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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 20

	select count( distinct ledger_id ) into l_count
	from fii_slg_assignments slga, fii_source_ledger_groups fslg
	where slga.source_ledger_group_id = fslg.source_ledger_group_id
	and fslg.usage_code = 'DBI';
Line: 55

		fvs.flex_value_set_name vs_name,
		ifs.id_flex_structure_name coa_name
	from ( select distinct sas.chart_of_accounts_id
	       from fii_slg_assignments sas,
	            fii_source_ledger_groups slg
	       where slg.usage_code = 'DBI'
	       and slg.source_ledger_group_id = sas.source_ledger_group_id
	     ) coa_list,
		 fii_dim_mapping_rules dmr,
		 fnd_flex_value_sets fvs,
		 fnd_id_flex_structures_v ifs
	where coa_list.chart_of_accounts_id = dmr.chart_of_accounts_id
	and dmr.dimension_short_name = p_dim_short_name
	-- Column dmr.status_code is not used by FC and LOB
	-- and dmr.status_code = 'C'
	and not exists (
	    select 1
	    from fii_dim_norm_hierarchy dnh
	    where dnh.parent_flex_value_set_id = l_master_vs_id
	    and dnh.child_flex_value_set_id = dmr.flex_value_set_id1
	    and rownum = 1
	and dmr.flex_value_set_id1 = fvs.flex_value_set_id
	and dmr.chart_of_accounts_id = ifs.id_flex_num
	and ifs.application_id = 101
	and ifs.id_flex_code = 'GL#'
	and ifs.enabled_flag = 'Y';
Line: 97

		select master_value_set_id
		into l_master_vs_id
		from fii_financial_dimensions
		where dimension_short_name = p_dim_short_name;