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Line 88: CURSOR cur_pmt_active(cp_n_person_id igs_fi_parties_v.person_id%TYPE) IS

84: --Declaration of Ref cursor variable type.
85: l_cur_ref cur_ref;
86: l_org_id VARCHAR2(15);
87: --Cursor to validate if the Student has a Payment Plan with the status of ACTIVE.
88: CURSOR cur_pmt_active(cp_n_person_id igs_fi_parties_v.person_id%TYPE) IS
89: SELECT 'x'
90: FROM igs_fi_pp_std_attrs
91: WHERE person_id = cp_n_person_id
92: AND plan_status_code = g_v_active;

Line 96: CURSOR cur_pmt_planned(cp_n_person_id igs_fi_parties_v.person_id%TYPE) IS

92: AND plan_status_code = g_v_active;
94: --Cursor to validate if the Student has a Payment Plan with the status of PLANNED.
95: --This cursor also selects the details of the Planned Payment Plans for a Student.
96: CURSOR cur_pmt_planned(cp_n_person_id igs_fi_parties_v.person_id%TYPE) IS
97: SELECT a.rowid,a.*
98: FROM igs_fi_pp_std_attrs a
99: WHERE a.person_id = cp_n_person_id
100: AND a.plan_status_code = g_v_planned

Line 108: CURSOR cur_validate_st_dt(cp_n_person_id igs_fi_parties_v.person_id%TYPE,

104: rec_cur_pmt_planned cur_pmt_planned%ROWTYPE;
106: --Cursor to validate if the specified Payment Plan has the Start Date
107: --overlapping with the End Date of the previous plan.
108: CURSOR cur_validate_st_dt(cp_n_person_id igs_fi_parties_v.person_id%TYPE,
109: cp_n_std_plan_id igs_fi_pp_std_attrs.student_plan_id%TYPE,
110: cp_d_start_dt igs_fi_pp_std_attrs.plan_start_date%TYPE) IS
111: SELECT 'x'
112: FROM igs_fi_pp_std_attrs

Line 159: l_v_person_number igs_fi_parties_v.person_number%TYPE;

155: l_v_var VARCHAR2(1);
156: l_v_sql VARCHAR2(32767);
157: l_v_status VARCHAR2(1);
159: l_v_person_number igs_fi_parties_v.person_number%TYPE;
160: l_n_person_id igs_fi_parties_v.person_id%TYPE;
161: l_n_count PLS_INTEGER;
163: BEGIN

Line 160: l_n_person_id igs_fi_parties_v.person_id%TYPE;

156: l_v_sql VARCHAR2(32767);
157: l_v_status VARCHAR2(1);
159: l_v_person_number igs_fi_parties_v.person_number%TYPE;
160: l_n_person_id igs_fi_parties_v.person_id%TYPE;
161: l_n_count PLS_INTEGER;
163: BEGIN
164: BEGIN

Line 553: CURSOR cur_pp_planned(cp_n_person_id igs_fi_parties_v.person_id%TYPE) IS

549: FROM igs_fi_pp_tmpl_lns
550: WHERE payment_plan_name = cp_v_pmt_plan;
552: --Cursor used to validate if the Person has a Payment Plan with status as Planned.
553: CURSOR cur_pp_planned(cp_n_person_id igs_fi_parties_v.person_id%TYPE) IS
554: SELECT 'x'
555: FROM igs_fi_pp_std_attrs
556: WHERE person_id = cp_n_person_id
557: AND plan_status_code = g_v_planned;

Line 561: CURSOR cur_validate_start_dt(cp_n_person_id igs_fi_parties_v.person_id%TYPE,

557: AND plan_status_code = g_v_planned;
559: --Cursor used to validate if the Start Date passed as input to the process is eariler than
560: --the End Date of any plan for the person.
561: CURSOR cur_validate_start_dt(cp_n_person_id igs_fi_parties_v.person_id%TYPE,
562: cp_d_start_date DATE) IS
563: SELECT 'x'
564: FROM igs_fi_pp_std_attrs
565: WHERE person_id = cp_n_person_id

Line 592: l_v_person_number igs_fi_parties_v.person_number%TYPE;

588: l_v_var VARCHAR2(1);
589: l_rowid ROWID;
590: l_n_installment_id igs_fi_pp_instlmnts.installment_id%TYPE;
591: l_n_student_plan_id igs_fi_pp_instlmnts.student_plan_id%TYPE;
592: l_v_person_number igs_fi_parties_v.person_number%TYPE;
593: l_n_person_id igs_fi_parties_v.person_id%TYPE;
594: l_v_sql VARCHAR2(32767);
595: l_v_status VARCHAR2(1);
596: l_v_pers_status igs_lookup_values.meaning%TYPE;

Line 593: l_n_person_id igs_fi_parties_v.person_id%TYPE;

589: l_rowid ROWID;
590: l_n_installment_id igs_fi_pp_instlmnts.installment_id%TYPE;
591: l_n_student_plan_id igs_fi_pp_instlmnts.student_plan_id%TYPE;
592: l_v_person_number igs_fi_parties_v.person_number%TYPE;
593: l_n_person_id igs_fi_parties_v.person_id%TYPE;
594: l_v_sql VARCHAR2(32767);
595: l_v_status VARCHAR2(1);
596: l_v_pers_status igs_lookup_values.meaning%TYPE;
597: l_v_pers_message fnd_new_messages.message_text%TYPE;

Line 1026: FUNCTION close_active_pp(p_n_person_id IN igs_fi_parties_v.person_id%TYPE,

1022: retcode := 2;
1023: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,fnd_message.get_string('IGS','IGS_GE_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION')||' - '||SQLERRM);
1024: END assign_students;
1026: FUNCTION close_active_pp(p_n_person_id IN igs_fi_parties_v.person_id%TYPE,
1027: p_n_tolerance_threshold IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER IS
1028: ------------------------------------------------------------------
1029: --Created by : vvutukur, Oracle IDC
1030: --Date created: 10-Sep-2003

Line 1209: l_n_person_id igs_fi_parties_v.person_id%TYPE;

1205: l_v_var VARCHAR2(1);
1206: l_b_valid_param BOOLEAN := TRUE;
1207: l_v_manage_acc igs_fi_control.manage_accounts%TYPE := NULL;
1208: l_v_message_name fnd_new_messages.message_name%TYPE := NULL;
1209: l_n_person_id igs_fi_parties_v.person_id%TYPE;
1211: l_v_tol_thr CONSTANT igs_lookup_values.meaning%TYPE := igs_fi_gen_gl.get_lkp_meaning('IGS_FI_LOCKBOX','TOLERANCE_THRESHOLD');
1212: l_v_test_mode CONSTANT igs_lookup_values.meaning%TYPE := igs_fi_gen_gl.get_lkp_meaning('IGS_FI_LOCKBOX','TEST_MODE');
1213: l_n_count PLS_INTEGER := 0;