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Line 58: * update the receiving onhand for the lots and serials (RCV_LOTS_SUPPLY and

54: * Helper routine to create interface records for the inspected lot number
55: * (in MTL_TRANSACTION_LOT_NUMBERS) and/or the inspected serial number (in
56: * MTL_SERIAL_NUMBERS_INTERFACE) if the item is lot and/or serial controlled.
57: * The interface records created here would be used by the receiving TM to
58: * update the receiving onhand for the lots and serials (RCV_LOTS_SUPPLY and
60: */
61: PROCEDURE process_lot_serial_intf(
62: x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2

Line 435: FROM rcv_supply rs, rcv_lots_supply rls, rcv_transactions rt, rcv_shipment_headers rsh

431: , rsh.receipt_source_code
432: , rs.unit_of_measure
433: , rs.secondary_unit_of_measure --OPM Convergence
434: , rls.quantity quantity
435: FROM rcv_supply rs, rcv_lots_supply rls, rcv_transactions rt, rcv_shipment_headers rsh
436: WHERE rs.rcv_transaction_id = rt.transaction_id
437: AND rsh.shipment_header_id = rs.shipment_header_id
438: AND rt.inspection_status_code = 'NOT INSPECTED'
439: AND rs.supply_type_code = 'RECEIVING'

Line 1069: * changes to RTI must be reflected in RCV_LOTS_SUPPLY (lot controlled item)

1065: /* FP-J Lot/Serial Support Enhancement
1066: * Process the lot numbers and serial numbers corresponding to the RTI
1067: * that was just created.
1068: * Since the lots and serials are stored by receiving tables, the
1069: * changes to RTI must be reflected in RCV_LOTS_SUPPLY (lot controlled item)
1070: * and RCV_SERIALS_SUPPLY (serial controlled item).
1071: * We would be creating the interface records in MTLI and MSNI corresponding
1072: * to the inspected quantity, lot number and the serial numbers inspected
1073: * Do this only if WMS and PO patch levels are J or higher