting_events_n1)
332: use_nl_with_index (aeh, xla_ae_headers_n2)
333: use_nl_with_index (ael, xla_ae_lines_u1)
334: use_nl_with_index (aid, ap_invoice_distributions_n26) */
335: AEH.Event_id,
336: AEH.AE_Header_ID,
337: AEL.AE_Line_Num,

Line 365: XLA_AE_Lines AEL,

361: FROM AP_Invoices_All AI,
362: XLA_Upgrade_Dates UPG,
363: AP_Accounting_Events_All AAE,
364: XLA_AE_Headers AEH,
365: XLA_AE_Lines AEL,
366: AP_Invoice_Distributions_All AID,
367: FND_Currencies FC
368: WHERE AI.Invoice_ID between p_start_id and p_end_id
369: AND AI.Set_Of_Books_ID = UPG.Ledger_ID

Line 579: use_nl_with_index (ael, xla_ae_lines_u1)

575: use_nl_with_index (aph, ap_prepay_history_n1)
576: use_nl_with_index (aid, ap_invoice_distributions_n27)
577: use_nl_with_index (aid1, ap_invoice_distributions_u2)
578: use_nl_with_index (aeh, xla_ae_headers_n2)
579: use_nl_with_index (ael, xla_ae_lines_u1)
580: use_nl_with_index (aidp, ap_invoice_distributions_n26) */
581: DECODE(AEL.Accounting_Class_Code, 'RTAX',
583: 'PREPAY APPL') Prepay_Dist_Lookup_Code,

Line 615: XLA_AE_Lines AEL,

611: AP_Prepay_History_All APH,
612: AP_Invoice_Distributions_All AID,
613: AP_Inv_Dists_Source AID1,
614: XLA_AE_Headers AEH,
615: XLA_AE_Lines AEL,
616: AP_Invoice_Distributions_All AIDP,
617: FND_Currencies FC
618: WHERE AI.Invoice_ID BETWEEN p_start_id AND p_end_id
619: AND AI.Set_Of_Books_ID = UPG.Ledger_ID

Line 680: use_nl_with_index (ael, xla_ae_lines_u1) */

676: use_nl_with_index (aae, ap_accounting_events_n1)
677: use_nl_with_index (apad, ap_prepay_app_dists_n3)
678: use_nl_with_index (aid, ap_invoice_distributions_u2)
679: use_nl_with_index (aeh, xla_ae_headers_n2)
680: use_nl_with_index (ael, xla_ae_lines_u1) */
681: 200 Application_ID,
682: AEH.Event_ID Accounting_Event_ID,
683: AEH.AE_Header_ID AE_Header_ID,
684: AEL.AE_Line_Num AE_Line_Num,

Line 726: XLA_AE_Lines AEL

722: AP_Accounting_Events_All AAE,
723: AP_Prepay_App_Dists APAD,
724: AP_Invoice_Distributions_All AID,
725: XLA_AE_Headers AEH,
726: XLA_AE_Lines AEL
727: WHERE AI.Invoice_ID BETWEEN p_start_id AND p_end_id
728: AND TRUNC(AI.GL_Date) BETWEEN UPG.Start_Date and UPG.End_Date
729: AND AI.Set_Of_Books_ID = UPG.Ledger_ID
730: AND AI.Invoice_ID = AID.Invoice_ID

Line 874: use_nl_with_index (ael, xla_ae_lines_u1)

870: FROM (SELECT /*+ ordered use_hash(asp, upg) index (ac, ap_checks_u1)
871: swap_join_inputs (upg) swap_join_inputs (asp)
872: use_nl_with_index (aae, ap_accounting_events_n1)
873: use_nl_with_index (aeh, xla_ae_headers_n2)
874: use_nl_with_index (ael, xla_ae_lines_u1)
875: use_nl_with_index (aip, ap_invoice_payments_n8)
876: use_nl_with_index (aph, ap_payment_history_n2)
877: use_nl_with_index (aid1, ap_invoice_distributions_u2) */
878: AAE.Accounting_Event_ID,

Line 920: XLA_AE_Lines AEL,

916: AP_Accounting_Events_All AAE,
917: AP_Invoice_Payments_All AIP,
918: AP_Payment_History_All APH,
919: XLA_AE_Headers AEH,
920: XLA_AE_Lines AEL,
921: AP_Invoice_Distributions_All AID,
922: AP_Invoices_All AI,
923: AP_Inv_Dists_Source AID1,
924: FND_Currencies FC

Line 994: use_nl_with_index (ael, xla_ae_lines_u1)

990: SELECT /*+ ordered use_hash(asp, upg) index (ac, ap_checks_u1)
991: swap_join_inputs (upg) swap_join_inputs (asp)
992: use_nl_with_index (aae, ap_accounting_events_n1)
993: use_nl_with_index (aeh, xla_ae_headers_n2)
994: use_nl_with_index (ael, xla_ae_lines_u1)
995: use_nl_with_index (aph, ap_payment_history_n2)
996: use_nl_with_index (aphd, ap_payment_hist_dists_n1)
997: use_nl_with_index (aid, ap_invoice_distributions_u2) */
998: 200 Application_ID,

Line 1072: XLA_AE_Lines AEL,

1068: XLA_Upgrade_Dates UPG,
1069: AP_Accounting_Events_All AAE,
1070: AP_Payment_History_All APH,
1071: XLA_AE_Headers AEH,
1072: XLA_AE_Lines AEL,
1073: AP_Payment_Hist_Dists APHD,
1074: AP_Invoice_Distributions_All AID
1075: WHERE AC.Check_ID BETWEEN p_start_id AND p_end_id
1076: AND TRUNC(AC.Check_Date) BETWEEN UPG.Start_Date and UPG.End_Date

Line 1260: FROM XLA_AE_Lines XEL,

1256: SELECT XEH.Ledger_ID Ledger_ID,
1257: XEL.Code_Combination_ID Code_Combination_ID,
1258: UPG.Start_Date Balance_Date,
1259: NVL(XEL.Accounted_Cr,0) - NVL(XEL.Accounted_Dr,0) Remaining_Amount
1260: FROM XLA_AE_Lines XEL,
1261: XLA_AE_Headers XEH,
1262: AP_Checks_ALL AC,
1263: AP_System_Parameters_ALL ASP,
1264: XLA_Upgrade_Dates UPG