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Line 144: from per_people_f

140: from per_people_v
141: where row_id = chartorowid(p_rowid);
142: --
143: cursor per1 is select *
144: from per_people_f
145: where rowid = chartorowid(p_rowid)
146: for update nowait;
147: --
148: -- Local variables.

Line 393: -- PER_PEOPLE_F table or from the PER_PHONES table. If the PER_PHONES table

389: --or (per_rec.work_telephone is null))
390: -- FIX for WWBUG 436781
391: -- GP
392: -- This is being done as the work telephone can be derived from either the
393: -- PER_PEOPLE_F table or from the PER_PHONES table. If the PER_PHONES table
394: -- is used then the lock fails as the database value is different from the
395: -- form value and thus the lock assumes an update has occured so asks you
396: -- to requery the record. This never occurs if the work_telephone is entered
397: -- on the form as then the lock succeeds.