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2     /* $Header: MRPSAPIB.pls 120.2 2006/03/08 04:50:40 davashia noship $ */
5 mrdebug                 BOOLEAN             := FALSE;
6 cutoff_history_date     NUMBER              := to_number(to_char(trunc(SYSDATE),'j')) - p_cutoff_history_days;
8 FUNCTION    validate_item(
9                 arg_item_id                 IN          NUMBER,
10                 arg_org_id                  IN          NUMBER,
11                 arg_sub_inv                 IN          VARCHAR2 /* Bug 1646303 - changed */
12                                                                  /*  datatype to varchar2 */
13                                 DEFAULT NULL)
14             RETURN BOOLEAN IS
16             var_stk         VARCHAR2(10);
17             var_restrict    NUMBER;
20     mrdebug := FND_PROFILE.VALUE('MRP_DEBUG') = 'Y';
21     SELECT  stock_enabled_flag, restrict_subinventories_code
22     INTO    var_stk,
23             var_restrict
24     FROM    mtl_system_items
25     WHERE   organization_id = arg_org_id
26     AND     inventory_item_id = arg_item_id;
28     if var_stk <> 'Y'
29     then
30         return FALSE;
31     end if;
33     if arg_sub_inv is not null AND var_restrict = 1
34     then
35         BEGIN
36             SELECT  'Y'
37             into    var_stk
38             FROM    mtl_item_sub_inventories
39             WHERE   organization_id = arg_org_id
40             AND     inventory_item_id = arg_item_id
41             AND     secondary_inventory = arg_sub_inv;
43         EXCEPTION
44             WHEN no_data_found THEN
45                 RETURN FALSE;
46         END;
47     end if;
49 END validate_item;
51 FUNCTION    mrp_sourcing(
52                 arg_mode                    IN          VARCHAR2,
53                 arg_item_id                 IN          NUMBER,
54                 arg_commodity_id            IN          NUMBER,
55                 arg_dest_organization_id    IN          NUMBER,
56                 arg_dest_subinventory       IN          VARCHAR2,
57                 arg_autosource_date         IN          DATE,
58                 arg_vendor_id               OUT  NOCOPY          NUMBER,
59                 arg_vendor_site_code        OUT  NOCOPY          VARCHAR2,
60                 arg_source_organization_id  IN OUT  NOCOPY       NUMBER,
61                 arg_source_subinventory     IN OUT  NOCOPY       VARCHAR2,/* Bug # 1646303 - changed */
62                                                                  /* datatype to varchar2 */
63                 arg_sourcing_rule_id        OUT  NOCOPY          NUMBER,
64                 arg_error_message           OUT  NOCOPY          VARCHAR2)
65             RETURN BOOLEAN IS
67             var_set_id          NUMBER;
68             var_vendor_id       NUMBER;
69             var_site_id         NUMBER;
70 	        var_new_site_code   po_vendor_sites_all.vendor_site_code%type;
71             var_source_org      NUMBER;
72             var_alloc_percent   NUMBER;
73             var_rank            NUMBER;
74             var_sr_id           NUMBER;
75             var_source_sub      VARCHAR2(30);
77             found_org           BOOLEAN;
78             found_ven           BOOLEAN;
80             cursor sourcing( p_source_organization_id NUMBER) is
81             SELECT  misl.vendor_id,
82                     misl.vendor_site_id,
83                     misl.source_organization_id,
84                     misl.allocation_percent,
85                     NVL(misl.rank, 9999),
86                     misl.sourcing_rule_id
87             FROM    mrp_item_sourcing_levels_v misl
88             WHERE   misl.source_type in (1,3)
89             and     misl.inventory_item_id = arg_item_id
90             and     misl.organization_id = arg_dest_organization_id
91             and     misl.assignment_set_id = var_set_id
92             and     arg_autosource_date between misl.effective_date and
93                     NVL(disable_date, to_date(2634525, 'J'))
94             and     PO_ASL_SV.check_asl_action('2_SOURCING',
95                     misl.vendor_id, misl.vendor_site_id, arg_item_id, -1
96 		      , arg_dest_organization_id ) <> 0
97 	    AND  nvl(nvl(p_source_organization_id,
98 			  	     misl.source_organization_id), -23453)
99                  	= nvl(misl.source_organization_id, -23453)
100             ORDER BY misl.sourcing_level ASC,
101                     allocation_percent DESC, NVL(misl.rank, 9999) ASC;
104         IF arg_source_organization_id IS NOT NULL AND
105 	  arg_source_subinventory IS NOT NULL THEN
106 	   RETURN TRUE;
107 	END IF;
110         found_org := FALSE;
111         found_ven := FALSE;
112         arg_error_message := null;
113 /*        arg_source_organization_id := null; */
114         arg_vendor_id := null;
115         arg_vendor_site_code := null;
116         mrdebug := FND_PROFILE.VALUE('MRP_DEBUG') = 'Y';
118         /*------------------------------------------------------------+
119          |  First check the item-sub level if the mode is Inventory   |
120          |  or both                                                   |
121          +------------------------------------------------------------*/
122         if arg_mode = 'INVENTORY' or arg_mode = 'BOTH'
123         then
124             BEGIN
126                 select  misi.source_organization_id,
127                         misi.source_subinventory
128                 into    var_source_org,
129                         var_source_sub
130                 from    mtl_item_sub_inventories misi,
131                         org_organization_definitions ood,
132                         financials_system_parameters fsp
133                 where   misi.organization_id = arg_dest_organization_id
134                 and     misi.inventory_item_id = arg_item_id
135                 and     misi.secondary_inventory = arg_dest_subinventory
136 		and     misi.organization_id = ood.organization_id
137 		and     ood.set_of_books_id = fsp.set_of_books_id
138 		and     ood.operating_unit = fsp.org_id -- bug 4968383
139 		AND     Nvl(arg_source_organization_id,
140 			  misi.source_organization_id) = misi.source_organization_id;
142             /*--------------------------------------+
143              |  Validate the item in the source org |
144              +--------------------------------------*/
145                 if validate_item(arg_item_id, var_source_org, var_source_sub)
146                     = TRUE
147                 then
148                     arg_source_organization_id := var_source_org;
149                     arg_source_subinventory := var_source_sub;
150                     found_org := TRUE;
151                     /*---------------------------------------+
152                      |  If mode is inventory you are done    |
153                      +---------------------------------------*/
154                     if arg_mode = 'INVENTORY'
155                     then
156                         RETURN TRUE;
157                     end if;
158                 end if;
159             EXCEPTION
160                 WHEN no_data_found THEN
161                     NULL;
162             END;
163         end if;
164         /*------------------------------------------------------------+
165          |  Then  check the sub level if the mode is Inventory        |
166          |  or both                                                   |
167          +------------------------------------------------------------*/
168         if arg_mode = 'INVENTORY' or arg_mode = 'BOTH'
169         then
170             BEGIN
172                 select  msi.source_organization_id,
173                         msi.source_subinventory
174                 into    var_source_org,
175                         var_source_sub
176                 from    mtl_secondary_inventories msi,
177                         org_organization_definitions ood,
178                         financials_system_parameters fsp
179                 where   msi.organization_id = arg_dest_organization_id
180                 and     msi.secondary_inventory_name = arg_dest_subinventory
181                 and     msi.organization_id = ood.organization_id
182 		and     ood.set_of_books_id = fsp.set_of_books_id
183 		and     ood.operating_unit = fsp.org_id -- bug 4968383
184 		AND     Nvl(arg_source_organization_id,
185 			  msi.source_organization_id) = msi.source_organization_id;
188                 /*--------------------------------------+
189                  |  Validate the item in the source org |
190                  +--------------------------------------*/
191                 if validate_item(arg_item_id, var_source_org, var_source_sub)
192                     = TRUE
193                 then
194                     arg_source_organization_id := var_source_org;
195                     arg_source_subinventory := var_source_sub;
196                     found_org := TRUE;
197                     /*---------------------------------------+
198                      |  If mode is inventory you are done    |
199                      +---------------------------------------*/
200                     if arg_mode = 'INVENTORY'
201                     then
202                         RETURN TRUE;
203                     end if;
204                 end if;
205                 EXCEPTION
206                     WHEN no_data_found THEN
207                         NULL;
208             END;
209         end if;
211 /* Bug # 1646303 - check the item-org level */
213         /*------------------------------------------------------------+
214          |  Then  check the item-org level if the mode is Inventory   |
215          |  or both                                                   |
216          +------------------------------------------------------------*/
217         if arg_mode = 'INVENTORY' or arg_mode = 'BOTH'
218         then
219             BEGIN
220         SELECT msi.source_organization_id,
221                msi.source_subinventory
222                  INTO   var_source_org,
223                         var_source_sub
224                  FROM   mtl_system_items msi,
225                         org_organization_definitions ood,
226                         financials_system_parameters fsp
227                  WHERE  msi.organization_id = arg_dest_organization_id
228                  AND    msi.inventory_item_id  = arg_item_id
229                  AND    msi.organization_id = ood.organization_id
230                  AND    ood.operating_unit = fsp.org_id -- bug 4968383
231                  AND    ood.set_of_books_id = fsp.set_of_books_id;
233                 /*--------------------------------------+
234                  |  Validate the item in the source org |
235                  +--------------------------------------*/
236                 if validate_item(arg_item_id, var_source_org, var_source_sub)
237                     = TRUE
238                 then
239                     arg_source_organization_id := var_source_org;
240                     arg_source_subinventory := var_source_sub;
241                     found_org := TRUE;
242                     /*---------------------------------------+
243                      |  If mode is inventory you are done    |
244                      +---------------------------------------*/
245                     if arg_mode = 'INVENTORY'
246                     then
247                         RETURN TRUE;
248                     end if;
249                 end if;
250                 EXCEPTION
251                     WHEN no_data_found THEN
252                         NULL;
253             END;
254         end if;
255 /* end of item-org check */
257 /* Bug # 1646303 - check the Org level */
259         /*------------------------------------------------------------+
260          |  Then  check the Org level if the mode is Inventory        |
261          |  or both                                                   |
262          +------------------------------------------------------------*/
263         if arg_mode = 'INVENTORY' or arg_mode = 'BOTH'
264         then
265             BEGIN
266               SELECT mp.source_organization_id,
267                      mp.source_subinventory
268               INTO   var_source_org,
269                      var_source_sub
270               FROM   mtl_parameters mp,
271                      org_organization_definitions ood,
272                      financials_system_parameters fsp
273               WHERE  mp.organization_id  = arg_dest_organization_id
274               AND    mp.organization_id = ood.organization_id
275               AND    ood.operating_unit = fsp.org_id -- bug 4968383
276               AND    ood.set_of_books_id = fsp.set_of_books_id;
278             /*--------------------------------------+
279              |  Validate the item in the source org |
280              +--------------------------------------*/
281                 if validate_item(arg_item_id, var_source_org, var_source_sub)
282                     = TRUE
283                 then
284                     arg_source_organization_id := var_source_org;
285                     arg_source_subinventory := var_source_sub;
286                     found_org := TRUE;
287                     /*---------------------------------------+
288                      |  If mode is inventory you are done    |
289                      +---------------------------------------*/
290                     if arg_mode = 'INVENTORY'
291                     then
292                         RETURN TRUE;
293                     end if;
294                 end if;
295             EXCEPTION
296                 WHEN no_data_found THEN
297                     NULL;
298             END;
299         end if;
300 /* end of Org check */
302         /*-----------------------------------------+
303          |  before checking MRP sources get the    |
304          |  default assignment set id              |
305          +-----------------------------------------*/
306         var_set_id :=
309         if var_set_id is null
310         then
311             fnd_message.set_name('MRP', 'MRCONC-CANNOT GET PROFILE');
312             fnd_message.set_token('PROFILE', 'MRP_DEFAULT_ASSIGNMENT_SET');
313             arg_error_message := fnd_message.get;
314             return FALSE;
315         end if;
318         BEGIN
319             OPEN sourcing(arg_source_organization_id);
321             /*------------------------------------------------+
322              |  Loop through all the levels looking for first |
323              |  valid source                                  |
324              +------------------------------------------------*/
325             LOOP FETCH sourcing INTO
326                     var_vendor_id,
327                     var_site_id,
328                     var_source_org,
329                     var_alloc_percent,
330                     var_rank,
331                     var_sr_id;
332                 EXIT WHEN sourcing%NOTFOUND;
334 	      var_new_site_code := '-23453' ;
335 	      if var_vendor_id is not null then
336                 SELECT  site.vendor_site_code
337                 INTO    var_new_site_code
338                 FROM
339                         po_vendor_sites_all site,
340                         po_vendors ven
341                 WHERE   NVL(ven.enabled_flag, 'N') = 'Y'
342                 AND     SYSDATE BETWEEN NVL(ven.start_date_active, SYSDATE -1)
343                 AND     NVL(ven.end_date_active, sysdate+1)
344                 AND     SYSDATE < NVL(site.inactive_date, SYSDATE + 1)
345                 AND     ven.vendor_id = site.vendor_id(+)
346                 AND     site.vendor_site_id(+)  = var_site_id
347                 AND     ven.vendor_id  = var_vendor_id ;
348               end if;
350 	      if (var_vendor_id is null or var_new_site_code <> '-23453' or
351 		  (var_new_site_code is null and var_vendor_id is not null)) then
353 		 if (found_org = FALSE and
354 		     (arg_mode = 'INVENTORY' or arg_mode = 'BOTH')
355 		     and var_source_org is not null)
356                 then
357                     /*--------------------------------------+
358                      |  Validate the item in the source org |
359                      +--------------------------------------*/
360                     if validate_item(arg_item_id, var_source_org) = TRUE
361                     then
362                         found_org := TRUE;
363                         arg_source_organization_id := var_source_org;
364                         if (arg_mode = 'INVENTORY')
365                         then
366                             RETURN TRUE;
367                         end if;
368                     end if;
369                 end if;
370                 if (found_ven = FALSE and
371                         (arg_mode = 'VENDOR' or arg_mode = 'BOTH') and
372                         var_vendor_id is not null)
373                 then
374                     found_ven := TRUE;
375                     arg_vendor_id := var_vendor_id;
376                     arg_vendor_site_code := var_new_site_code;
377                     if (arg_mode = 'VENDOR')
378                     then
379                         RETURN TRUE;
380                     end if;
381                 end if;
382                 if (found_org = TRUE and found_ven = TRUE)
383                 then
384                     return TRUE;
385                 end if;
386               end if;
387             END LOOP;
388             if (((arg_mode = 'INVENTORY' or arg_mode = 'BOTH') and
389                     found_org = FALSE) or
390                 ((arg_mode = 'VENDOR' or arg_mode = 'BOTH') and
391                     found_ven = FALSE))
392             then
393                 fnd_message.set_name('MRP', 'GEN-CANNOT SELECT');
394                 fnd_message.set_token('SELECT', 'EC_SOURCE', TRUE);
395                 fnd_message.set_token('ROUTINE', 'MRP_SOURCING', FALSE);
396                 arg_error_message := fnd_message.get || 'JUNK12';
397                 RETURN FALSE;
398             end if;
399             EXCEPTION
400                 WHEN no_data_found THEN
401                     fnd_message.set_name('MRP', 'GEN-NO ROWS SELECTED');
402                     fnd_message.set_token('TABLE', 'mrp_sources_v');
403                     arg_error_message := fnd_message.get;
404                     RETURN FALSE;
405         END;
406 END mrp_sourcing;
408 FUNCTION    mrp_sourcing(
409                 arg_mode                    IN          VARCHAR2,
410                 arg_item_id                 IN          NUMBER,
411                 arg_commodity_id            IN          NUMBER,
412                 arg_dest_organization_id    IN          NUMBER,
413                 arg_dest_subinventory       IN          VARCHAR2,
414                 arg_autosource_date         IN          DATE,
415                 arg_vendor_id               OUT  NOCOPY          NUMBER,
416                 arg_vendor_site_id          OUT  NOCOPY          NUMBER,
417                 arg_source_organization_id  IN OUT  NOCOPY       NUMBER,
418                 arg_source_subinventory     IN OUT  NOCOPY       VARCHAR2,
419                 arg_sourcing_rule_id        OUT  NOCOPY          NUMBER,
420                 arg_error_message           OUT  NOCOPY          VARCHAR2)
421             RETURN BOOLEAN IS
422 var_vendor_site_code po_vendor_sites_all.vendor_site_code%TYPE;
424           if( mrp_sourcing(
425                 arg_mode                    => arg_mode,
426                 arg_item_id                 => arg_item_id,
427                 arg_commodity_id            => arg_commodity_id,
428                 arg_dest_organization_id    => arg_dest_organization_id,
429                 arg_dest_subinventory       => arg_dest_subinventory,
430                 arg_autosource_date         => arg_autosource_date,
431                 arg_vendor_id               => arg_vendor_id,
432                 arg_vendor_site_code        => var_vendor_site_code,
433                 arg_source_organization_id  => arg_source_organization_id,
434                 arg_source_subinventory     => arg_source_subinventory,
435                 arg_sourcing_rule_id        => arg_sourcing_rule_id,
436                 arg_error_message           => arg_error_message))
437            THEN
438              IF var_vendor_site_code IS NOT NULL THEN
439                 select  dest_site.vendor_site_id
440                 into    arg_vendor_site_id
441                 FROM    org_organization_definitions  oog,
442                         po_vendor_sites_all dest_site,
443                         po_vendors ven
444                 WHERE   NVL(ven.enabled_flag, 'N') = 'Y'
445                 AND     sysdate BETWEEN NVL(ven.start_date_active, sysdate -1)
446                 AND     NVL(ven.end_date_active, sysdate+1)
447                 AND     ven.vendor_id  = arg_vendor_id
448                 AND     dest_site.vendor_id(+) = ven.vendor_id
449                 AND     dest_site.vendor_site_code(+) = var_vendor_site_code
450                 AND     nvl(dest_site.org_id,nvl(oog.operating_unit,-1)) =
451                                                       nvl(oog.operating_unit,-1)
452                 AND     oog.organization_id = arg_dest_organization_id;
453               END IF;
455               return(TRUE);
456             else
457                 arg_vendor_id := NULL;
458                 return(FALSE);
459             end if;
462                 WHEN no_data_found THEN
463                     arg_vendor_id := NULL;
464                     fnd_message.set_name('MRP', 'GEN-NO ROWS SELECTED');
465                     fnd_message.set_token('TABLE', 'mrp_sources_v');
466                     arg_error_message := fnd_message.get;
467                     RETURN FALSE;
468 END mrp_sourcing;
470 /* 	This function checks all sourcing rules to see if
471  *	any of them uses the item-supplier combination.
472  *	It returns 1 if there are no such sourcing rules
473  *	else returns 0
474  */
476 FUNCTION mrp_sourcing_rule_exists
477   (
478   arg_item_id          IN   NUMBER,
479   arg_category_id      IN   NUMBER,
480   arg_supplier_id      IN   NUMBER,
481   arg_supplier_site_id IN   NUMBER,
482   arg_message          OUT  NOCOPY   VARCHAR2
485   /* Only one among arg_item_id, arg_category_id will be NOT NULL
486    * and one of them will be not null.
487    */
489   CURSOR sr IS
490   SELECT distinct misl.sourcing_rule_name, ml.meaning
491   FROM
492   mfg_lookups ml,
493   mrp_item_sourcing_levels_v misl
494   WHERE misl.inventory_item_id = NVL(arg_item_id, misl.inventory_item_id)
495   and NVL(misl.category_id,-1) = NVL(arg_category_id, NVL(misl.category_id, -1))
496   and misl.vendor_id = arg_supplier_id
497   and NVL(misl.vendor_site_id,-1) = NVL(arg_supplier_site_id,-1)
498   and sysdate < NVL(misl.disable_date, sysdate + 1)
499   and ml.lookup_type = 'MRP_ASSIGNMENT_TYPE'
500   and ml.lookup_code = misl.assignment_type;
502   x_sourcing_rule_name VARCHAR2(50);
503   x_assignment_type    VARCHAR2(80);
504   counter              NUMBER;
507   OPEN sr;
508   counter := 1;
511   arg_message := FND_MESSAGE.GET;
512   arg_message := arg_message||fnd_global.newline;
514   LOOP
515      FETCH sr into x_sourcing_rule_name, x_assignment_type;
518      IF counter <= 10 THEN
519 	arg_message := arg_message||' '||x_sourcing_rule_name||' '||x_assignment_type||fnd_global.newline;
520      END IF;
521      counter := counter + 1;
522   END LOOP;
524   CLOSE sr;
526   IF counter = 1 THEN
527 	return 1;	-- There are no sourcing_rules found
528   END IF;
531   fnd_message.set_token('COUNT', counter);
532   arg_message := arg_message||' '||FND_MESSAGE.GET;
534   return 0;
535 END mrp_sourcing_rule_exists;
538 function  mrp_get_sourcing_history(
539 				   arg_source_org              IN          NUMBER,
540 				   arg_vendor_id               IN          NUMBER,
541 				   arg_vendor_site_id          IN          NUMBER,
542 				   arg_item_id                 IN          NUMBER,
543 				   arg_org_id                  IN          NUMBER,
544 				   arg_sourcing_rule_id        IN          NUMBER,
545 				   arg_start_date              IN OUT  NOCOPY       NUMBER,
546 				   arg_end_date                IN          NUMBER,
547 				   arg_err_mesg                OUT  NOCOPY          VARCHAR2)
548   return number is
550      greater_than_plan_date number;
551      x_last_calculated_date date;
552      x_total_alloc_qty      NUMBER :=0 ;
553      x_historical_allocation number := 0;
554      arg_end_date1 NUMBER;
555      arg_vendor_site_id1 NUMBER;
556 begin
558    arg_err_mesg := NULL;
560    select to_date(arg_start_date,'J') - sysdate
561      into greater_than_plan_date
562      from dual;
564    if greater_than_plan_date > 0 then
565       return 0;
566       -- there will be no history for any sourcing rule with start_date greater than sysdate.
567    end if;
569    if arg_end_date = NULL_VALUE then
570        arg_end_date1 := to_number(to_char(sysdate,'j'));
571    else
572        arg_end_date1 := arg_end_date;
573    end if;
575    if arg_vendor_site_id = NULL_VALUE then
576        arg_vendor_site_id1 := NULL;
577    else
578        arg_vendor_site_id1 := arg_vendor_site_id;
579    end if;
581    if cutoff_history_date > arg_start_date then
582             arg_start_date := cutoff_history_date;
583    end if;
586 /** Bug 1921263  : The total historical allocation will be computed everytime
587                    (not just the delta as was being done earlier) the plan runs.
588                     The historical allocations for items purchased from vendors
589                     and internally transferred items will be calculated by PO
590                     functions.
591 ***/
593    IF (arg_source_org = arg_org_id) THEN
595     select NVL(sum(PRIMARY_QUANTITY),0)
596 	into  x_total_alloc_qty
597 	from mtl_material_transactions
598 	where
599 	inventory_item_id = arg_item_id
600 	and ORGANIZATION_ID = arg_org_id
601 	and transaction_action_id in (30, 31, 32 )
602 	/* WIP scrap, Assembly compl , Assy Return qty is -ve */
603 	and transaction_date between to_date(arg_start_date,'J')
604 	and decode(arg_end_date,NULL_VALUE,transaction_date, to_date(arg_end_date,'J'));
606       if x_total_alloc_qty < 0 then
607 	          x_total_alloc_qty := 0;  -- since we take into account returns also.
608       end if;
610       -- if there is no record then calculate history from start_date of sourcing rule
611       -- else calculate from the next day after the date for which it was calculated last time
613     ELSIF (arg_source_org <> arg_org_id AND arg_source_org <> NULL_VALUE ) THEN
614       -- Transfers
617          RCV_GET_DELIVERED_QTY.GET_INTERNAL_DETAILS(arg_source_org, arg_org_id, arg_item_id,
618                 to_date(arg_start_date,'J'), to_date(arg_end_date1,'J'), x_total_alloc_qty);
620     ELSIF arg_vendor_id IS NOT NULL THEN
621       -- Note the usage of arg_org_id, we use it only in the case of
622       -- transfers and NOT buy from vendor, since we will support only
623       -- global ASL. we need to fix this if ever we decide to support
624       -- local ASL.
627        RCV_GET_DELIVERED_QTY.GET_TRANSACTION_DETAILS(arg_vendor_id, arg_vendor_site_id1, arg_item_id,
628                 to_date(arg_start_date,'J'), to_date(arg_end_date1, 'J'), x_total_alloc_qty);
630    END IF;
632       -- delete the previous record for the previous date range in the Sourcing rule.
633       -- Here only the previous record is deleted. If a SR is changed for an item, then in the
634       -- form we must clean up unnecassary history
636     delete from mrp_sourcing_history msh
637 	where
638 	msh.inventory_item_id = arg_item_id
639 	and msh.organization_id = arg_org_id
640 	and msh.sourcing_rule_id = arg_sourcing_rule_id
641 	and NVL(msh.source_org_id,-1) = decode(arg_source_org, NULL_VALUE, NVL(msh.source_org_id,-1), arg_source_org)
642 	and NVL(msh.vendor_id,-1) = decode(arg_vendor_id, NULL_VALUE, NVL(msh.vendor_id,-1), arg_vendor_id)
643 	and NVL(msh.vendor_site_id,-1) = decode(arg_vendor_site_id, NULL_VALUE, NVL(msh.vendor_site_id,-1), arg_vendor_site_id);
645       -- insert a new record
646       -- a record is inserted even if the quantity is 0 since we would be better off
647       -- next  time if we don't search for those transaction dates.
649       -- sourcing_rule_id is there in the table so that if we change the SR, then the history
650       -- is recalculated. It is ok if the assignment changes, since history is related to the SR
651       -- only. that is y assignment set is not a column.
653       insert into mrp_sourcing_history
654 	(
655 	 inventory_item_id,
656 	 organization_id,
657 	 sourcing_rule_id,
658 	 source_org_id,
659 	 vendor_id,
660 	 vendor_site_id,
661 	 historical_allocation,
662 	 last_calculated_date,
663 	 last_updated_by,
664 	 last_update_date,
665 	 creation_date,
666 	 created_by,
667 	 last_update_login,
668 	 request_id,
669 	 program_application_id,
670 	 program_id,
671 	 program_update_date
672 	 )
673 	values (
674 		arg_item_id,
675 		arg_org_id,
676 		arg_sourcing_rule_id,
677 		decode(arg_source_org, NULL_VALUE, NULL, arg_source_org),
678 		decode(arg_vendor_id, NULL_VALUE, NULL, arg_vendor_id),
679 		decode(arg_vendor_site_id,NULL_VALUE, NULL, arg_vendor_site_id),
680 		x_total_alloc_qty,
681 		sysdate,
682 		1,
683 		sysdate,
684 		sysdate,
685 		1,
686 		NULL,
687 		NULL,
688 		NULL,
689 		NULL,
690 		NULL
691 		);
693    commit;  -- autonomous transaction
694    return(x_total_alloc_qty);
695 exception
696    when others then
697       arg_err_mesg := substr(sqlerrm,1,100);
698       rollback;
699       return(0);
700 end mrp_get_sourcing_history;
704 FUNCTION    mrp_po_historical_alloc
705   (
706    arg_source_org              IN          NUMBER,
707    arg_vendor_id               IN          NUMBER,
708    arg_vendor_site_id          IN          NUMBER,
709    arg_item_id                 IN          NUMBER,
710    arg_org_id                  IN          NUMBER,
711    arg_start_date              IN          DATE,
712    arg_end_date                IN          DATE)
714   IS
716      x_total_alloc_qty   NUMBER := 0;
717      x_job_alloc_qty     NUMBER := 0;
718      x_fs_alloc_qty      NUMBER := 0;
719      x_rep_alloc_qty     NUMBER := 0;
721    -- This means this is a make in the arg_org_id org
723    IF (arg_source_org = arg_org_id) THEN
724       SELECT NVL(SUM(NVL(jobs.quantity_completed,0)),0)
725         INTO   x_job_alloc_qty
726         FROM   wip_discrete_jobs jobs
727         WHERE  jobs.primary_item_id = arg_item_id
728         AND    jobs.organization_id = arg_org_id
729         AND    DECODE(mps_consume_profile_value,
730                       1, jobs.mps_scheduled_completion_date,
731                       jobs.scheduled_completion_date) between
732         arg_start_date and NVL(arg_end_date,
733                                Decode(mps_consume_profile_value,
734                                       1, jobs.mps_scheduled_completion_date,
735                                       jobs.scheduled_completion_date)
736                                +1);
738       SELECT
739         Nvl(SUM(NVL(fs.quantity_completed,0)),0)
740         INTO   x_fs_alloc_qty
741         FROM   wip_flow_schedules fs
742         WHERE  fs.primary_item_id = arg_item_id
743         AND    fs.organization_id = arg_org_id
744         AND    DECODE(mps_consume_profile_value,
745                       1, fs.mps_scheduled_completion_date,
746                       fs.scheduled_completion_date) between
747         arg_start_date and NVL(arg_end_date,
748                                DECODE(mps_consume_profile_value,
749                                       1, fs.mps_scheduled_completion_date,
750                                       fs.scheduled_completion_date)+1);
752       SELECT
753         Nvl(SUM(NVL(rep.daily_production_rate * rep.processing_work_days,0)),0)
754         INTO   x_rep_alloc_qty
755         FROM wip_repetitive_schedules rep,
756         wip_repetitive_items wri,
757         wip_entities we
758         WHERE
759         we.organization_id = arg_org_id
760         AND    wri.wip_entity_id = we.wip_entity_id
761         AND    we.primary_item_id = arg_item_id
762         AND    wri.organization_id = we.organization_id
763         AND    rep.wip_entity_id = we.wip_entity_id
764         AND    rep.organization_id = wri.organization_id
765         AND    rep.line_id = wri.line_id
766         AND    rep.last_unit_completion_date between
767         arg_start_date and NVL(arg_end_date,rep.last_unit_completion_date+1);
769       x_total_alloc_qty := x_job_alloc_qty + x_fs_alloc_qty + x_rep_alloc_qty;
770   ELSIF (arg_source_org <> arg_org_id AND arg_source_org IS NOT NULL ) THEN
771       SELECT NVL(SUM(
772                      INV_CONVERT.inv_um_convert
773                      (
774                       arg_item_id,
775                       6,
776                       Nvl(rct.quantity,0),
777                       NULL,
778                       NULL,
779                       rsl.unit_of_measure,
780                       rsl.primary_unit_of_measure
781                       )),0)
782         INTO x_total_alloc_qty
783         FROM rcv_shipment_lines rsl,
784         rcv_transactions rct
785         WHERE rct.shipment_line_id = rsl.shipment_line_id
786         AND   rct.transaction_type = 'DELIVER'
787         AND   rsl.from_organization_id = arg_source_org
788         AND   rsl.to_organization_id = arg_org_id
789         AND   rsl.item_id = arg_item_id
790         AND   rct.transaction_date BETWEEN
791               arg_start_date AND NVL(arg_end_date,rct.transaction_date +1);
793   ELSIF arg_vendor_id IS NOT NULL THEN
794   -- Note the usage of arg_org_id, we use it only in the case of
795   -- transfers and NOT buy from vendor, since we will support only
796   -- global ASL. we need to fix this if ever we decide to support
797   -- local ASL.
798       SELECT /*+ use_nl(rct,rsl, poh,pol)
799                  INDEX(rct rcv_transactions_n15)
800                  INDEX(rsl rcv_shipment_lines_u1)
801                  INDEX(poh po_headers_u1)
802                  INDEX(rol po_lines_u1) */
803        NVL(SUM(
804                      INV_CONVERT.inv_um_convert
805                      (
806                       arg_item_id,
807                       6,
808                       Nvl(rct.quantity,0),
809                       NULL,
810                       NULL,
811                       rsl.unit_of_measure,
812                       rsl.primary_unit_of_measure
813                       )),0)
814         INTO x_total_alloc_qty
815         FROM po_lines_all pol,
816         po_headers_all poh,
817         rcv_shipment_lines rsl,
818         rcv_transactions rct
819         WHERE rct.shipment_line_id = rsl.shipment_line_id
820         AND   rct.transaction_type = 'DELIVER'
821         AND   rsl.po_header_id = poh.po_header_id
822         AND   rsl.po_line_id = pol.po_line_id
823         AND   poh.vendor_id = arg_vendor_id
824         AND   NVL(poh.vendor_site_id,-99) = NVL(arg_vendor_site_id,-99)
825         AND   pol.item_id = arg_item_id
826         AND   rct.transaction_date between arg_start_date AND
827                 NVL(arg_end_date,rct.transaction_date +1);
828   END IF;
829   return(x_total_alloc_qty);
832     return(0);
833 END mrp_po_historical_alloc;
835 END MRP_SOURCING_API_PK; -- package